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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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a hi, i'm shopping and i'm ready to dive into the hands of the gentleman who 2 of you have you have a one to talk to me before you go to the spots and the unexpected side to side. enjoy the eiffel tower, such as a cur, 10 notes for them. what you should see and not see when visiting paris. free or repressed how young people in germany deal with sexuality. and said cheese a look at why it's so important to the dodge. the story isn't more coming up on your own macs. the
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games begin in paris on july 26th. for the 1st time, men will also be allowed to take part in synchronized, swimming. a change that swimmer features desirable is especially pleased about. he's the only male synchronized swimmer in germany, competing at an international level, and he's convinced that it does the sport good when men compete alongside women. synchronized swimming is a sports of elegans and grace. and until now, female domains in the upcoming olympic games for the 1st time, males swim, is, are allowed boss even off to winning gold. in the european championships, the gym and team didn't qualify for you to sign it from berlin is the only man on germany's national team, but it's not like for him. it's to miss on 1st performance. i feel incredibly good together with the girls and they've been very accepting the cost of taking on the big brother all the time. the old. it's probably about 3 or 4 years like we
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complement one another. well, and we're always laughing together. none of us here. we do have practices with the national squad for the european championship in belgrade, and he's in the water with his teammates for up to 8 hours a day. they were his acrobatic elements such as let's go to the side of the years and the water made me realize what a beautiful medium it is. i feel good and it is being completely enveloped in water from loss. in particular, one dive out of the mental to me. that's a feeling of freedom. so definitely i just against living at age 6 and moved on to high dining. his parents recognized his athletic talent early on. at age 10, he enrolled in the sports boarding school in but then i've competed in european youth championships at 18. he took part in his 1st international competitions in 2021. so high diving, he came to synchronized, swimming
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a jeff is openly gay. he came out of age 18 and found his 1st boyfriend. and now he's the 1st man to break into traditionally, females suppose. does that mean diving into prejudice and discrimination? touch justice as a strong, it was true that at 1st you think, okay, how much extra well it e and competitive sports could be a sensitive topic. but i say you're going to your remarks at every turn. it might hurt at 1st this to them, but once you've dealt with it a few times and you can rise above it on my laptop, and then a statement not to worry about. long as competitive sports. plaintiff is studying for his most is an engineering sciences at the technician, will have as detailed funding. he sees many parallels between the movements of synchronized swimming and the laws of physics. the physical affinity assisting the always have a place in sports and cooling. of course synchronized swimming has a lot to do with blanche. we always have to push ourselves out of the water when we're swimming as
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a team. that's when we're doing the live cable in fiji. i've also has time for a healthy, a few years ago and instagram he discovered crushing and missing. it helps him relax and regain composure along with sucks scouts and gloves he likes to make. it will stick it as we have to. so that really helps with the stress and i take half an hour in the evening and sit with my knitting. i pro shame with jogging does, for other people needing and desk for me. you can just to announce that way in the system is this taking that coming production that gets a swimming pool feature of joins his home, buildings up as a bidding for the gym and championship, and then 11 teams compete against one another. this time to do is the only man on the team. the one routine in the acrobatic routine category takes about 3 minutes. the high is the degree of difficulty to move points that in school. the routine was
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a success with a few small areas. the estimates of s t bedding atlanta of feels as a permanent member of the team and for i just like the full time we didn't even notice any difference really none. he integrated into the 2 improvements and we've always have a lot of fun with him. so we really like, yes, he's like one of the family at the end, one small tensions are running high. the jury awards. that's points and the result is an impressive 2nd phase for future. certainly as the bedding is serious. tiffany: 2012. i definitely see myself as a role model that i think this important profit for men and women getting together . okay. in this sense i just my reading to be able to motivate men and boys. i'm just to give it a try and come to us. so that's an honest with you models pioneer and in the way
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the only restoring the god. careful keep sizing for synchronize success and the quality and support. paris is one of the most popular cities in europe. millions of tourists come here each year and millions more are expected to come for the olympics. but do the glossy pictures on instagram match the reality. we take a look at what's we're seeing and skipping in paris. this is how paris the city of love looks on instagram. the french capital is famous for its arts, culture and rich history. but does reality come close to the romantic pictures posted online? let's do a reality check. more than 2000000 people live in the french capital. it stands for beautiful architecture, romantic streets. it's one of the world's top tourist hotspots,
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but does the city live up to its reputation? let's visit 3 of its main attractions. first step, the eiffel tower built by ghost of both for the world's fair in 1889. it's the city's tallest structure. but taking romantic pictures like these is a bit tricky and can be quite dangerous, since you have to stand in the middle of the street. plus to walk beneath the eiffel tower. you now need to buy a ticket after numerous terrorist attacks over the past few years. the city of paris has constructed a transparent wall around the structure. you need to pay to get past it and wait in line to do so. getting a picture of this romantic structure from across the river, the truck adero isn't the perfect solution either. you won't be alone. and that's not always comfortable. the lady been withdrawal,
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which is online office has shopped on this one, so everybody's dreaming of a beautiful spot without people, but the faces of the crowd. it isn't most time to come on. it's not as it seems online. and it also lots of susan is that is the one to get the best review and you really have to look out for pickpocket. okay. so this is really not the really no, i think it corresponds. yeah. yeah. i think it's, it's great in person. it's impressive. i definitely had a more idea, like the perception of it from the pictures and instagram and what i seen then what i actually got to see here. that the gap between the beautiful pictures on instagram pen reality can cause a medical condition. the so called paris syndrome often described as a severe state of culture, shock, stuck on pulled up with more thought to keep instagram contributes to creating this phenomenon. yeah, because many visitors are an addicted to the social network. and then capable of taking a step back, you know, full set of a c, a dealing pictures of this gorgeous, clean and save city with its beautiful my on, you may have looked at him and,
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you know, then they're confronted with reality. i sent the letter back to public transport is that dirty streets and sometimes even the basketball scheme that i'm all for the full task. michel push that difference between your fantasy and area and reality. so it makes the brain go off the rail via the people have developed hallucinations become delusional, and had to be hospitalized a new speed that exist through every year. the doctor treats dozens of people with the parents central matthews hospital. so how about our 2nd stop? much but with its majestic sacrament. could basilica located right next to a picturesque artist corner? is this place as beautiful as people imagine it? well, the view from up here is truly breathtaking. but again, you'll have to share it. the hill is almost always crowded. and to get to the cathedral, you'll have to wait in line the however, the queue does move quickly and the church is well worth the wage.
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built in the 19th century, the limestone building features, beautiful stained glass windows and has one of the largest most sex in the world. the triumph of the sacred heart of jesus. but the cathedral is not exactly a quiet place either. if you want something more tranquil, cross through the hardest corner, even though it's always crowded, you can still find some a space for yourself in the quiet or back alleys the. so what about our 3rd stop? know to let them do patty. it's the cathedral where according to the famous french writer of victor hugo, kazi moto fell in love with the beautiful dancer as morale. the people from around the world. still remember 2019, when a fire partially destroyed the more than 800 year old building the cathedral is still close to the public and cranes tower over the but neither fences nor bad
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weather discouraged tourists. it's been this, i think it's still west coming here. you can see the biggest part of the spiked, the cranes, clients don't mess with the cathedral is almost reconstructed. so there's different policy to ok. both notes for them will partly be opened again by the end of this year. the bottom line, don't expect too much of paris if you don't want to get the emptiness, paris syndrome. but the city is still worth a visit. you might want to avoid the eiffel tower, but sac, but good notes. what time are still charming? despite the crowds, the when it comes to the topic of sex, most germans are quite open about it. contraception is available to both young adults and sex education in germany is taught early on. but this all shock dw reporter shot brahms to read to, to explore the differences to her native india. it's,
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this is your regular plus joy. this is a bit of acute. and it's, and it just told, for addition, yes, truman's all about the body and set. this is meet the gentleman. and today we are learning how young germans, david sexuality, sex education starts quite early for german. it's usually just 9 or 10 when the 1st have that class in school, regardless of sexual orientation. by the time germans have sex for the 1st time, which tends to be around 17, many of them would have already met the hutto middle class of the contraceptive suitcase. and what the and the gentleman word for sexual intercourse is also quite snappy. disconnections for kids, literally suffering will fix the staging sexuality at 9 and contraception. at 17 may seem a little extreme to some, but such conversations help preventive teenage pregnancies and sexual
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misconceptions tend to be that meant when i was a teenager in india, some of my friends thought that goes indeed need new and that period as shown in t v commercials, and because we didn't talk openly about this, nobody had any idea how to support their menstruating classmates, or what menstruation is to begin with. where i come from, people often fear that teams may have 6 too early, if they know too much about sex and sexuality. but the young gentleman's proved him wrong. today, significantly fewer girls and boys age 14 to 16 say they have had sexual experience has done 10 years ago while doing it, most germans, both young and older. and irrespective of their sexual preference towards the condom over any other contraceptives, it is cheap, easily available and gets the job done. right to find them in deutschland, condoms can be bought a drug stores pharmacies or infects doors like this one here. the
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who's the oh i do miss the the crazy. the flavor condos that you find in india? what can i say? different pallets of girl? don't be sure if you move to germany and find them throughout the customer like this in your city. i'm literally in the store next to my apartment right now, and as the name suggests, you must be an adult to be allowed in. today, the internet has mostly replaced fixed shops as a major source of sexual products and information. but some young people still like to ask an act or an expert deanna lovely. but really, what are the most common questions that people ask you? because those are fine? you know, it's a typical questions that we encounter again and again are, does the 1st time heard from an a. how do you get aids or each i'd be fun, but also questions about masturbation. is it harmful, the underscore? and then how often can you do it so that it's unhealthy because on the noise team
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did a new topics include specific questions. how does masturbation work with as a defensive and what kind of sex toys all day on best? skip the questions about sexual orientation. so we also have questions about how can i be sure of my sexual orientation as is the kindest move this outlined vicious x ray, or can that change over the course of my life? kind of, there's still some law for the same. somebody should be all set and there are also a questions about tanagra fee. and what does spend tests like i should be should make sure pama, finding the questions about sexual practices. for example, anal settings which are asked more frequently or the size of the penis, because this is the size of the penis, where you can also see a clear connection or also domain mon, during settings are meant also allowed to mon during sex, or is it just women live and there's no phone studies to you. that's around 70 percent of germany's monitoring adults, a competitive, a new demographic engage more than casual of 6 and refrain from commitment. calling
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to talk to a situation, chips, friends with benefits or things. young governments don't get into a statement relationship or met. it's like the used to. how do i young people in your country perceive sexuality? see you soon. if harris is the city of love, then the netherlands is the land of cycling. and of course, cheese, it's a staple for the dutch who are the 2nd largest exporters of cheese worldwide. but how does the country excel a cheese making and is it going to lose its flagship product due to climate change? the netherlands is known for its jesus world wide, especially this one induct for now. kodak not to good a. it's a global anywhere. and it's something you grew up with juice manger for instruction, i can't imagine a life without teeth. this makes me wonder why it isn't,
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isn't as it's used on the domains, it's a fairly small country with the population of just under 18000000 people. but this would use a lot of the countries among the top 5 teeth producers in the u dot. you also the 2nd biggest exporters of juice was fine. since the cat eat all the cheese themselves to get insight to the doctor, choose making traditions. i went off much popularly known as juice capital of the netherlands. it has also one of the oldest is largest in the country, and 2 is let me just see how to use the back of the city of, of my god. it's wayne guides me here, 1365. but what exact here the market actually started? no one. in the old times, the farmers would bring the keys to the market to sell it. after the quantity of cheese was checked, theaters would buy from the fibers. the cheese carriers would help carry the cheese in pairs of to anyone who was not
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a part of the cheese carriers could not carry the. i also got the chance to carry the barrow and customers it was not the that's because the cheese on these barrows can be more than 100 cubes. after the cheeses wait and paid for the battery stemmed and the cheese taken away. you see i'm from focus on and for me, growing up to use was not a very common food define. but here in the netherlands you can find a variety of cheese and some of those names. i find it hard to pronounce like 1st i'll look marsh gas stops. oh gosh, felice. and go to the other complicated story that i don't even know what it is, some de jesus, i also named dr. cities such as god dumber and lost them some because they were produced there others because different chatted there to find out which is the most popular type of go to cheese. i visited drawbridge verma quest spend 25 years of
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his life in the cheese business. i think the middle out, the middle is not too hot, not too soft and it isn't an excellent taste of cheese. but what are these each categories that this does happen? it constitutes vs. jo. yes, middle out. every at the jo, one is 4 weeks and we have an old one. there's 3. yes. mostly the same cheese, only 3 years old. from robert. i learned that the younger cheeses are softer and minder in taste. the older the cheese, the more more serious causes and the stronger its flavor becomes wild. it takes me only a few minutes to eat all that cheese. it took the dutch years to become pioneers, in more than a quarter of the netherlands is below. see them during the golden age of the 16th and 17th century, when males and canals were used to pump out water and dried the let me get you off
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who works at the outlet cheese museum stains. why this was good for cheese production. when the dry, the pool of landscape, that was the very full chill sold remains. and that was a faulty a ground. faulty frowned and dep gifts. the cheese, a special taste that all the countries don't have. but was there anything else that helped the dust to excel? let's use making other than salty grounds. the housing in the metal ins gave more milk then. uh the countries that's so fountain. and around the 19th century, america took some depths cows to america and stopped capital reading because they wanted to have that much of the delivery of familial. so that's how i was named the holstein freesin and it still is our best milk county and nothing i central factor that contributed to the country success and she's
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making was experience already in 800 or before christ. we make chase in old dfcs. so the development was enormous, and that's why the netherlands is one of the best she's making countries of the world. and we're proud of that. i hope you have fun joining in the search because now i go to go and devour all this to that i got and finally, far away from the hustle and bustle and very close to the water lies a small island off of the west coast of sweden, there you're guaranteed to find peace and relaxation. sweetens. most remote hotel is located on an island in the middle of the sea. do you need a boat to get there? and be prepared because there's nothing on hum this year island
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except for the hotel and a lighthouse. you're in for stunning panoramic views and local delicacy. it will show you what it's like to spend a day on the tiny island and where hotel shift you hon. banks on harvest to see weed. the island is about an hour north of sweden, the 2nd largest city golf and berg. its rugged beauty is quite the site our day starts with a 20 minute speed boat ride over choppy seas in rainy weather. fortunately the hotel has provided water proof overall to keep us drive auto and that was fantastic, i guess, but also pretty what when they were hungry, the rough weather waves and sea spray. it was magical that she's still magic. johan and eunice v. bear hail from near guttenberg. it's time to check in and get dried
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off. they're staying and what used to be the lighthouse keepers, family home. all buildings here are under protection. that's why they were carefully renovated. luckily the sky clears up and the weather improves. time to explore the island or which doesn't take long as hannah's share is just 250 meters long and 120 meters wide. marietta via your hex you're open to mount, announced a hotel in 2020. they can accommodate up to $24.00 guest at any one time. pad is telling us that to send, but there are about $1000.00 shipwrecks out there. and these 1000 shipwrecks tell a lot about the history of this coast. and when they decided to build this land house, they called it to no start or our father because sailors passing these rocky islands on their ships would prank. this is hoping they'd make it through safely and reach
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trading cities like march strand, and golf and berg to get the body to the lighthouse is 32 meters tall. it was a state of the art master piece when it was built in 18. 68. it remained in operation until 1977 today, after 5 years of renovation, it serves as a viewing platform not to for then, how did they insure the see when the tumbling down for it was a bit tough climbing up here, but definitely worth it in the back that if you like, you can also join chef johan banks on as the harvest. see we for tonight's dinner the
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we've picked many great types of count. you can use this one, for example, as spaghetti. it's very nice of in here we have sugar and help it grow is very fast and taste very good. and then we have before we, which i used to make me so super though single, co him let me think you'll get me so, so pop up and we're off to the kitchen where chef johan is preparing a range of seaweed based advertisers. time to sit back, relax and appreciate this unique island and the rest of the weather and the island and everything is great. and have you called from the rain earlier today to the sunshine that followed in the lighthouse with its magical views. as our magnificent day slowly comes to an end, we talking to some delicious west coast delicacies. we've had an unforgettable time
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. and with that, we come to the end of this edition of your own macs. don't forget to follow us on social media for more fun stories from the world of culture and lifestyle in europe till next time. it's good bye and i'll be the same. the
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i'm sick talking. the goals house a century ago? vw reinvent of itself with this car. now the evergreen has to build a bridge to the future. 50 years of go will the success story continue rev betsy minutes. the w the you'll see about the video that goes enabled other data media and legal law give a lot done by the get. i will stop into that and i'll give you a go on with your you ain't mature to lit up, joe made any of the water power into the more people than ever on the move world wide in search of it. this are nice to jump. be able to use a minute, they can t mess with the guns already already a few megs of appears in mid afternoon. does our peers send minutes useful or is
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that almost 3 gets expose? go to lunch. when you find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news for language, wherever they may be. growing up interest, you tell us to an exhibit and we try to thanks are living with them. and this is not a good environment, not for me. and not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do? carry on and some last a nice the nice you get there hoping for a miracle. and babies shuttle stops oldest on d w. the
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. this is the w news live from berlin, and this just in us president joe biden says he is stepping aside as the democratic presidential candidate and will not run for re election. we will bring you the latest. the top court in bangladesh scales back a controversial jobs, quote, a system that's after dozens die and student lab protests and the government imposes a nationwide curfew. but will the court ruling be enough to quell the unrest also coming up or run back to the rebels? launch retaliatory missile is.


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