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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 4:02am-4:30am CEST

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things at the bottom behind the how does this tanza sites on to the next target? she's been in the state of wisconsin, one of the key swing states she has to secure to be donald trump in november. i'm feel gail in bedding. and this is the day the, the days and weeks ahead. i, together with you, will do everything in my power to unite our democratic party to united our nation. then we got to kick pamela harris out of the oval office. don't get for a chance. we have worked, we have doors to knock on, we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make, and we have an election to with cala harris is to blind or to pro rob to admit it to the american people. the joe biden should have never been in there see fit to serve either it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win.
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also all the data china, bro, cuz i'm a quote between palestinian factions, fossa, and how much are we shipping? sure. the 2nd step is to uphold the principle of palestinians governing palestine and to work together to advance the post will governance of gaza. welcome to the day. democratic leaders in congress have been endorsed income a higher as as the positives kansas. the full november's election shop schuler unpacking. jeffreys of joined a growing list of prominent democrats tobacco after joe biden withdrew from the rice, followed by the associated press. news agency says the vice president now has the backing of enough delegates that next months democratic national convention in chicago to secure the nomination. iris has been holding her 1st campaign events
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since by them with drugs, and she's been speaking in the key swing state of wisconsin, wisconsin. i am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of the mess delegates to secure the i am very honored and i it's to you. i will spend the coming weeks continuing to unite our party so that we are ready to win in november. vice president howard is expected to meet these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu while he's in washington this week. multiple protests so planned that he's handling of the warning, gaza. he's writing the leader is due to address a joint session of congress on wednesday. is visit, has been overshadowed by president biden's decision to drop out of the presidential
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rice. president biden's support for israel during the gaza will, has provoked a backlash from some democratic supporters. and this was reflected in the large numbers of democrats who voted uncommitted in prime is of this year. that includes wanting 5 voters in minnesota, more than 10 percent in michigan in north carolina as couple of hours for the past to sit down with benjamin netanyahu. this week, here's a look at the washington shifting stems on the wall and gaza in the weeks following the october 7th terror attacks, by whom us, the message from joe biden to administration in washington was clear. and his vice president was often tasked with conveying that stats. we are going to continue to stand with israel's right to defend himself, and let's be clear and never forget what happened on october 7th. carmella harris
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repeated that message at home and during her multiple travels abroad. but as the war and gaza dragged on washington's so called iron clad commitment to israel was slowly replaced by growing frustration, the rising depths tool, the displacements and the dwindling a deliveries to the territory. lead to accusations, israel was deliberately targeting civilians and to shift in stands by the administration in washington. as israel defends itself, it matters how the united states is unequivocal. international humanitarian law must be respected, too many innocent palestinians have been killed. frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from gaza are devastating protests against the war and gaza and the binding
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administrations continued political and military support of this real had been taking place across the u. s. many on college campuses in march, harris became the 1st administration official to publicly call for an immediate, temporary truce given or the amends scale of suffering. any god, there must be an immediate cease fire. harris is acutely aware of the potential voter backlash over the war and gaza as she launches, who'd been to become the democratic parties nominated for president. so have a delicate balancing act maintaining through us as a strong ties with israel, was seeking to retain or bring back voters discontented by the way, the administration. she's a part of has handled the war and gaza. let's take
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a closer look at how i can choose to these 4 months way. votes in november. mean i was samara lectures in political science at the university of michigan thea born. she joins us from detroit. welcome to dw bell, comcast pro. thank you for having me. no, this will be on campus protest. how big an issue is because a war amongst the viruses. and i think it's one of the main primary issues on that for most of the american voters on their current like agenda. but i will start by saying that the concept that the most from american vote is a bit reductive, considering that it's a very diverse community in the united states. both in terms of racially, economically with regards to foreign policy and with regards to domestic policy. just to give an example to a study that was done in 2017 by the force of the muslim american community identified as black and asked the american forth, identified as white,
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where white has been completed with many different groups like arrow purging or task. and so on, but a 5th identified as age and i've just identified as arab and like, the remaining were mixed across the board for hispanic and indigenous american as well as other groups. so it's difficult to pinpoint a single, almost invoice on harris as a presidential candidate, but also with the issue. uh because uh that is still one of the main concerns for the some american community. okay, so yeah, i take your point about what not dealing with a monolithic block here. talk to us about how this affection with that the us position on these calls are bull has affected or has way. arable mostly focused on how that might affect november's outcome. yeah, um, so based on what i'm hearing on the ground um there are 4 major perspectives with
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chairs as a candidate with this is only unfolding in the last couple of days. but um, the 1st perspective i've heard the most commonly is this sense of the apathy because harris has viewed as basically an extension of biden. and this segment is mixed across those across the board, wanting to vote 3rd party or independence. some of them are hoping for another democrat to run against her, and in some cases, some people are choosing to be rational, mind voters. and you know, keeping in mind that the end inviting campaign that was taken place. so in order to win this group, bo harris really needs to showcase that her policies are her own and not biden's, particularly with regards to eliza. so back in march, that was quoted earlier, she had called for an immediate temporary cease fire on the one hand while the same time declared that israel had a right to defend itself. and for money must limit. again,
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this would be considering like batting for both sides of the team or for opposing sides of the team. in that it will be difficult for harris to win this group over as someone who was in the room during the bite and administration. but in order to do so off she'd have to have a clear policy agenda with advancements made immediately moving towards peace with regards to god's uh right. oh okay. i, i know you had a list of forgive me. right? yeah, but that's quite a long list. but let's stick with some of the points that you you made that i'm sure it is. her problem is how is this problem is that she's effectively more of bite and it's when it comes to a choice of more of bite and, or trump what's what? what are people telling you or yeah, so that was actually the 2nd main group. okay. so that's in here in the ground. and
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this idea of like part of the way i say this, but the lesser of 2 evils are this rhetoric of that she's better than trump. um, so p some people, um this is a smaller group, but some people see here as, as a solid replacement provided give in the event that by the end campaign as a vote against trump in the upcoming election. it's a kind of cut your losses type of mentality because people are seeing it on the presidential race as exclusively to party rather than, you know, viewing 3rd parties or independence as having a potential to with. and so in this case, if the democratic party wants to win this group, so that has to be really strategic and selecting harris is running me up and her policy platform. but again, like was noted, harris is already on the campaign trail and i listen to her virtually deliver her speech in milwaukee wisconsin earlier today. and she is contrasting herself with
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donald trump on using her record as an attorney general juxtaposed to trump as a criminal or a fellow in this positioning may be effective for the 2nd segment of the muslim american population. but again, i think the 1st group still does not see her as a viable candidate until she can clearly state her policy platforms, particularly on the issue of cards uh as well on mass incarceration um with the and the present system. okay. based on what the, you know, definite policy is from given the us. he's a long history of siding with age ro. when do you think that the, by the administration, i realized the potential for a backlash from muslim and out of votes is over? gaza i, i would say that the bite in administration probably started to feel the backlash
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when main stream media started to cover the engine, bided campaign. i, i don't. michigan is a swing state in and read. there was a pull that was done. i can't remember who conducted the pool, but there's a stronger leaning towards trump in the republican party currently. and that was done at the end of june. i'm so i'm not a 100 percent. sure. but what i'll say is that for by then all right, and for many, most of americans, they see that by them stepping down isn't only about what the media has talked about with regards to his age and his health, but also a response to the mounting pressure to the be ended by the end campaign. so i'm not sure if i answer that question just fine. you know, a fascinating analysis and we thank you for the dream. i was samara, the university of michigan debo, and thank you so much. thank you. the
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chinese state media is a viable palestinian factions, including homicide and factor of signed a declaration in beijing to form a national unity government at some unspecified time after the individuals war and gaza. the 2 groups have competed for power and gaza and the westbank for years. this beijing declaration is aimed at strengthening policy, getting you to take any bones more than a dozen on a signal functions. a mouse is considered a terrorist group by the us in you and other states, but not by china. israel move swiftly to be checked, the agreement declaring that how micies rule will be crushed or it's a pack that could and years of inciting between rival palestinian factions, representatives from fatah, and have mass have inc. what host china calls a national unity deal. it also includes a dozen other palestinian groups. the outcome has defied expectations as previous
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attempts that bridging their divisions have failed. a mass runs guides a while for top controls parts of the occupied westbank. after feuding for nearly 2 decades, they have committed to a new chapter. what do you know? today we signed an agreement for national unity. we're the only and we believe that this is the path to completing our journey audience. we're committed to national unity and we called for us that we were several from the when the china, unlike many western nations, does not consider him as a tear organization. the pact is a major diplomatic to for broker beijing. china is keen to bolster its influence in the region and to present itself as a peace maker on the international stage. after repeating calls for a cease fire in gaza, beijing laid out its vision for the territory post war yarborough shipping. the
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2nd step is to uphold the principle of palestinians governing palestine and to work together to advance the post world governments of gaza. the will has left gaza, devastated, and an early start to paste will reconstruction has become an urgent issue in the next stage. but israel has vowed to eliminate how mass for carrying out the october 7 terror attacks and firmly rejects their involvement in governing gazda. the future of the strip is a major sticking point, as israel and how mass way and internationally backed ceasefire proposal a john b ultimate is with the middle east program of the center for strategic and international studies. welcome to d w. what do you make of this day? i think it's an interesting step. i'm not sure how much it's actually going to mean
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. there's a lot that will need to come between seeming to have a unified palestinian position and palestinians acting together. uh, i. well, there is nothing moving in mattel's city in space. it's interesting stuff to take, but i'm not sure this changes the picture for anything once people start having to make decisions. exactly. that's that through the same thing. lots of, it's around the space. they steal, looks like cable, they come into effect at some unspecified time in the future when if the war and gaza is over, it's such a big if it makes me wonder if it daily is really just an opportunity for china to play a piece, making wayne china wants to demonstrate that it has diplomatic chops that it can talk to all kinds of people. it can bring together. people who ordinarily can find ways to talk together. certainly we're trying to was doing when a facilitator to saudi ronnie and deal about 15 months ago. but the reason this is
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so hard is because the stakes become very high, you're talking about a lot of power, a lot of money and people perceive it as a 0 sum game, either on the po, side, or on the homicide. and ultimately, for a lot of people, there's, those are 2 incompatible organizations, either one's going to win or the other that the chinese liked to talk about women's solutions. but it's easier to have when, when solutions, when you're only talking about talking. and it's harder to have when, when solutions where people say, you know, somebody really could lose here and they don't just lose now. they lose billions of dollars for decades into the future. neither one is willing to do that. is out of course i have said that this daily is nonsense, i will live to crush from us. and what does it tell us that what you might call interested possibly like israel didn't learn about this deal until after it was
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done. well i'm sure they knew it was, i mean i knew it was moving forward. i consider users as that they were talking about going what it actually is going to mean. i'm not really sure. it's partly what it means in the palestinian environment, where neither side really has a lot of legitimacy because each side is as, as failed in any number of ways. but on these really side, if you can't get, is released to acknowledge it. and then what tools do you actually have to effect to agent? um, i think what, what is sort of missing from this whole thing is a theory of the case of how all the parties are going to be brought together. and whether that's about stopping violence in gaza, or leading toward some sort of reconstruction in gaza or thinking about what the political future and gosh, it is, i think ultimately you're going to need a lot of stakeholders and the o city. and so i can say in theory,
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we've decided to come together by going from that to having any solution to the really desperate challenges of 2000000 people in god. if there's a long way to go and we're only the very beginning of the attorney. ok. so china gets to play a pace maker in the middle east. fine talk to us more about how at china is relations with israel, which of course it's is this is going to be relevant to this house. china, for instance, picked aside in the israel high mass conflict as well. traditionally, china was very much on the palestinian side in the last decade maybe to china has gotten a little closer to israel. they have certainly tried to engage with israelis on issues of technology, surveillance to some degree some, some weapons systems. although the united states was very careful to ensure that, that american weapons technology to migrate through israel to china. and there's
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been some chinese investment in israel. but since october 7, we've seen an increasing distance between china and israel, and china is really decided to double down on the idea that we are the leaders of the global south. the global south includes the pal city and national movement. and israel is part of a depressive hedge, a monic effort to deprive the palestinians of what they write me deserve. there's been a lot of daylight between israel and china and last time, months. i don't think that's going to go away quickly. but of course, israel does have things that china wants, and israel also thinks it's important as you go through the world. china is a great power and it's good to have good relations with great powers, char. israel was very serious about not just having good relations with the united states,
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but inculcating good relations with both china and russia. i think israel is going to be open to better relations with china, and i would expect that when the dust settles, china will be open to improving relations of israel in new jersey to come. so it's all hester, that jump the altima from the center for strategic and international studies. thank you very much. i the, anyone who has been through is as patient towards a parent that a few situations in life, most stressful and when a child is diagnosed with cancer. what if your child is diagnosed in a war zone for children in ukraine and having a chance at life can often mean having to battled brutal circumstances in the middle of his treatment for cancer. little demetrius and his family have been forced by russian bombs to lead their doctors and their country. there was an opportunity to start treatment abroad, but we decided enough my deeds because we think this institution provides treatment
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at the european level. i have 2 older son's, my plan was to get through this, everything would be fine. they would come to visit and then we'd leave the hospital and be together again. it would have been easier for both my child and for me. but unfortunately, after the terror attack by the russians were forced to go abroad, 3 year old demetrius was diagnosed with leukemia in june and had already begun treatment when a russian missile struck the hospital to him. several people reconstruction work has already begun, and doctors continue to treat patients here before we left before the uh, multiple really know the blast wave damage almost half of the wing of the department which was intended to perform intensive, high dose chemotherapy regimens. and we'll have those over here that i'd be almost somebody to know we're doing our best to provide children with conditions in which
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treatment can continue to california when to steal. indeed the keywords key or even though smaller books are now, when the parents who want to be relocated can do so all my books are and those who want to can stay for treatment and the commodity so far. 8 patients and their families have chosen to leave for another country. their trip was arranged with help from the ukrainian government, as well as the world health organization and the european commission. the buses are specially equipped to transport cancer patients whose immune systems are compromised by their treatment. so we have so called it's the mattress, it's infection prevention control measures which is very close to varying mosque may be varying goldens and isolate for patients from each other. so they should not touch each other, etc. we have a team switch over can specifically on one patient. the bus is headed to an airport in poland, where the families will catch flights to their final destinations. demetrius is
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going to a hospital in munich. it's a long journey, but he's excited to flying a plane for the 1st time. his father asks him to wave from the sky. unfortunately, he doesn't know how long he won't see his dad and his brothers. but we're going to call for going to color boys on viber, right? there's hope for demetrius and his family. the survival rate of his type of cancer is over 80 percent of the kathrina will be know of a is a health expert with unicef, ukraine, and we asked what the attack on the shoulders hospital in cave meant for the treatment of sick children. hello, of course, this attack was absolutely horrible for children for their parents. and for this past and as likely mentioned am already in your program. it is very important for the children not to even set up their statements. so the government becomes city as a full is very grateful for a better chance to continue 3 broad. and i know that
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a lot of these children were taken to germany and not only now, but as well in the beginning of the world because it's really, really important and not doing that on the street. because otherwise it's investigating for the families and that as well for us, it is a huge success to both of them. they even like that. and this is a breast again, most only for the children and not from the, from the parents for they are not only for the doctors but as well. so everybody's weakness, these events. and it was basically the full time. think with nested in the news and how people to help and the school and that is the day a good day. so you the next time, the
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bullet holes with reuben's rage that dead is decked out in new kind of analysis to connect his pains over the rocky capitals, often link appear. anyone can take for as many he's the cold is the kind of the wolf hazing, lies hope and global us next on dw eco african babies amongst the seals of cape town. time love these done babies in the hall that having humans into the cautious
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