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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from berlin. taiwan shuts down type one k, meet after bringing death and destruction to the philippines. the 155 kilometer wins are on their way to the island people. there are bracing themselves for impact, a plane crash on take off in depaul, kill several people in cut. my do early reports say the pilot is the sole survivor firefighters put out the blaze. we bring you the latest us, vice president campbell harris kits off for a campaign to become president forbid to win the
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democratic party nomination is gaining momentum with more endorsements from democratic leaders. the welcome to you of yours around the world. i'm michael. ok. taiwan is bracing for the arrival of typhoid and came me. it's expected to be the strongest storm to hit the island in years. thousands of people have been evacuated from mountainous regions at risk of land slides. k me is gaining strength as it approaches tie one. after causing havoc and killing 12 people in the philippines. the tropical storm is then forecast to move towards southern china on thursday. let's get more on this from dw correspondent james trader in taipei. james, what's the general feeling there? asked the storm approaches as well. michael,
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we understand that there's already been one desk reported in the southern positive one, the southern city of gal showing this is now the strongest time for you to be on this down in some eighty's, maybe a decade. this is hip taiwan we did choose to make land for the northeast pond to taiwan, lisa this evening. um the atmosphere, you know, most places of shots have been shots. davis has been a kind of national arrives and from city governments and the central government service through the streets on most of the cities have been fairly quiet, but really no sense of panic. this is something that the majority of time and these people use to that is a bit more of a concern about the central mounts and this pond to tie. one of those are the eastern part of taiwan, near the city of wally. and this is a pasta, taiwan, that just a few months ago was struck by 7 points to magnitude off quake which triggered land slides as concern this evening. with the expectations that 70 inches of rain could hit as possible. i wonder about katrinka even more drastic line sides to tell us more about how as to where these are preparing. i don't,
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as i mentioned this high one at ease as well used to this type of natural disaster, a pretty well real machine springs into action. we understand that 29000 troops and that one's done bytes a deal with the awesome off of this uh, this time through some 4000 people have already been infatuated from those high risk locations that i mentioned. and the interesting, the, the context of this, this timeframe is this is arrived in time on the exact same week. that's one holds the largest annual war games and military exercises. not going to keep costs of this is, is actually preparing not just for a potential. it's hacked by china, but also preparing for natural dissolves the situation. so what the officials are hoping, what we're hearing from them so far is that as an expectation and a desire for what's being exercises. we've been trellis that have been undergoing that i've been on the way this week to be put immediately into practice. when this typing strides. of course, i can be,
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has already swept through the philippines on its way to taiwan. tell us about the damage it costs of their absolutely, well it's, it's, it moves from that kind of new in the northeastern direction, ulcerative impact to the philippines. and an image is coming out to philippine cities, including the cap summler. so in many streets and much on the ones that we understand, the 12 tests have been reported as a result and not slicing with more than 600000 people being displaced. the concern really is an image is like that could be repeated here and hopes that the impacts inside one wouldn't be a significant. kansas city has been in the philippines. james, trader in type pay many thanks, trans are 18 people have been killed after a plane crash during take off in the fall, the pilot of the plane is the sole survivor and is currently receiving treatment. the domestic flag was traveling from the capitol cap on do when it's reported to have slipped off the runway and caught fire. the himalayan country has
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a port aviation safety record and airlines operating their face, challenging, flying conditions is truly said to the edit curry in kept man do to tell us more about the crap. all we know after now is that there were, as you reported, it was also a non duty below together on board. i didn't have the guide doesn't been funded by police and other folks in 5147 the find the death who is out the button to from the, from the door. and he is, he's a vice president of the house because you're by and are you the, the old people on board with the basically stuff kick me go to stop and supposed to stop at the line itself. and it was,
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i think it was for her that i found a buddhist on the work to me. but when the show me how do i was involved in the accident? i have a workshop facility, the facility then that's why they're going. but nobody knows why that much of a you know, if you like it before will be added to my god which was not a good should was condition. yeah. got to discover it's early days yet as they say. but is there any discussion right now substantively about what might have caused this crap? it was, it was not that you should be as it was it disappear, you understood it? was it so all day about that we but it turns out, so from the, from my,
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my vision expert that's the bid. neither did i get these off? it's been too long direction. i'm the father would not get control of the. oh god, that's all crushed. just press outside of that and it says uh, but that was the not the, the big federal that jobs, the images or households. yes. so that did not cause any kind of uh, that they looked at all the areas, but there was a complete list. go down, what sort of video i look on the for just you on this page. again, there's been much reporting about how challenging it is for airlines to operate in the country. that is a journalist through the carry in cap man do many thanks user. i do a brief look now at some of the other stories making news around the world at this
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hour. a balloon filled with trash sent over the border by north korea. landed in south korea's presidential compound. it's the latest in a string of similar incidents in recent months. the latest provocation has raised fears over the protection of secure locations. officials worry future balloons could contain hazardous material. flights have resumed at cologne bone airport in western germany. after climate protesters blew themselves to the runway group, last generation said it wants the german government to pursue a global agreement to exit oil, gas, and coal. by 2030. the facilities in the united states have released body can footage showing the fatal shooting of a black woman. 36 year old sonia massey had called 911 to report, a suspected intruder. one of the deputies told her to check on a pot of boiling water, but then shot her down. she has been charged with murder. us
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president, vice president, i should say. campbell or harris has hit the road with her newly minted campaign for president. she held her 1st rally in wisconsin, which is one of the swing states key to beating republican donald trump. in november, harris's trip came after president joe biden ended his re election campaign and endorsed her on sunday. camelot harris arrived in wisconsin with her party uniting in support of her sudden candidacy for the presidency. so wisconsin, i am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of the mass delegates to secure the arrows, the text, donald trump seeming to relish the clash of personalities with the man. she'll probably face on the election day before i was elected vice president before i was like the united states senator,
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i was elected attorney general of the state of california, and i was a court room prosecutor before them. and in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all kinds creditors, who abused women, fraudsters, ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say that. i know donald trump's try. republican lawmakers took aim at harris, highlighting the economic disruptions from the cove at 19 pandemic and russia's invasion of ukraine, which came during biden's tenure. remember, both of the persons running for president now have a record. they have both served in an administration here in the last, within the last several years. so you can compare how you and your family were doing on the 1st drop of ministration and how you and your family are doing now.
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nobody said there was a trump himself, did not mention harris on tuesday instead discussing last week's attempt on his life in a fox news interview together with his running mate, j. d. them. but harris will shortly be back in the spotlight on wednesday. that's when joe by didn't now back in washington after ending his cove itself, isolation is due to address the nation on his decision to drop out of the race in favor of his vice president. the world health organization says it's extremely worried about a potential polio outbreak in gaza. it warns that traces of the virus have been detected in the territories wastewater. and that the dire sanitation situation for the language to spread quickly. polio attacks the central nervous system, causing paralysis in death in extreme cases. w h o says
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a math vaccination campaign. maybe you need jo english is with the united nations that children's agency unicef. earlier he told us how his agency is struggling to prevent the spread of polio and gaza. so we've already begun guest analysis and we will say working with the local communities to make sure that they are aware of the risk and know how to defend. but the reality is, is that we can give people another advice, but when you have 600 people, in some cases in gaza, sharing a single toilet, you know, there's a very different, very, there's a huge difference between knowing the risk, understanding the risk and so being able to prepare yourself and prevent the spread . and so ultimately, as i say, we need to be able to get see me being able to, to provide children and families with safe drinking or so with how to quit sanitation. you know, it's a sound reality, the portable, the toilet a one of the supplies that we've had, issues getting into the gaza strip, you know? and so we said this again and again, but at bass. but pacing the only way that we will be able to get in with the scale
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of humanitarian support that is needed to prevent these kind of outbreaks. and to adjust the fusion is that the population is a sci fi, is a release of the hostages, and it's an end to these absolute horace jo, english with the united nations children's agency units, up to the middle east now and 11 on where a missile strikes in both directions, across its southern border with israel have been ongoing since october, the destruction in security and fear of an all out war have pushed many to leave their homes in those areas to w as well. how much data reports height are. it's almost 60 years old. yet before he moved here, he'd only been to be route once or twice. he comes from leader, a small town, and so the been on close to the border with this right?
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this is what it looks like now. the cross border showing between has blind is why you the army since october 8 has destroyed much, including height, the shop and home. so he came here at the southern b route 7 months ago and setup a grocery store. he named it after his hometown and the amount of time in the fall . i advised him butchery and grocery store and bleed at all, and my brother owned the supermarkets. we lost everything off alone and it's all destroyed our shops and our houses. will it be all thank going i'm working again, but he doesn't feel the same being away from my home town. no, i have no fear. so i'm available. i'm happy that i can still see and meet people from my town and the nearby border towns that have come into my shop. and this brings me some joy, a month on for the i'm just really on the, on the surface laid off how you there's a new baby neighborhood is home to many others who flood the southern towns. it's
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thoughts around 100000 refugees, have flipped their homes near the border with this rail. many here have become haters. loyal customers. don't see it off. the man lost everything, his house, his store, and everything, and yet he's not greedy. would you get elsewhere for 50000? you get it here for 20 or 25000. he's sympathizes with others who have been through trouble times in the fields for them and he tries to reimburse them with the she the next come here every day to buy fruit and vegetables. it's always fresh. i like him because he's always smiling. outside the grocery store, people are anticipating the latest updates from the from find. these people are celebration and i'll show you the most safe for based on just the almost been telling the mazda the desktop a month for same trend. son of the prophet mohammed,
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this gathering is also used by husband law to deliver political message. if a this is house on this one, the secretary general relief has blocked the party designated by many countries as a tourist organization. is that the about a lot? if your tanks invade lebanon and southern level, now you will not only suffer from the lack of tanks. 6 but you will lose all your tanks, that his message, we are ready for an all out war, even though we don't want it to going attention and destruction on the board to point to such a development. one that will push many motiv and these people to become refugees in their own country. you know, steinberg is the middle east expert at the drum and institute for international and security affairs. i asked him whether has bullet is acid claims ready for a full scale war?
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with israel, with the i think that he's paula is trying to decode is really, is because that has been a deep agent, is really going on since the portfolio and his father started attacking these really north, whether israel shouldn't start the preventive war and the main the main personality arguing for such a war has always been the defense minister. you are scott, and i believe that his ball i is extremely worried about the recent news that this debate has been started a new intel of ethan jerusalem. it tries to tell the is where it leaves that to his ball lies prepared for this confrontation. but i think that it feels this competition. what's hezbollah trying to achieve with continuous attacks on israel? but it's trying to show solidarity with some us and gaza. but at the same time,
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it tries to not to escalate the situation and that's may. ready due to the fact that his bottom line is not an independent doctor, it depends heavily on the wrong. it's in fact, and the iranian proxy for us and the wrong end is by law. don't want a big war right now, simply because iran doesn't believe that it's ready for a wall with israel. i personally believe, believe that this calculation might change some day when iran is nokia. has a quite a new feeling, the case except ability. but for the time being these 2 actors don't want to big war simply because they believe that they come with eyes around the world. had been watching warily for months. now he, is there any reason to believe israel will in fact invade 11 on oh yes, yes, uh the, the has been
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a debate even before the cause of warranty. because before the events of this uh, up to about 2 other, 2023. and those who argue floor of war with his by law argue that israel account, except the very fact that there is a very strong terrorist organization on its not on boulder. threatening of these rarely, not the end of this argument has gained and has gained power after the 8th of october, when his father started attacking and attacking villages and attacking cities in the north. with the result that between 60 and 90000 is rarely had to evacuate this uh, this area and many argue that this is not a sustainable situation. if there is no diplomatic solution, if there is no, as by law, withdrawal from these rarely bought uh many uh, is rarely pundents believe that uh such
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a board is in inevitable. as you surely know is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is visiting the us and on his agenda. among other things is gathering support for fighting has bla and other iran back. whoops, in the region. is that something the us support? you know, the, the kind of the buttons administration has tried to restrain israel and it has tried to lose the trying to israel since october the 2000 to 2020 t v. simply because of the button that ministration fee is that an escalation between his bottom line as well. it might lead to an escalation of between e wrong, the end israel and the war a why the war in the region. it might be that benjamin netanyahu is now discussing. we're now discuss these uh,
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these issue with the bite and administration. but i don't believe that the that the letter will change its view in order to avoid this for the by the administration has tried to do to his by law. it has tried to convince his ball law to seize. it's attached to the buyer, and at the same time it to send in a diplomatic in, i'm going to discuss this problem and discuss the withdrawal of his spa in southern level. not directly in bay with our thanks. takito steinberg, the middle east expert at the german institute for international and security affairs in berlin. thank you, sir. thank you. the electricity is a challenge in pakistan. it's expensive and unreliable, but the climate conditions are ideal for solar power generation. over 9 hours of sunlight in most parts of the country means turning to solar power. could help pat
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this done with its energy need. know how much the cost is among thousands of pocket funnies, who are now installing solar panels on the rooftops. the energy, the prices, the energy products are only good to go out and knock down these. and that's the reason i'm switching to solar panels because i've shift or so the panels also have him both that his public supply in focused on great power is often unreliable. uh you'll be if we're gonna send him a lo checking here. so i wanted to switch to an alternative source of energy like an uninterrupted power supply or generator. but they come with their own set of problems and when the temperatures hit 40 degrees and more in karachi, i have to go from one energy source to the other. but with solar power, i know that once it's set up, it's good for 15 years. and with the low for the next 15 years, some focused on the businesses and industries are also switching to solar energy to
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build it can because to, to wells, agricultural industries, residential, wherever you go, you will see solar, those that have a roof in sunlight and they will all go for solar. again, the government is also encouraging the switch to sonya is that able by the love which i'm making the we told the big companies here that we will support them, pick them up, we told them they should manufacture solar panels and set up a solar industry here we don't have to import the we will definitely support them and the cost of land, other taxes and whatever else we can. but a, i mean board and i got a number only around 5 percent of pocket funds. and there it just comes from new new but it's like solar and wind buffers. fuel still make up 63 percent of the fuel mix, but it's not just shocked them. deans like cost in reliability, that's driving the search focused on is among the country's most affected by global warming. and by making a branch was shipped to solar and other, the new booth focused on is hoping to do with sparks introducing the greenhouse gas
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emissions with just days to go until the olympic games opening ceremony. a steady stream of athletes from around the world have begun to trickle into parents, delegations from every continent arriving at the olympic village in the french capital. for many athletes competing in the games is a dream come true in the experience of a lifetime. amid all the excitement, violence is a major concern to protect athletes and to ensure public safety for interest. doherty's have launch a massive security operation involving thousands of soldiers, police, and even help from neighboring countries, such as german after years of preparations, frances undertaking unprecedented security measures to keep this summer olympic games things early. then, you know, we have bomb disposal squads, a military dark unit, a specialized counter drawing system, including radars and intrusion detection systems for all of this is in place around the sun river. so let's say the teams of police and anti terror
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technical swans have been rehearsing for worst case scenarios. and with good reason, the risks are enormously complex. france has suffered several deadly terrorist attacks in the past and international tensions are running high and the wars in gaza and ukraine. adding to the complexity, the bulk of olympic events is taking place in the heart of paris, one of your most densely populated capitals, along with thousands of police and soldiers on the ground. the french air force is also playing a major part by securing the skies during the games. fighter jets surveillance, drones helicopters that can carry sharp shooters and equipment to disable drones will all be deployed. we have to protect against some commercial
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truck that could be used like to weapons, but also to reach to try to reach your so it could be used liked with events and come tell you are these receive up to day, but the free media on so you a, these are in france and we know of a to a can be a real, a real or frightful searching events. for fridays opening ceremony, a no fly zone, extending some 150 kilometers will be in place around the french capital. and cameras, twins with artificial intelligence software will flag potential security risk such as abandon packages of the she's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. taiwan is preparing for the onset of typhoid can meet. after leaving a trail of death and destruction in the philippines, the 155 kilometer wins are on their way to the island where people have been racing themselves for the coming storm. when they did their up next to have
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a strike from undocumented workers, put the spotlight on differential authorities and building companies in the run up to the olympics in paris. that's after a short break. the fine updates on a website and of course on social media. so i'm like local bye for now the
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legal workers and call themselves the black best they neighbor away. it'd be a little bit construction site. now they are fighting for their rights to obtain a single status to get all the training session prussia, because they know is was to find out next on d, w, their market is moving,
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but so far they haven't quite taken off their taxi. they're hailed as gain signatures for urban transportation. many issues like crash tests, pilot training, and swipe groups remain fun results. when will the mobility of the future finally take to the sky? in 60 minutes on the w, the . 7 daniels in june. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i just got on $65.00 last last those top 5. and here's one thing we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from couple fixed
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a new culture and entertainment, let's say. together, nicholas talks about community life on the service. the research is now on the paris is often called the city of lights and the city of love. this summer it will also become the sports capital of the world. of this bizarre, it's a bit cramped, mailed. these workers are planning to occupy one of the biggest olympics construction sites and bring work to a halt. since french authorities brought in a restrictive immigration law, they've been fighting to secure legal status. union representative the 10 they shall gives them advice and will join them for the strike thing part one,
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they're all pretty once we're inside.


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