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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 11:15pm-11:45pm CEST

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strong g d p growth is clearly important for indonesia to achieve that status and g d. p growth is actually a big topic of discussion in indonesia during the recent presidential election campaign to find with those successor candidates argued over who could achieve annual growth of 7 percent or more. the winner for boys to be unto, protects over from with dodo in october, said he would achieve growth of 8 percent. within 5 years. indonesia hasn't had growth as high as the us in already 20 years. over the last decade, the growth rate has consistently been around 5 percent, except during the pandemic. it is projected to remain at that level for the next few years. i do believe it's 7 to 8 percent. uh, you know, grocery trajectory is not an impossibility but, but it all depends on some of the t building blocks that we need to be building upon the data words you have on a former indonesian minister for trade, he says there are various economic metrics which indonesia must improve upon
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a few or is important than his you as the f. b i given indonesia is history of political non alignment. 2 countries stand out is particularly important, then disregard doors to biggest economies. china and the us the paris is often called the city of lights and the city of love this summer. it will also become the sports capital of the world. is to sorry, it's a bit cramped. these workers are planning to occupy one of the biggest olympics construction sites and bring work to a hold. since french authorities brought in a restrictive immigration law, they've been fighting to secure legal status. union representative,
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the 10 they shall gives them advice and will join them for the strike and things like when they're all pretty, once we're inside. and he's off on that. were there to demand our rights not to get arrested to us on the, the activists from the she lane while or black vest movement hand out the contact details of a lawyer in case the police get to know what one member i'm gonna do. that translates between so think it and french, and if it has to be strong when it will fight until we reach our goal to scott. so the paris is expecting more than 15000000 visitors for the 2024 olympics and paralympics. the government promised the games would be socially responsible. but on major construction sides, the reality has been different. with type construction schedules to keep companies
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have turned to sub contractors for the hiring of workers. thus avoiding the legal risks of directly employing on documented migrant authorities have tried to take action against illegal employment at olympic construction sites. even so, some companies have been sued in labor records by workers who have been denied proper documentation of done as these has been working as a painter on the construction of the data is arena. the flagship venue of the paras olympics. he's decided to strike so that he can get papers to allow him to see his family in molly because his mother, every morning though he hasn't told her about the high risk industrial crunch and his planning. since his father's death. he supported her as best he can. these i'm apparently, they didn't put it in my mail with them. my mothers being very worried ever since my father died was that's why i set off of my journey to europe. i don't know until
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i knew what he tried to cross the mediterranean several times in 2019. he spent 12 hours in a rubber dingy before the red cross rescued him and dropped him off in spain. that is your going to us, you know, being friends properly. that's my dream of that. it's just before 7 am on tuesday, october 17th, 2023. the striking workers and their supporters head towards pump to initial visually into our active this i've handed out metro tickets. any run in with the authorities might jeopardize the plan and could be dangerous for these undocumented migraines. i'm just checking who that is. they try to be inconspicuous as they approach the site over there. they've seen us the,
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the strikers occupied the area demanding documents certifying that they've been working on the construction sites. that way they can apply for legal residency. ready each year 1000 is good residents papers this way the application is received because it can also result in deportation. employers also need to supply pay slips, which would show that they've been employed. undocumented workers. the
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. 6 i'm done as ease has been elected spokes person for the striking workers together with the others. he's come out sign to speak to the press. a chin is with the c n t s o union. he's done this before. well, that's up to you, the same people will go out and come back in. you can count us in and out negotiates with a guard who's blocking the entrance, the but during the press conference, the management asks for the names of the workers who left the side of the seas and the others are stuck outside. where do you have seen them, where no names? no giving any names would weaken their negotiating position. the situation is
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deadlocked until a government representative show up. the construction project was commissioned by the city of paris. i have what you're saying. i just want to know who these people are, i'm guessing around the point them out one by one. good ideas, really i've done that as this is the 1st to return that we're winning 7 hours after the occupation began. the site management allows in some food prepared by the migrants. my, my do is a founding member of this. elaine, one group, he hands out sandwiches. mama do comes from money. his father served in the french army in the 2nd world war this low proximity twice a week. we give a leaflets information for undocumented workers on the construction site. so by
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that it's on to there are a lot of them here to the sony. see, he describes the subcontractors practices we do for them to sometimes the 100 checks with new names on them because the newer and documented this is the lead on 4 of our colleagues. that's why we're here today. the neglect, we have a message for believe it went through the company claims to have clean hands, but that's not true. but uh, if it works with dirty companies and it can't have a clean hands that's good to go through, it looks is that the good it is. so if i just give you the full among the supporters, the tension is beginning to rise. they've taken a risk by coming here, but they themselves are not the subject of these negotiations. are going to the point of the 100 have we come just to support the people who work here? let me know how about you were doing it for everyone. why, why would it be useful?
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they're demanding a meeting with the interior and labor ministries to discuss their situation. i know we've talked to everyone together. what are the people from yesterday worker from this site and those from other sites, everyone's here real bad? i bet no, you put them on the they want the government to hear their voice is one of the for it's part, the government wants to tighten conditions for getting permits to undocumented migrants know when that they can keeps everyone updated. we give me a week says they were surprised to discover that these employees had no papers. i think that they could have come forward. i think that's interesting or even you haven't even seen it. even my response was that they would probably have been fired example. right. but it might, denise, also, probably some of you work directly for boy gun this construction site. but you most of you worked for sub contractors of all the some fit on a pre yes. can you show me probably others haven't worked on any of the grand
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terrace projects or live became sites on that. the 3rd i saw the strength of this movement is that it can get papers for the workers on this side. also, you will probably see, but it can also do the same for others. as folks person, i've done it as easy as taking part in the negotiations along with representatives of visual lean war and the c and t. s. o union officials from the city of paris and week the company building via data. serena 3, subcontractors are also present the, the delegation once the agreement to include as many workers as possible. okay, the demands of both sides have been matched. in the
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after 10 hours of negotiations, the strikers are satisfied with the outcome. they and everyone else who's worked for the 3 sub contractors in the last 3 to 5 months receive assigned declaration. it will also apply to employees who work here over the next 3 months. they aren't granted a meeting with the government, but they're given an appointment at the town hall. they can join the union when he was 15. he's always fought for his convictions. he even served 2 years in prison as a conscientious objector, his girlfriend, and he wants him to slow down with a. she works for a local newspaper when he can carries out industrial action in the area and she's
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able to report on it to pick it up the whole day of negotiations with her grandpa, a, a, the t and the last 4 to he's in the i saw the article in the video online. ok, the one where we take down the barriers to get off without a successor. it's jen has to continue the fight himself. he only takes a break to spend time with his grandchildren. then duty calls once again to the could you close it by the, since the strike action, those who have demanded their work permits aren't being allowed back to work at the deed as a reno or other construction sites belonging to the company the we hello. yes. hello etc, and to show from the c n t s. okay, so we've got,
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we've learned that you're no longer allowing the colleagues for whom we occupied the construction site on the 17th to work at the arena. grounds, nudity, c by probably use your, let me see. did i not see a few days after the action? i h n and his colleagues use leaflets to inform the workers about the agreement. no, the same protocol must be in here too early for we always speak to put together. the striking worker is being kept out of the construction side have already been replaced by other regular workers might not see got system if you carry on like this wheel occupied the site again, you know, valuable goopy. yes, that doesn't matter. actually if i can or you can call the police with you do whatever you like. ok, see you then in europe, you have to once again, the workers demonstrate at the adidas arena, construction side, along with the union, members of the issues in war group, including the do,
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the dave exploited us for years. despite the pressure, the contractor won't let those who took part in the strike back onto the site. they broke in their promise and violated our agreement. the the atmosphere is tense, with just 8 months to go until the olympic games begin. the company is determined to continue with work today they're we're not going to be locked up and we can go wherever we want to have no problem. with one person per section. yes or maybe 2 per section, one won't be enough. frontier 3. and so i see here, or the
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funny thing is they would stuff us because we're together side by side. they start to annoying us. we'll go even further and the bill is stop. we don't provoke anyone. it's okay. yes. that's and to sean speaking with yes. hello, we've re occupied the arena site to go down right now. we'd like to start negotiations to continue work on a site. i'd like to talk to you about it cover. yes, it can hopes to solve the problem on side. but it's not that simple, right?
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february, that's around the i'm losing tell your henchmen to calm down because we're back in they beat us, but that doesn't matter. we think we want to talk to we don't really just you having the solely day or company in the mayor. mister additional visits? unacceptable. if we will use also being unacceptable. you know, tell me, i know they keep like, you know, i know you have and joe, tell him to well, cuz things that on the trailer was on the bosses say they can't legally let undocumented workers back onto their sides. but the process of getting legal status through employment does allow people to keep working while they're applying is definitely the largest, don't allow it to her, a liar, liar, because of all the cameras around a lot of these kinds of things. we negotiated and we accepted. but even so, the undocumented migrants here and not to be,
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i like to work for police already safety. so by the only getting my colleague is it holding me, he can't work and he has a family children's only for me, we're here to support him on of any points. he thought info for the display from the company called the police again, the officers start by talking to the managers of the construct inside the building, looked up zillow and i'll show you my id card right away on the road. and then you won't have to ask me. i know how it governs if you don't want it. i want to do that . yes. give it to me from what's going on here too, i guess. and we, we, we has to abide by the agreement. we signed with them because i mean it don't, the company must allow its workers to return to the construction site. it's going to cover you. you'll see there people like you and me when way you know they can't survive on their they have to be able to work the planning to stay to easy
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for now. yes. if it gets cold with sleep inside, the threats being taken seriously. when the, those when boy used ups playing games will stop to them. the paris government intervenes, it can gets a call from deputy mayor a mon way like wire i much, i have no contact with the use company management just with a representative. what's happening here is embarrassing for the mayor of paris, who committed in writing to uphold workers' rights on olympic constructive sites. we mail? yes, but there is no risk of e. mr. greg, why there is no risk. ok heavy in the what we do. and so the day will companies have to come and negotiate, and so the boys can work again to see to, to get this whole product you after occupying the site for a 2nd time,
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the workers are successful. within a few hours, the granted the meeting they asked for the done as the agent and other members of the group meet with parents. officials, supporters wait outside the town hall in temperatures below freezing. as the workers movement pushes forward with its demands view,
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the deputy mayor expresses his support. so we support giving legal status to the undocumented walk ups, especially if they've been working for these companies in france for many years. oh, don't say don't know normal that as well. because they still don't have policies and don't have legal status. so we're determined to support them. jones now, and in the future. exactly. if i need only, only for jill, the key vows to put pressure on immigration officials so that the striking workers get appointments quickly. with the workers now barred from the data, serena side of dell as ease is sent to another construction site. in the after much pressure, the movement manages to submit the legal status applications for the 14 undocumented workers who had the courage to reveal their status. but after 4 months
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of done as ease has heard nothing from the authorities examining his file. hold on to pull him out. i have no problem with the boss. yeah. for them just with administer for the authorities and the police company. and it really was scary. they go after the strategies on the set, the chaos has a stall and i sees my phone. i think i'm but we'll keep going and sucky is on the will not be on. well, continue. he doesn't trust their promises on the div on day of uh, in public and they say this or that will happen. what his options are, they don't actually do anything right now if you a random one that we don't want money, is that going to be once the work determines on the health insurance? so we're demanding. what's rightfully ours is going to be money. that's 5 years and 155 and coins. thank you. i've seen he feels especially lonely in leo during ramadan. and then the are not having any friends
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here. some people or the new laws drastically restrict the process of gaining legal status through work done as these fields, an obligation to his boss who gave him his documents. let me see or know if he has a construction site and mercy. i'll go there to the excepted arguments, so we'll accept his i'm done as these remains active in the movement. despite moving to the on activism and family celebrations, take him back to paris regularly. less than 4 months before the games. things are still under construction. hello. hi, how are you? good. how are you trip? yes, thanks to god. for this time i'm done as
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ease in tears to celebrate the end of ramadan. he also visits the c n t s o office . so i'm considering just as you know, your file was submitted to the prefecture. it's very slow. it came out. do you have any questions about it? you saw so to see, i think everything was for wish you'd have a pretty picture, so you'll be safe. thanks a lot, i'm tied up with the 2.8 plus you purchased the okay. you go and how are things going in the on your aluminum silver tongued leon is ok, supposedly the fund moves there at the end of december for work. the pathfinder, these are the, you know, phones on my boss told me he doesn't just have construction sites in paris so far as he has them all over friends. he's on to a bundled, don't go to you, said i should go to lee on the president of the single single quite a. do you want to know why? he said that you,
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we go. he doesn't want you to work under construction sites. the hope i see that company is this most important customer, right. so he's respecting the protocol signed with us, you know, to the extent that he can use you know, this, the facility. so right. i to yeah, yeah, the cars are others on your side without permits. it can also wants to help new workers, boise fine. yeah, i think there's one in the low and i've spoken to him already. all i need me in a he says it'll come managed, but i think he's scared of his team leader because it's the bosses cousin and see if they keep exclusively give setup. who's on the platform, he's working for you, you don't have a permit and it's highway man, we, you know, pass on the ceiling or maybe the boss will register him even without us under the name. but since the strike, his boss is also issued employment contracts to migrant who are not included in the
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agreement, plus he's probably afraid will react later. yeah, he's a bit scared. right. nice things are ok. all right. well, so now, so far we've managed to struggle quite well. i'm a few minutes since that day when it's hopefully we'll get results soon. we're on the so the, let's see on the yeah e m or it will be mid april as far as i know me every, on that phone call. even though the new integration regulations restrict people from getting legal status through work, they don't currently affect the work or supported by it. can you click on on there and no particular hurry to implemented cnn. if they did, they'd have to fire and deport all of the workers in the restaurant industry. you have a nice to say to the toner, you have to, some of them are, i've slicer without them. half of the restaurants would probably have to close to the monitor participants. you need sophie so the only solution is legal status
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through work. a young this off. are you celebrating with family this evening at the end of ramadan? going yes and today and tomorrow we'll bring the fast. see, there's going to be allowed to do that and you'll make lamb to yes in my now go to fits and what family do you have here? my cousin and my uncle's lives, they have children. yes. well, the nice part of human face, yes. for the we ask week some questions about what happened the company's press books, person beth, and your mind sent as this statement a week, which uses some of the striking workers of identity theft or forgery. saying that on documented migrants used, borrowed, or forge documents when they were asked for identification during the hiring
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process. the company says it's taking action against illegal employment. it wants to introduce strict control procedures on its construction sites and enlist the help of these guarantees to check id cards. there will be specific clauses in contracts with sub contractors intended to guarantee the workers receive legal status. the if undocumented workers are discovered on its construction sites, as was the case after the strike at the deed as a rena week, will quote, take measures to put an end to illegal employment relationships the since the a data serena was completed, it's hosted several concerts and basketball games
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i've done as ease continues to work in new york and remains in contact with this elaine, one group and with a 10 when he can't make it to paris to join demonstrations in person. he follows along via the with that group. some of the demonstrates as much as we can, we help part you can't get foreign language. so without realty on the phone with i've done that as ease mother do has something to report. no, there's good news. the prefix here is and i are looking at the applications or 2 of your colleagues come out the door to go to the desktop. and if it's, if the,
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the 1st to get an appointment with the authorities is a colleague who hasn't been allowed to work on the construction sides since the strike. and since then, others have also been offered appointments, including, i've done that as ease its progress. and it's proved for me, i do the striking workers that their struggle has been worth it. the of the d. w. travels besides the history food. wow. fucking, let's go through. so when it comes to sustain dependency information and trend
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