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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the you're watching dw ne was coming to live from for lynn, camilla harris and makes her 1st campaign stop and the battleground state of wisconsin. as endorsements and donations slot in delegates are rallying behind. jo biden's, vice president to take on donald trump for the white house. also coming up on our show, china brokers the declaration between rival palestinian groups, moss and fata, on forming a u. z government the
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inquiry. richardson, thank you so much for joining us. cala harris is hitting the campaign trail on her way to the battleground state of wisconsin. since jo whiten dropped out of the presidential race 2 days ago, democrats have rallied behind her bid to become the parties know many to take on donald trump. november's elections actually took over president biden's campaign headquarters in delaware, she got an emotional endorsement from the president in half the speech to campaign workers since j biden abruptly entities election campaign. the vice president seemed energetic. he plays the president who was pulling in and speak of certain, some crazy di sedation. i love joe, in jail. we really do. they truly are like family. and we need to go there. you're not going anywhere to be i love you. after the
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emotional passing of the ph thomas went off to have it public, an opponent leaning into her background as a public prosecutor, she said she'd taken own perpetrators of all kinds. creditors who are abused women fraudsters, who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type, the it was a me a day earlier, the president abandoned his big somebody election quickly giving his endorsement to have it. since then, the num, the prominent democratic endorsements for the vice president has been growing longer by the hour. the list includes for my house speaker, nancy pelosi,
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bill and hillary clinton and a widely anticipated rival for the nomination, california governor, governor newsome. he was also among names flirted as potential running nights encouraging doesn't michigan, governor gretchen with mountains and pennsylvania, governor judgeship pay the both states a critical to winning electrolyte to november. it's looking increasingly such and the terrace will be the democratic candidate that is only the fast title. and so in the next $106.00 days, we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to end. the vice president has allowed them to do list that includes choosing a running mate and the building a campaign effective enough to defeat donald trump. so let's take a look at exactly how much support harris has to become the democrats presidential
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nominee. now if you look here at the states, we're going to mark in the blue show state delegations that have endorsed her bid for the white house. she needs the majority of delegates to be confirmed as the candidate at the democratic national convention in august. and that means harris needs back inc. from half of the nearly 4000 delegates, according to a survey from the associated press. so she has cross that threshold, almost 2700, have fledged to back her as the democratic nominee, giving her a comfortable majority. so couple of harris appears to have a clear path to the nomination here. but does she have this all wrapped up? i put that question to william, a blue cross deaf legal analyst, and deputy editor of the parliament magazine. colorado as does have the 2 things. you need to be the nominate you, which is money and delegates, and the party behind her. that said, it can still be an open process. the democratic party has said they want an open process and they do have this challenge of appearing open and democratic and
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transparent. but at the same time, not a lot of time to couple less around a candidate and in a democracy or democratic methods or not executive staff, just the way to make decisions. so that balance is something that's gonna be a challenge, both for the harris campaign and the democratic party to make it appear that come with a harris really has earned the spot even if she formerly speaking has the, has the upper hand with the money and the delegates to their you've mentioned this so she does indeed cc racking in the funding that you need for something like a u. s. presidential campaign are raising record donations in the 1st day of her candidacy. where's this money coming from? well 1st we should say that is the big donor. so essentially you james joe biden. right. is those really, really rich influential donors, the donor class? that essentially is the, what tips the tips things over for by and finally making this decision to bow out cuz it was affecting not just him, but the democrats up and down the ticket. but it's small donors who appear to be
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stepping up right now to back. come on the harris, the big donors are there, of course, as well. they always are. but there's a lot of enthusiasm in the energy right now with the democratic party about this change. this change of wind, which is causing a lot of normal people to put up small sums of money, 20 bucks, 50 bucks, a 100 bucks. what have you in these opening days? what's gonna, what the big question is, is, can pamela harris really ride this momentum? this energy into a full fledged campaign because of course, there is this, this bird of energy out of the box right now. we have to see in the next days and weeks if that kind of a support for her will continue. well, and let's talk about harris's potential vice presidential take many suggesting it could well be a white man from a swing state. can you explain what the thinking there is? yeah, i wish it weren't. so reduction as to when it comes to figuring out the so called balancing of a ticket. if you have a white man on top, we saw this a joe by june 2020 day. very explicitly said we want a woman and we want
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a woman of color. i wish it could be more about, you know, ideas and what people stand for. but unfortunately, politics is optics and identity politics very much is politics on both the left and right of the spectrum. and there are swing states to think about. there are perfectly voters just think about the people in the middle. possibly people who might vote for donald trump against their best. they're better in things, but maybe now can be pulled back into the democratic camp. come on air as we should notice. now regardless how the republicans will painter, not a progressive, not a some less the person. she is very much a centrist. i'm very, actually quite conservative on some issues in a democratic sense. so they're going to be looking at those aspects as well when it comes to running me, but most likely, having that man about governor, possibly some with executive experience. a lot of course terrace now has executive experience as vice president almost the last 4 years. looking at what we found that our port pennsylvania, north carolina, arizona,
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as just some of the potential places that the democrats might be looking for to as base a balance. that ticket with kind of there was a level blue cross between earlier now rival policy and factions including hamas and hottest say they have signed a declaration in china on ending a long running wrist. the 2 groups have competed for power in gaza and the west bank for years. now the so called a being a declaration is aimed at strengthening power, steering, and unity, and involves more than a dozen pelvis to me. and factions. i'm also is considered a terrorist, a group by the u. s. e u and other states, but not so by china is real quickly rejected. the agreement is foreign minister saying how my says rule would be crushed to. it's a pack that could and years of inciting between rival palestinian factions, representatives from fatah, and have mass have inc. what host china calls a national unity deal. it also includes a dozen other palestinian groups. the outcome has defied expectations as previous
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attempts that bridging their divisions have failed. a mass runs guys a while for talk controls parts of the occupied westbank. after feuding for nearly 2 decades, they have committed to a new chapter. what are your them? today we signed an agreement for national unity for the appointment. and we believe that this is the past who completing our journey party and we are committed to national unity and we called for us on the when the china, unlike many western nations, does not consider him as a tear organization. the pact is a major diplomatic to for broker beijing. china is teen to bolster its influence in the region and to present itself as a peace maker on the international stage. after repeating calls for
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a cease fire in gaza, beijing laid out its vision for the territory post war yarbrough shipping. the 2nd step is to uphold the principle of palestinians governing palestine and to work together to advance the postwar governments of garza. the war has left gaza, devastated and an early start to paced will reconstruction has become an urgent issue in the next stage. but israel has vowed to eliminate how mass for carrying out the october 7 terror attacks and firmly rejects their involvement in governing gazda. the future of the strip is a major sticking point, as israel and a mass weight and internationally backed ceasefire proposal. or i, as i've met a buddha, i associate fellow with the chatham house, middle east, and north africa program, whether this declaration will hold, given that many of previous such ones have fallen apart. the short answer is,
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i don't expect major developments out of this declaration. i think it was not to produce re in unity or reconciliation because the disagreements between from, from asked specially are a structural found. the not related to the lights, issues. and these issues are related to inclusion of from us and such. and to that be a little organization, the elections and the changes in audiological doctrines that govern both from us and also the belief in the peaceful negotiations with israel to rage, peace under the umbrella, the also the court. so these issues would not this cost, and i don't think they would go away and he talked to him. so as far as we know, none of these fundamental structural issues were addressed in the deal. were there any areas where you saw breakthroughs that you would say or notable?
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some of them were encouraging the, the, the elections, for example, it was under the coloration. also the forming the formation of unity government, which is a from us demand for so long and such a didn't want this to happen. it is included in the declaration. but the problem is, the declaration is predicated on a decision by president my what are the best, who opposes all this. secondly, it doesn't include any concrete timeframe or implementation mechanism for a v, a frightful outcomes to become reality. so just like other declarations and agreements and chiral, so not make a jury's endorse. and even the most going february, i don't think they will lead to a 3 or consists of 3 elements. the 1st is it wants to increase its popularity in the street. and within functions within that hold on, hold on for
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a moment, what are the best? who are angry with the language coming from the presidency towards how my 2nd it wants to block from us inclusion into the p low and said, most importantly, i think it has to be little prepared with the for the uncertainty coming from the united states. now that president biden decided to pull out of the elections, i think when i best is predicting uncertainty, if drum becomes president and we saw this behavior from, with our best in 2020 off the president trump, uh, proposed the deal of the century negotiations between the policy and isn't is what he was before says i haven't a boudreau from chatham house, london speaking to me earlier there just before we go, which maybe with some good news from cambodia. the 1st black marshal turtle, hatched in captivity is now offering hope for the endangered reptile. let's take a look. this little turtle hatched in late may after his parents were rescued from illegal traders. the black merch total is a fresh water reptile,
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native to southeast asia. right now this baby turtle is just 6 centimeters long and weighs about 40 grams. is being nurtured by conservationists until it's big enough to be released back into the wiles. and that is your news update. i'm clear. richardson, thank you so much for watching. the name is the calls back, saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good everyone to kings for healthy award winning called com. so hold back.


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