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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is dede up in use line from berlin. joe biden drops out of the us presidential race via to one year old vows to the pressure from his own party. i meant concerns over his age and mental fitness democrats. i hating job items, decision as selfless and fit throughout the by doing the leading democrats and outsourcing support behind the vice president campbell of hers. does she have what it takes to be donald trump, in november, the
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manager welcome joe biden has poured out of the us presidential race bonding. 2 weeks of pressure over his age and health via 21 year old said he was named in his re election bid in the best interest of his body and the country. he announced a position in a letter of an east on sunday, where he said he plans to focus on his duties as president, for the remainder of his time by them has not endorsed vice president tomlin harris . as the democratic party is new, norman need to run the gains. donald trump, in november's election pressure on president biden had been mounting for weeks. d, w 's us corresponding, janelle dual unexplained what changed on sunday afternoon. it's bearish just to highlight again. barton's withdrawal from this race comes after weeks of just extra ordinary events. that disastrous debate with donald trump was barely 3 weeks ago. after that, you had the supreme court ruling basically exempting trump for his actions relating
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to january 6, who had the assassination attempt on trump. and now biden's an offer to improve a diagnosis and that's just the selection. now, through all those events, jo biden's will to remain in the re seemed unshakable until of course, on sunday afternoon, we learned that it in fact, could be shaken. now apparently he decided on this on saturday and saturday night, and on sunday he decided to go public with the decision. campbell of harris finding out just a few hours before everyone else. but what has essentially happened is that joe biden finally became convinced that he no longer had a pass to victory. this came after days of democrats after democratic calling on him to step down, party leaders telling him that he cannot possibly win donors turning off the top.
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so taking away from taking away their money, angry and because they felt that they had been lied to about just how old and frail he was. now essentially, perhaps joe biden took a while to get there, but he did have a look at his poll numbers. realize that this just wasn't tunnel anymore, but in the last days, really, the end of his candidacy had taken on an air of inevitability. there's no such thing as inevitability in this town. but this didn't feel like a situation where the writing was on the wall. so barton eventually gave his endorsements to vice president campbell of headers is house election as the faulty nominee. now, inevitable, as i just said, there are so there's no such thing as inevitability. but if it's not inevitable, then it is least likely. so we have seen democrat, after democrats come out to endorse and cumberland harris, there's been a search in donations one political action committee ad blue said that it's all the
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already raised $46700000.00 in the hours of following jo biden's withdrawal powers in her statement announcing her candidacy for president said that she was prepared to earn the nomination and when meaning that she herself did not take it for granted that the nomination was hers. she needs to be able to secure delegates just because joe biden endorsed her. doesn't mean he just gets to hand the delegates tour flush so far. several delegations have already thrown their support behind camera harris. so you have the delegations from tennessee, from florida, from north carolina, south carolina, and new hampshire. she needs 1900. 68 delegates in order to secure the nomination, and as of now purest, it does look like that to that could be
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a realistic prospect as of now which names are caught in place. so i can anything then, as a potential big for the vice presidential, a position as well as there are quite a few names on, on that roster. people for example, are talking about a n d this year. he's the governor of kentucky. they're talking about josh shapiro . from pennsylvania. so what's notable about this list parish is that they, are they mostly seem to be composed of a white man. now there is obviously a, there's obviously a talented bench of, of democratic women in the party. for example, the michigan governor um, gretchen whitmore. but she's, she's, she seems to be less considered for this rule than the other white man. make of that. what you will button josh shapiro seems to be in special focus this time
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around because he's the governor of pennsylvania. he's popular and he's considered he is from one of the most win states, one of those blue wall states that they are trying to preserve in this election, those blue law states, of course being michigan of pennsylvania and wisconsin. that was another one on a speaking to me earlier from washington, dc out jo biden's candidacy was totally into disarray after the dismal debate performance against trump. last month it was supposed to reinvigorate biden's re election campaign. instead, it opened the floodgates of doubts over his ability to beach donald trump, also another 4 year term. as president inflation has it was a moment that changed the trajectory of the 2024 presidential campaigns has increased. making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do with
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a to work. if we finally b, medicare to for the big joe biden called brent early one on one tv debate with donald trump. to dispel concerns about his age, we get to tony dealt was a plan that backfired spectacularly the total edition, as viewers watched biden to struggle with his answers in more signs of questions about biden's fitness had daughters campaign from the beginning in his public appearances in the us and abroad. the 81 year old appeared increasingly frail. like at last month g 7, summit in italy. your job in the wake of biden's debate performance about this campaign and press team start to don't play concerns. a. he had a cold and a bad night. i would not see this as an episode. i would see this is what it was
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and what we believe it to be, which is it was a bad night. and he did, on top of that, he had a cold biden's. every move was closely scrutinized. initially, he refused to devote out a letter he said to democrat lawmakers, failed to alleviate worries. pressure grew as high ranking democrats and donors publicly expressed reservations, including former house speaker, nancy, but most many praise bye. these achievements, which include major infrastructure spending and restoring transatlantic partnerships, while at the same time concluding, that biden was no longer up to the job of stopping a 2nd to trump presidency. this trick up in the us presidential race comes less than a month ahead of the democratic party convention in chicago, while camelot harris. now, if it was most likely to replace joe biden. so i'm calling for the nomination
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process to be thrown open us president j boynton. has withdrawn from the presidential race there now just weeks to go until this is democratic convention where he would have been officially annoying to this is parties presidential no me. the question now is, what happens next? how will the democrats select and you know, many one on surveys? 3, what is known as an open convention for the last time the democrats held and opened convention was in 1968. it descended into chaos. as tempest plugged, the vietnam war, both inside and outside the building to rest somehow, this is one of the reasons the rules were changed and parties have since lasted clear orders without. the slight boss remains a legitimate way of picking the candidates. it means rather than confirming and
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nominee selected in the primaries, as by dint was delegates, we'd have to choose a new nominated in an open and potentially phase competition. this year around 99 percent of some full 1000 delegates that the democratic national convention a pledge to the jury biden. but now that he has stepped aside, they are free to back whichever candidate they want. critics, if the open convention method say it would be a free for all which could expose divisions within the democratic party as a new candidate spot to the account and try to in the support of the nearly free don't delegate divisions that could potentially alienate voters in november, but others say that it is a risk was taking if this is the only way to beat donald trump. curious under law is that campaign strategy advise and was part of the campaign
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team for former us president buck obama? welcome june. is what a dramatic down of events can you remember assuming any dramatic time and recent us election history? and this is history in the making and uh, with the car to the drama, not can't. i mean, the 2016 election, of course, was to moultrie has the 2008 election with brock obama was historic. but so many ups and downs that are taking place in this election cycle, especially within these last 89 days. i don't think that's good or that is definitely unprecedented. during this, you're going to campaign and also what the message will the democratic party be sending out to sell this a southern change of candidates? look, the message has been and let me start with a trump campaign that joe biden is too old, that donald trump is the candidate of strength against the weakness of joe biden. now that of course is now out the window. complet harris is significantly younger
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than donald trump, and i think she's going to be on the attack from they want. she's, of course, a former prosecutor who can bring the case against donald trump as she has in the past. when we've seen her in sentence hearing says she's going after a c, e o 's, i think she is going to do the same thing. so i think one is going to be, of course, a heart prosecution of donald trump, his policies, his conservative statements and radical statements, and some of his lies. but at the same time that will not be enough. cumberland harris has to take you late, a vision for the future. not just like bill clinton always said 9092. we 2nd elections are about the future is not going to be enough. just going after jump. there has to be a uplifting message that's going to invigorate the base. and most importantly, draw a stark contrast from the past towards the future. and what is that method going to be? what think she's going to talk about that there's going to be a new democratic party. it's done with the old. there's
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a generational difference between what has happened from now just a few just but again, that is not so easy to do. why? because she's of course, still on the ticket with joe, but she's still, of course not on the ticket, but in the white house with joe biden. still part of the same white house team as he continues to run the country until january 20th. so she can't just sort of go back and say none of what just happened is not part of my record. i think what you will do is, of course, talk about the prime kind of democratic issue, which is of course, women's rights voters rights. she's going to talk about a more sensible path towards migration. and i think she's going to talk about the international order saying that joe biden and complet hairs that they manage to accomplish quite a bit on the international stage. so i think she's going to select the best parts of the joe biden policy agenda and try to create some distance between the things that are most liable to her juniors for countries that have increasing the split
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out all along the boxes on lines. those comments on how to increase the support based off the democrats that she bringing mobile does. i will say right now they are, of course no polls out yet. they're going to determine how she's doing so far. but think there's one interesting poll that has come up over and over again over the last couple of weeks and months. and that is of course, the panel of the so called double haters. double haters, of course, being defined as those people who do not wish to see joe biden, nor donald trump in the white house. i think that portion of the electorate, those 1819 percent, i think they're up for grabs. and couple of harris, of course, not being named joe biden, or donald trump is able to at least reach out to those folders. keep in mind also done. the republican primaries are a bunch of ours. we're opting for nikki haley who just thought that donald trump was to extreme. we're looking for a no more nuanced position. again, i don't think come layers is going to be able to pick up all of those old is,
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but maybe she's going to be able to build a bridge towards a few of those voters which might in a close election to help her secure the victory. the bible habits campaign is now for the moment, but how does campaign it needs a running made? who would you think it would be? now i think there number, good qualified democrats that are ready to jump on. i think she's most likely going to go with a white male. i'm not sure if the country is ready or if she is happy to check, take that chance of selecting a female vice presidential candidates. but i think there is number of tremendous candids josh repair, of course, is one of them. the governor of pennsylvania. i like mark kelley, the a senator from arizona. why? because of course, arizona is one of the major battle ground states. one that the democrats have lost ground to over to donald trump. he's a former astronaut. he has served in the military. i think that is a candidate that isn't very much bible and that come later it's,
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it's probably looking at your notes or said that the you're not sure of the country is ready for a female vice president. i mean, coming ahead is, as of is serving as a female vice president, the person i'm on. the other thing is, what i'm saying is, i'm not sure if they're ready for a double female ticket on the president. and the vice president is a country by the photo of female president will look, i think hillary clinton, if you go back to 2016 last election. but she of course won the popular vote. so i think there is enough people out there court supporting candidates, african american president, one in 2008. it is with brock obama. so i think there's a clear shot that bug a couple of years was on the ticket in 2020 way her and joe biden beat donald trump . so again, i think this comes down to the choice between donald trump and campbell harris. i'm not certain that complet harris being a female or
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a person of color is in the forefront. i think this is probably going to be a choice between trump and the alternative, which is going to ball down to on the election day. just one question about donald trump. you said the debate on edge is now out the window. what a place is it for donald trump as well. i think donald trump already said yesterday what he wants to make the selection about. he already gave complet. here's a nickname saying that she has a funny laugh again. i think at some point the trump campaign is going to 0 and i'm sure they gonna hit complet hairs on migration policy does continues to be one of the top issues for republicans too, of course, nailed democrats on the border and the open border. but i think in the end it will boil down to do people want to go back to the past to donald trump or can come to harris, convince people that she's able to sort of get rid of all the negative aspects of the bite and the chairs ticket and chart a new path towards
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a better future. that's going to be the question then voters will decide on november 5th, of course we leave it there for the moment campaign started the advisor julia is from the law. thanks so much. thank you. invited. while he does have paid tribute to joe biden, as he ends his re election, paid many expressing support and respect for his difficult decision. present button has been a great friend of a strategy and that will continue to look forward to meeting with president button at the j 20 in the i peck summons that will be held light at the see present button deserves to die ah, seems to be recognized for once again, not putting himself forward 1st, but giving his 1st consideration to being what he believes in the interests of the united states of america. that the big over know of the question you of asked has
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to do with america's domestic politics. which i refrained to comment on directly by the way i recognize this night, president barton made this decision since beginning with the desire to make the best possible political decision. though for a sweet family dental hunt on the out of a school you to see us even though me. but are you a needless to say the japan us alliance is the cornerstone of japan's diplomacy and security. okay. sweet day. and we will closely monitor the future development. so for this, for president, joe biden is a private american with an irish. so in every office he is housed, he has always been so supportive of peace on this island and so supportive of our engine general. indeed, i had a chance on a couple of weeks ago and just speak with president biting on the phone and the occasion. we talked about northern ireland. we talked about his appointment a joe kennedy is an economic invoice. and we talked about conflicts in the world including in gaza, or i know he's working so hard to bring advice,
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a ceasefire. so i want to wish to bite and all the very best and his family, i understand and respect his decision. and we also have some reaction from german johns, the old life shoals he said, and i called my friend joe biden has achieved a lot, but he's country for europe for the world. thanks to him. john's atlantic cooperation is close. nato is strong and the usa is a good and reliable partner for us is decision not to run again. deserves respect. a domino political correspondent on your carolina, said belinda is hoping for the clear and decisive result in november's election. i think what the government really wants most is a very clear outcome of the elections in november, the memories of the events following the last election on the attempt of storming the capital, all the aggression aggressions. this is still very presence here in germany and with the ongoing tensions now in the us with all the underlying violence with the
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attempt of shooting off our candidate. donald trump, there is a really great concern that the outcome will be again, very close and not very clear. and without saying so explicitly of the reasons i've, i've already stated, i would think, i think that german tom, so i've chose with wish for uh, victory of cumberland, harris of the democrats, and the memo office government, labor minutes. the uh hire is uh, in the united states right now for political told. and he said, of course we worked well with the trump administration, but i as a democrat, i personally wished for a success of cala harris. the political correspondence on the color that for the reaction of farther afield from the rest of europe, i'm joined now by the w brussels about despondent daddy shoals terry e. u. foreign ministers are meeting where you uh,
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what are they saying about biden's withdrawal? and that's right brush, they're just arriving now for their meeting today. we've just had a handful go in so far, but among them is you foreign policy chief of joseph burrell. and i asked him a question about uh, how he feels about the us political situation. and he was very um, hesitant to say anything at all. that if it's opinionated, he said that he understands that, you know, president biden stepping down and that is up to the us citizens to decide who's going to be the president. no, of course we've heard this many times. he didn't say anything specifically about connelly harris a, but simply said that he would leave it to the americans to decide, you know, for europeans, even though it's understood that most of them would probably like a democrat to victory. and they've got to keep in mind that it may be a trump victory, and they need to be very wary of what they say now in order that it won't be used against them later. given that could potentially be
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a trump victory. and now there's been a change in candidates and for the democratic party potentially at least, is this a good news when it comes to the course and questions all for ukraine and johnson, atlantic security? it is certainly a big question there because of course, the former president trump and his vice president both have said that they don't believe that the us should continue funding ukraine. and they seem awfully friendly with the kremlin as well. that makes a lot of people here in nervous in europe, very nervous, both in terms of continuing to assist you creating the fight against the war, but also in what that would mean for the us russian relationship and how that would impact europe. now one thing i should also say is that the belgian for administer, how do you live be was perhaps the most outspoken of those we've seen arrived so far. and she said everyone should remember that bite and stepping down doesn't mean to that. donald trump is going to win and she's the only one that i've heard so far uh, openly wishing cumberland, harris a victory. so i, there,
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there will be differences in european reactions. what has come about how this has been there since you've been with europe? it hasn't been a very extensive one uh from, from everything that i know. uh, she was not a foreign policy expert coming into the administration. unlike joe biden was when he joined the obama ticket. she has been sent to the munich security conference by the admin. a biden administration for the last 3 years in a row, and she has a lot of bilateral meetings there with european leaders. she gives a speech that is a very well listened to and, and i would point out that this year at munich was that she was speaking. we learned about the death of alexi and a volunteer at that moment and yearly and of all me who had just found out that she was a widow, took the stage just after comma la harris and spoke about the need for, for a year of the need for the us to continue opposing the putting administration so that will surely have had to bring in
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a big impact on her personally. and she is widely expected if she is the nominee. and certainly if she is the president to continue the lines of the biden administration, what else is on the minister's agenda today attorney as well, one big issue is a problem that europe has on its own doorstep. and that is with the uh, the, or bon, a presidency, the rotating presidency right now is held by hungry and to you for in policy. chief, joseph bro mentioned this specifically as he entered the meeting. now he's going to hold a close meeting with ministers to discuss the situation with hungry being basically calling the european union a pro war entity. bro said that the this took place that the united nations most recently, but also with the victor or bonds trip to, to moscow. he has said that he wants to end of the war. and in a way, of course, that wouldn't be very beneficial to ukraine, and this is something that clearly has gotten under brill skin because he said this
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is completely unacceptable for a member of state and certainly one holding the rotating presidency to behave. and that's going to be high on the agenda today and leave it there with the moment dw brussels correspondent teddy show. thanks so much. i as a quick reminder now the top sorta is the following for you at this off us president joe biden has dropped out of the us presidential race. the 21 year old had been under pressure. and since last month's poor debate against donald trump, by the side whose decision was put, his policy and the country environment has endorsed his vice president coming to her as she's now moving to consolidate support in the democratic party republic and nominate donald trump says he thinks hunters, would it be even easier to beat the advice and that's it for the moment you and find updates on our website, d dot move dot com and our social media channels. i'm bit
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a strategy in play and thanks so much for joining us. remember, you can join us again in about 30 minutes from now. so you then by the,
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call the world. and also your info is in all the input w story. now on to the this or on the 77 percent street debate. you're speaking about the impact of what's the issue towards how i did he likes as you're going to, we keep seeing you that call chase bank culture. thank is up with guns. why are it didn't go on college? and that was quite a place for speaking may look around which you know, those days. there's no to put the address on you. yeah. it but you're new thing to get that to a phone speaking. go look along with the new compound video of what to do, combining african languages and local along with this. but you can,


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