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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. he was vice president kamala harris kicks, offer campaign to become president forbid to win the democratic party nomination is gaining momentum, with more endorsements from democratic leaders also on the program. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu travels to washington dc, looking to bolster us is really relations and it's not a game. french authorities say they're ready to protect against terror threats. the lympics in paris, whether on the ground in the water or frontier, the
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air until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. us vice president kamala harris has held her 1st rally as presidential candidate, the dressing supporters in the state of wisconsin for trip to the crucial swing state comes after president joe biden ended his re election campaign and endorsed her on sunday. harris has now secured enough support from democratic party officials to clinch the presidential nomination at the democratic national convention next month. she described her upcoming contest against republican candidate. donald trump has a choice between freedom and chaos. ultimately, in this election, we each face the question. what kinds of country do we want to live in a country, the
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mtv do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law, or country of chaos, fear and hate. and here's the beauty of this moment. we each have the power to answer that question. the power is, what's the people we have the power to answer that question. and in the next 105 days, then we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have phone calls to make, we have to register for more without going by john mark hanson is a political science professor at the university of chicago. so mr. hanson color
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appears to have a clear pastor, the nomination here would you say she has is all wrapped up. it is all wrapped up in order to have a contest. you have to have contestants and everybody who might have been a alternative to vice president harris as a candidate has already endorsed or what parents does seem to be already framing this election as a choice between chaos in order. do you think that message will leznik with american voters? as i think part of the message is to take people back to the trump administration and what it was really like to live through the trump and ministration. there's been a lot of mist alger among some voters for the trump years, and it's kind of inexplicable because people were tired of that guy by the time 20 . 20 rolled around and only too happy to see him go. so i think a lot of it is really trying to restore people's memories of what it was actually like to live through a 1st trumpet administration and getting people to think about it. or to imagine
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how much worse it would be, at least to look through the 2nd one. well, i guess in this case, hindsight really isn't 2020. now what do you make of her choice of hosting her 1st rally and the same town where the republicans just held their convention? makes a lot of sense. the republicans shows to be in milwaukee this year. course because wisconsin is it's wednesday. and they would like to be able to, when wisconsin is, there's an in 2016 and the democrats in 2020. and so this is really a kind of counter action really on the part of the democratic campaign on the part of vice president terrace. to go right back and say, we're going to compete for your votes. we, we want wisconsin in our column. now some early polls go harris, a slight edge, i'm a voters over trump, i'll be at the results are within the margin of error. do you think she can successfully capitalize in this momentum as well? i think what we've seen over the last several weeks is that there was
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a whitening gap between the vice pro or between a president biden and for a president trump uh, in the polls. but if you look carefully at that, it is not because trump was picking up support is because biting was losing support . all right, and what that indicates, i think is that the donald trump campaign is still very, very far from having close the deal with america with the american people. and so yes, i think that it's a going to be a very, very close race and the full, everyone's anticipated from the very beginning. it'd be a very close race and the fault. um, but i think that it's entirely within the realm of possibility. and maybe even a slight likelihood of that to vice president harris says the presidential, i mean that every party won't be able to win in november. now, we're only a couple of months away from the election. and that will make this effectively one of the shortest election campaigns in modern history. what do you think um,
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the vice president needs to focus on the coming weeks? well, yes, we're very close to the election. but one of the things we know is that most voters do not pay it very much attention to the election until after labor day. that's kind of the traditional beginning of the campaign season. so we're not really that far under the, the, the experience that we're usually in, i think we're going to be hearing a lot of different messages, a lot of very focus messages from a couple of harris in the weeks ahead. and i certainly should already signal that she is going to try to frame this as well as the choice between the prosecutor and the felon. to really put a focus on her record as a prosecutor is the attorney general in california and a senator from from california. and to contrast that with donald trump's
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well known legal was, i think we're going to hear a lot from her about abortion rights, about the broader issue of the freedom of individuals to choose for themselves in the most intimate areas of their lives. rather than like a government, whether it's the state government or the federal government decides those questions for them. all right, and finally, i think we're going to hear a lot about january 6. and i hope it's the democrats. we will frame that, particularly in the swing states, has not just a question of trying to overturn a legitimate election, but is a very personal thing where donald trump, i am the people around him. i tried to take away their boats and i tried to take away the goats and people in those states and said that they don't count because they weren't for they weren't for me. all right, that was a professor john mark hansen, a professor of political science at the university of chicago. thank you very much for your analysis. pleasure. and we stay in the united states
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where security for benjamin netanyahu. his washington visit is tied to as multiple protests are planned over his handling of the war and gauze of these rarely liter is due to address both houses of congress on wednesday at a time when relations between his government and the by to ministration or under massive strain mister netanyahu has been resisting pressure from the white house to agree to a cease fire with a most w correspondent, janelle, and them a lot on, takes a look at how this visit could re surface those tensions since prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and president joe biden last saw each other in september ties between the 2 countries have only become more tense. and when the israeli leader makes a speech to the us congress on wednesday, experts say he hopes this message would convince more than just to gather lawmakers goes to audiences in mind. one is the american audience and he wants to
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build support for israel. gold support for his role in congress. reinforce is really us ties. he's also thinking that domestic audience. and so many israelis are upset without the worst gone. they're upset about the hostages. he wants to demonstrate that he hasn't destroyed us as rarely relations, as some of his political critics argue. what he is much less interested in is what dividing whitehouse sex concerns over israel's raffle offensive and may prompted the west to stop certain arms shipments of israel and the video and that and yahoo early is claiming that the white house was withholding even more support than it had made public put further strain on the relationship, but that the israeli leader has also yet to express full support for a new westbrook ceasefire. hostage deals essentially blocking a path to peace. that's especially troubling and washington will humiliate
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biden, frankly, by showing up without having agreed to a cease fire deal. i think santa as a patient was that by the end of july, you know, with this war and it's 9 months that there would have been a cease fire that there would be a plan for what happens afterwards. this is not the right time. if he had accepted a ceasefire months ago and begun a reconstruction process in gaza, perhaps at home, this really opposition also called for netanyahu to either analysis acceptance of the hostage deal in front of congress. or not go to washington at all. but my room and who's relative is still being held by her moss and garza. so she'll be going to the west capital to try to keep the spotlight on the remaining hostages, rather than on politics. there are hostage families that are coming with him and he's going to talk about of uh, the deal we've been through. and all of those things are true and important for people to remember. i just feel like if he talks about those things without being
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committed to a deal, then he's doing a disservice. he's basically taking our pain and using it for game and not for our purposes, not for bringing back our loved ones. my roman will be in congress to watch, not in yahoo, but more than a dozen democrat law makers say they'll show their opposition to israel's conduct of the war and gaza by staying away. here's a brief look at some other stories making headlines around the world. us democratic senator bob menendez has announced he will resign from congress next month following his conviction for corruption. he was found guilty last week of taking brian to corrupt acts, including steering billions of dollars and he wasn't ancient egypt and other senate democrats had threatened to expel menendez if he didn't quit, which members of the committee, i think the world health organization says it is extremely worried about a potential polio outbreak and gauze that it warm that traces of the virus has been
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detected into territories wastewater. and that the dire sanitation situation could allow it to quickly spread polio attacks the central nervous system, causing paralysis and death and extreme cases. with just days to go until the olympic games opening ceremony, a steady stream of athletes from around the world. i have forgotten to trickle into paris, delegations from every continent arriving at the olympic village in the french capital. for many athletes. competing in the games is a dream come true in the experience of a lifetime. but amid all the excitement, violence is a major concern to protect athletes and to ensure public safety. french authorities have launched a massive security operation involving thousands of soldiers, police, and even to help from neighboring countries, such as germany. after years of preparations, frances undertaking unprecedented security measures to keep the summer olympic games things early. the now we have bomb disposal squads, a military dark unit,
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and a specialized counter drawing system including radars and intrusion detection systems . good. all of this is in place around the sun river is sort of sort of said the teams of police and anti terror. tactical swans have been rehearsing for worst case scenarios and with good reason, the risks are enormously complex. france has suffered several deadly terrorist attacks in the past and international tensions are running high and the wars in gaza and ukraine. adding to the complexity, the bulk of olympic events is taking place in the heart of paris. one of europe's most densely populated capitals along with thousands of police and soldiers on the ground. the french air force is also playing a major part by securing the skies during the games. finder jets
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surveillance, drones helicopters that can carry sharp shooters and equipment to disable drones will all be deployed. we have to protect against some sort of crowd that could be used like a weapon, but also to reach to have tried to reach us. so could be use liked with events and come tell you if these receive up to date, but they are a free media on. so you a visa in france and we move up to it and be a real, a real or frightful search engine. for fridays opening ceremony, a no fly zone, extending some 150 kilometers will be in place around the french capital. and cameras, twins with artificial intelligence software will flag potential security risk, such as abandon packages of the ad without your up to date. but to stick around to our next, our business program looks at indonesia,
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and it's potentially become a global economic powerhouse. it's after a short break. remember, you can always find much more news on our website. that's w dot com on air until berlin. thank you very much for doing the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube. this is a vision of indonesia is apparently bright future new sun tara, the countries new multi $1000000000.00 capitals.


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