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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from bell and cumberland, harris secure, was more high profile support for her bed to win the democratic nomination for president. the current to us vice president is moving fast to secure the packing. she needs some leading democrats on the campaign donations. but has she done? you know, the rights for the nomination was funk by jo biden's decision not to seek re election, many democrats, and now having based as a socialist, a pottery logic act, the
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5 ok welcome to the program leading members of the us democratic party are validating behind couple of harris and have bit to win the parties nomination to become the next president of the united states. back as include 2 of the democrats, we've been tipped to throw that has into the ring. michigan governor gretchen whitman and california governor a government uses. kamala harris has already made history once by being the 1st female and the 1st black vice president of the united states. she was in no hurry to get rid of fighting, initially holding the line for him. after his disastrous debate performance. we believe in our president joe biden, and we believe in what he stands for the soonest of this. oh, this begins to push the hood to replace him. if he stepped aside,
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this is the scenarios fee. what is predicted just a couple of years ago. the style of her vice presidency was overshadowed by criticism. some said harris was failing to make the most of her role and was being and effective. however supports his claim. she was being sidelined and held to a higher standard because she was a woman on black. yeah, perhaps on surprisingly for one who managed to become the vice president of the us, she's not the person to back down there going to be many times in your life where you're going to be told that can't be done. it's never been done before. it's not time, they're not ready for it and then this is the one i love. it's going to be a lot of hardcore don't to listen. i you know, for breakfast some other fun to the also working in
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a favor. she's already on the ticket and a search would automatically inherit the infrastructure and funds of biden's campaign with tens of millions of dollars. she also has the highest name recognition of all the alternatives. and he's already a player on the global stage. she's become a leading voice on abortion rights. one of the key issues of the campaign and has prioritized finding solutions for the migration crisis of the us as southern border . but most crucial level, perhaps in the weeks after the debate, i think companies showed harris had a great to chance to buy a winning the election straight to the deputies washington bureau chief in his po, welcome. it is a couple of hours picks up support. is this providing the democratic campaign with new energy or fresh chaos as well as the moment it's really new energy,
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you know, the most has totally changed over the last 24 hours. nobody was really so excited to see in this country about the prospective to cover like a 100 uh or even longer, a 100 and couple of days long election campaigns with these 2 old white men whose message was so well known, but now was coming to harris being maybe on most likely the frontrunner for the democratic policy, there is a new energy, especially in the democratic a cameron, this a r i so praise it that way a clear and indicate indicator for that is of course, the money pulling into the election. it was up to nearly $50000000.00, were raised only within the 1st 5 hours or so off dividing announced that he would step back and endorsed carmella harris. so there is a lot of energy and a lot of money pouring into this company. i what about the trump campaign?
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how are they having to regain to face a new potential opponent? so that's a, that's a good question. uh, filled, you know, i covered the are in see the republican national convention last week and milwaukee and with this 1st time. so to speak, how the a trump campaign was focusing on a biden's weakness. they've played videos over and over again. how he fell up and down stairs trying to get up to f was one to the airplane. then they be played like is mumbled and stumbling during the debate and they definitely have to change that because these images of course won't go well. uh this much younger uh candidates kind of the hair is what they're trying to do. now, of course is sending out the message that kind of the harry's kind of co owens the policy of president biden, which in their understanding is a huge failure when it comes for exams, are 2 of the economy and also
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a border security. and then there are also legal arguments, the putting out there like uh, the republican house speaker, mike jones, and he said the biden's decision to enter his campaign invalidates the votes of these 40000000 americans who voted for him for president biden in the democratic primary. so she hasn't got the job yet. uh, she seems like the issue in but we have inferential democrats like a back of bob, nancy pelosi calling for an open convention. they want to come test y to this because many saying to not only the, these kind of prominent figures also really people on the ground to be talked to. they think that they really should have this open process saying that this is kind of the only genuinely democratic process to pick a new candidate as there were no primaries rise,
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but the democratic party is really poor. the position to organize a con, a contest of convention like that. it has after all, be more than half a century. then since the democrats choose to nominate through the convention reckoning rather than a purely through the primary process, so we shall see if there is enough time to really organize this open convention. thanks. the innocent d. w. 's washington bureau chief in his pole. of course the, the base to win the democratic nomination was blocked by president biden's decision notes to seek a 2nd time after weeks of speculation and denials us president joe biden has a band and his bid for re election in november and a statement biden said, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand
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down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president. for the remainder of my term. the capitalist was his debate against donald trump. i should be by and struggled to keep his train of thought or interest performance fueled concerns about his age and cognitive state. if we finally b, medicare bite and has now endorsed his vice president, common law harris as the challenger to donald trump. but americans are divided on his choice is awful, awful news, joe biden has got 14000000 votes. he should be the candidate, she's a woman. what also maybe she was make change for us on. so what we mean, a lot of change. we need definitely some fees to i don't see where they have really much a chance. i think it's over for, it's a, it's a party that is deconstructing it is failing and i think the whole world is is
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witnessing that right now. donald trump reacted to the news saying, cricket joe biden was not fit to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve. and he never was. he only attained the position of president by lies fake news and not leaving his basement. all those around him, including his doctor and the media, knew that he wasn't capable of being president, and he wasn't in 2020 harris failed in her bid to become the democratic nominee. now, she is closer than ever. it all depends on how delegates vote at the democratic convention in august. you have a technical memory. many notable democrats have already endorsed harris, a former prosecutor and attorney general, as are caused. some of the party's top brass have not backed her. critics say harris lacks a clear vision and has been absent on the political stage. biden's late withdrawal has up ended the democratic campaign. the party must quickly signed its footing
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with just months until the election. it will take a quick look at civil stories making news around the world. so soft in the us around the secret service director kimberly chico has admitted. the agency failed to protect the public and presidential candidate donald trump against an assassination attempt in pennsylvania. and what's the thing for july chico, who's facing calls to resign? goals is the most significant operational for you at the secret service and decorate. i will be ready to pull responsibility for the task on the passion of your colleagues. police in greenland of arrested prominent empty waiving environment list poll watson, a, an international warrant issued by japan police escorted mister watson, offers ship shortly after 8 docs in the capital nuke is foundations that the rest may have been linked to one of his previous anti waiting interventions depends experiencing record high temperatures as the capital tokyo hit 38 degrees celsius,
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whether it's expected to get even warm up and it's predicted the country can see it's policy stay for a decade. it's according to advisory massages half of citizens to take precautions to prevent stroke, and to stay hydration. the russians invasion, rushes invasion if you training 2020 to vote much of the country's cultural life to a standstill with major events like big news. it concerts cancelled until now. w's magazine and a report from a 3 day brought festival that to just took place in the capital. keith for many people in key, if there was little to look forward to the summer. but for music lovers, there is the, the, this is a plus united. the prince largest music fest to revive this year despite the war
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3 days if he was inside and in front of a shopping mall. training and rock band boom box is headlining the festival. asthma is a breath of fresh air and a time before the shovel of number. sure it was easy to rock. but now the mood is very depressive, which is bad for what we have to resist. we have no other time to live in celebrate. so we should celebrate lights and show everyone that despite the war our lives continues. this is the largest gathering in your trade during this war. more than the 60000 people are expected to attend us. we can not even 2 weeks after the latest large scale attack by russian hill, many across the country, the shopping mall underground carport can serve as a bomb shelter 420000 people. pretty much everyone expected to attend dave.
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there's even a staged out and there's merchandise for sale. it's almost like any festival just stayed here. military units are selling, promoting as to lifting donation. i've got a sticker with the have and a little badge to support this 3rd separate assault for gauge virtua. he's a start. the goal is to collect 100000000 creepiness. that's about 2300000 euros for the military. the 3rd year of the war. it's much harder to raise funds now than in the 1st or 2nd. yet because there's a certain fatigue in the financial, 52 or more talking to us during rehearsal boom, box singer and 3 living you have just returned from the front line where he served in a. com. it's unit, it's of the national police. it's not about rock and roll anymore,
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but i feel like i'm representing the country boom box have permission to leave the country. and earlier this year, spend 3 weeks playing concerts in the us and canada to shine the lights on the war and ukraine, and raise money, 8590 percent, and supported by the donations. people do it in the morning warfare. things changed a little bit so you need a lot more different devices to stay a life and to do the job. well, some criticize the festival going ahead despite the war. living you argued in favor you don't want to come back to to a monastery. you want to come back home when the full of life where people smile, the one that there is music or life for that music is not worth fighting for sure. if this weekend across united raised funds and
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smart and most importantly, there was no with the money is still coming in for the military. that's it. show up today the growing up as the palestinians ever known. we cons. expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no trust this is not a good environment. yeah, no, not for my children. and favorite shadow stats oldest good. on the w the washington
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dc, january 6.


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