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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin to biden, withdraws from the west presidential race, leaving the democratic campaign in uncharted waters. the sitting president may be that was made on the social media platform x, that he would not be the democratic candidate to run against republican donald trump bite, and also in doors as vice president, kamala harris. he urges had some borders to back her, making her the favorite to win the democratic nomination at next month's party convention. the
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. i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. joe biden is withdrawing from the west presidential race. the 81 year old had been the presumptive democratic party nominee, but he now says he will focus on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of his term. bite was also indorse vice president kamala harris, to run against the former president. donald trump. aiming to avoid further division among democrats, dw washington bureau chief in his poll told us earlier what the reaction to jo binds withdrawal has been like so far in the united states. miss douglas, this sunday afternoon after the republican conventions last week. and then there was a, a, the nato summit here in washington just sundays earlier. so, you know, that was a very intense news. so to any, oh, i know this polish i'll exploded in this sunday sunday afternoon and of course many people i think relieved that this kind of long,
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long waiting is over. others jumped in immediately as to j. d events as to the pick off for president donald trump saying that a bite and should resign immediately if he would be not able to run for president again then to he also and i'm putting in here is not able to run the country for another. a 6 months or so, so this will definitely be also uh, the bade which will be louder from the republican side. but this is a demo democratic, a kind of a area of people all really i think mainly relieved. and now of course, trying to find out how is he just said proceed in this uncharted area. and that was due to the washington bureau chief is pulled. what's cross over now to los angeles and bringing ethan beer. and he's a us political commentator and drunk professor at the level of law school in los
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angeles. so why don't we start off with this? why do you think bite and decided to withdrawn now as well? i believe he probably met with his advisors. he was under a lot of pressure and the timing is right, so the republican convention is over. it's leading into the democratic convention on august 19th in chicago, illinois ad. this is perfect. the catches the trump campaign off guard. they were ready to fight over fighting. and now they have a strong young in the prime for life accomplished harris, the vice president is a former prosecutor, and donald trump is now the oldest person ever to run for president of the united states. well, as we have been hearing, kamala here is actually has slightly worse pulling numbers, been biting. why do you think she's such a good choice for the democratic nomination? well, all you have to do is look at the reactions across the democratic party here in the
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united states. today. there is tremendous excitement. she appeals to the younger generations to the millennials to jen z, whereas president biden was not connecting with them the same way. she is and she's already received the endorsements of key people. president bill clinton, the secretary hillary clinton secretary john kerry. you know, we can go on and on down all the key senators represent of james cliburn who is key to present biden's. victory just came out and announced his endorsement of campbell heiress. i think that this was a very good move at the right time. so as you're seeing there, it sounds like the democratic party is closing ranks around kamala harris. so do you think are, and i'm a nation is no issue and at the next democratic convention as well, i would hope it's a shooting because this is not the time for the democrats to be busy fighting amongst each other now. and now is the time for them to free up get behind come layers, the vice president, the clerk, vice president,
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and start the process to quickly whittle down who should be the vice presidential candidate alongside her. by the time we get to the democratic convention in chicago, i do think there's already a short list of possible the p nominees for kamala harris. should she get the nomination? i'm, i'm sure that there is. i've heard names like a governor, josh shapiro of pennsylvania. he's an incredibly strong governor, a former attorney general himself. pennsylvania is a key swing state senator mark kelly, an astronaut from arizona who won in a red state would be a strong candidate. governor gretchen whitmore in michigan again a very important key swing state. she's a strong leader in the democratic party and, and by the way, if the democrats want to do something really kind of wild to shake things up, why not somebody like tom hanks while they're at it? so no vice presidents often have trouble getting out of the shadow of the president
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. what does kamala harris have to do now to differentiate herself from the administration of job? i, i don't know that she has to do a lot to differentiate herself, you know, to present you a bite and had a very consequential term of creating a massive number of jobs. over 15700000 jobs unemployment was even lower than it was under president trump. before the pandemic, he passed the science and ships act. he passed the pact out for veterans. the inflation reduction act just is a huge set of accomplishments, let alone holding together all of our allies to face down vladimir putin in europe . i mean, she just needs to continue. what president biden has done for his 1st 3 and a half years. now what does this mean for the republicans and trump more broadly? how do they pivot from their, of all out attack stands on, on joe biden. and now pivot to this new democratic campaign which may have gotten
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fresh wind from uh, loan from joe biden stepping aside interestingly enough, uh, former president donald trump uh, sent out an on hinged post on his social media platform, claiming he wants money back. because president biden step down. so what you're gonna see is an unprecedented series of personal attacks on campbell harris focused on her time as district attorney in san francisco years ago. and that's their biggest set of attacks. otherwise, she has quite the track record. she was a strong senator as well before becoming vice president. and so they're going to be doing a lot of personal attacks and attempts to subvert the democratic party by creating chaos with kind of what are called astro turf campaigns. what does this mean for joe biden? moving forward, i mean, we're looking at his legacy here. is he going to be known as
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a president who held onto a long and kind of hurt his own parties, brand or do you think his legacy can recover from his decision to stick it out so long? as well, i think you have an argument there regarding held on too long. obviously many would have liked to have seen if this was going to happen to have happened much earlier in the campaign cycle. however, it has over 5 decades of tremendous experience in washington dc. working for a country selflessly, dedicating himself to this country after all kinds of personal tragedies that have happened to him and his family. and he will go down in history, i believe, as one of the greatest presents to pull us out of a panoramic face down the huge, huge threats from places like russia and china and pulling our allies together. this is, this has been a very consequential term for president, but all right, i'm afraid we would have to leave it there. that was ethan berman. he was political commentator, an adjunct professor at
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a level of law school in los angeles. thank you very much for your analysis. thanks for having me on. i appreciate it. and as biden says, he will now be focusing on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of his term. let's take a look now at the weeks that have led up to just decision as an inflation has, it was a moment that changed the trajectory of the 2020 for presidential campaign has increase. making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person. right, eligible for what i've been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do with a more if we finally be medicare to afford hesitate. joe biden called for an early one on one tv debate with donald trump. to dispel concerns about his age, we get to totally don't was a plan that backfired spectacularly the total edition,
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as viewers watched by and struggled with his answers in more asylum of questions about biden's, fitness had dog his campaign from the beginning in his public appearances in the us and abroad, the 81 year old appeared increasingly frail. like at last month g 7, summit in italy to your job right in the wake of biden's debate performance about this campaign and press team. so it's a don't play concerns. he had a cold and a bad night. i would not see this as an episode. i would see this is what it was and what we believe it to be, which is it was a bad night. and he did, on top of that, he had a cold biden's. every move was closely scrutinized. initially, he refused to bottle out a letter he said to democrat lawmakers, failed to alleviate worries. pressure grew as high ranking democrats and donors
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publicly expressed reservations, including former house speaker, nancy, but most many praise bivens achievements which include major infrastructure spending and restoring transatlantic partnerships. while at the same time concluding, that biden was no longer up to the job of stopping a 2nd to trump the presidency. as we heard a little earlier, more and more democrats are rallying around vice president kamala harris, former president bill clinton and hillary clinton, who famously lost it from 8 years ago. quickly endorsed or governors of key swing states, the casing states rather of pennsylvania in north carolina also gave her their nod and sunday also negative harris, what she needs most democratic convention, delegates with tennessee is contingent saying they decided to back to the vice president all in one day, giving her a big boost of a potential democratic rivals. kamala harris has already made history once,
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by being the 1st female and the 1st black vice president of the united states. she was in no hurry to get rid of fighting, initially holding the line for him after his disastrous debate performance that we believe in our president, jo, by them. and we believe in what he stands for the but soon as to this, oh, this began to push to replace him. if he stepped aside, it's a scenario. few would have predicted just a couple of years ago. the story of her vice presidency was overshadowed by criticism. some said hers was failing to make the most of her role and was being an effective however, supports his claim. she was being sidelined and held to a higher standard because she was a woman on black. yeah,
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perhaps on surprisingly for one who managed to become the vice president of the us, she's not the person to back down there going to be many times in your life where you're going to be told that can't be done. it's never been done before. it's not time, they're not ready for it and then this is the one i love. it's going to be a lot of hardcore don't to listen. i you know, for breakfast some of the front to the also working, you know, favor. she's already on the ticket and the thoughts would automatically inherit the infrastructure and funds of biden's campaign with tens of millions of dollars. she also has the highest name recognition of all the alternatives. and he's already a player on the global stage. she has become
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a leading voice on abortion rights. one of the key issues of the campaign and has prioritized finding solutions for the migration crisis of the us is southern border . but most crucial level, perhaps. in the weeks after the debate, i think companies showed harris had a great to chance to buy a winning the election and vice president kamala harris as presidential bid is big news. in harris's hometown of oakland, california. here's what some local residents have to say about that. i voted for kyla in the beginning. i want her to be the nominee. and so now that she is or may will be i'm not unhappy. i feel like people don't know enough about her and to learn more about her. i think she's going to be a good president. i think it's a great opportunity for harris and the democrats to change policy now and say that
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now the older and the old guys out and his policies along with them. i think she has to work to have a bit of a presence a bit more, especially for younger voters. i would have voted for, you know, a stick if it were running against trump. so i'll vote for whoever, if it was going to be binding. but i don't think the comment was the choice because i think a lot of the countries will dislikes, of course, divine is the author of 2 roommates matter. the influence of vice presidential candidates in presidential elections. i asked him how kamala harris has performed as vice president for it's america, people not very well. she's pulled consistently a little under joe biden. as of yours may know, go by ins, approval rating for quite a while now has been around 40 percent, really low, low forty's, at least usually. typically she's couple.


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