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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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the older and the, the old guy is out and his policies along with them. i think she has to work to have a bit of a presence a bit more, especially for younger voters. i would have voted for, you know, a stick. if it were running against trump, so i'll vote for whoever, if it was going to be buying that. but i don't think that covers the choice because i think a lot of the countries will dislikes, of course divine is the author of to running mates matter. the influence of vice presidential candidates and presidential elections. i asked him how kamala harris has performed as vice president for it's america, people not very well. she's pulled consistently a little under joe biden. as of yours may know job, i ins prove a writing for quite a while now has been around 40 percent, really low, low forty's, at least usually. typically she's couple points under that. uh, that's hard to interpret though, because i'm not sure how much americans are familiar with even some of the things
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you're referencing there about what she's been doing on a day to day basis of the piece off and have a hard time getting out of the shadow of the president, even during the campaign situation, that's gonna be complicated for her. i think when people are reacting to complet harris's advice present, most of their reacting to joe by and as, as a president and then also contacting her for not being a leadership role. which of course vice president supposed to follow. not li, they follow the weight of the president. and here, certainly, right, it was, my impression has also been that it's been hard for kamala harris to get out of do by and shadow in the last 3 years. so why is he, i generally speaking to her, what are pulling numbers are worse than his to so it's not clear that anybody else would do better. i think one of the things we have to factor in is that while there are, for example, governors, as were mentioned earlier, i think gretchen whitmore, or gavin, do some or, or others. they may pull better in certain situations depends which boy you're looking at, but they're also not nationally known in the way that she is. uh, as was, was,
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was just said she has the highest name recognition. so walter people might perform well and they're state, it's hard to know how to be received nationally, especially once they get the kind of press scrutiny that comes with being in a, in a national res tomlin. harris has been through that. she ran in the presidential primaries, not very well, but then she ran for the vice presidency. so she's been vetted, she's more of a known quantity. i think this is the least risky option that democrats have. i should point out also that as the 1st woman to be vice president and woman of color is that it would be especially difficult for democrats to pass her over. for example, for someone like gavin newsome, a white man in that case, that could be taken not well by, by some key constituencies in the democratic party. well, as you were dressing harris's own campaign for president in 2020 field to gain any traction. so what does she need to do differently now? or you know, it's a different animal running and presidential primary versus now, you know, assuming that she does come away with the nomination running in
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a general election, she doesn't have to kind of strata. follow the same kind of strategy that you want to get the nomination. this is this a different, she's gone through that national campaign as well. so she has more experience to draw on. presumably she would have learned some things about how to campaign better and especially how to really sees on a message that will work for us. that's one of the things i'm interested to see in the coming days as she emerges it, i think it seems likely as, as the presumptive presidential nominate. uh, what is the rationale for the, for the campaign? obviously a big part of this is going to be that what you'll pay a success to the bottom ministration. also concerns about what a 2nd trump administration would look like. what about her? in particular, what's her? what's your purpose? what? what's your uh theme for the, for this campaign? i think i could tell you a lot about what kind of campaign she's going to run, how well she's going to run the campaign. by the way, could also tell us about who to expect for a v p there. yeah, and that's actually the next question i wanted to ask you. what do you think she's
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gonna end up choosing from isn't one of the names that could be or potential um, or potential opponents if it was an open convention or would be a dark horse candidate or yeah, it's very hard to say we're so early and in this i will say one thing you hear a lot about is that she should easily pick off a state by choosing that states governor. if she chose josh appear on the governor of pennsylvania. she picked up pennsylvania. if it was, gretchen whitmore in michigan. she'd pick up michigan or roy cooper in, in north carolina. i'd urge years to be very skeptical about the something that i've done a lot of research on what we call the home state advantage that you would do better in the v p can. it's home state, we see that kind of helps a visual presidential candidate, but not for vice presidential candidates. so uh, well that doesn't make any of the ones that i just named about pick after. think gretchen whitmore a particular be a good one. and i would caution against making that, that kind of a judgment simply based on which state they would come from. they come from it as if voters just, you know, automatically vote for a ticket. it would be, be,
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comes from their state. all right, let me say you want to leave it there. that was chris, divine associate professor of political science at the university of dayton in ohio . thank you. and your opinion leaders are beginning to react to jo biden's announcement here in germany gentle or life show. it's praise biden. on the platform x, the german chancellor rode my friend joe biden has achieved a lot for his country for europe and for the world. thanks to him, transatlantic cooperation is close. nato is strong and he was a is a good and reliable partner for us. his decision not to run. the game deserves respect. dw brussels correspondent to see a shopping is following the story for us from brussels. i asked her if this political earthquake is her being there even here in europe among european officials. clearly did. so the news broke around 8 o'clock local time here in brussels. and i think you can be sure that the european institutions which are
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based in brussels and took note of this decision by joe biden, even though we do not have official statements on this. well, had there been any reactions from other european leaders not just in brussels as yeah, that has been a number of leaders that have posted on x, for example, of the spanish prime minister page with sanchez has been praising joe biden for his decision saying this is a great gesture by a great, from a great president, also donor, to his case, the post prime minister. he's been saying that this might have been the most difficult decision in the life of to buy it. and so, so a knowledge in what this might have meant for joe biden to take this decision and then finally kissed on the new the elect as elected british prime minister. he said that he respects this decision and that he's looking forward to work with joe biden . for the last month, office presidency. and as you said,
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there were ending the last 6 months of biden's presidency. and some might argue, he is now a week into president. how might that affect transatlantic relations? yes, so that is of course the big the big question here as well. but what you have to see in disregard is that already before today, it wasn't so clear whether the next president would also still be jo by and so that has been, for example, in nature summit 2 weeks ago. rev is already with regards to maybe a future president, donald trump, that has been some, you can call it may be prep her preparatory work that has been done. for example, the nato has decided to take over the coordination of military it to ukraine before this was done by the united states. when there was another decision that has been taken by the united states to deploy a missile, it's to germany. and this has been priced by outgoing secretary general. and jack
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installed in back s and then commitment to nato to the alliance, but also to the security in europe. so it is a bit early to say what, what would happen next, the mean for the trans atlantic relationships as shit. but what is clear also is federal by and was a strong trans, atlantic coast. and as we have just heard, also has been priced for this for a strong nato by chance that what i feel is right. i'm afraid we have to leave it there. that was due to be corresponding latria, schultz and brussels sandra. now once again joined by the deputies bring gulf here in the studio. so brent, as we were hearing their uh job items, european partners are already starting to think about his legacy. yeah. where do you put that? well, i mean, you know, for those of us remember market back in 1988 we had to buy and running for president. that's a long time ago. he was elected to the us senate. within 50 years ago,
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he has been a fixture of us politics in washington for as long as you are, i have been alive basically right on every winning democratic presidential ticket in the 21st century has been a ticket that has had jo biden's name on it i mean, we just split that, so again, here he has been there since the beginning. that is something that you can't sneeze at. and it is something that the historians will have to do to give us a rough draft of what they think. doug, briefly, us a story and said that the presidency of turbine with the reprieve for a nation exhausted by trump and the pandemic. those things of course, 4 years ago for years as a long time, let me just show you this and that we can see it up close or not. but this is the cover of time magazine that is just come out of the list. change you just sent this to us and it shows by walking off the page and it shows come over here as walking
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yet, which says that most people are assuming that she will be the candidate. we will see, i think the next day or so will prove very, very, very important for whether or not she can solidify the support that she needs to become the presidential nominee for the democratic part. what do you think she needs to do to actually solidify that support wellness? she has to just have talking points that work. i mean, if you asked it americans, now, what does she stand for? the most people would say what joe biden stands for. she's going to have to, in a very short amount of time, she's gonna have to differentiate herself. i'm friendship, i mean, as well as building on the success of that they've had in the 3 and a half years of that will be a, a, a good fit, a piece of work that we've never seen before. because these are uncharted territory . so whoever is able to get the nomination, they are definitely going to be doing it faster than real time. yeah, they certainly have their work cut out for them. that was dw, is brand gulf joining us in the studio. thank you very much. and biden's withdrawal
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from the west presidential race comes less than a month ahead of the democratic party convention, which begins august 19th here so far. and doors vice president muller harris, but other names are also being suggested as potential successors us president j. boynton has withdrawn from the presidential race. there are now just weeks to go until this is democratic convention, where he would have been officially annoying to this is parties, presidential norman me. the question now is, what happens next? how will the democrats select and you know, many one on surveys? 3, what is known as an open convention. the last time the democrats held and open convention was in 1968. it descended into chaos as tempest flagged the vietnam war,
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both inside and outside the building rest. somehow this is one of the reasons the rules were changed and parties have since last did clear orders about before i bought it remains a legitimate way of picking the candidates. it means rather than confirming and normally selected in the primaries as binding was delicate, so we'd have to choose a new nominated in an open and potentially fis competition this year. around 99 percent of some full 1000 delegates that the democratic national convention a pledge to the joe biden. now that he has stepped aside, they are free to box, which has a candidate they want. this is probably inviting, has already endorsed covent vice president carmella harris to be the know many of the names floated include california governor gavin newsome and governor gretchen whitman of michigan delegates would just have to keep verging into one of them
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achieve the majority and was declared the winner, the critics of the open convention method say it would be a free for rule which could expose divisions within the democratic party as a new candidate spotwood account and try to win the support of the nearly freed up delegate divisions that could potentially alienate voters. in november, the other say that it is a risk was taking if this is the only way to beat donald trump and you're up to date, but to stick around, we'll be back at the top, the hour with more on this critical moment for the west selection on air until them berlin. thank you very much for joining us. the one really knows how to stand out. synchronized swimming is moving in the elements . i'm right in the middle is thank you all the titles and the german national
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team. he really makes waves. he just wants to take off the w bullet holes with reuben's rates. that dad is decked out. a new cabinet and this is to connect his paints over the rocky capitals, often link appear. anyone can take past many, he's the cold because the kind of who will facing her and off to my logo in 45 minutes on d w jen and with dw 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide for every now
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it's level learning jasmine has never been since the gentleman to go the eiffel tower, such as a cur, 10 notes for them. what you should see and not see when visiting paris. free or repressed how young people in germany deal with sexuality. and said cheese a look at why it's so important to the dodge these stories and more coming up on your own macs the, the live in teams beginning.


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