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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the only news life invalid and cumberland, irish, secure, was more high profile support a bit to when the democratic nomination for the president, current us, vice president is moving fast to secure the packing she needs from leading democrats. on monday he needs, but has she done, you know, the rice for the nomination response by president bivens decision notes to see the election? many democrats, and not having this as a self listen patry on that. and the secret service is solemn. mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we found head of a secret service. now congress the attempted assassination of donald trump was the
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agencies figures to failure for that the until gave welcome to the program. us vice president couple of harris has made the 1st public appearance since the beginning have been to win the democratic nomination for president at events at the white house. she pray. she prays present bivens achievements, and talks about her professional relationship with his son. a joe. by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years is unmatched in modern history. in one term, he has already, yes, you may class in one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents with served 2 terms and office . and i 1st came to know president by them through his son both. we worked together
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as attorneys general in our states and back then bowed austin, tell me stories about his dad. he would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that joe biden is. the qualities that both revered and his father are the same qualities that i have seen every day. and our president, his honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his face and his family, his big heart, and his love, deep love of our country. and i am firsthand witness that every day our present and joe biden fights for the american people. and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. meanwhile, a leading members of the democratic party are rallying behind. the house is paid to win the nomination of veteran democrats and form
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a house speaking nancy pelosi is given. horace or inducement, michigan, a governor, gretchen whitmore, who had been tipped to throw her husband to the bank, is also supporting the higher his campaign. kamala harris has already made history once, by being the 1st female and the 1st black vice president of the united states. she was in no hurry to get rid of bite and initially holding the line to him after his disastrous debate performance, as we believe in our president, joe, by them. and we believe in what he stands for the soonest of this. oh, this begins to push the hood to replace him. if he stepped aside, it's a scenario. few would have predicted just a couple of years ago. the story of her vice presidency was overshadowed by criticism. some said hers was failing to make the most of her role and was being
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an effective however, supports his claim. she was being sidelined and held to a higher standard because she was a woman on black. yet perhaps on surprisingly for one who managed to become the vice president of the us, she's not the person to back down there going to be many times in your life where you're going to be told that can't be done. it's never been done before. it's not time, they're not ready for it. and then this is the one i love. it's going to be a lot of hard work. don't you listen? i, you know, for breakfast some of the front to the also working in a favor. she's already on the ticket and a search would automatically inherit the infrastructure and funds of biden's campaign with tens of millions of dollars. she also
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has the highest name recognition of all the alternatives. and he's already a player on the global stage. she's become a leading voice on abortion rights. one of the key issues of the campaign and has prioritized finding solutions for the migration crisis of the us as southern border . but most crucial level, perhaps in the weeks after the debate, i think companies showed harris had a great to chance to buy a winning the election. so will this change bring fresh energy to the democratic a positive campaign or fresh chaos? i asked washington bureau chief in his ball, but definitely more energy filled with just her that like really major big names are rallying behind, kind of the hair is biting. of course the press, the president, the clinton's came out yesterday by today and super low. see,
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the former speaker of the house also endorsed her, and that is, you would, she is known to be a king, or maybe in this case a green maker and gold. it's also interesting that some of her potential arrivals like california is gavin use. i'm also a rally behind her, so she gets a lot of support from people and a lot of money more than $150000000.00. kind of are collected in these big super pecs and other groups uh, within the last 24 hours. so definitely a change in the mute, at least in the democratic part of this country and a totally new energy in this whole election campaign. so do that, does this mean that a couple of hours a certain to get the nomination, or will there be some sort of competition at the convention? it's yeah, that is the big question, right. the convention takes place in 3 weeks or so in chicago, some and also some, a well known voice as ask for an open convention saying that that would be the only
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kind of a genuinely democratic process to pick the candidate as coming to her as has the notes on the ballot during the primaries, of course. uh, we shall see. uh, you know, we have to keep in mind it has to be more than half a century since the democrats chosen. i mean the through an open convention. uh and uh, it's really very unknown and nobody really is sure if they can really put up the process to do so within the next 3 weeks will erase to when the democrats nomination was blocked by president biden's decision not to see a 2nd to move time the election campaign upside down and caused the republicans to focus their attacks on hers. after weeks of speculation and denials us president joe biden has a band and his bid for re election in november. in
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a statement by and said, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president. for the remainder of my term. the capitalist was his debate against donald's from coven, i should be by and struggled to keep his train of thought every interest performance fueled concerns about his age and cognitive state. if we finally b, medicare bite and has now endorsed his vice president comma law harris as the challenger to donald trump, but americans are divided on his choice is awful. awful news, joe biden has got 14000000 votes. he should be the candidate. she's a woman. what also maybe she was make change for us on special. we mean a lot of change. we need definitely some fees to. i don't see where they have
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really much of chance. i think it's over for. it's a, it's a party that is deconstructing it is failing, and i think the whole world is, is witnessing that right now. donald trump reacted to the news thing. cricket joe biden was not fit to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve. and he never was in 2020 harris failed in her bid to become the democratic nominee. now, she is closer than ever. it all depends on how delegates vote at the democratic convention in august you have a technical memory. many notable democrats have already endorsed harris, a former prosecutor and attorney general, as are caused some of the parties top brass have not backed her. critics say harris lacks a clear vision and has been absent on the political stage. biden's late withdrawal has up ended the democratic campaign. the party must quickly find its footing with just months until the election sort of finally changed
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to jo biden's mind after weeks of resistance past the associate professor of political science at emory university. dr. andrea glasby. i think it was the accumulation, as people calling for him to drop out of the race. it didn't stop. and in fact, it was reaching a crescendo that, coupled with the fact that major democratic donors started to threaten withholding funds from not only his presidential campaign, but also from down ballot house and senate races. i think ended up pushing joe biden to the point where he realized that he couldn't sustain a campaign and that it would probably be best for him to drop out. how do you think this is got to be received by vote just because for weeks the democratic policy told every, well joe biden is the best we have now. suddenly he's not what was the damage democratic prospect of that and in of itself won't damage his prospects. there are
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lots of public opinion polls pointed to the fact that lots of people have questions about joe, by his age. and i think cord democratic voters are going to support the democratic nominee, whoever that is. the whole by switching candidates out is that people will be less concerned about the democratic candidates, a physical and mental fitness for office, and then hoping that this actually didn't sign the shot as find is that shines a spotlight on the issues that democrats want to tell is the reasons why they should control the white house as opposed to donald trump and the republicans. now that being said, joe biden was struggling to cross the resident message for voters. that's how did the highlights of his record. and so calmly, harris now is going to have to do a better job the job i did, of crafting that message and making the case for why democrats should hold onto the white house for another 4 years. and she's got to do so holding the same record that job i had. so she isn't quite presenting herself as change in the way that say
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brock obama was able to do in 2008. she is changing that she is a different younger, more energetic candidate, but she is still sort of, you know, she is still going to have the incumbent parties record. and she's going to have to defend that. and so all the democrats best to effectively, and i gave this position to a to couple of hours. oh, would it be best for them to, to have a competition as well? i mean, she will be duly voted in as, as, as the nominee. so the delegates who have already been chosen for the convention are going to have votes, so there will be some support sort of small the democratic process. so, you know, i think it becomes the question of whether or not there are other people who choose to participate in an open contest it primary. so what we've seen happen in the last 24 hours. it looks like harris is consolidating, supporting around with her. so it seems with each passing day, increasingly less likely that she's going to see a serious challenger,
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so that we would have a type of open contested primary that might lead to multiple ballads and some proceed level of chaos. so i think what you seen happened is that she has reached out to democratic party stalwarts and the lead. she's gathering endorsements. she's not done with them yet. we'll see if anybody else puts their hat in the ring. but i think it is highly unlikely that she will get a strong challenge from somebody else within her party. okay, you've told was about her use and the energy she brings to a base campaign which votes us, do democrats lose with cumberland harris at the top of the ticket as well? and is she still going after the same voters that joe biden was going after? they were concerned about a lack of enthusiasm, amongst core democratic voters that could actually end up hurting joe biden. so in particular, could you lose enough of these voters in battleground states, such that
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a binding would end up losing the electoral college. so the base of the democratic party are african american voters, particularly african american women. um and there isn't much room to grow within that constituencies. is that those upwards of 90 percent democratic but this might be the type of thing that would energize them. um, i think the hope is that uh she might be able to do a better job of energizing young voters that she's made enough m roads and has enough support amongst progressives that she might be able to keep them in the democratic fold. and with a message that focuses on reproductive rights, that that might be something that would resonate with women, particularly young women or suburban women as well. so i think the question then becomes and does come to a harris resonate with some of the motors that democrats would try to reach in the middle. so, democrats live long boss working class white voters, which she do a better job than joe biden, of actually being able to reach out to them. one of my colleagues just that on the, on another program, that's probably unlikely, but i think the question is,
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does she expect the base enough that she can offset potential losses for voters? we're not guaranteed to vote democratic with voters who have a much, much higher probability with voting democratic. thank you for guiding us through that. so clearly i physical science is delta aggregate last week from henry you to actually taking so much. i a thank you. the us secret service director kimberly chantelle has admitted that the agency failed to protect donald trump against an assassination attempt in pennsylvania. on the 13th of july, low make us have been expressing anger of how the government could have gone so close to the republican presidential nominee when he was supposed to be being carefully guarded. secret service as acknowledged that he denied some request by the trump campaign for increased security and since the vents in the years before the assassination attempt addressing congress directed, she took describe it as the agencies most significant operational failure for
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decades. the secret service of solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed. as a director of the united states secret service, i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. we must learn what happened and i will move heaven and earth to ensure that an incident like july, 13th does not happen again. will take and produce as a former police officer. he's not president of the security company, tactical systems network in fort worth, texas. i asked him if he thinks that director cheaper will keep a job as well. that's a great question. it kind of remains to be seen primarily because there was kind of a lot of grandstanding today and, and very few specific answers that she could give because their investigation is going to take a little longer obviously. so it remains to be seen whether or not she's going to
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be kicked out, or obviously she's not going to step down on her own record. but i think part of the problem is, the only way that they're really going to salvage this is if there are definitive actions taken based on what the investigation uncovers. so as long as we don't really know what the investigation will yield, it's going to be difficult to guess whether or not she's going to be able to keep her position and was given the investigation that he's on guarding it. as you say from what you've seen, what do you think the secret service screw up? all the streams i got lucky on. i definitely think there was a screw up and and i think director cheadle is pretty much in see did that today which ones? glad, at least that got out of the way because there is no controversy as to whether or not paul's were dropped falls or absolutely dropped and whether or not there were enough people present in order to provide
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a proper detail or not. i. i do not think that additional personnel in this case would have helped because that wasn't the excuse given as to why the building wasn't covered. i just think of a long time without an instant. it breeds complacency, and i think somebody dropped the ball in and there was a lot of finger pointing at the beginning. but again, this investigation will and cover a lot more details. but i absolutely think there was a colossal failure on the part of law enforcement and the secret service. so talk this through the source of preparations that made ahead of in any event like a political rally. i would say there's a secret service having choosing or advising uh on the location for instance, as well. they have pretty much security exclusivity in that regard because they come out between 4 or 567 days ahead of time and are scouting the area. they're learning about the crime statistics. they're
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profiling, the people that are going to be there. they're looking at coordinating ingress and egress. they're looking at a large picture from the outside in and taking care of, of potential issues that could happen from those different aspects. and you know, thinking of it as, how would you actually pose a threat to, to your asset and then how can you mitigate against that happening and, and leverage the cost versus gain and put it more and the cost for somebody to make it such an attempt so there's a lot of preparation going on there. there's a lot of interviews going on there. there are lots of coordination with other law enforcement and security entities. but ultimately, the secret service leads that entire operation, which is why they take the brunt of the accountability. so talk us to talk to us about some of the bowls that you think what were dropped in the way that this was handled as well. number one,
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i think the not obviously not enough attention was paid to the building that would have been starting from the outside in almost the 1st thing that you would look at . so the fact that there were some law enforcement personnel down below makes very little sense. i don't think the sloped roof is an adequate explanation as to why he didn't have someone on the roof. so i think that was the 1st ball and dropped regardless of who was assigned of the other was during the periods of time where there was communication between the secret service and law enforcement. and the people who would deem this person climbing up on the roof. again, there's more finger pointing about, you know, we didn't get permission to take a shot or whatever that is. i mean, the fact is, if you're a law enforcement and you're assigned here, or anywhere else, if there's a threat to humanity that comes up about in your presence, you're taking care of this period. so there really is no excuse there in terms of how that was handled. and i think that's the primary thing. and there's no telling
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how many other aspects of this thing was were mishandled. but obviously the big ball was that community, the lack of expeditious communication, and not even being proper attention to the one point in which my threat could be executed. quick one than about the political climate in the us. do you believe that it is more physically dangerous? now, if any decades past that's a great question i, i think it's more politically charged and extreme, but i don't think the violence is increasing anymore than it has been. i think as fast as word travels. now we get word on things that happen all over the united states in real time. so it sometimes feels like we're being attacked all the time and we have all these problems. but you know, this has been happening for a but a good period of time. we just have better ways of communicating in and out of, of how those things happen. so that's sort of reassuring. thank you so much for
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it's ok, so that security expert to take and broad water and fort worth, texas. thank you with a great look. now it's of all stories making news around was israel has launched artillery and as strikes again con unit, shortly after organ residence, to leave, according to god's as health administrator, 70 people that been killed in the attacks. is there any um easels that confirmed the desta? 2 more hostages. you all gave books job, who was a sound technician. and alex pennsic, who was a historian european union's top diplomat, joseph brazzel, has moved the venue of next month's informal meeting of a new foreign ministers from budapest to brussels. the decision was a response to hon, gathering comments, a victim of bonds, trips to russia, and china, and his country stands on you crazy. look around, a russian american journalist also called, called him a shave,
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has been sentenced. there's 6 of the house, e as in prison after a rapid and secret trial. and that is before us funded radio free europe radio, liberty. she's being accused of spreading false information about the russian army . she says she's in this rested invasion of you training. 2022 brought much of the country's cultural life to a standstill. the major events like big music concepts cancelled until the w correspondent. max vander reports my 3 day rock festival that took place in the ukrainian capital case. for many people in key, if there was little to look forward to the summer. but for music lovers, there is the, the, this is up last united, the prince largest music fest to revise this year despite the war 3 days if he was inside and in front of a shopping mall,
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training and rock band boom box is headlining the festival of fabulous is a breath of fresh air and a time before the year, several of the sort. it was easy to rock. but now the mood is very depressive, which is bad for what we have to resist. we have no other time to live in celebrate. so we should celebrate lights and show everyone that despite the war our lives continues. this is the largest gathering in your trade during this war. more than the 60000 people are expected to attend us. we can not even 2 weeks after the latest large scale attack by russian hill, many to review across the country. the shopping mall underground car park can serve as a bomb shelter 420000 people. pretty much everyone expect it to attend,
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dave. there's even a stage down here and there's merchandise for sale. it's almost like any festival just stayed here. military units are selling, promoting and collecting donations. i've got a sticker with the have and a little badge to support this 3rd separate assault for gauge virtua. so the goal is to collect 100000000 creepiness. that's about 2300000 heroes for the military. the 3rd year of the war. it's much harder to raise funds now than in the 1st or 2nd. yet because there's a certain fatigue in the financial, 52 or more talking to us during rehearsal boom, box singer and 3 living you have just returned from the front line where he served in a. com. it's unit, it's of the national police. it's not about rock and roll anymore,
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but i feel like i'm representing the country boom box have permission to leave the country. and earlier this year, spend 3 weeks playing concerts in the us and canada to shine the lights on the war and ukraine, and raise money, 8590 percent, and supported by the donations people do it in the morning warfare seems changed a little bit. so you need a lot more different devices to stay a life and to do the job. well, some criticize the festival going ahead despite the war living you argued in favor you don't want to come back to to a monastery. you want to come back home when the full of life where people smile, the one that there is music or life for that music is not worth fighting for sure. if this weekend across united raised funds and
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smart and most importantly there was no with the money is still coming in for the military and about your up to date, stay tuned and full of a day in just a moment here on dw, we'll take a closer look at your bibles announcements on the cumberland hire his companion to secure the democratic presidential nomination as next. good, the or the
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january 2021. the attack on the united states capital. thousands of people took pods and among them. some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking military leaders. wanted us veterans to turn their backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming next? the enemy within in 45 minutes on d w, the
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asked about why does this? because now i'm leave them on the new host. join us for an exciting exploration. and everything in between. this is a video and audio production, 5 d, w, i hope video with unit. so you don't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing in some lines from your parents. i just want to pursue what sets my so on fire or you think you kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable? oh sorry. what is this nonsense? i want my son to the doctor to in the canal times
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and then when generation nash, which now dw documentary, the product heavy weight, nancy pelosi has finally jumped aboard the rolling couple of hours bandwagon. and, and does the vice president sped to become the proxies the presidential nominate police ton of events came of hours, of course, after joe biden announced that he would not run again despite everything he has said in the past as questions about his age and mental acuity mounted a couple of harvest now appears to be the chosen one. that even potential arrivals like gabby newsome and gretchen whitman backing to. so is she the person to be donald trump? i'm feel game and this is the day the .


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