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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news life invalid. the head of the u. s. secret service resides following the assassination attempt against donald trump. kimberly chapel faced by pauses on criticism for the agencies handling of security iraq. the republican presidential candidacy, which she admitted had paid a huge favor also on the program. coming on, harris heads to the baffle ground state of wisconsin on how fast the campaign roddicks after launching, have been to become the next u. s. president. antique government demonstrates as clash with the police and the academy and capital 9 rosie expediters roundhill express us putting a massive pressure on president bruce has gone
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the full go. welcome to the program. we started in the united states with ahead of the secret service. a staffing down following the filed assassination attempt against former president donald trump. kimberly cheated announced a resignation in an email to staff services. she said she took full responsibility for the security lapse that's allowed to shoot to get within 135 meters at the stage. mr. trump was speaking. always comes that they asked, appearing with a congressional hearing during which she was heavily criticized by democrats and by republicans. i appreciate the opportunity to appear in washington bureau chief has poll, told me more. and you also do, you know, during kimberly chisels hearing of the house oversight committee yesterday, she just didn't provide any answer to the cultural questions. like why there was no
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immediate reaction to the warning given by rally attendees as the rooftop from where the attempt was made, was only a few 100 meters away from the states. and of course, she also couldn't answer why there weren't any officers on this roof. the 1st place so was 5 parts and called for her resignation. it was inevitable that she would step down. i mean, this resignation comes, of course, and a time or a function and secret service is, is very important and given the ongoing election season and the numerous public appearances by the president and other candidates. so the important question now is of course, who will replace a t t will end uh, why president bite. and she was her for the position that something trumbull has already seized on. and it kind of holds the bite and i have is why i told us accountable for the assess the nation to attempt to said that they failed to adequately protect him enrolled on his social media platform. that he,
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i quote him here, took a bullet for democracy. as soon as paulie washington vice president harris is having to wisconsin on her 1st visit to a battleground states as the leading contend for the democratic presidential nomination. just traveling to the city of milwaukee. 2 days after president bible dropped his re election bid is just our essentially support secure. they supportive enough delegates to clinch the policies nomination. the tell them's republicans or my president donald trump needs the majority of bill, most of full 1000 delegates to be confirmed as candidates august democratic national convention according to an a piece of a. she's already comfortably cross that threshold back in from almost 2900. couple of harris took over the president biden's campaign headquarters in delaware. i'm receives from 1st endorsement from the president and have 1st speech to campaign workers. since j died and abruptly entities election campaign,
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the vice president seemed energetic. he plays the president who is called again on speaker phone, from craven isolation. i love jonesville, we really do. they truly are like family to us and we go there. you're not going anywhere. i love of to the emotional passing, the ph thomas went off to have it public, an opponent leaning into her background as a public prosecutor. she said she'd taken own perpetrators of all kinds creditors who abused women fraudsters, who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say
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i know donald trump's type, the it was a me a day earlier that president barton abandoned his page some of the election quickly giving his endorsement to have it. since then, the number of prominent democratic endorsements for the vice president has been growing longer by the hour on the list includes for my house speaker, nancy pelosi bill and hillary clinton and a widely anticipated rival for the nomination, california governor, governor newsome. he was also among names floated as potential running nights, encouraging 1000 michigan governor gretchen witted mountains and pennsylvania. governor judgeship pay the both states a critical to winning electrolyte to november. it's looking increasingly such and the terrace will be the democratic candidate that is only the fast title. so in the
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next $106.00 days, we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to in the vice president has allowed them to do list that includes choosing a running mate and the building a campaign effective enough to defeat donald trump. the status paul lift couple of hours will be able to attract the voters who didn't vote for joe biden to well, you know, if you look at the car and kind of more to year in the democratic camp, i would say definitely. so it's amazing how little time it took her since president bite and endorsed her as his successor. how much money poured in there. you were for real referring to it, but also that she was able to get the necessary amount of delegates to get the nomination. so in the moment there was
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a lot of energy you'll see to also like on social media platforms such as take talk that she is seeing as a fresh phase as a, as someone who gives this country kind of a future and does more much more representative of the country, which is so young and also so diverse, but of course, she is still a member of the a bite and come a lot higher is white house. and this is what the republicans tried to play out. they tried to say or to send out the message, well, as you might be younger, she might be different, but she stands for the same policies. a president biden stands for an day, of course, criticize especially the border policies and also the inflation problems in the, in the united states. so we shall see, but the moment definitely is on her side. he's ready. 5 minutes have benjamin netanyahu using washington to do to address congress on wednesday. will he? and a couple of hours that meet at some point you know,
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that's interesting. so vice president, pamela harris, will not per side over uh or not. even the 10 prime minister has been, i mean that on the yahoo has joined address to congress tomorrow afternoon local time. and this is really highly unusual because normally the vice president typically presides over such events. so officially your absence as a trip to come pay and event in indianapolis. however, you know, given the reasons withdrawal of support from arab americans due to president biden's, is there a policies it is actually also possible that terry's decision is also a political move to signal her disapproval of natania. who is god policies. nevertheless, she is expected to meet with much on yahoo, behind close stores at the white house on 1st a maybe together with a president biden, but that's something we don't know yet. okay,
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thank you for that. sorry in his poll. i dw, i'm washington bureau chief, thank what's the go see i in washington. it for mr. netanyahu's visit is type multiple prototypes have been plan of his handling of the war in gaza is writing. dana is due to address both houses of congress on wednesday, is visits being overshadowed by president bivens decision to drop out of the presidential rice will take a look. no acts of all stores making news around the world. world health organization says it's extremely worried about a pony or a potential podium breaking gaza. it's one that traces of the virus have been detected in the territories wastewater and that the diet savvy taishan situation could allow it to spread quickly. pogo attacks the central nervous system, quotes and paralysis and death, extreme cases to at least $229.00. people have been killed into land slides in southern ethiopia. the death toll has risen significantly over
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the last 24 hours. as all pharmacy such the mountainous region for survivors, officials say casualties include women and children. the indian government has on file spending plans costing billions of dollars to create new jobs and satisfied key television partners. this is the 1st budget since prime minister and their engine beaudry. it was re elected this year with the reduced mandate dames to win back and photos. i'm retired political support in the heart of columbia and president of gustavo petro has signed a lot of bands. both i think is country is one of 5, lots of the american countries to allow the practice which states back to spanish colonial times. columbia now has 3 years to transform its full rings into cultural and optimistic census. taiwan has scaled back its annual hon. quiet and military exercise as type who gave me heads towards the island defense
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ministry cancelled. air force drills with sudden naval underlined exercises would continue. weather forecast suggest academy could make land full on the islands northeast on wednesday. it's a to county web police, not the government protest. as of clashed in the capital 9 robi demonstrations took to the streets in 10 till not seen on the cities international airport. these 50 people have been killed in hundreds injured in protests by the government trying to introduce new taxation rules. 5 weeks ago, protests have continued even though the government withdrew. with the proposal, the deputies, edith kamani asked some of the protesters why they are still out on the streets. george, boy, it is just in time for the action. the 24 year old has attended every anti government purchased in a ruby for the last 5 weeks and is still going for him. this is person i
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was exposed to injustices or to a very early age. i am used to seeing. i was used to see dead bodies our way back from my childhood, and even now growing up to become or young are dogs in this country and which missing the amount of force, excessive force being used by the law enforcement officers. it's a part of kenya's commission on human rights says at least 50 people have been cute, seen support to started despite the risk attending the demonstrations poses boy every tense, every week on the tad and focused, i know it's easy to be abducted or it's easy to go missing. so i just find my group of people. we mobilize our souls and we continue. i've been with the streets up until the big government listens to our voices.
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shortly after our interview with targeted by the police. we were not too far from here, a buck, 50 meters, with somebody had been injured and police noticing that a crowd was forming low, at least for canisters of t. i guess i to us all around us. you can see young people who are curious, who might be wanting to participate in the protest, but unable to because of the sheer force that police are using. now young people have gathered here today to say to the government that despite the concessions president to, to made, they still want more, we need empowerment. we have tens. what's the point of school by that a complete? we have seen that governments when the prison was competing, so that you could look for that, you would. but if not, you see us know what the one of the seats that you had some other time you walk. there's just been piling frustration for a long time. so are you here today, i guess because this particular government has it's been defend on the camel's back and we're just tired of it. we can't hold on let loose for how long will, how long. so we need the solution to all these boy under protest. as out today,
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see, they will keep the pressure on the state until their demands for change permits on the 1st black march to to have spring captivity is offering hope for the endangered bab time. is one that has to, in cambodia and lighting may average parents were rescued from illegal traders. black mas titles, a fresh horse or reptile, native to southeast asia. by now, this little baby is just 6 centimeters long. the waves around 40 grams. it's being nurtured by a conservationist until it's big enough to be released back into the wild and reminded that top story of this, our a director of the us thinking services resigned after the meeting to receive coaching funding yesterday attempted assassination of donald trump. kimberly chapel, the said to agency has fallen short of its mission to protect us. these couple of harris has arrived in the background. the state of wisconsin on our 1st campaign
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valley after launching have been to become the next us they don't need business is the next. i'll be back at the top of the the the, this is a vision of indonesia is apparently bright future new center of the country is new multi $1000000000.00 capital.


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