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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the de leon hughes live from berlin. israel launches air strikes on several sites in yemen. is really army says it's just the targeted military installations belonging to hosting rebels. the strikes follows a deadly who would be drone attack on tele, be on friday. also coming up, joe biden refuses to back down despite the going costs for the us president not to run for reelection. biden says he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. the i, melissa chan,
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thanks for joining us. israel says it's fighter jets has struck several who the military targets in yemen, in retaliation for a fatal joint attack on tel aviv on friday. the latest strikes took place in yemen, read seat port to city of whole data. according to how many television controlled by who the rebels. several people were killed, the run back to the say, the jets targeted civilian oil and diesel storage facilities in tel aviv israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu overseas. the retaliatory strikes on yelman's west and how do you deport? this? is really fine to jet, struck what they say with minute 3 targets in a who's the stronghold, including this oil depot, low closer control television showed injured people arriving and hospitable following the strikes. they come
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a day off to a deadly drain attack by the rebel group on televi tv's that kills one person, an injured several. bush is really defense minister you of kalonde says the strikes were, responds to mounting aggression over recent months. the false and pacific view, hoping to quote, i know the who t's attacked us over 200 times the most it, but again, i don't think the 1st time that hampton is ready, citizen, we struck them. na, said we will do this anyway. we have to, i was a dollar supply of israeli citizens has a price. so i mean, this is being made clear and 11 on it guys in yemen and then other places. if they do attack us again, the result will be identical. go for the adults out there. they have a strong warning from israel, who's the spokesperson said on ex,
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that the attack cause an attempt by israel to pressure you. i'm going to stop supporting garza. that's truss over to our correspondent tanya kramer in jerusalem atanya. what more do we know to well, we know this confirmation of these really, i mean that they say they struck out of the port and who data and what they say or described rather as who's the military dual use, as well as energy infrastructure. they wouldn't go into more detail than that. tom, you said that it was f was carried out. the strike a loan a far away from as well, but that it's allies were informed ahead of the strikes. usually it's which we know is that the u. k. and the u. s. are a leading count to attacks on the who sees when he comes to attacks. who do you have talks of shipping and vessels and the red sea with the end of the weekend,
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which is sort and the report also we heard from the defense minister, your guidance and also from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they go to a retired a. but they see is a change of equation of to the strong attack on television, the center of to leave on friday, well, soon is ready, citizen most codes and some others where injured. now several security officials here have said that, you know, there is no more time for restrained as far as the understand and also they have said that the who these have rules over $220.00 attacks since the war in garza started since october 2023, and this is, of course, what the, who is, he's saying is in retardation for israel's more on casa. so people talking about not being restrained, how dangerous are these moves from both sides? are we looking at escalation? it was really, there is a lot of concern that there could be an escalation,
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but i think it's also a bit too early to tell. but there's a lot of talk about, you know, opening another active fund here in israel. but the who says have loans to drones and ms strikes at many at the southern city of a lot in the recent month as they say, this is i'm gonna tell you ition for the war and goes. and now we also heard from who the or officials that have said that the attack on the port that they say is a civilian infrastructure. they have about again, more retardation is to come. tanya kramer, thank you so much to the united states. now. what president joe biden is resisting, growing calls to abandon his re election bid. he's vowing to return to the campaign trail next week by miss currently isolating as beach house in the state of delaware after testing positive for cove and 19. his doctor says his condition is improving
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. the president is under increasing pressure with many senior democrats, worried that he cannot be donald trump in november. more than 30 congressional democrats have now called for him to drop out. earlier i asked ethan bear, man, a political commentator, and professor at loyal at law school in los angeles, where he makes of binds determination to return to the campaign trail as well. i think at this point, what that means is that he has not decided to drop out or to acquiesce, or possibly that there have not delivered to him a viable plan. should he drop out? do you know, joe biden does strategize and planning as great advisors around him? so he has to contemplate what the consequences are. if he were to step down, if he's even willing to step down. but these calls do continue to grow and they are growing louder, which is upsetting many people in the democratic party base who strongly support
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support president by now for many democrats, the vice president, pamela harris, has risen to the top of the list of possible replacements, who else is on that list and who are they? especially for our viewers, were mostly not from united states. right, well tamela harris is clearly the front one or she is from california as well. she is the sitting vice president. that would be the natural replacement for president joe biden. i think the top 2 candidates, if there are top 2 after cumberland harris would be governor gretchen whitmore, of michigan. she survived and attempted kidnapping um, by some radicals, a few years back around the 2020 election. she's been a, a loud, pragmatic voice in the democratic party, who is a strong leader. and i think that actually who is probably in the lead, if it's not tomlin harris, and possibly even if it is calmer,
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harris is sitting california governor gavin knew some he has taken it straight on to the republicans. he debated. governor round the santas, mago republican from florida on fox news and, and handled that extremely well. he's been advertising nationally, and he has a well regarded leader in the democratic party as well. uh, regardless of who they picked, they need to make a decision fast. don't say whether they stick with buying or um they look for another replacement. yeah, the, so the democratic convention is coming up here in chicago, around august 19th, i believe is when it starts and they need to have this settled before then there are people calling for this to be settled out the convention in a historically traditional way where they would argue this out there, however, in light of knowing that the republicans will likely file lawsuits to try and block
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any replacement of joe biden on ballots. this needs to be done post haste in order to get a replacement ready. now, up. well, the democrats are sort of in fighting. this is playing right into the hands of republicans, right? oh, absolutely. there's nobody who benefits more from this democratic game fighting than the republican party, which is really the trump party nowadays. so it's donald trump and ged vance. in all of the contested seats, people forget that this year there are significant, important senate seats up for election and what's called the house of representatives. here in the united states gets re elected every 2 years. those electrons are also happening in november. so this won't just benefit the top of the republican party ticket being trumping vans, but it also potentially benefits all of these other races, which are very important for the governance here in the united states as
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environment. thank you so much for joining us. thanks melissa. bye are. let's look at some other stories making headlines around the world. hundreds of german l g, b t q activists have celebrated christopher street today in sana berg, the city's 1st pride parade. santa bird is a strong hold for the anti immigration climate skeptic. alternative for germany political party, the marches were met with some resistance, as they demonstrated for greater diversity and respect. ukrainian police are investigating the death of a former nationalist lawmaker irina ferry, and best known for her crusade to promote the ukrainian language was shot in the street by an unknown assailant. she initially survived the assault, but died from her wounds in a hospital. a man hunt is under way for her attacker. police have clashed
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with protesters, demonstrating against the construction of large irrigation reservoirs in the west of france. protesters say the reservoirs only benefit big agricultural companies and come at the expense of local farmers and the environment. supporters of the reservoir say they could provide a solution to shortages during droughts. at least 11 people are dead and 30 more are missing after a partial bridge collapse in north western china. heavy rains and flash flooding caused the disaster in china's san she province rescue operations are under way to recover some 20 missing vehicles. bangladesh is under a nationwide curfew. after weeks of protests turned violent. military forces are now patrolling the streets of the capital deca in a bid to restore calm. more than a 100 people had been killed in clashes with police. the unrest started after the government re introduced limits on who has access to highly sought after government
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jobs. the security forces fill the streets of doco. they've been sent in to restore order after weeks of fund dressed, people are being told they can only go out to shop for groceries. and the central government is also disrupting internet and mobile services. so we students have been protesting against the reintroduction of a quote of system that allocates more than half of government jobs, the women, minorities, and the families of which means it doesn't matter is common sense that over 50 percent of the jobs cannot be given a way to quote a holders a normal state cannot be run like this. the protest started out as peaceful to and increasingly violent in recent days, when police responded with tear gas sound grenades and probably getting dozens and injuring 1000.
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protesters have boned vehicles, impact public buildings and storms. the headquarters of the state broadcast though are crushing the program running 10 which showed before of the i'm just international say's bundle. they should police have used quote and mostly force against protest be, you know, go and revise, in particular, the shooting of a boost site. the 1st student who was known to be killed can see the 2 officers were, you know, discharging 12 gauge shot contact him, and we assessed the reduce visual intelligence and the distance between them was 50 meters. so we got a forensic and i know this to look at the test tunes on and it was consistent, but the bird shot. now we consider the use of bird shot, which is a hunting weapon to be completely inappropriate in the use of policing protests that are also reports a for student wing from the ruling thought of ami league, inciting violence, and attacking female to testers with directed brutality. they seem to have really
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targeted the women and girls. so we had women and girls that told us we thought they would spare us that they wouldn't, you know, attack us. but in fact, they seemed to have attacked them with a particular vengeance. launching, you know, punches and kicks they set on the, on their breasts, bucks and stomachs. anger against such attacks. it's 3 rules. many said the protest won't stop until the government abandons, it's called our system. they're also demanding it investigates to students death. here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. israel says it's fighter jets have struck several who the military targets and humans read see port city of ho data in retaliation for a drone attack on tel aviv on friday. who the rebels say several people were killed and the jets targeted civilian oil and diesel storage facilities. and you are up to date. thanks for joining us, melissa. chance,
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the, the, the growing up and the refugees. the tell us to an image of a known, we try to expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment, not for me, and not for my children. without civil rights and with no prospect. what can we do? carry on and some last day a nice the nice you.


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