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tv   Notre- Dame de Paris  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2024 4:15am-5:01am CEST

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or join us as we travel around your at tracing the season history of every day. ok . and that bumpy ride around the world. that of course was taking the juicy of stories with a little mystery of drama along the way. but no need to talk about, i just set subscriber ready. this is a process that will take you in on the on that day you really thought i would disappear
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just yesterday. you told me i was in the grand old queen of cathedral, daughter of human patience. and genius, a beacon raised on the prowl of views and this ship launched across the stormy seas of a century. at a moment when my future is in your hands and memories come rushing, the it was 800 years ago. when my buildings raised me out of the ground during the legendary middle ages, when i was built to exceed the am no to them design. and this is my story. the,
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the at 1st, i was no more than the improbable dream of one man. the dazzling vision and a modest would cut her son who rose to become bishop of paris. maurice to somebody who was mad enough to believe in his dreams. it is paris in the year 1160 and his dream of a cathedral is too great for his time. the the
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canons, those powerful administrators who manage of the diocese with him. i refuse to support his project. it is too costly to insert in a word, i was no more than a foolish idea. in the mid 12th century, the old cathedral of paris, narrow and dark, seems like it will be there for eternity. the, after all, it is in proportion to parents, which was a far cry from the major capital. you know, today the small kingdom of france was weak and designed it at the time. and the modest diocese of paris was not as prestigious as those of law. sounds, shelter, around which host at the combination of kings, the maurice, to some they should have accepted the obvious. my time had not yet come. but little
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did he care. i filled his days and hunted his nights, a faint silhouette on a wax tablet to the dental was prudence and mediocrity. against the advice of the canons, sally summoned the most famous master builders. the ancestors of architects. the one overseeing the works at central monday place. of grace and the one from the south cathedral. together they passionately discussed the latest architectural innovations. good bye old churches with sick loans and narrow windows. thanks to the caustic arch. horizontal thrust could be reduced. fall while stretching up towards the sky. ever higher the facing the praises of
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the ripped from which distributes the vault sweep among the pillars. lightning the structure, the lateral thrust is absorbed by size mattresses. and there are heavy the, these a revolutionary ideas of growth dreams of light within reach. but each time morris to sally mention the dimensions of his cathedral. he always got the same answer. it will never stand. i do understand that you will not accept this challenge either. i regret solely of grace. maurice, the sunday had never been so perhaps that as the lot of visionaries before being copied by every one there taken for
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a madman. the in the face of so much disappointment. how not to throw in the towel. people said he had withdrawn into silence in one of the room and ask abby's flourishing in the kingdom at the time. to atone among the monks for his builders. vanity the beneath the modest bolts of this cradle, inspired by a gentle light, he would meditate on the humility befitting a good christian. but sally was elsewhere and he was not meditating. she had simply given up on fighting for his procedural abandoning his bishop's outfit and returning to the forest of his childhood. the
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. was it a sign from god the cause of forrest of his childhood, sending him a message. you must charge me in order to convince i think this model to the truth. what do you think good to you? how many years will it take to build a lifetime? but we're not the yet to my future. now, depending on what model it had to charm a single person, the king of france, the way the 7th, who is preparing to spend the winter in paris. paris will become the 2nd for your majesty. regardless of where it comes from, the full glory of the city where reflect upon your crown
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will they make sure that my cathedral is the most beautiful so that none of that can rival it's bland. in the most beautiful advocacy. finally, with the king, support, everything was possible the my giant construction site, which shaken all of the difference. but it is in the large forest of the powers space and that everything began among the trees that the men of the middle ages grew like we would is no less, no golden stone, and its through wood that the ingenuity of 5 builders 1st revealed itself
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or in those times, nothing spectacular could be accomplished without the word. it was needed for scaffolding framework, beads, and hoisting machines for tool handles and workshop groups. the thousands of additional tons with the cathedrals, immense work site to come alive. the the depths of the earth trembled as the quarrymen and drudge away with their sledge, hammers the master core, and then handed to extract thousands of limestone blocks, one after another. the but one block must be brought to paris without delay. the ones that will serve as my 1st
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ideas out terms of what the blessing of this holy stone takes place before 2 of the most powerful men in christianity, the king of france and pope alexander. the 3rd. it is the you of our lord and $1163.00. as we put our church under the protection of the budget and battery, the mother of christ. it will be called not shrugged um cathedral not turn time to patty. the truth. it's busy. the
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folks blessing somebody's construction can finally began to eat that deluxe. the thing will be for ever changed. the old cathedral has had it stay part of it is preserved for service that must be held somewhere until notes for them to pass the rise above the city, the everything about my architecture is sacred. my choir transcend and these will form a stone ship, 127 meters in length, and shaped like a cross. my client symbolizes the head of christ. like most churches, it is oriented which is to say it faces the orient to welcome the 1st rays of light. those that dispelled the darkness and enter the souls of the face, the
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joy, the music of my construction. finally echoes across all of paris. fitness the year 1164 as one would expect it and could not resist the call of the worksite. he gave his professors to slip soon enough. the bishop tried to reason with him, but you never seen a more stubborn boy solely had entrusted the construction work to richard. come on there waiting. a simple stone mason who had made my master builder. because he knew that on a building site, it's hands on knowledge that matter and keep it moving. pipsqueak or the let me just doesn't like you the trenches will be filled with
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hundreds of tons of blocks and stones to create the foundations that will bear my full weight. they stretched 9 meters underground. this phase is both colossal and crucial for nothing will stand on weak foundations. the foundations for the flyer will be finished by order take the time you are either. and so it was roger. we're going to load it with so many stoves that it won't budge. it's the transit colors where we'll have to be careful. i see my founders night mass have given way to the builders. expectation solely thinks of nothing but the size of my pillows or the design of my flying buttresses. and he almost forgets how perilous an adventure he embarked upon with such
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a rude adventure remains the 11725 years of past 5 long years of labor before reaping. the 1st rewards the my client has begun to emerge from the ground. the don't think this is the construction side for the parents. my builders are not many, often just a few dozen. the tools maybe rudimentary, but that gestures are precise and there know how unrivalled these men are part of
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a special world. there are no slaves here. every bit of manpower is paid. a little village of workshops bounce up at my feet. they how's the masters and guild craftsman from the 80 occupations needed for my construction. they are the elite of the work site and their talent costs steve the at and has also grown. sally can be pleased for the little vagabond has found a family the actually found something even better. a calling he dreamed of being a stone cutter to admire the highly skilled craftsman belonging to the companion
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guild, and envied the fortunate ones who completed a 6 year apprenticeship. that's the time it takes to distinguish the nuance upper region limestone. the muffled notes of soft stones, the bright sound of the oak, click out hard stones that bear the extreme pressure is exerted on my pillars. the each block must be perfectly square. for we are building for eternity. and tear and learn the name of each of their precious tools. masons hammer, clutches of straight chisel, so costly to maintain that the master counted them every night. through sheer perseverance, he managed to gain acceptance in disclosed and secret world. in the, in the master entrusted him with
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a 1st blog at tea and has never been so happy but he still had so much to know the it's not really paul's journey was all mapped out. he would succeed, his father scraped the sides as well. for now, he was learning how to dos, the quantity of lime, sand, and gravel that's needed to make more care to fuel. the resistance of this infinitely settled mix beneath has traveled to read its glistening reflections and determine the precise moment when the cement is ready for use. the considerable quantities are needed for this mode or seals, not just the box,
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but also my walls. it fills their interior mixed with crudely cut stones. the motor may seem less nobles in stone, but it slip gives my will strength when they were, apprenticeship is complete. stone cutters can cause the signature or mason's mark on their blocks, in order to be paid for their work. the atn was gifted. one day, he would be of great craftsmen, the every
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stone in a can see jewel has its story. each one secretly bears the memory of the hand that carved it. i am the stuff of their destiny. these builders who patiently raised my choir over 3 levels, supported by heavy abutment and rows of flying buttress the but don't be naive. it took fortune's to produce these models. the sally could count on the revenues of the diocese, which was incredibly wealthy. the fertile lands of the powers basin provided the means to pay for the colossal expenses of construction. the but in the middle ages, vagaries of weather, could quickly turn into calamity. the
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all it took was a rainy summer, followed by a freezing winter for the ground to turn to stone, and the diocese income to suddenly collapse. building i could see drill. it was a luxury that could no longer be a forwarded. the canons of the fabric who had the weighty task of administering the sides, finances had worn the bishop soon. there won't be a penny left for the to good use the load for mice. give me the script. but sally didn't want to hear any of that to your god was simply testing now courage. he
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would find the money using every means at his disposal to be brought out the precious relics of christian saints from their chests. the remains of sand denise. the 1st bishop of paris and even of funds, said to have held the real milk of the virgin mary, the people of the middle ages, venerated relics, and their presentation ceremonies provided fine opportunities to take the collection come forth. but this was not enough, and solely forgot his principles. he ordered the sale of candles to be revived. in exchange for a heavy sack of flour or a few, collins, the church would pardon certain sins not fasting during lent,
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over shameful relation. the founder was ready to pardon anything in order from work to resume the gifts of the faithful, have allowed construction to resume the what the strengths of the phone medical cannon have shaken my builders. one of their chasing after sinful glory without knowing it. what is maurice to sell these projects to which they have devoted their lives is destined for disaster? it was urgent that my choir be finished, so that service could finally be helped the builders shape and raise the 1000 beams of my framework. some of which we're shown out of centuries old folks. they give it it's packed and ready for sydney. the far as
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the the in the building must quickly be protected from inclement weather, with a roof of longer to let them out. the roofers are among the lead on like a discussion site. only the most seasons are allowed to try my peaks. 45 meters above the ground 118220 years after the start of construction. my choir finally at goes with the sounds of the canon scratch. it has been closed off by a temporary loan. but for my building is the possibility of one day seeing the completed cathedral has vanished forever. the new king said little
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goosed austin sought out the bishop for counseling. when influenced itself. no one will know. but it was at this moment that the king decided to make paris his capital. p equipped the city with the surrounding wall, measuring 5 kilometers, flanked by 77 towers, and started construction on the shuttle to lou from the for middle fortress, west of the ramparts, a mid this search of activity. my builders redoubled their efforts. the most prodigious phase takes place beneath my framework. the laying of my vaults. richard had would send to rings, installed a tops of pillars on which the masons li, the stone blocks, one by one. the keystone is the center piece,
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ensuring the confusion of the home. then comes the blocks that enclose the font but the procedure is always delicate. always uncertain. especially for the largest one, the trend st. crossing the at the inches of each volt stone. so they would fit perfectly against one another. all that's left is for polls motor to set like blue as though their talent and devotion are not enough. they also add their anxious pres. it's very common installing the arches had gone as well as possible. the motor headset this 18 meters stonebridge hangs 39 meters above the ground.
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the hour of truth has come. come on, what are you waiting for? let's proceed altogether. these 2 vehicles are beautiful for the lord. his house should be high, like the vault of the sky. no, the have we did it the
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the the construction will continue. but the time has come for you to leave hutchinson. but why? of the century want, heavily damaged a few more days and we can lay the volt again. richard is dead. pool is going to
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continue is so that's how things work. i have to stay. i must your gift do that again. but you still have much to lead to this you will go from side to side. so the only way to improve your ok i have face in your good fortune. in the middle ages, good by often means farewell. with an gone, sally's house begins to fail. what will become of me without the inspiration from which i was born, the same thing that his strength was leaving him. the old man
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withdrew into his parish abbey. she passed away in 1196 over 80 years old. i am austin. my founder will never see his life square completed, but he did something even great. she launched a little vagabond on the path of great builders. when his diaz had dried at and resumed his odyssey, drawing the sentries and marvelous inventions in his notebook, he offered his talents from site to site and protected his art. his curiosity was insatiable. he had to understand everything.
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everywhere he saw it to detect the secret laws that govern architecture and the nature of things the empowers to music up the stone cutters workshops has resumed. the additional craftsman have come to lend the work for continued come, what may my choir is extended by a spectacular name before dying solely left enough to pay for its lead roofing the under poles orders. my imposing facade begins to search from the ground, with its 3 monumental colors. it
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is now the year 1215. the stone cutters had been joined by sculptors, who bear a wonderful name. emoji, the image makers the beneath the chooses. the scenes from holy scripture commissioned by the canons, trans phone, into images of infinite grace, the in this world where books are so rare. they are the pages of a stone bible, the blissful closes of those chosen for paradise. on what inspire the sculptors the most
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it's the visions of hell with that terrifying creatures and tortured bodies that bring forth the full genius of the imagine the also the tone and some of these middle ages haunted by fear of design punishment. the in the spring of $1219.00 torrential rains fall on paris. the sun has once again reason from its bed. and this time it is taken everything along with it. the whole was devastated. he realized how fragile i was, the
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the, the most spectacular damage is off or not the most serious water isn't in the city as enemy. with each down for it weighs against my sides, runs along the walls and digs into my facades. infiltrating the stone. i'm breaking it in times of frost. i am not yet 50 years old, and water is already nibbling away at me. like leprosy. my misfortunes reach the use of the man who is now known as master at 10.
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it is the year 1220 and i am in need of him. but when he steps inside philip a goose was his heart twinges the how not to dread our reunion? my foundations was so weak and by the water then work had to be stopped. he knows all this, but hasn't seen me yet. the i'm such a sorry the you find the to look by god pools. a
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return has the light of the canons and for they want to build a monumental gallery above the portals to hold. the statues of 2018 youth will be in honor of sleep, a goosed, we need it as soon as possible. does that seem feasible to me? the 2 funding boys who i watched grow up has combined their forces for a final challenge. under at the ends, orders the best emoji, a sculpted enormous blocks of limestone. each king required a month of work under a pause orders. the gallery was quickly built. the last of perspective would be established 2 centuries later, but at and has already mastered its codes. he asks the sculptors to give the
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statues bodies that are longer than natural with vigor. hence the scene from the ground. 15 meters below the kings will assume the correct proportions. after dark, at an leads another battle against the devastating effect of rain. to drain away the thousands of leaders of water that fall on my roof with each down for the imagines. digging the tops of the flying buttresses to transform them into the gutters connected to a vast network of channels. the gargoyles at the far end will spit out water at a distance in order to preserve the walls. this amazing invention will save my life. he'd come
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a long way since his improbable encounter with maurice to sally the night down in stone. it was not always white. the facades of my builders were reading and we've kind of the, these are the true middle agents which some soft, dark and ignorant. building can see drills of an arrival to beauty in the heart of cities. the builders of it to you understand a ration were tired, they had to learn everything by themselves and vent everything on their own. they had devoted their lives to me, the
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do it and so well and thanks to you, the craftsman of my use. but other builders had already taken over the range they launched gigantic works to build the drainage network imagined by a t and my roof had to be run and my walls raised by 2 meters. they used the opportunity to transform the small towers routes and to rework the flying buttresses. my framework is entirely re mounted $1200.00 tons of wood
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and lead, which they crown with us by the seeking to improve. so these projects, they transform my small windows into rows of glass. the other cathedrals will rush to imitate the end. of course, they finally raised my 2 towers. 69 meters above the ground. much higher than the one in the king's palace. the in the late 12 thirties, i finally have the outline, you know so well. the one that maurice to sally drew 80 years earlier on a wax tablet. but my story is far from over. the
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it was all since august 18th, 1239 should have been my day of glory, the reading of filippo coast. so my construction that of his grandson st. louis would see my consecration. on that day, the very christian of kings brought the most coveted of old relics back to paris, the crown of thorns that christ was during the crucifixion, the it had cost an astronomical sum enough to build to procedurals. and it's to me, no true them denying that the king came with this in valuable treasury. the all 100000 provisions held their breath
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with his crown and no 2 of them. paris would be paradise. the after staying in the shadows of other cathedrals for so long. i finally saw myself as the 1st lady of friends, the i couldn't fathom that this crown wasn't meant for me. the, the king has this township built in just 6 years. just a few streets from my towers, the, that sublime really varies its walls of glass, is a miracle. the king has made up his mind that would be the home of the holy crown, the
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but there is with the, aside from its insulin beauty. all that was mine for this 20 years ago now seemed heavy and dark. what remained of maurice to sally's daring. oh, richard sacrifice. attends genius. what construction have to resume once again? my builders would try to rise to this challenge. for my incredible story has just the
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little bread in the dawn. you fed up with the chaos of rex it in britain. this economic crisis more and more brits are moving to frames. but new beginnings can be tricky. a story of language barriers, bureaucracy, buckets, not friction. 30 minutes, d, w, a dream of revenue to dictate the status of
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the people were hoping for a move just society and experience. tremendous international solidarity projected their dreams from to the country who came in night nicaragua, in 19 minutes on d. w. the, the, the untold story only for detail. it's going to be find it here. repos every weekend on d w the,
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this is dw and use a live from the israel bones several sites and the young men linked to who is the rebels. you have many media, say the strikes can of face 3 people. it follows a deadly who's the drug and attack on tel aviv on friday. also coming out donald from hold his 1st campaign rallies and surviving. and so as a nation attempts, joining forces on the campaign trail with new running made defense. and for the 1st time, l g, b, t, q activist, smart pride in one of germany's far right. strong house, pulling for great to diversity and respect.


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