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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the facility, the news light from berlin is coming. iris strengthens her position to be the democrats nomination for president. joe biden endorsed as his vp to take over the campaign to defeat donald trump and had our scripts increasing the workplace to become the candidate for the vitality post on the program. as washington hosts is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, some critics of the east around i'm the us are asking why on the hostages home, the,
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our business plan that you're working on the 1st full day off, i can pay and us vice president comes out. harris has secured enough democratic delegates for how bid to become the policies nominate to replace joe biden and take on donald trump. she is not expected to win the democratic nomination of the parties convention in august. as she took over president biden's campaign headquarters in delaware, she got more than a simple endorsement from the president in her 1st speech to campaign workers since j biden abruptly entities election campaign, the vice president seemed energetic. she praised the president who was quoted again and speak a certain sum craven installation. i love joe, in jail. we really do. they truly are like family. and we need to i know you are still there. you're not going anywhere to
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be longer. i love you. after the emotional passing of the ph thomas went off to have it public, an opponent leaning into her background as a public prosecutor, she said she'd taken own perpetrators of all kinds. creditors who are abused women fraudsters, who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type, the it was in the a day earlier, the president pardon abandoned his big somebody election quickly giving his endorsement to have it. since then, the number of prominent democratic endorsements for the vice president has been
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growing longer by the hour. the list includes form a has speaking, nancy pelosi bill and hillary clinton and a widely anticipated arrival for the nomination, california governor, governor newsome. he was also among names floated as potential running nights encouraging doesn't michigan, governor gretchen with mountains and pennsylvania, governor judgeship pay the both states a critical to winning electrolyte to november. it's looking increasingly such and the terrace will be the democratic candidate that is only the fast title. and so in the next $106.00 days, we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to in the vice president has allowed them to do list that includes choosing a running mate and the building a campaign effective enough to defeat donald trump. so what is coming on,
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how does the strategy be to beats donald trump? i only up with that question to politically, i'm listen, deputy editor of the parliament magazine, william to croft in brussels. i think those remarks that come a lot, harris made to her campaign staff who were until just a day ago biden's campaign staff made it very clear that she's going to lean heavily as she did when she ran for president in 2020 into her career in her experience as a prosecutor especially going up down going up against donald trump where she very much is going to paint him as the either a legit or convicted criminal that he is a. so she really does feel like she's walking into your center for home turf as a prosecutor, as someone who is stared down as we heard in that. and those remarks stared down uh the, the, the, the barrel of the gun, so to speak, against criminals or against broad stairs to use her word. and these are the kinds of people that, that donald trump either is
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a legit to be or in some cases actually has been convicted of being. i think that kind of rule of law situation is going to be couple of harris is from card, no pun intended. and of course, the question of women's rights and abortion which many americans are in favor of protecting those rights and come a lot. harris can be a very strong advocate for making that takes a she also appears to have the delegates your needs and also the same record donations in one day. william, is it almost certain that she would now be the democratic nominee for president as well to be and how many you need 2 things. you need the delegates and you need the money and she has both. um, so it looks very likely that hers will be the nominee. you're going into the democratic national convention next month. that said, the democratic party does have the challenge of being democratic, which it has a long history of not being very democratic. if you look at how nominees were picked in 2016 in 2020. and now this process,
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despite the party saying that we're going to have an open process is going to be transparent. this can be an opportunity for democratic voters to have their say. nonetheless, they also at the same time, are facing this paradox, where they need to quickly coalesce around a candidate and democracy is not a great way of doing anything very quickly. so they're facing that challenge of making it appear or making it not appear like what people are calling a coordination. but there is actually a fight for harrison to make her case. but right now it looks like things are just falling into place after biden's step aside. she is, you have to announce or running mid prelim. do we know who it could be? as i think the report we saw made uh you know, laid out the case very nicely and it's a shame to be so reduction just about it. but that is really what a vice presidential pick is about is about balancing a ticket. so we have a woman of color at the top of the ticket. you're probably going to want a white man at the, you know, below at the bottom of the ticket. and it's, she was
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a senator. we're probably going to want to be looking at a governor, so you're looking at joshua, peer or pennsylvania. we're looking at in the sheriff. kentucky. you're looking into any print, skirt of illinois. you're gonna want also someone from maybe a redder or a per police state that could bring in some more moderate, centralized, even conservative voters. there are democrats running red states, like i said, for example in kentucky. and that could be very beneficial for balancing cala harris's california credentials, which is probably like got a news and the governor of california is not going to be a v pet because it's just too simple. there's too much overlap there. i like that, but probably william will leave it there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today. political ends with the blue cross from brussels. and our question about some of the stories making news around the was the head of the us secret service has admitted the agency faints to protect donald trump from an assassination attempt in pennsylvania. layer of this month speaking to lawmakers in congress, director kimberly truthful, said she to coach,
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for responsibility for any lapses in to get to see what your different schools to resign from both democrats and republicans of the commit. my name. okay, so a 150 people have been killed into land slides in southern ethiopia. the depths don't hesitate and significantly over the past 24 was as alternatives continue the search for survivors in the mountainous region. officials say women and children, not among the casualties, must have a mazda assigned a declaration, engaging with rival, by listing and group further on ending a long running rift. china. i describe it as a deal interval does up together once the war ends. both fact uh and how much the latter of which is designated a ton of is grouped by the us and you have made pledges of unity before only 2 at a time. so this for the place on i don't and as a more and guys are continues israel's foreign minister benjamin netanyahu is visiting washington, but some doubts the purpose of a strip at home in these rel,
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i'm in the us critics. a. nathan. yeah. who has not done enough to free the hostages, held by him us since the october 7, 10 out of tex, since prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president joe biden last saw each other in september ties between the 2 countries have only become more tense and when the israeli leader makes a speech to the us congress on wednesday. experts say he hopes his message would convince more than just the gathers lawmakers. he goes to audiences in mind. one is the american audience. and he wants to build support for israel build support for his role in congress. reinforce is really us ties is also thinking about domestic audience. so many israelis are upset with have the worst gone. they're upset about the hostages. he wants to demonstrate that he hasn't destroyed us is really relations or some of his political critics argue what he is much less interested in
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. that is what dividing whitehouse things concerns over israel's rifle. offensive in may, prompted the west to stop certain arm shipments of israel and the video and that in yahoo early is claiming that the white house was withholding even more support than it had made public put further strain on the relationship. but that the is really leader has also yet to express full support for a new westbrook cease fire hostage deals essentially blocking a path to peace. that's especially troubling the washington will humiliate biden, frankly, by showing up without having agreed to a cease fire deal. i think santa as a patient was that by the end of july, you know, with this war and it's 9 months that there would have been a cease fire that there would be a plan for what happens afterwards. this is not the right time. if he had accepted a ceasefire months ago and begun to reconstruction process in gaza,
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perhaps at home, this really opposition and also called for netanyahu to either analysis acceptance of the hostage deal in front of congress. or not go to washington at all. but my room and whose relative is still being held by hum austin garza so she'll be going to the west capital to try to keep the spotlight on the remaining hostages. rather than on politics. there are hostage families that are coming with him and he's going to talk about of uh, the deal we've been through. and all of those things are true and important for people to remember. i just feel like if he talks about those things without being committed to a deal, then he is doing a disservice. he's basically taking our pain and using it for game and not for our purposes, not for bringing back our loved ones. my a roman will be in congress to watch, not in yahoo, but more than a dozen democratic lawmakers say they'll show their opposition to israel's conduct
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of the war and gaza by staying away. and with a hostage to the state of hanging in the balance, i made criticism back home. i asked the w correspondent, tanya clermont of jerusalem walk message sniffing. yeah. who would bring to us lawmakers as well? i think the sense in is right of his visit in washing has become just much more complicated for the to know because of the withdrawal of presidential biden from the presidential race. and the to now has to work a very fine line here also because this visit comes as a very low point between the u. s. and is ready relations now. um, it is not clear when the meeting that's very much looked at yet aside from the speech in congress. on wednesday, there was supposed to be a meeting between a dubai and prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house because of finds a cobit 19 in section such as clear when this will be scheduled. but it will be
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very interesting to see the dynamic between the 2 leaders, their relationship has been strained. although we have to say us support for the war, and garza has been very strong with a continuous arms as supplies to israel. but both he does have not seen eye to eye in many decisions. and it's, it's talked about to you that to abide now that he dropped out of the race. could also think about his legacy and could put or sort of more pressure on a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. now on the other hand, we also understand that to now we also look to mentors was a presidential candidate, donald trump, that has been a close relationship between the 2. why as a trump both president, but this relationship has also suffered. but as you say, hanging over all of this is the question of the hostages that remain in god. and there's a sense, it is right, at least in the media, but also people talking about it that may mean that you know, is out of touch with the public sentiment. most of it,
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majority of the public wants to see the hostages to come home, although maybe not everybody's happy with such a deal, but that's a deal that also was put forward a buy to buy it and it hasn't really closed yet. and there will be also protests, we understand the expected 5 of relatives and of families of to hostages that travel to washington separately, that will protest against nathan yahoo there in washington. a there was uh the, the respondents, tanya crew. am i speaking to me earlier from jerusalem? finally in cambodia, the 1st black box, the full hudson connectivity, is offering hope so the endangered rep time. they stopped to hudson late may after its battens, but rescued from illegal craters. the black moss dachelle is a fresh water wrapped. i'm native to southeast asia. right now. the baby directly is just 6 centimeters long and weighs around 40 grams. it is being nurtured by conservationist onto this is big enough to be released back into the wind.
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