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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin, come over here with secures more high profile support for the democratic presidential nomination. occurring to us while he's president vine, was when she arrives in her new campaign headquarters in delaware. what she's taking over from president biden as she moves quickly to lock in political and financial backing. also coming up on the program, the secret service mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13, we found the head of the us secret service tells congress the attempted assassination of donald trump was their agencies because failure and decades the
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i'm here until been in berlin. thank you very much for joining us. a day after president joe biden gave up his been for re election, vice president come over, harris has already secured endorsements from powerful democrats and 2 thirds of the delegates. she needs for the democratic nomination. within 24 hours for campaign raised a record of $81000000.00. as she took over buys was re purpose campaign headquarters, and delaware. ever said that in less than 4 months americans will have to choose between to start alternatives. in this election, we know we each face the question, what kind of country do we want to live in? as a country of freedom's compassion and rule of law, or a country of chaos fear and hate. you all are here
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because you as leaders know we each including our neighbors and our friends and our family. we each as americans have the power to answer that question . that's the beauty of the power of the people. we each have the ability to answer that question. so in the next $106.00 days, we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to in the w reporters stuff and see months is in washington, dc for us. so it's definitely, as we just heard there, there are only $106.00 days until the election. how has come over harris, his campaign taking shape on day one? well, i would say a, the horse is of the bottom. the race is on the we just her to come all our hairs addressing her wilmington, delaware, campaign, headquarters,
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staff. this was meant to be a pep talk. the president president joe biden called in, actually as the 1st time that the american public here heard the president since he left for a robot delaware to, ah, you know, the return of the ascending from a tov it. and since yesterday, step down and out of the presidential race 2024. so that was a big event. but what we had here with come with a hair is and this is the part we didn't cut as a sound bite. here is that was a riveting speech that was almost like a mini rally. a campaign rally stop for her and she rouse the troops there and, and really motivated them. didn't spare any punches against donald trump hoss words. basically saying, i'm a prosecutor, i dealt with sexual, a sex offenders and other fraudsters and i know donald trump and that kind of type
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and that is her language, not mine. so that was a strong, harsh words campaign. ready? that's a come all our hers. i guess a lot of democrats the didn't have him on the well, on the agenda or on the radar as being a that eloquent. and as you said, day one, this she is fighting for this nomination. half of the delegates we have committed for joe biden have already declared now for come all the harris and as you said, many, many, many endorsements from the democratic elite and the democrats leaders, senators, representatives, the house, nancy pelosi, outstanding still, the minority liter um eh, eh, jeffries and the senate majority leader schumer and as well. mr. obama former president obama not endorsed yet. come all hours, but everybody expects. that's just the question of time. so it certainly does sound like hum harris is hitting the ground running. but the question is,
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how are the trump campaign? and republicans pivoting after biden's exit that's a good question. i tell you there is a lot of pundits out here in the low x for it to say like, i think there is some head scratching going on in a, in, in florida. i'm at the trump campaign because they really have to reinvent the wheel. now they had really hope that joe biden stays in the race and that they can really paint this whole thing as he comes to the dynamic trump, the winner, the strong man versus weak jo. bye. and that is not happening any more of this. they have to rethink their approach and their response to come. all a hair is probably, i mean, again, she is the presumptive nominee, but i'm just throwing this in. now i think she's going to be the nominee and the, the trump campaign has a problem with that because they have to adjust it. this is not going to be black
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and white anymore, and this is not going to be a, a debate or, or a contender. a competitor anymore and the other and the other party who is losing the train of fault or mumbling words. this is tamala harris, former prosecutor. we had a lot of practice, some speech practice and companion practice in the mid term elections. and since the midterm elections, as far as presidents, no vice presidents do a lot of work. but behind the close doors and behind the curtains, the president gets always the limelight and the spotlights. and the vice presidents do a lot of work. she did this and this shows well the 2024 range for white house is certain shaping up to be an exciting one. that was dw reporter stuff on siemens reporting for us in washington. thank you very much for joining us to and the race to win. the democratic nomination was sparked by president biden's decision not to seek a 2nd term that moved turn the election campaign on its head and caused republicans to focus their attack on harris. after weeks of speculation and denials
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us president joe biden has a band in his bid for re election in november in a statement by and said, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. the capitalist was his debate against donald trump. i should be biden struggled to keep his train of thoughts or interest performance fueled concerns about his age and cognitive state. if we finally b, medicare bite and has now endorsed his vice president comma law harris as the challenger to donald trump, but americans are divided on his choice. awful, awful news. joe biden got 14000000 votes. he should be the candidate. she's
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a woman. what also maybe she was make change for us on so that's what we mean. a lot of change. we need definitely some fees to. i don't see where they have really much of chance. i think it's over for, it's a, it's a party that is deconstructing it is failing and i think the whole world is, is witnessing that right now. donald trump reacted to the news saying, cricket joe biden was not fit to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve. and he never was in 2020 harris failed in her bid to become the democratic nominee. now, she is closer than ever. it all depends on how delegates vote at the democratic convention in august. you have a pet couple of memory. many notable democrats have already endorsed harris, a former prosecutor and attorney general, as are caused some of the parties top brass have not backed her. critics say harris lacks a clear vision and has been absent on the political stage. biden's late withdrawal
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has up ended the democratic campaign. the party must quickly signed its footing with just months until the election. karen sampled as an assistant professor at the department of political science at the university of arkansas and joins me now. so jo biden's exit from the 2024 campaign is of course historic. but is it enough to put the wing back into democrats sales? well, it certainly seems to be given the enthusiasm that we're seeing generated for the kamala harris presidency. she has certainly generated donations to the tune of $81000000.00 and just a 24 hour period and also has lined up at least $20000.00 more volunteers. so it certainly appears like people are getting behind. kimberly harris, at least in the democratic party, like there certainly is, does seem to be a lot of a susie has some for her. but the question is, is she a stronger candidate to take on donald trump than joe biden would have been as well
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over the last 3 weeks. it was clear that biden was slipping in the polls in those battleground states that are really important to winning an election in the us in west constant pennsylvania, michigan. as the weeks went on after that debate performance, he was starting to wayne and the poles, and it just became more clear that she was not going to be able to be done. donald trump, if he could not win the states. i'm so right now she is pulling that in that in those states. so it does appear. she has a better chance inviting at went at meeting donald trump. at the moment, most democratic leaders have endorsed harris, but the are some holdouts like former president of iraq, obama and majority leader, chuck schumer. why do you think they're holding it back so far? well, you know, these are folks that have been around a long time and they've been influential in the party for a number of years. and they really kind of see themselves as a, you know, kind of above the inner party politics. i'm kind of stewards of the democratic
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party and so they want the process to play out. they want to make sure that this is not an anointed process. that red anointing her to be the candidate. but the voters in the democratic party habits say, and that this just doesn't happen over night if it's going to be a democratic process. so i think they are likely to do so. they will likely endorse her, but they do want others to kind of have a say, and they want to talk to those democrats in congress and the leads and the party officials and find out where they're at. and right now they are coming out and they are endorsing her. and that's probably better than if just obama and schumer and polosa came out within an hour or 2 and endorsed her. because now people feel like their voices are being heard. and it's not just the lead to making the decision. now, if harris does become the nomination, really have to get up to speed quickly. what do you think will be her most pressing task in the campaign as well? so, you know, defining herself before the other party does, and certainly trump and the republican party will be trying to stick her to those
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issues that they felt. joe biden did the worst on inflation immigration, but that's going to be, you know, a tough. so because at the same time, you know, she has her own ideas about how to handle those issues, and she will be pushing the things that joe biden did well, in terms of handling how to get out of coven infrastructure and issues that maybe are also related to the voters, so you can stick her with biden's, perhaps issues he didn't do as well on. but by doing that, you're also a towards the attaching here to the issues he did well on. so they have to be very careful with that. furthermore, there are voters out there that she will likely that will gravitate toward her. she will bring back to the co democratic coalition, the pro choice voters, the younger non white voters, the college educated, suburban voters. these are voters that have kind of left the party is they've
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become more dissatisfied with joe biden, and they're not likely to gravitate towards the trump camp. but they will show up and vote. so she actually has a chance here to rebuild the coalition, make it stronger, and again the a to z as i'm appears to be there. so she has a great chance to again, to find herself and start to build the momentum that's going to be needed to be donald trump, because he does have a pretty strong base of support. right. testing, that's going to be anyone's game moving forward. that was a system professor. karen sieboldt from the university of arkansas. thank you very much for your analysis. thank you. a u. s. secret service director kimberly cheadle has admitted that her agency failed to protect donald trump against and assassination attempt in pennsylvania. on july, the 13th lawmakers had been expressing anger over how the gunman could get so close to the republican presidential nominees when he was supposed to be carefully guarded. the secret service has acknowledged that it detained some request or
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denied rather some request by trump campaign for increased security as events in the years before the assassination attempt addressing congress directory cheadle described it as the agencies quote, most significant operational failure. for decades. the secret service, a solemn mission, is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed as a director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations . we must learn what happened and i will move heaven and earth to ensure that an incident like july, 13th does not happen again. and here's a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you. what does our drawings are growing support is emerging for us, vice president, kabbalah harris has been to win the democratic nomination for president of the united states. heiresses arrived at a new campaign headquarters in delaware,
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where she is allowed to wait and without you are up to date, but who stick around will be back at the top of the hour with more international news headlines and the latest on the selection campaigns. i'm here until for lend. thank you very much for joining us. the think the forward is twice go ahead or would find out the box on your but always remember to sing for yourself. we all had to sign was incredibly like this is the driving you with free information dw made for mind.


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