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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the business need of the news lives from berlin. the top ports in bangladesh, scales back a controversial job point out system that's up to thousands die incidents lead protest. and the government imposes a nationwide cafe back. well, the called shooting the enough to quell the unrest also coming up your on the back to who the rebels launch matoney h e. ms. salazar, these are out one day outside. he's writing jets, bombing several sites in humans for safety of data as international calls or restraint go unheeded. and donald trump holes as fast campaign,
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rowdy since of 5 in the last estimation of the times a week ago. joining forces on the campaign trail with new running mates, j. b, that the hi there. i am at the mike a junior and you are welcome to the program. the supreme call jim bigler. this has a drastically skilled voc, a controversial photo system for governments. jobs that sparks weeks up on rest and let to thousands of bets. thousands of students with this, this uptake into the streets demanding the government of bodies, the quotes system, which sets aside about 30 percent of governments, jobs for the families of veterans. and 14, the countries will of independence in 1971. but then once we get to see the job locations that you'd be marriage based, just not yet clear how to demonstrate as or react the new routing, which reduces that phone to, to fight. so. so what,
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that's the quotes scaling back of the quotes us as the mean in practical terms. i asked dw reports, i'd be in this of it who's been following the story for s a d, the court has list scrap the system for now 93 percent of government or civil service jobs. will it be open for the graduating students and people in front got this. this is a huge step. this is for the students helping, demanding for a long time. they were angry that 30 percent of the government jobs worked and served for the war veterans or people, or to freedom fighters who had fort the water for independence from book system. and so their children, edgar ended guaranteed and would also applicable to applied for these jobs and not be under a dis toby's, they were protesting for it for a long time. and now we see a that 92 percent it, which means that many,
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many more jobs will not be available for the graduating students in front of dish. right? so, well, the best decision, stop the protests. do you think i this is a really difficult question to answer because yes, the students were protesting against the a port system against when the high 14 standard the court system did part of it. they really believe it was discriminatory, unbiased. and that demand has not been met, but this has this moves by the supreme court gums of the, of city, of, of to ready binded these more than 100 people have been just many of them are students. students are angry, they're demanding an independent investigation. there even asking for the resignation of government ministers and it's not only the students better and the many people in bundle of dish had joined these drug tests. there's also a lot of this fiction because of inflation because of the board economy. and
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because of how the government has been managing the country, um, so there is a lot of anger, a lot of hurt because of the feelings of so many people. and therefore it's, it's difficult now to say that just as decision by the supreme court would quote that i'm going to just start despite all of these really very ugly and hug people. that was my colleague. did you report to the nice job it? do you run back to these india men say the fired multiple missiles are these are algebra is all see to you of i lot that for announcements came just always up to ease are awesome. literally said it had shut down the missile from the human before it crossed into these right need territory, the latest best, the balance between the distance and in the south left. that's in both countries and fields of escalation. and tel aviv israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu overseas, as strikes on the, he's the stronghold of her data. sometimes lisa fight to jets, bomb oil depots,
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and the power plant and the strategically important pulled city on the red sea. the ministry of health. and so now says, doesn't swear, wounded and raging fires triggered by the strikes. many of them admitted to a hospital with severe bands in the we were sitting and suddenly the asked by company. there were several spikes. the recent escalation comes against the backdrop of a severe human atari and crisis, and yemen that is left around 8 out of 10 people dependent on humanitarian aid. according to the un, about 80 percent of that age and 70 percent of all inputs and to throw data. this is really assault as further defeated our fuel and the central supplies needed by the citizens of the people. so just to show israel says it hit the pull it because the areas used to deliver a range in arms to yemen and, and response to months of progress and against israel, including
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a deadly drain attack on residential building and television. on friday the is the mess of losing, so i have a message for israel's enemies. make no mistake, hold then we will defend ourselves by all means on all front the bundle. anyone who harms us will pay a, a heavy price for their aggression. and recent months, around back whose the militants have repeatedly attacked ships passing through the red sea. and they did attempt to force an end to israel's military campaign in guns on the head also launch missiles and drains directly it israel, that most of those projectiles were intercepted until friday. and the product there was also an its capital fuse. the spokesman said his forces wouldn't be deterred by israel threat. what's the year? many armed forces also confirm that the response to the use really aggression in our country is inevitable. and will be great and mighty. willingly i'm going to be
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the new law. no m t woods on sunday, the is really military said to intercepted a missile fire towards the resultant of a lot of multiple drawings and ballistic missiles. to see militants declare that fired is riley targets in and along the red sea special correspondence. abraham has been following events from jerusalem. so there's certainly concerning for the region. i mean this, we're now seeing the sort of tit for tat strike, a countering another strike between israel and the host sees in, in yemen. and this adds another layer of tension and escalation to the situation in the country, 9 months of the war in gaza. and of course the ongoing clashes between israel and his bullet at the is really northern border. so this just adds another layer of
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instability uncertainty. although it is too early to tell what the end of the strikes could be if it will lead to more escalation, or if, in fact the forty's may be deterred by the most recent is really strike on that port in, in yemen. right? that's a lot happening today. these are also military stats, into draft ultra orthodox men. this is because of the land box supreme court order . it's a very sensitive issue in ego. how much of our threats is this full prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government, or it could be quite a threatening for his governing coalition. but his coalition partners come from the ultra orthodox a political parties in israel and date, of course, the benjamin netanyahu, whose partners vehemently reject this court ruling. so they both out of that coalition that could lead to the collapse of his government at
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a time where his popularity is already at an all time low because of the war. and the fact that there are still hostages held a in, in, in gaza. and so this could, you know, spell trouble for a benjamin this, anyone who's a governing coalition, although we'll have to wait and see how this plays out in the coming days. right. the more on that's nothing. yeah. who is also facing additional pressure inside either out. so it's us this field, the streets instead of a big den, demanding a deal to attend the remaining hostages. how's all this the now i had a trip to the us next week. well the united states is israel's biggest ally and the protesters that hit the streets and tell her even elsewhere, every week, derek, acutely aware of that. so they are often in these protests calling directly on the
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us government to apply more pressure on how much and is real to reach a deal. and so, even though these protests happen on a weekly basis since the war began p o, a families of hostages, but also is released from all walks of life taken to the streets, demanding a do. we can expect that they will have a heightened tone as a prime minister visits the united states because it's been 9 months. and there are many families that are still waiting for luck for their loved ones to come back a life or death. right. especially of course, by the end abraham induced him thank you. as most stories making headlines around the world, let's look at some of them more than 220. my grants have been rescued off the coast of tanisha and lydia in 3 different operations. according to the doctors without borders, most have spent several days without war towels without seeing them out on their way to the tatiana port of devona last year, about $3000.00. my grands lost their lives trying to cross the military and
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south korea. so as it will ramp up, it's loud, speak up or down that broadcast to north korea top you and young sent more trash carrying balloons across the board up. north korea has been floating balloons filled with rubbish into solved co. yeah. since may escalate intentions between the 2 careers which were already running high, i say a preventative run of missile test in the us republican presidential. how many donald trump held his fast radi since surviving my fascination attempt a week ago? it was also his 1st campaign stopped with his new running made state events. speaking in the battle ground state of michigan trump homage president joe biden, and said he had taken a bullets for democrats, and that's where it's just a week after the attempt on his life. cues of donald trump supports has lined up to see the candidate, grand rapids. michigan is traditionally of
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a public and stronghold which has been trending blue race, which is michigan also happens to be a key swing state which could determine the outcome of the election. also choose tighten security both inside and outside the arena. the trumps newly implemented running night j. d. vance took to the stage fast. he praised the former president stuff to him in office before introducing the man himself are we ready to give him 4 more years? are we ready to be here for the next president of the united states president donald j trump? problem out, sir of to coming close to desk early a week ago, trump told the crowds that it was designed well, that he was still alive. the i said
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before you, only by the grace of all my, the god, that's the year he didn't took a meant what you described as missing information on this information spread by his democratic opponents. and they keep saying peace, a threat to democracy. i'm say, what the hell that i do for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. the boxes, events of the past week seemed to have galvanized the drum and his supporters repaired more united than ever and confident to victory in november. chris divine is. i'm associate professor of political science at the university of dayton, ohio, and the all house do running mates monta. so we asked him if terms running made g d vans. mathis,
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flushing does matter because it tells vote or something about who donald trump is. now that might sound silly because we knew a donald trump very well below the 2nd term looked like 4 years beyond. when he last last the last election, we had in disputing that election are accepting the result. january 6th, may things he's done and said since then about policy, about what he would do in a 2nd administration. so he tells us some important things, advanced us about trump. and i think that clear a signal we get is that, you know, he didn't choose someone with lot of government experience. didn't choose someone who seemed really, you know, well, place to advance of legislative agenda for example. i think what he does is ensure some loyalty on to donald trump that might prevent mike pence didn't even provide to the extent that trump was happy with that. so i think voters might take that into consideration. might just have more concerns for us to buy an associate professor. i'll plan to go science at the university of dayton, ohio. you're watching data. can you stay with us off next choices. that's the name
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of the show. and this one is about an indian man's dream of becoming e by the dentist. i am eddie mike, a junior, thanks for watching stations. the more news of the top of the, the shows thing. and do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents do i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port in those nonsense. i want my son to the doctor, joe in the canal. it's time to get to you.


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