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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] news, business, dw, news lived from berlin, bungler. this is top code scales back a contentious job, post a system at the thousands die in students. let protest on the government's impulses . a nationwide catch you by with a call to and be enough to quell the interests. also coming up one day i taught user id jets, formed several sites and yemen support seats. you have a data, you're onbox with the rebels loans, vitalia treatments files are. these are out as international calls for strains go unheeded.
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the i, i'm eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program, bangladesh. a supreme court has drastically scaled rocketed controversial quote, system for governments, jobs stuff spot to weeks of interest and let to thousands of that's thousands of students with us this i've taken to the streets demanding the government's eyeball is the full test system which sets aside about 30 percent of government's jobs for the families of veterans who fought in the countries. 1971 war of independence that i'm a straight to see the job i locations that should be marriage based. it's not yet clear how that demonstrates this will react to the new ruling, which produces that quota to 5 percent as good morning this from dw report to venus job that who has been in photo industry for also been as the quotes has scaled back, that protest system,
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what does this mean in practice are indeed the court has a most scrap the system for now, 93 percent of government or civil service jobs. will it be open for the graduating students and people in front got this. this is a huge step. this is for the students helping, demanding for a long time. they were only that 30 percent of the government jobs worked. it served for of the one veterans or people or the freedom fighters who had for the water for independence from focused on their children, edgar, and the judge, and would also applicable to applied for these jobs and not be under a dis toby's, they were protesting for it for a long time, and now we see a that 93 percent it, which means that many, many more jobs will not be available for the graduating students in bunker dish. right? so, well, this decision, stop the protests. do you think i this is
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a really difficult question to answer because yes, the students were protesting against the a port system against when the hi good themes digit, the court system, or this part of it, they really believe it was discriminatory, unbiased. and that demand has not been met. but this has this news by the supreme court gums of the, of city, of, of, through reading, finding these more than 100 people have been just many of them are students. students are angry, they're demanding an independent investigation. there even asking for the resignation of government ministers and it's not only the students better and the many people in bundle of dish had joined these drug tests. there's also a lot of instruction because of inflation because of the board economy. and because of how the government has been managing the country, um, so there is a lot of anger, a lot of hurt because of the feelings of so many people. and therefore it's,
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it's difficult now to say that just as decision by the supreme court. good question . but i'm going to just start despite all of these really very ugly and hugged people. right, right. prime minister see casino has to be nice, strong support. all of the quota system. so looking at had, what impact my best decision have on the country politically? the government of shape christina, is trying to mitigate the situation. they have announced that there would be an independent judicial committee that would investigate the feelings off of the testers and of the people. the thing is to expect many people don't just know the government of jacob tina, and they don't believe that under the rule of shape because they not, there can be an independent investigation into the beginnings if they are asking a for a in berkeley ministers of for for to designs and even asking for the associates, i think i do the same, but she does enjoy
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a lot of political support in the countries. the power footprint minister, she has been running the country since 2009 and it's hard. it's known to be very hard unclear to go defend um, but of this time that often does not expecting so much of education and so much of frustration. and so in the coming days, we will see how the story of the act opposition also has joined the desktop position is also and the many of the members are in june. so we, it, it is a big den for the government of she could be now, but if she would be able to survive distresses or not, we didn't notice in the next few days, right. only time will tell, did of your report to be in the 7. thank you. now and these are all officials, a the ad defenses. and to set that a missile fired from human one, the user id 5 digits. bama to several targets in the who will be controlled port
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safety of the data along directly. these are all says the strikes in retaliation for hundreds of the tax and recent months, including a deadly drill and strike on 10 of eve on friday. governments media is reporting 3 people killed and not least 81 dead into 5 straight yet by the what data strikes you and says it is deeply concerned about the risk of fab escalation. the intel of these, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu overseas, the retaliatory strikes on yelman's west. and how do you the port is rarely find to jet. struck what they say with mimicry, targets and a who's the stronghold, including this oil depot. no closer. you see controlled television showed injured people arriving in hospital following the strength
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they come a day off to a deadly drain, attacked by the rebel group on televi tv's that kills one person, an injured several. mo bush is really defense minister you of glands says the strikes were, responds to mounting aggression over recent months, the false and pacific view, hoping to quote, i know the who t's attacked us over $200.00 times the most it, by the 1st time that hampton is ready, citizen, we struck them. no, said i, we will do this any way we have to ship a lot of israeli citizens has a price. so i mean, this is being made clear and 11 on it guys in yemen and another place is gone. but if they do attack us again, the result will be identical. go for the adults out there. they have a strong warning from israel. who is the spokesperson said on ex,
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that the attack cause an attempt by israel to pressure you. i'm going to stop supporting garza that's close to about the special correspondence abraham in jerusalem. anyway, i the you and says it's deeply concerned about the federal escalation between these route and humans who these, how dangerous are these developments? so there's certainly concerning for the region. i mean this, we're now seeing the sort of tit for tat strike, a countering another strength between israel and the host these in, in yemen. and this adds another layer of tension and escalation to the situation in the country. 9 months of the war and gaza and of course the ongoing clashes between israel and his bullet at the is really northern borders with this just adds another
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layer of instability uncertainty. although it is too early to tell what the end of the strikes could be. if it will lead to more escalation, or if in fact the forty's may be deterred by the most recent is really strike on that port in human. right? that's a lot happening today, either ultimately dri, espoused into draft ultra orthodox man. this is because of the lands box supreme court order. it's a very sensitive issue in israel. how much of our threats is this full prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government it could be quite threatening for his governing coalition. his coalition partners come from the ultra orthodox a political parties in israel and date, of course the benjamin netanyahu, whose partners vehemently reject this court ruling. so they both out of that coalition that could lead to the collapse of his government at
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a time where his popularity is already at an all time low because of the war. and the fact that there are still hostages held a in, in, in gaza. and so this could, you know, spell trouble for a benjamin this india who's a governing coalition, although we'll have to wait and see how this plays out in the coming days. right. the more on that's nothing. yeah. who is also facing additional pressure inside either outputs us this field, the streets instead of a big den, demanding a deal to attend the remaining hostages. how's all this the now? so i had a trip to the us next week. well the united states is israel's biggest ally and the protesters that hit the streets and tell her even elsewhere, every week, derek, acutely aware of that. so they are often in these protests calling directly on the us government to apply more pressure on how much and is real to reach
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a deal. and so even though these protests happen on a weekly basis, since the word began p a families of hostages, but also is released from all walks of life taken to the streets, demanding a do, we can expect that they will have a heightened tone as a prime minister visits the united states because it's been 9 months and there are many families that are still waiting for luck for their loved ones to come back a life or death. right? especially i can respond and abraham induced him. thank you. so let's look at some more stories making headlines around the well south reassess and it will ramp up. it's loud. speak up propaganda broadcast to north korea. so if you and young send more trash carrying volumes across the board up. know to yeah, has been floating balloons filled with rubbish into south co. yeah, sends me escalates intentions between the 2 careers which were already run in high after it before it gets
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a run of miss out tests at least 16 people have been killed in a head on collision between a truck and a passenger. basking will leave you more than a 1000 more where injured or throw it to see the truck crossed into the opus of lane while about teaching another vehicle on the highway. in the end this nonsense indigenous communities in guatemala, have held a ceremony to commemorate the resistance to spanish colonization, which began to 500 years ago. i'm as straight as bend offerings to the festus individual at my and i can't logical site. you know, the town of tex on spanish concrete status best arrived in what is now more than the guatemala. in 1524 and us republican presidential no, many donald trump held his press release and surviving the last estimation of times a week ago was also his 1st campaign stopped with his new running meet j. d events
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. speaking in the battle ground state of michigan, trump, how that president joe biden and said he got taken a bullet for democracy. the other guy that's where it's just a week after the attempt on his life. cues of donald trump supports has lined up to see the candidate, grand rapids. michigan is traditionally of a public and stronghold which has been trending blue race, which is michigan also happens to be a key swing states which could determine the outcome of the election also to choose tighten security. both inside and outside the arena trumps newly appointed running mate j. d bones took to the stage fast. he praised the former president stuff to him in office before introducing the magazine itself. are we ready to give him 4 more years?
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are we ready to be here for the next president of the united states president donald j. trump? problem out, sir of to coming close to desk early a week ago. some told the crowds that service divine will, that he was that a life the i said before you only by the grace of all my, the god that's even took a majority, you described as missing information and this information spread by his democratic opponents. and they keep saying he's a threat to democracy. i'm say, what the hell that i do for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. the events of the past week seemed to have galvanized the drum and his supporters repaired
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more united than ever and confident to victory in november. problem exports live, meets the loan mine on the german to synchronize simon. seem as man last set to compete in the olympic event for the 1st time. this yeah, that's up to the brig staging from one use of the top of the out. the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. the discovery


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