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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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to address policies along with them. i think she has to work to have a bit of a presence a bit more, especially for younger voters. i would have voted for you know, a stick if it were running against trump. so i'll vote for whoever, if it was going to be buying it. but i don't think that covers the choice because i think a lot of the countries will dislike to shake up in the us presidential race comes less than a month ahead of the democratic party convention in chicago. while i've come to our is now up as most likely to replace joe biden. some i'm calling for the nomination process to be thrown open us president joe biden has withdrawn from the presidential race there now just weeks to go until this is democratic convention, where he would have been officially annoying to does his parties presidential know me? the question now is, what happens next?
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how will the democrats select and you know, many one on surveys, 3, what is known as an open convention. the last time the democrats held and open convention was in 1968. it descended into chaos as tempest flood, or that the vietnam war both inside and outside the building rest. somehow, this is one of the reasons the rules were changed and policies have since last year to clear orders or not. but my boss remains a legitimate way of picking the candidates. it means rather than confirming and no memories selected in the primaries. as by doing was delegates we'd have to choose a new nominated in an open and potentially fis competition. this year around 99 percent of some full 1000 delegates that the democratic national convention a pledge to the jury biden. but now that he has stepped aside,
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they are free to box, which has a candidate they want. critics, if the open convention method say it would be a free for all which could expose divisions within the democratic party as the new candidate spotlight account and try to win the support of the new, the free don't delegate divisions that could potentially alienate voters in november. the other say that it is a risk was taking if this is the only way to beat donald trump. lift gates on the international law reactions now to the decision by joe biden, to step out of the presidential race, beginning with the reaction from german jobs to off shoals. he said, and i told my friend joe biden has achieved a lot for his country for europe, for the world. thanks to him. transatlantic cooperation, his clothes, nato, is strong and the usa is a good and reliable partner for us. is decision not to run again,
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deserves respect political correspondent on that killer. now trying to be for more on their good morning. well, actually talking about joe biden, but making no mention of coming to harris. why is that? um yes, he didn't mention vice president common law harris for a number of reasons. first of all, she has not been nominated officially as a candidate for the democratic party. and 2nd, it's not, it's not of the business of the german government to commend or to criticize a government or the internal politics of an ally in a situation like that. so the german government has to work with what they find with any candidate they find. and with any u. s. president, they find uh besides all i've sold have there been any other notable reactions in germany? yes. uh, and it was all pretty much in the same direction. it was all about respect vice
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chancellor law. how back off the green party said, have a century for democracy, for the country, for the people. u. s. president joe biden has put himself in all his strength at the service of democratic institutions and fought for them. his decision fills me with deep respect and opposition. alida is a conservative apache leader afraid of a snap. i spoke of at most respect his policy colleague and ex, expert on international politics and all that's good can road on x. i present in 5 and corrected his mistake of running again late, but not too late. and i, the democrats still have the chance to turn the election around. i've not seen any reactions of the right wing populous party, is the, all, the new populace tati. because as i've already finished, i know you were saying, i know that the germany has to essentially what that whoever wins the election. but
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what does germany really want from the us election? what is the best case scenario for germany? i think what the government really wants most is a very clear outcome of the elections in november, the memories of the events following the last election on the attempt of storming the capital. all the aggression aggressions. uh, this is still very presence here in germany and with the ongoing tensions now in the us with all the underlying violence with the attempted shooting of candidate donald trump. there is a really great concern that the outcome will be again, very close and not very clear. and without saying so explicitly of the reasons i that i've already stated, i would think, i think that jim and tom, so i've chose with wish for uh, victory off comedy i harris of the democrats and the memo office government. labor
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minister. uh hire is uh in the united states right now for political tools and he said, of course we worked well with the trump administration, but i as a democrat, i personally wished for a success of cala harris where you live at the moment due to a new political correspondent on your color in berlin. thanks so much. and you are a sellers have been praising job items, new to share it by his decision not to seek re election. here as australian prime minister anthony has been easy as he's done through app, hasting tom tom in public life has acted in walk. hate to say this to be the best interest of the united states of america. he is someone who in january will be able to retire from public life with an extraordinary reckless and for the reaction father of freedom from europe, i'm joined now by dw brussels correspondent teddy showed started. good morning. any initial reactions using as well. you have heard the reaction from german chancellor,
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olaf schultz, and that's been reflected by other european leaders last night into the evening. for example, police prime minister to us said this was probably the most difficult decision that president biden has ever had to make in his political career. so i think a lot of of the, the people in power certainly emphasized with the decision that biden took deciding that he wasn't going to be the strongest candidate. now we have not yet heard, and if there's a reaction from the european union last night, we journalists were told that there would not be any official reaction coming. so where i'm standing right now is at a meeting of european union foreign ministers and joseph burrell. the you for him policies you will be arriving here within the hour. and he will be the 1st reaction that we've had officially from the european union. so it would be interesting to hear what he says, but i would expect that it again will be a reflection of thinking, president biden, and looking forward to a,
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a good contest with vice president harris. if she turns out to be the nominee and whomever she chooses, as for vice presidential candidate, candidate, is your breathing aside for me, but by them has endorsed harris i think that certainly it's no secret that europe prefers a democratic ticket at the moment when it's donald trump and g d. vance on the other side of that of that uh contest um, due to the many hostile reactions, that's trump and bounds also have had against europe of fears for nato, which is of course, the security backbone of most european nations. so i think that as it looked more and more probable, that biden could not win against donald trump. i think it's natural that they believe that a stronger candidate is also in europe's interest. and what has gone on how this has been there since you've been with the europe, terry, as you know, she's not known as a foreign policy kind of sore. really,
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a contrast thing that with joe biden, when he was obama's, vice president to obama actually brought by to non to be the the strong voice in foreign policy was so experienced in this, he spent 12 years as head of the senate foreign relations committee in 36 in the senate, many leaders, new president biden by name knew him well when he was obama's vice president. that's not the case so much with. kimberly harris now, president biden has sent her out on some 4 admissions. she noted, we had spoken at the unix security conference the last 3 years in a row. so she had a lot of by lots there. i think a lot of european leaders have met with her have had face to face. you know, meetings with her, but we don't really know her. well, she doesn't have a very strong foreign policy stance. she's considered likely to continue most of the biden administration school political views, should she be the nominee? she may differ with him a bit on, on the middle east, but for on, on the big questions on a here his presidency would look a lot like the bite and presidency inform policy. and 2 of those big questions
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concern naturally natal, you're talking about this a little while, but then also a trade ties and other relationship with europe in general. given that you're saying that some of the how does doesn't have much foreign policy experience in europe hasn't really heard much from her. what should europe expect from how, why she to win the election in november on these 2 fonts particularly made to and cronsa plants, accountants, a she's very much a transit lab to says nobody has any worries about that. one of her chief advisors, still gordon, is well known from back in the clinton presidency he's, he's definitely a european expert and he's her foreign policy advisor. and not to forget that this year at the munich security conference, she was on stage just before we learned about the death of alixia volney and julia and volley took the stage just after calmly. harris spoke, and she had already given a very strong message about russia against russia and,
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and in support of ukraine. but surely that will have had a very strong impact on her. i think that we will hear very strong rhetoric from kimberly harris on russia for ukraine and certainly um, a democratic when would, would, as well as a lot of the worries in europe about a pulling back from nato at a cut off in 8 for ukraine, which has been promised by the republicans. can i ask specifically about uh victor old on. he has a zoom, the rotating presidency of a field rep and he was over in monologue. oh, meeting at donald trump. uh, just a short while back. where would donald uh, bear with the victor. hold on a stand on this i think whenever you hear from the trumpet, vance ticket is what will probably come out of uh victor or barnes mouth as well. he is uh, unabashedly, a trump supporter. and as now as the rotating presidency of the european union has a very big megaphone with which to use those views, even though it is continually repeated by most of the other leaders,
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that he does not speak for europe. but i would expect that to the hon. gary and foreign minister today, if he chooses to make a statement here, will repeat support for the trump administration. i leave it there for the moment, dw brussels correspondence added. charles, thanks so much. i a quick reminder on all of the top stories we have following for you, us president joe biden has dropped out of the us presidential race. the 81 year old had been under pressure since last month's poor debate against donald trump barton's side whose decision was put his policy and the country providing as endorsed. as vice president coming to harris. she's now moving to consolidate support in the democratic party. republic of nominate donald trump said he thinks harris would it be even easier to beat and parts and don't forget, you can always get the the news on the goal is just to download our app from google play or from the app store,
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babies in the hall that yet having humans into the cautious with cell as the animals come back to you, if you're working with a lot of stakeholders and together, we can to the gods and of the code for the next on the w traditional cultures and you'll find maybe what role does culture play versus modernization? we're asking african cultures at risk of being a race. in the quest for globalization africa was that tough. people get it stored . so this is all they have told us nothing else has been sold to us. okay. okay. is that what can you do you think it's the contribution to this piece of interesting, the 77 percent. and 60 minutes on d, w, conflicts, crises was,
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