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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news, a live from the donald trump holt, his 1st campaign rally since surviving. and so as a nation attempt, the republican presidential nominees joins forces on the campaign show his new running made j. d. vans. taking a democrats on president job. i that also coming out is red launches as strikes on several sites in yemen. hey, think targets belonging to who the rebels, the strikes to follow a deadly who is the drone attack on the tel aviv on friday. and in spite and help authorities, a warning people to stay indoors as the country is hit by
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a severe heat way the i'm old on 2nd. welcome to the program. we begin in the united states. we have republican presidential. no, many donald trump has held his 1st rally with his new running mate, j. d events. it's also his 1st time back on the campaign trail off to the assassination attempt as a rally last saturday from largely abandoned his message of unity in favor of attacking democrats over their leadership, struggles tremble. so use the attempt on his life to hit back at critics who say he's a threat to democracy are. but what they do is missing information, additional information and they keep saying choose a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do for democracy. last week i took a bullet for democracy trumps
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new running mates, ohio send it to j. the vans also gave a speech calling for a policy of america. first. you know that there's nothing radical about having a strong national security. that when we go to war, we punch and we punch hard, but being cautious and not tried to get america involved in every far flung corner in kwan put to the work. sometimes my friends, it just is none of our business. and we ought to stay out of it. that's not radical . with common sense. chris divine is an associate professor of political science at the university of dayton, ohio, and the ortho of do running mates. meta. i asked him if from surrounding mates defense matches. i guess a selection does matter because it tells vote or something about who donald trump is. now that might sound silly because we knew it tunnel drunk, very well below the 2nd term,
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looked like 4 years beyond when he last last the last election, we had in disputing that election, accepting the result, january 6th, may things he's done and said since then about policy about what he would do in a 2nd administration. so he tells us some important things, advanced us about trump. and i think the clear a signal we get is that, you know, he didn't choose someone with a lot of government experience. didn't choose someone who seemed really uh, you know, well place to advance of legislative agenda for example. i think what he does is ensure some loyalty on to donald trump that might prevent mike pence didn't even provide the extent that trump was happy with now. so i think voters might take that into consideration and might just are more concerns. you say he hasn't got enough of governing experience. has that inexperience become a bunch of or not for him? i'd start with yeah, you know, on the republic and sign in particular, we've seen that claim does about some experience. donald trump, really, you know,
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embrace the fact that he didn't have political experience. he said he was a political outside or, and he wasn't the 1st republican campaign for the president to do that in recent years. so, so i'm do try that. but the fact is that voters do value experience that jd advance, let's be clear. he's my center here. in the state of ohio, what was the last year and a half and he never called a political position prior to that compared to some other people that trump was considering like mark rubio, who had been standing for over a decade or doug berg them to term governor from north dakota. so i think voters are going to have concerns about republican voters, not really. i think they like brand j advances brand of politics by and large. but for anyone not already committed to donald trump, people are still making up their mind or could be persuaded. i think they'll have concerns just about his ability to do the job. perhaps, among other things, for jamie vance. a democrats have seized on some of the bands this post, the statesman, including uh, his, the quotes he doesn't care about what happens to ukraine on his support for a nationwide abortion band. how it lines his views in general with donald trump's
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see question solve. it depends on where we are at the moment. donald trump's positions have changed somewhat on what he would support in terms of abortion. he's embraced this position recently as has the republican party by his is request basically to say that they do not support any national policy on this is just totally up to the states which was the effect in fact, of overturn roe vs wade. it wasn't just some help and of course it was just to allow states to choose that. but congress could step in and set its own ban, which has been discussed possibly around 15 weeks essentially. so jamie vance had a position before that he's changing. now is, is it a different place basically with donald trump and i should point out in fairness it's very common for a vice presidential candidate. not to be perfectly aligned with the presidential candidate and have to make some changes. some can be pretty egregious, but that's kind of expected that the line themselves up with the policy is the presidential candidate. in this case though,
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it only could support some of the democrats arguments against donald trump to say that he picked someone who had supported a national ban. even if that's not where advance says that he is at this moment. let's talk about the car and vp come to a harris chase, maintaining loyalty to joe biden. when many a calling for him to step down. what's her achievements as far as presidents? so it's always hard to gauge the achievements of a vice present because so much that depends on what opportunities are given by the president. so mike comes, for example, was he effective vice president? well, donald trump didn't let me do a lot of things. there's different narratives about carmel harris and the job seek she's done. some people have been very critical of others who defend her, say that she's been given some top assignments that she was asked to deal with immigration for example, which is particularly troublesome issue in the united states for uh for jo bite and really for any president spots so, you know, she's talked a lot about abortion of, for example, and more recent times,
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especially since dobbs. so she has some policies that are more appealing to the general public. we've based on where we're pulling is, but she's had some other, especially early on, i think helped to define or vice presidency. there had a lasting effect where it just didn't really set her up well for success. we could still have a separate discussion about whether she's handily off to she's had well, and i think for many she's been underwhelming in certain ways, but it's hard to say what exactly she had she because of by friends, always following the lead of the president. great, so you have you on thanks for your analysis. that was chris divine associate professor of political science at the university of dayton, ohio. thank you very much. israel says it's 5 to jets, have struck several who's the military targets in yemen, in retaliation for a faithful drug, an attack on ted, a v of on friday. the latest strikes took place in evans, red c port safety of her data. according to susie control television, several people were killed and dozens more injured. the around back who sees say,
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the jets targeted civilian oil storage facilities in tel aviv israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu overseas. the retaliate tree strikes on yelman's west and how do you deport it? is really fine to jet, struck jose say one minute, 3 targets in a who's the stronghold, including this oil depot. no closer. you see controlled television showed injured people arriving in hospital following the strength. they come a day off to a deadly during the attack by the rebel group on televi tv's that kills one person, an injured several. bush is really defense minister you of glands says the strikes were, responds to mounting aggression over recent months. the false and pacific view,
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hoping to quote, i know the who t's attacked us over 200 times the most it, but i don't think the 1st time that hampton is ready, citizen, we struck them. na said we will do this any way we have to ship a lot of israeli citizens has a price. so i mean, this is being made clear and 11 on it guys in yemen and then other places if they, they attack us again. the result will be identical. go for the adults out there. they have a strong warning from israel, who's the spokesperson said on ex, that the attack cause an attempt by israel to pressure you. i'm going to stop supporting garza dw is tonya k. my in jerusalem has more to well, we know this a confirmation of these really, i mean that they say they struck kind of the port and who data and what they say or
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described rather as who the military dual use as well as energy infrastructure. they wouldn't go into more detail than that. so i'm, you said that it was f was carried out. the strike alone uh a far away from as well, but that it's all those were informed ahead of the strikes. usually it's what we know is that the u. k and the u. s. are leading counter attacks on the who sees when he comes to attacks and who the attacks on shipping investments and the red sea with the end of the weekend beach resort. and the report also we heard from the defense minister, your guidance, and also from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they go to a retired a. but they see is a change of equation of to destroying attack on television to send to, to leave on friday. well, soon is ready, citizen most codes and some others where injured. now several security officials
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here have said that, you know, there is no more time for restrained as far as the understand. and also they have said that the who these have rules over 220 attack since the war in garza started since october 2023. and this is of course what the who is he's saying is in retardation for israel's more on gaza. so let's take a look now at some most stories making headlines around the wells. at least 16 people have been killed in a head on collision between a truck and a passenger bus and bolivia. more than a dozen more were injured authorities say the trucks crossed into the opposite land while overtaking another vehicle on a highway in the and these mountains indigenous communities. in guatemala, i have had a ceremony to commemorate for assistance to spanish colonization, which began 500 years ago demonstrates his band offerings to their ancestors in a ritual. i'd say my an archaeological science near the town of tech com. spanish
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can kiss the doors 1st arrived in what is now modern day guatemala. in 1524. 2 6 2 ukrainian police are investigating the desk of a form, a nationalist low make a arena, sorry on was shocked in the streets by an unknown assailant. she initially survived the assault, but died from her waves in hospital. manhattan is on the way for her attack up for you and was best known for her crusade to promote the brand new language. french police have clashed with protest as demonstrating against the construction of logic irrigation reservoirs in the west of france. process to say the rest of was only benefits, big agricultural companies at the expense of local farmers and the environment supports as of the rest of was say they could provide a solution to voice the shortages during draft
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processes in spain, calling on the government to do more to fight climate change as authorities issue a nationwide each wave warning. temperatures have sold to a 40 degrees in many areas. that's 104 degrees fahrenheit and playing outside has become impossible. and many adults also prefer not to all which on the streets at the moment or a day hope for some cooling watch out from spain. this experiencing is sylvia. a huge wave with temperatures of more than 40 degrees. and many people here fear that the worst is get to come on. now that's happening now with this. temperatures can easily be to $48.00 degrees. that's just crazy. we can't live like that. what have you been doing with noise that i keep trying to escape from the city to the beach or even out of the country. but the heat is not only exhausting. it's also a huge code for risk, especially for elderly people. spain has reports, it's more than 20000 feet related. that's in the past 8 years. hot summers have
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always been part of the live here in southern spain, but extreme temperatures are undoubtedly becoming more frequent. and they show that climate change is not just something that will happen sometime in the future, but it's something happening here and know many low cuz even fee of that serial may no longer be habitable at some point. and that calling on the local government to take more green spaces. entries show not only provide shades but also cool. the city will not want to come over here. that is like an air conditioner, not from when hawk it hits a treat. the temperature naturally drops. this is important anywhere in the world, but especially in soviet, when we have more and more hot data and the climate change makes life in the city a morning more difficult to perform for need or live, you gotta, you gotta know through that forecast to say that the heat wave, which slowly subsides at the beginning of next week. but people here fear that
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these are not the last days of this summer. you're watching. do you have any news to stay with us? i have an ex, we have a poor smoking at the bus, both swan us controversial, elephant tons. i don't. well i was like, ok, thanks for watching. the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center the straight people's screens. rooms the around the world more than 130000000 people us we
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of mine because no one should have to.


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