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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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close after joe biden announced that he would not run again, despite everything he has said in the past, has questions about his age and mental acuity mounted a couple of harvest. now it appears to be the chosen one. that even potential arrivals, like gabby newsome and gretchen whitman backing to so is she the person to be donald trump? i'm feel go, and this is the day the so i definitely both of them all areas. for sure. for sure. anybody except for trump, any black one is running for president united states? i am supporting 100000 percent. i don't think a lot of people are very in favor of campbell harris, but it's probably the next best course of action and see the woman what also maybe she was make change for us on. that's what we mean. i don't know if it's going to become on harris. i don't know if they're gonna have, you know, somebody in mind,
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but that kind of shocked. calmer harris is absolute pressure for, for someone comes to know it for her to be black in an office is a big thing for americans. a big thing also on the day congressional hearings opened into the 1st day of the july assassination attempt on donald trump. this tragedy was preventable. the secret services protective mission is to protect us and visiting world leaders and safe guard us elections through protection of candidates and nominees. it's the secret service has a 0 fail mission, but it failed on july 13th and in the days leading up to the rally. welcome to the program. now leading members of the us democratic tossed the routing behind vice president cala harris and a bid to win the pot, his nomination to become the next president of the united states. and that of
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course follows jo bivens decision not to stand for level to the back tires to replace him. and she is receive support from an increasing number of democrats. vice president hasn't publicly commented on biden's decision not to seek re election, but at the white house event. on monday. she was full of praise for her boss. joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. in one term, he has already, yes, you may class in one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents with served 2 terms and office . well, joe biden decision to withdraw from the presidential vice came after weeks of pressure of his age and health is run for re election was thrown into disarray late last month after a dismal debate performance against donald trump. after weeks of speculation and
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denials us president joe biden has a band and his bid for re election in november. and his statement, biden said, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president. for the remainder of my term, the capitalist was his debate against donald's from coven, i should be by and struggled to keep his train of thought every interest performance fueled concerns about his age and cognitive state. if we finally b, medicare bite and has now endorsed his vice president, common law harris as the challenger to donald trump, but americans are divided on his choice. awful, awful news. joe biden got 14000000 votes. he should be the candidate. she's
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a woman. what also maybe she was make change for us on says what we mean a lot of change. we need definitely some fees to. i don't see where they have really much a chance. i think it's over for. it's a, it's a party that is deconstructing it is failing, and i think the whole world is, is witnessing that right now. donald trump reacted to the news thing crooked joe biden was not fit to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve. and he never was, he only attained the position of president by lies, fake news and not leaving his basement. all those around him, including his doctor and the media. knew that he wasn't capable of being president . and he wasn't in 2020 harris failed in her bid to become the democratic nominee. now, she is closer than ever. it all depends on how delegates vote at the democratic convention in august. you have a technical memory. many notable democrats have already endorsed harris,
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a former prosecutor and attorney general as our cause. some of the party's top brass have not backed her. critics say harris lacks a clear vision and has been absent on the political stage. biden's late withdrawal has up ended the democratic campaign. the party must quickly find its footing with just months until the election. a christy vine is an associate professor of political science at the university of dayton, ohio, and he's also the both of do running mates math so the influence of vice presidential candidates in presidential elections. welcome to the w. as president biden's leg up decision not to stand, the guy presented his party with a late stage problem or an opportunity to way of framing its little both. i think, given where we were in the raise, it is an opportunity. it's pretty clear that while americans were showering on joe
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biden as a candidate, it didn't seem to be in general problem with the democratic party. we can see that because democratic senate candidates are pulling pretty well, putting in some of the major battleground states. so at this stage and the race think it's very likely that he was weighing down the ticket. and so have the opportunity to bring in someone else most likely, tomlin harris, but we'll see probably improve democrats chances. with that said, donald trump, his point has been strong for a long time. we'll see if that was about joe biden, or whether people really have an appetite for donald trump. i think he's still the favorite in this race. right. and so you'll clear the bite and couldn't beat the trunk. now it's impossible to say, well, never know the counterfactual there, but it was headed in the wrong direction and from the initial reports about what convinced joe biden. it's pretty much what he said would convince him as press conference, which seems long because of that long ago. he said that if he was convinced he couldn't win that he would drop out a. reportedly, his team showed him some polls in major battleground states that showed him sinking
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show that he was not going to win, even that he might lose some stays. and it was new, mexico and virginia that had been more solid for, for democrats. so i think that is the way things are trending. and so the big question then becomes kind of combat harris. b trump. i think her biggest advantage, and this is not a slight against calmly harris, but her advantage of that she's not as old as joe biden, and she's not in her 80. she's 59 years old. she looks youthful. it just takes the issue off the table. now there are other problems for complet harris. she's tied to an administrator and that's not very popular. joe biden has been pulling at best the recent months in the low fourties. she's usually 2 or 3 points behind that. so she's tied to a relatively unpopular in ministration. people are still upset about inflation and some other things by ministration has their accomplishments. she can tire self to that, but she is going to be somewhat way, way down by it. again, the advantage it is that the age issue, which probably was feeding into binds low approval rate,
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it's hard to tell how much was policy versus that concern. she's taking that away. and so she can actually even make donald trump sage and issue for, for that matter. if freeze the democrats up to focus more on policy and put that consideration about age aside. i'm how does she, when the policy argument given that she was in the room when all of the things she will say she will face as complicated dance of trying to be loyal to and really celebrate the incumbent president while also carving out there and distinct personality their own priorities. that's a complicated thing. thing to do, especially in this context, she's going to be dealing with that uh throughout the campaign. the election, as i understand, the way the figures are going, this is going to be decided by voters in the swing states. are they use the thoughts of votes as likely to be persuaded by a black female california democrat? it's hard to say, oh, that will play out. it might, you know,
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work better for some voters than others. we know that the racial discrimination and general base discrimination can negatively affect certain candidates by large. for example, women candidates actually do not seem to be a way to down by gender. they don't seem to perform worse, at least according to your most recent elections. so this might be something more so that energizes women. i think a particular can work towards framing certain issues. so calmer harris, of course has indicate as vice president, even now in her initial statements as a presidential candidate that she is going to put a board in front and center. as a woman, she was kind of entrusted by the campaign to highlight that issue as a presidential candidate. i think that'll be all the more true. so that could help her at least elevators are an issue. even people aren't voting based on gender. it could make her a more effective messenger for what the democrats the as a winning issue. so to clear, thank you so much for joining us. chris divide from the university of dayton,
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ohio picture is kind of republican view on this from megan middle 8 who co founded republican women, the full progress you joins us from washington, dc. welcome to the day. there's a slight switching of democrat horses for the old republic. i'm hot with joy as well. um, you know, as much as a i m a nerd of politics. i think that this feels my political nerd, heart with joy and, you know, i think it's a challenging one, right. the democrats of has done themselves in a little bit of a pickle. i think there's no question that begins with joe biden at the top. the ticket were facing a mounting enthusiasm problem, and not only were they staring down the barrel of another last election, donald trump, but they were also looking at possible down balance implications that might end up with a full republican sweep of washington. but still very early, it's still
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a lot of things to happen between now and november. it will certainly be one to watch for sure. if we presume color, how does is the kinds of, at the american public will then have a choice between a format tough on crime, prosecute threats, and the feller, the dc, donald trump as being vulnerable the to you know, i think i think donaldson is vulnerable for a number of reasons beyond his felony conviction. i think that comma harris has passed as a prosecutor presents a range of challenges. first of all, i think she's going to really have to actively win back that progressive wing the party that may have some concerns about her, her history to prosecute her and her her background. but i think that's certainly the, the message that the democrats are going to paint is law enforcement versus criminal . um, but as we've seen so many times, times i'm against in 2016. donald trump is said that you know his supporters and support him if he suits someone in broad daylight and 5th avenue. and i think
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that's continuing to hold true. he could have another felony conviction between now and november. but that stronghold isn't going to move. and i don't think that anything that come along or anyone else on the democratic ticket is going to be able to do much about that. thomas roll them about how republicans switch the focus of better talking about the enemy is a 59 year old black woman rather than an 81 year old white man in questionable house. yeah, i mean, you know, they're public and it's just spent a whole can visit a whole convention talking about sleepy joe and chanting, let's go brandon. so, so now they've really got to focus, re focus the campaign on what it might look like to take down harris and whoever she chooses as a running mate. you know, as, as i heard you on the, the earlier segment talking about the swing state voters and i, i have to imagine the democrats are going to choose a white man from a swing state to be her running mate. and i think that really changes the dynamics
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. it's not just a summer versus harris, but then it becomes the shop vance. very heavy ticket versus a couple of harris and probably a little more moderate mail running may. it's our suspend bivens. they, by the administration's point person on immigration, on the portion rights to the that's the sort of big hot button issues. the president trump, of course, big on immigration. doesn't say a lot of publicly about abortion is as well if it's vulnerabilities. yes or no, you know, i mean the selection is going to be one that's heavy with social policy conversation. but just last week, at the national convention, they for the 1st time officially removed the language from the policy platform that called for a nationwide abortion ban. and i still think it's an issue that will really energize a lot of the voters, especially that kind of christian white,
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national voter that, that he has. so cindy is supporting him. but i think the challenge that the complet faces here are both on immigration or abortion, or any other number of topics is that we say the struggling all the time. the democrats are playing chess and the republicans are playing rugby and they're, she's going to come at this debate with a lot of facts. and he's just going to continue in his kind of donald trump way. and so they're really going to have to start speaking the same language to get across to voters, whether it's abortion, immigration, or any other policy issue. okay, so the republicans have changed us that saw from this stance on abortion, on an unofficial level. does your organization, republican women, full progress, see much progressive about the current republican ticket? you know, we don't, i don't know, you know, we all followed us around for too long,
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but we started as a group back in 2016 that was republican women for hillary. so i have to imagine that we will be very much in the camp of republican women for harris this go round, because we are trying to convey that message that the republican party is moving backwards, i think even now with the pick of j. d events as the vice president it's, it's just a nother symbol that the party is moving to that mag a wing of the party writ large, not just for the selection. so your, your support for the, the trouble events at ticket that i could, could never be described as full throated. i wouldn't say we are supportive of, of the trump vince ticket at all. no, you know, we've been in this game for a long time and are always willing to, to give someone a 2nd chance. but i think unfortunately, as we've seen far too much over the past 8 years, we know exactly what we're getting with donald trump. and now even more so with the
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choice of vance as a running mate, which quite frankly, i think, was the republicans trying to run a victory left a little bit too early when they thought they had the selection, the bag. and you know, instead of choosing maybe a, a more moderate, a vice presidential candidate, they went with a hard right mega. so they've kind of ignored the more centrist republican voters in lieu of those for the or on the right. so joining us and megan middle, you can find the republican women for programs. thank you. the secret service is solemn. mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed as the director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security left of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. we must learn what happened and i will move heaven and earth to ensure that an incident like july 13 does not happen again. that's ahead
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of us secret service appeared before congressional committees to answer the questions of the attempted. assassination of donald trump can be chief police facing calls to resign from some lawmakers who say her agency should have stopped big shoot to before he wouldn't the trunk. then if you, well, what's the really mean? if you still do the job search, take a look what the shots are fired and the food it creates a strong. yeah. the former president said by this destination attempt, the u. s. secret service said its agents to the 20 your, to do this you did fired from the roof of a warehouse less than around 150 meters from donald trump, a rooftop that offered a close and debated and an up structed view of the former president the us, the good service facing stuff, questions as to why the warehouse building was left out of the securities on its responsibility was given to local law enforcement officers. and no police officers
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were stationed on the defects says, but it's not only the warehouse of security that is being questioned. it's also unclear how the gunman got on the roof as seen in the footage. some people at the valley, the border disrespected gunmen to the local police. it's not clear to the local law enforcement officers informed service agents about the suspect. the secret service short and get the gunman after he began his store. it's not get clear if the u. s. secret service field and it's mean task to protect the former president. or if it was a security lapse, the court has been awaited. this is now the center of investigations run by members of congress. and the secret service. it says a ticket and broad was as a full the police officer. he's the president of the security company type go systems network in to fort worth,
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texas. welcome to data. we just had the secret service direct about accepting full responsibility, so fosters ignore calls to resigns. do you think she'll keep her job well, that's a great question. it kind of remains to be seen primarily because there was kind of a lot of grandstanding today and, and very few specific answers that she could give because their investigation is going to take a little longer obviously. so it remains to be seen whether or not she's going to be kicked out, or obviously she's not going to step down on her own record. but i think part of the problem is, the only way that they're really going to salvage this is if there are definitive actions taken based on what the investigation on covers. so as long as we don't really know what the investigation will yield, it's going to be difficult to guess whether or not she's going to be able to keep her position and was given the investigation that he's on guarding it. as you say
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from what you've seen, what do you think the secret service screw up, all the best things i got lucky or i definitely think there was a screw up and, and i think director title is pretty much in see did that today which ones glad at least that got out of the way cuz there is no controversy as to whether or not paul's were dropped balls were absolutely dropped and whether or not there were enough people present in order to provide a proper detail or not. i. i do not think that additional personnel in this case would have helped because that wasn't the excuse given as to why the building wasn't covered. i just think for a long time without an incident it breathes complacency, and i think somebody dropped the ball in and there was a lot of finger pointing at the beginning. but again, this investigation will and cover a lot more details. but i absolutely think there was a colossal failure on the part of law enforcement and the secret service. so talk
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this through the source of preparations that made ahead of in any event like a political rally. i would say this a secret service having choosing or advising uh on the location for instance. well, they have pretty much security exclusivity in that regard because they come out between 4 or 567 days ahead of time and are scouting the area. they're learning about the crime statistics. they're profiling the people that are going to be there. they're looking at a coordinating ingress and egress. they're looking at a, a large picture from the outside in and taking care of, of potential issues that could happen from those different aspects. and you know, thinking of it as, how would you actually pose a threat to, to your asset and then how can you mitigate against that happening and, and leverage the cost versus gain and put it more and the cost for somebody to make
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such an attempt. so there's a lot of preparation going on there. there's a lot of interviews going on there. there are lots of coordination with other law enforcement and security entities. but ultimately, the secret service leads that entire operation, which is why they take the brunt of the accountability. so talk us to talk to us about some of the bowls that you think were dropped in the way that this was handled are well, number one, i think the not obviously not enough attention was paid to the building that would have been starting from the outside in almost the 1st thing that you would look at . so the fact that there were some law enforcement personnel down below makes very little sense. i don't think the sloped roof is an adequate explanation as to why he didn't have someone on the roof. so i think that was the 1st ball and dropped regardless of who was assigned of the other was during the periods of time where
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there was communication between the secret service and law enforcement. and the people who had seen this person climbing up on the roof. again, there's more finger pointing about, you know, we didn't get permission to take a shot or whatever that is. i mean, the fact is, if you're in law enforcement and you're assigned here, or anywhere else, if there's a threat to humanity that comes up about in your presence, you're taking care of this period. so there really is no excuse there in terms of how that was handled. and i think that's the primary thing. and there's no telling how many other aspects of this thing was were mishandled. but obviously the big ball was the community, the lack of expeditious communication. and not even being proper attention to the one point in which my threat could be executed. quick one than about the political climate in the us. do you mean video is more physically dangerous? now if any decades past that's a great question i, i think it's more politically charged and extreme,
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but i don't think the violence is increasing anymore than it has been. i think as fast as word travels. now we get word on things that happen all over the united states in real time. so it sometimes feels like we're being attacked all the time and we have all these problems. but you know, this has been happening for a but a good period of time. we just have better ways of communicating in and out of how those things happen. so that's sort of reassuring. thank you so much for it's ok so that security expert to take and broad water and fort worth, texas. thank it's not was the day you can follow the team on social media at cdw news basis. the headlights of course dw dot com have a good the
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eco african babies amongst the seals of cape town. none of these done babies in the hall that yet having humans into the cautious with cell phones as the animals come back to you. if you're working with a lot of stakeholders and together, we can take out the co africa next on d. w just likes to store and kind of back. there's almost 60000
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captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure. guardians of trees, julian, his terms on the dark secrets of war, starts july 27th on d, w. the welcome to e co op recall, i'm chris a lance in lagos, nigeria, nearly 3 quarters of the earth's surface is covered by water, our oceans, and waterways uh home to tens of thousands of species. today we look at how we can protect these spaces and benefits from all they have to offer. i am sandra holmes, that we nobody. oh right here in comp. lot uganda you is.


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