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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, us, vice president kamala harris kicks off for our campaign to become president. for bits of the democratic party nomination is gaining momentum, with more endorsements from democratic leaders. also coming up israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu travels to washington dc, looking to bolster us is really relations plus the latest climate milestone for sunday's temperatures around the world, adding up the hottest states have reported the
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an air until new berlin. thank you very much for joining us. us vice president kamala harris has hit the road with her newly minted campaign for president. she held her 1st rally in wisconsin, which is one of the swing states key, the beating republican donald trump in november. harris's trip came after president joe biden ended his re election campaign entered and endorsed her on sunday as the camelot harris arrived in wisconsin with her party uniting in support of her sudden candidacy for the presidency. so wisconsin, i am told, as if this morning that we have earned the support of the mess delegates to secure the arrows, the text, donald trump seeming to relish the clash of personalities with the man. she'll
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probably face on the election day before i was elected vice president before i was like the united states senator, i was elected attorney general of the state of california, and i was a court room prosecutor before them. and in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all time predators who abused women, fraudsters, ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's dry republican lawmakers took aim at harris, highlighting the economic disruptions from the coven. 19 pandemic, and russia's invasion of ukraine, which came during biden's tenure. remember, both of the persons running for president now have
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a record. they have both served in an administration here in the last, within the last several years. so you can compare how you and your family were doing on the 1st dropping ministration and how you and your family are doing now. nobody said there was a trump himself, did not mention harris on tuesday instead discussing last week's attempt on his life in a fox news interview together with his running make j. d. them. but harris will shortly be back in the spotlight on wednesday. that's when job i didn't. now back in washington after ending his cove itself, isolation is due to address the nation on his decision to drop out of the race in favor of his vice president john mark hanson as a political science professor at the university of chicago. i asked him earlier about really pulling pulling, showing harris with an edge on donald trump for the was presidency. we always think what we've seen over the last several weeks is that there was
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a whitening gap between vice pressure between a president biden and for a president trump uh, in the polls. but if you look carefully at that, it's big, it's not because trump was picking up support, it's because biting was losing support. all right, and what that indicates, i think is that the donald trump campaign is still very, very far from having close the deal with america with the american people. and so yes, i think it's a going to be a very, very close race in the fall. everyone's anticipated from the very beginning that be a very close race and the fault. but i think that it's entirely within the realm of possibility and maybe even a slight likelihood of that to vice. president harris says the presidential, i mean that every party will be able to win in november. now, we're only a couple of months away from the election. and that will make this effectively one of the shortest election campaigns in modern history. what do you think of the vice
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president needs to focus on the coming weeks sells? yes, we're very close to the election, but one of the things we know is that most voters do not pay it very much attention to the election until after labor day. that's kind of the traditional beginning of the campaign season. so we're not really that far under the, the, the experience that we're usually in. i think we're going to be hearing a lot of different messages. a lot of very focus messages from a couple of harris in the weeks ahead. and i certainly, she's already signaled that she is going to try to frame this as well as the choice between the prosecutor and the felon. i to really put a focus on her record as a prosecutor is the attorney general in california and a senator from from california. and to contrast that with donald trump's well
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known legal was, i think we're going to hear a lot from her about abortion rights, about the broader issue of the freedom of individuals to choose for themselves in the most intimate areas of their lives. rather than like a government, whether it's the state government or the federal government decides those questions for them. all right, and finally, i think we're going to hear a lot about january 6. right. and i hope it's, the democrats, we will frame that, particularly in the swing states, has not just a question of trying to overturn a legitimate election, but is a very personal thing where donald trump, i am the people around him. i tried to take away their boats and i tried to take away the goats of people in those states and said that they don't count because they weren't for they weren't for me. all right, that was a professor john mark hanson a professor of political science at the university of chicago. thank you very much for your analysis. pleasure. this is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is
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in washington, where he's taking support among law makers for israel's war in gaza. multiple protests are being held over his handling of the war. let me offer was due to address both houses of congress on wednesday. he's also due to meet with president joe biden, whose decision to quit his re election campaign is overshadowed netanyahu's visit. the world health organization says it is extremely worried about a potential polio outbreak and gaza. it warned that traces of the wires have been detected and the territories wastewater and that the dyers situated sanitation situation could allow it to spread quickly. polio attacks the central nervous system, causing paralysis and death in extreme cases. the w. h o says a mass specs nation campaign may be needed. what's crossover now to jo english who is with united nations children's agency unicef. so help us understand
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this and what exactly what a series pulido break mean for the children in dallas. so this is something that we've been warning about for many, many months, that threat of 5 communicable multiple diseases. and beside to say that we continue to see all west is come true. now finally, this is just traces in the mind when we have not seen any power listed cases in children. and that does not mean those kind of what happened. and so we are scrambling with our colleagues at w h. r in the household parties to do everything that we come to prevent children. because, i mean, you of us can see the pages. you know, this is royce conditions for multiple and diseases. and so we need to be able to get in a box in a children on my scale. but the only way that we're going to be able to do that is with an end to the fighting. it will be near impossible to do was to bones continue to 4 fights and continues that may be suggest no conditions chosen to live in
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period to. so what is being done currently to help limit the spread of the virus in gaza? so we've already begun focusing on the system. we will say working with the local communities to make sure that they are aware of the risk and how to defend. but the reality is, if we can give people another advice, but when you have 600 people in some cases in casa sharing a single toilet where, you know, there's a very different, right, there's a huge difference between knowing the risk, understanding the risk, and still being able to prepare yourself and prevent the spread. and so ultimately, if i say we need to be able to get see me being able to provide children, families with safe drinking or so with kind of quit sanitation. you know, it's a sound reality, the portable toilet a one of the supplies that we've had, issues getting into the gaza strip, you know? and so we said this again and again, but it fast repeating the only way we will be able to guess in with the scale of humanitarian support that is needed to prevent these kind of outbreaks and to
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adjust the jewish needs of the population is a sci fi is a release of the hostages, and it's an end to these obsolete as far as now help us understand this as well. how big of a set back is this for the world wide campaign to eradicate polio? is this something that we expect to stay in gaza? recruiters spread further, or? yeah. oh yeah, it does not list back orders. you know, i think that is incredibly important side. the side reality is just a couple of years ago. you guys are having 199 percent coverage for party vaccinations, so this wouldn't be an issue. and it has to be said that it is not just that is on sanitary conditions and the terrible conditions that many people are living in. but it's also the fact that the vaccination probably a vaccination children has phoning from 99 percent in 2022 to 18 on effect in 2023 . so that means they're all essentially thousands of young children who are valuable and not just going to be in garza, that is also going to be in israel. that is also going to be in the west bank. and
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that is also going to potentially affect the wind regions. so the quicker that we can catch in and protect children by ensuring that getting that vaccines and not just boxing the guns against part of it. but against all of these childhood diseases, the best who we can prepare the entire region for these fundable children. again, the kind of outbreaks truly a tragic situation that was jo, english from units of thank you very much for joining us. thanks so much on and let's take a brief look now what some other stories making headlines around the world. torrential, rain and flooding have hit the philippines. this type who gave me barrels passed in all his way towards taiwan. the countries, natural disaster agency says at least 8 people have died and 800000 more that affected by the storm being stock exchange and your manila suspended trading for many schools have been closed as well. us democratic senator bomb menendez and that was he will resign from congress next month following his conviction for corruption
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. it was found guilty last week of taking bribes or corrupt acts, including steering billings of dollars. and he was in to egypt, other 70 democrats had threatened to expel menendez if he didn't quit. thank you for this opportunity to testify. this sunday was the 21st of sunday. the 21st of july rather was the world hottest day ever recorded. that's according to preliminary data, on average global temperatures, from the use climate monitor. it comes as heat, waves of wildfires, ravaged swats of europe and the united states. the plan is scorching. world temperature records were shattered on sunday, and the houses stay scientists of ever recorded globally preliminary days or from the use climate change tracking agency, copernicus suggest the global average surface error temperature was just over 17 degrees celsius. that's the warm since reco. it's begun in 1940. it's the 2nd
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consecutive year, average global temperatures of birth through climate records and will not be the last of the planet warming fossil fuel pollution drives temperatures to shocking you highs, copernicus, director carlo blonde tempo believes the world is entering on. charted territory and that the current world record won't last long. now it's not going to be a but it's orthotic sheet and that's what it looks like. it would be a very long record somebody here. so it's a moment to exit. but in a sense is something we just stomach so much, that's something we need to get used to. because uh as like 5 minutes people are, i mean, as a consequence of increasing the nose guessing difference. here we are bound to see new record being broken. the next few months in the next few years, climate change is causing longer, stronger, and more frequent, extreme weather events like heat waves and floods. extreme heat has wreaked havoc across many parts of the global economy already this year, disrupting air, travel, and power grids. the average temperature for the year through june 2024 was 1.64
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degrees higher than the air of from the 18521900. last month was the hottest ever june. that's the 13th consecutive time, a month to set a new average temperature record to. and we leave you with some good news for the environment. the 1st black, most turtle to be hatched in captivity, is offering hope for the endangered reptiles pieces. here's one that hatch in cambodia, inmate, after its parents were rescued from illegal traders. the black marsh turtle is a fresh water reptile natives of south east asia. right now this baby is just 6 centimeters long ways around 40 grams. is being looked after by a conservationist, until it's big enough to be released into the wild and with and you're up to date produced dig around up. next we have a documentary about the battle of they're doing
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a symbol of the horrors. and if you tell the of the 1st world war as on dock film after a short break. and remember, you can always find more news to go into a website. that's d, w dot com. and of course you can check us out, the social media for handle is at the w news. i'm aaron timberland. thank you very much for janine and the innovation green the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carrier is subscribe to the guy here, it is, every friday, subscribe to plan. it's a good
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