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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from, but then the had to be us secret service, resigns, following the assassination attempt on donald trump. kimberly cheapo, faced by pauses on criticism for the agencies handling of security around the republican presidential candidates, which she admitted had been a huge failure. also in the program. couple of harris arrives in the background states of wisconsin on her 1st campaign, stopped us endorsement send donations, flooding advocates, a routing behind the us vice president sped to take on the donald trump for the white house. the
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unforgettable welcome to the program. we stopped in the united states where the head of the secret service is stepping down, following the failed assassination attempt against the phone. the president donald trump, kimberly, she told, announced her resignation in an email for staff. she said she took full responsibility for the security of laughs with a lot of distributed to get within 135 meters of the stage. i. mr. trump, for speaking. the resignation comes a day after appearing at the congressional hearing, during which was heavily criticized by democrats and republicans. i appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today. well for mount washington bureau chief in his poem, welcome anus. tell us more about today's events. yes, absolutely. you know, during kimberly tables hearing of the house oversight committee yesterday, she just didn't provide any answer to the cultural questions. like why there was no immediate reaction to the warning given by rally,
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attendees as the rooftop from where the attempt was made, was only a few 100 meters away from the stage. and of course, she also couldn't answer why there weren't any officers on this roof. the 1st place, so was 5 parties and called for her resignation. it was inevitable that she would step down. i mean, this resignation comes, of course in a time or a function and secret service is very important and given the ongoing election season and the numerous public appearances of by the president and other candidates . so the important question now is of course, who will replace a siegel and why president biden, to was her for the position that something trump has already seized on, and it kind of holds the bite and i have a slide how is accountable for the system? nice, no time to said that they failed to adequately protect him enrolled on his social
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media platform. that he, i quote him here, took a bullet for democracy. okay, sounds about, you know, so we're gonna take a look now as a couple of how this is paid for the democratic nomination, and then we'll come back to you. so thanks for now. will those donations and delegate supports off? so i think into both a couple of 106 that likely nomination as the democrats presidential candidates. take a look at these map, the states marked in blue show state delegations that have endorsed have bid, she needs the majority of the almost 4000 delegates to be confirmed as the counted as an august democratic national convention. and according to a survey by the associated press, the vice president has already comfortably crossed that threshold is backing from almost $2700.00 to a couple of hours to it was at present biden's campaign headquarters in delaware and received a 1st endorsement from the president and half the speech to campaign workers since j barton abruptly entities election campaign. the vice president seemed energetic.
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he plays the president who was born again on speaker phone from craven isolation. i love joe in jail. we really do. they truly are like family the other way and we know you are still there. you're not going anywhere i love of to the emotional passing, the ph thomas went off to have it public, an opponent leaning into her background as a public prosecutor. she said she'd taken own perpetrators of all kinds creditors who abused women fraudsters, who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so here me when i say,
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i know donald trump's type, the it was in the a day earlier, the president abandoned his big somebody election quickly giving his endorsement to have it. since then, the num, the prominent democratic endorsements for the vice president has been growing wrong . good by the hour in the list includes for my house speaker, nancy pelosi bill and hillary clinton and a widely anticipated arrival for the nomination, california governor, governor newsome. he was also among names floated as potential running nights encouraging. doesn't michigan govern a gretchen with mountains and pennsylvania, governor judgeship pay the both states a critical to winning electrolyte to november. it's looking increasingly such and the terrace will be the democratic candidate that is only the fast title. so in the next $106.00 days,
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we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to when the vice president has a loan to do list that includes choosing a venting mate and to building a campaign effective enough to defeat donald trump. so back to it was pull in washington the 8 as well a couple of hours to be able to attract voters who didn't vote for joe biden. well, you know, if you look at the car and kind of more to year in the democratic can buy would say definitely a so it's amazing how little time it took her since the president biden endorsed her as his successor. how much money poured in there. you were referring to it, but also that she was able to get the necessary amount of delegates to get the
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nomination. so in the moment there was a lot of energy you see to also like on social media platform such as take talk that she is seeing as a fresh phase as a, as someone who gets this country kind of a future end does more much more representative of the country, which is so young and also so diverse, but of course, she is still a member of the a bite and come a lot, hers white house. and this is what the republicans tried to play out. they tried to say or to send out the message, well, as you might be younger, she might be different, but she stands for the same policies. a president biden stands for and day of course criticize especially the border policies and also the inflation problems in the, in the united states. so we shall see, but the moment definitely is on her side. i'm just ready. 5 minutes have benjamin netanyahu using washington and due to address congress on wednesday, will he on the couple of hours that meet at some point?
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you know, that's interesting. so vice president, pamela harris, will not presided over uh or not. even the 10 prime minister has been, i mean that on the yahoo has joined address to congress tomorrow afternoon local time. and this is really highly unusual because normally the vice president typically presides over such events. so officially, her absences attributed to a competing event in indianapolis. however, you know, given the reasons withdrawal of support from arab americans due to president biden's, is there a policies it is actually also possible that terry's decision is also a political move to signal her disapproval of natania who has got policies. nevertheless, she is expected to meet as much on yahoo behind close stores at the white house on 1st a maybe together with a president biden. but that's something we don't know yet. okay,
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thank you for that sir. in his poll, i dw, i'm washington bureau chief, thank well, as you can imagine, security in washington will be particularly tied for mr. ness and you know, who's visit there are multiple protests planned over his handling of the war and gaza. he's writing the latest you to address both houses of congress on wednesday is visit has been overshadowed by president biden's decision to drop out of the presidential race a shiny resolve. this is um, at least at least the welcome showing me this is mr. destiny on whose 1st visit to washington during the bite and administration. what does he want? oh, officially, he wants to cement the bipartisan support as well. of course, it's very critical to you as well the times like this after the last months we've been seeing, you know, the going uh can prophecy and criticism over is really actions. we've seen it tearing apart the democrats and republicans from each other, but also within the functions within the democratic
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a party. and from that to now he wants to sort of show strong unity between the us and, and israel most to show it to the world to the radians may be other enemies of israel who might be watching this is officially and officially, you know, not to me always, always complaining, he's always afraid of, you know, election around the corner. he wants to re establish himself as the leader and strong leader and protector of as well as he always palm is really is that he is really in his base. of course, all of that it was chattered and damage after october, 7th and for him is the 1st time a chance to be back in his realm. you know, to be back in his comfort zone, show his brilliant english, you know, show the cloud. he still has in the world and hopefully to rally his based on the right. and israel is also, i understand, supposed to be donald trump. what do we know about this? well, they have rid of a contentious relationship. they, they weren't quite close when trump was in the white house, but after a trump was defeated by biden. and the to know, congratulated him we've seen by a, from, on the record being very much upset within the hour. sort of being the place to,
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to, you know, not, not standing loyal enough to, to trump in his face. of course this is uh israel as a topic is, is such a galvanizing topic when it comes to american policy that, you know, trump cannot just leave it like that. he would know these 2 will have to find a way to come close to each other. so we don't know exactly the details of when and how this is supposed to be happening. but we know there's great effort from this on the outside to make sure it does happen. okay, so that, and that's the president by it. and that the relationship between presence and, and prime minister, i'm famously a bristol fractures a how is that now going to be affected by the fact that joe biden has given up the reelection race and has only 6 months left in office? well, the key word is legacy, you know, and joe biden knows that his legacy is very much tied now with the israel guys of war with what happened with some us with the support he gave as well. he would want a promise before he accepts the white house that israel has managed to bring as many hostages back as possible that there is
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a ceasefire arrangement to send bringing cease fire. it is not only matter for the hostages and the retrieval of many as many alive as possible, but also for the whole weekend. because we've seen the attacks from the hoodies on the south. we've seen get techs in the north of loveland, from north, from cause bile and lebanon. these are all tied together, and the hopes is that once a deal is sealed, something that's by it. and also we know blinking clearly mentioned today. this will be the main focus for the remaining remaining 6 months in order to bring the whole region down and america's to have some leverage when it comes to a munition. when it comes to support for any operation. when a, you know, against the proxies of iran in the region like them and these, uh, the booty, amenities and so on. they need american backing and american support. so bite in hopes you can still use that against that to me. i when convinced him to play alone, mister netanyahu facing lots of criticism home for not having committed to this, they saw stage deal that present by has been pushing for a so heartful. correct. and, you know, we've, we've, we know there's
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a hostages families who was traveling within the hour when he's playing the others who made it to washington. some of them spoken front of the congress today saying they do not feel any urgency on the side of prime minister and it's, and you all to see that deal. there's a lot of frustration there. that's and yeah, well ever him self was saying today that he feels like that the conditions are right pending. it's important to antonio, as long as he's still in washington to seem to be interested in the deal to seem to be eager to pursue it without actually needing to deliver and that, and business executive frustration that the families have. um, we still also hope it is doable or if you talk to americans, if you talk to people who is really the military operators, they tell you it is still possible. so hopefully this is still in the cards. okay. clear as ever. thank you so much. i was on this the visit released on we'll take a look at so storage, making headlines around the world. now. the world health organization says it's extremely worried about to pose the potential polio outbreak in gaza. and one of the traces of the virus have been detected in waste water in the tanner street and
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that be done some type of situation could allow it to spread quickly. polio attacks the central nervous system causing paralysis and death and extreme cases of a mass assigned the declaration in beijing was bible, the palestinian group factor on ending a long running best. china described it as a deal to rule gases together. once a will, ends, fafsa and thomas, the last of which has been designate to the terrace group by the us in a, you know, they've made places of unity before only to return to disco. reminder about top story this, our company. how does this have to come pain trail starting with the battleground state of wisconsin, since president biden dropped out of the race for the presidential nomination to democratic presidential illumination, the nation southlake in? i'm deborah castro valley. it's behind the big piece that to become, to talk to somebody take on the donald trump. in the event blackstone
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dw plus that made some of the on documented work. it's hard to build for some of the upcoming of kind of a lympics. i'll be back at the top of good, the, i, sorry, one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide in such an one. great timing is very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on student info microns. paris is often called the city of lights and the city of love this summer. it will .


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