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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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that's of course d, w dot com or you can also follow us on social media or handle as, as the w news. i'm here until we're in berlin and we'll be back at the top, the hour with more news. thanks for joining us. the, the, the, the, it is some of the coverage, the more people than in such a professional life crisis within pod for example, somebody that's sort of the best the best and find out adult baby story info, migraines,
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reliable news for migrant. wherever they may be. the april 22nd 2024, a mess. 6. fire broke out at the god support landfill site in delhi. this was no ordinary fire, but a symptom of a much larger problem because the pool was supposed to have been shut down in 2002 instead of thirty's, reportedly kept sending up to 700 truckloads of trash there every day. it has filed up almost as high as it touched my home when ways to compose as a religious meeting, highly flammable gas. so i'm not really surprised at that the whole thing burst into flames. for me, thing is also a super potent greenhouse gas to try to global warming. and as our mountains of the trash can growing more and more of it gets seeping out of the complex waste sites around the world. but there are ways to stop this food
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scraps, plastic bottles, pizza boxes. think about how many things you throw weight each day, depending on how in where you leave this might different a lot. different indian thought is all 500 trends of garbage every day. for the average american troops to point to keels, by the way, the us as the roll champion in waste generation per capita. this file growth along with cds and the rising standard of living. this was part of the problem and does it pool? in 1984 when the landfill 1st opened, dallas population was not even 7000000. now it is about $34.00 meeting. the 30s weren't ready for that. and on the planet right now, we are 8000000000 people producing 2 point one tons of rubbish every year. according to this new wednes, 3038 percent ends up where it shouldn't some 2700000000 people like access to basic waste management services. so no protection multiplan disposal
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due to ramon is the technical director and thing to national solid waste association. she's one of the supervisors of this study. so for the lack of those options, what do people end up doing? they take the reast be stopped, the blown on page one because whole and dump that we spent. and so this is leading to a practice. there's no precise number for how many such dump sites they are on the planets. but each one is one to many. and it is important to distinguish here between dump sites and landfills. they have a different things on site is with it is absolutely no environmental control when it drains the water filters through the waist and fronts leach, it potentially toxic cook, tell us how many heavy chemicals in back to read among other things that so called of the trash so leaking into the environment, either to walk a ways your soil is or you and, and by open blending cancel,
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all of these are emissions that are ending up in the environment that are arming. sure. one hand, it's harming the environment. and when i talk about your with health, essentially, if you have contaminated waste is going into a fluid systems under this mountain of thrash, where there is no oxygen. something else is happening. make a t a breaking down organic waste and producing meeting one of the worst greenhouse gases in the short term is over 80 times more potent that he think the planets and carbon dioxide. the waste sector accounts for 3 to 5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, dump sites and landfills are the biggest contributors and they're defending terry landfills, which have more environmental controls to try to mitigate all those problems. they start to, to evolve in the 20th century, especially in the 2nd half. also because the materials using all products have become much more toxic to the natural environment. currently the united states has more than 2600 landfills. that's
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a lot of trash. americans have historically relied on landfills for many reasons. just to name a steel consumption levels are really high. the country has wide open spaces available, and using less it was quite often seen as the cheapest option in the short term. that is why half of the trash produced by americans ends up there. so it's no wonder that the holes, the planets biggest landfill of its kind, according to the genus world records effects landfill, outside of las vegas, it's big enough to accept waste for the next 250 years. landfill operators use several ways to tackle the problems of dumping trash, to protect the ground from toxic chemicals. they stopped with a large hole in the ground line with giants in front of the layers of synthetic materials. kinda like a huge into swimming pool with a big plastic sheets in it. at the bottom, there's a drainage system to remove the lead shape that generated sensors can also be placed at the bottom layer to detect any possible leaks after delete to district
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that it is turned into a usable water now with days and engineered land. so can also capture most of the main thing to meet it by making a kind of trash livonia. that stops most of it from going to the atmosphere. as the garbage is dumped, heavy tractors compact it. it didn't cover it with an impermeable layer. dump compact culver repeat over and over again. then that kind of system of pumps. 6 out most of the gas is generated, including the mid thing. at this points, there are 2 options. the meeting capture can be burned to a process called flaring that turns it from a super harmful greenhouse gas into a regular home for one c o 2. but this is a huge waste. your comes to the 2nd option. me think can generate heat electricity or renewable natural gas compar vehicles. for example, many us landfills use this technologist and we've been here, they meet at altogether, they produce and also the equivalent of energy to power when meet and homes. this
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technique, problems to reduce methane emissions by 60 to 90 percent. so problem solved not quite using special infrared cameras on planes and satellites. researches have detected substantial leaks, currents measuring methods which usually rely on ground of cetaceans couldn't detect them. the research has found that us landfills and meet $1.00 times more meetings in official reports. but it's not all bad news. this data can help linfield managers to detect leaks and reduce emissions straight away. however, not all solutions and a skilled need to be so high tech that businesses recommendation to reduce methane emissions from landfill is much simpler in more straightforward, reduce the amount of organic waste in them because the methane emissions from landfills are produced when organic matter decomposes underneath a pile of garbage without oxygen. if we are not going to be, i'm going to destination that with these duct rates. it is that the thoughts probably be situation will talk out. i. this is sharon cali,
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a scientists. we specialize in waste management in india, leading along middle adam and i was in what length is very good for bigger tradition of them. what they did. so you feel weird, did scientifically and stuff gentlemen. uh, i think we get back to the stop the maintaining admission city in countries like india where around 50 percent of the garbage is what waste avoid them using landfills can be really effective. and some places are being quite successful in implementing this policy. take my sewer, for example, with a population of more than one median. it produces between 40500 tons of waste daily . the 3rd is designed a decentralized system in which trash gets collected, segregated, and composted inside their neighborhoods. here it is important to remember that composting is primary anaerobic process with oxygen, where micro organisms breakdown organic matter. it can relate small amounts of me
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thing, if it's not properly done, if there isn't enough, be ration. that is white. quite often you'll see people turning the compost regularly in mice to about 50 percent of all waste is combusted for that the collector goes from door to door. residents, them properly separate their trash, do be find. officials say only 5 percent of the trash goes to landfill, their goal is 0 waste video risk management, those like no waste shown go for the plant or the line for today and simulation plan. so we had completely managing the risk though we tell, receiving from our different blocks of mice, 50 corporation, the combust produced, is sold to local farmers in the horticulture department. when you look around india, this may feel like a drop in the ocean, but it is a great example that shows it can be done. combusting also sorts out another huge problem, almost one 3rd of the countries farmland surface from slight different nations barkley, due to the heavy use of chemical fertilizers, now organ
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a compost is being used on farms to restore the land. this is a great example of climbing up the letter of the waste higher key at the very bottom of it. this is the worst possible way to get rid of the trash open burning or dumping. that is where the west, the waste we just saw, would probably end up then comes disposal without energy recovery like kinds of land feeding or incineration. next, this waste energy, which is an umbrella term for a few different methods like the west landfill, we saw generate electricity out of me. thing here comes with cycling. this is where the composting examples are even better. it is to reuse things often referred to as up cycling. and at the top of it is prevention and reduction. that bart depends a lot on waste producers. so companies as well as individual consumers going up and the pyramids is not always easy. closing dumpsite and making landfill better is a challenge and come to a long process, but it can be done like in rio de janeiro. it once hosted,
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let in america's biggest dumpsite. judging that, i'm not sure which received over 80000000 tons of garbage in 30 years. the surrounding monroe forest was devastated by you to locate the opportunity. give me a lot of sense and of it. they search for a faith to my my here to keep call laugh place. they showed one shouldn't be bad. we saw the push fellow side, not by edge. went about marty most got at least the biologist responsible for this restoration project. don't. this is think they both of them get that by just was point, you know, trick bit, i'm sure i my, or i did your mind gives the mileage one about it, some safety thing, but it died. usually the main roof forest captures a huge amount of su to this kind of invitation can absorb up to 4 times more carbon than other forest. and now we use waste goes to modern landfill. outside of the city. the site captures most of its methane emissions, according to the operator generates enough to manage the power seat of $90000.00 residents. it is
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a modern engineered landfill which cost of their own $90000000.00 us dollars. but that doesn't mean that the problem is solved in nearby grandma. sure there still illegal dump sites. and even in the restoration project itself, there were problems with leaking retreat in 2014, which now seems to have been sold. this approach isn't cheap and it's not perfect, but it does have a lot of potential look at this graphic. it shows regions that's to have a huge number of open dump sites. in this case, some experts suggest it's moving from dump sites to lentils would already be a step forward on the top of that separating at least organic trash before sending it to the landfill. like in missouri is something we can do when a global level of test reducing waste is the top priority to can also be reached worldwide is placed at the top of the pyramids. let's face it right now. we're producing more and more trash worldwide. the power of smart waste management,
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instead it can reduce costs in the long run to higher up and the waste pyramids, you go, the more money you can make from the trash. so just by making energy or re sending trash that's contest into more ways to collect in a controlled way, the less com it does to things harmons and the less money is needed to clean up this mess the. what about you? do you have any problems with dump sides or landfills nearby where he lives in equal solutions or wrong? let us know and the comments below hit the like button a. subscribe to our channel to release new videos for you. every friday, the of the legal workers and call themselves the black best they labor away. it'd be
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olympic construction site. now they are fighting for their rights to obtain a video status to get ahold of a training session prussia, because they know is was to find out next on the w two's likes to story and click that. there's an over 60000 children age between 11 and 16 with a gambling problem in the u. k. best sup, seen for the companies operating internationally. it is a cash cow. make is hit the jackpot without limits. they're not going to do anything. that's how they think it's not our responsibility. you know, our job is just to provide entertainment. in 45 minutes on d, w. d w, travel low there. besides the history food. wow, fucking,
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let's go through. so when it comes to sustain dependency information and trend, this is alex texted on detail. you travel, you can have it, whatever you, what's your opinion, feel free to write your thoughts and the comments paris is often called the city of lights and the city of love this summer. it will also become the sports capital of the world. is to sorry, it's a bit cramped. these workers are planning to occupy one of the biggest olympics construction sites and bring work to a hold. since french authorities brought in a restrictive immigration law, they've been fighting to secure legal status. union representative needs and they shall gives them advice and will join them for the strike. in fact,
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when they're all pretty, once we're inside and these are.


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