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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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the time they speak to each other for the 1st time, finding a captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure. guardians of trees, julianna's stones, and the dark secrets of war starts july 27th on d. w. the late again. it's down to the very last minute. getting to the meeting on time will be type. maybe take a taxi. that probably won't work. because whether it's bangkok, beijing, or new york, the taxi will probably get stuck in a traffic jam in minutes the but now there might just be a solution that's storing about the rest. also a name today. well, the 2024 olympic games in paris be worthwhile financially,
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wealth and power. are they a threat to democracy? and through the glass ceiling? one moment in tex journey to the top, the movies like this element, certainly popularize the idea of flying taxis with nobody knew what they would actually look like. and this is the reality today. many start ups are developing concepts and models for air taxis powered by electricity. the market is growing with many companies competing. it's growing. i think it's a few dozen, if not more than a 100 percent, only a few of them will actually make it be successful. you'll get to 3 of them. the us air force plants to use this air taxing for transportation in the near future of
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the asian car manufacturers. hyundai and ex, paying want to get into the business. they use the same type of batteries as electric cars in the us and air taxi could transport passengers between new york city in newark, airport starting 2025 chinese manufacture auto flight, and the german company vol. a culture. want to start operating their air, taxis at the olympic games in paris this year. and they have preliminary approval or should really do subsidies of since the difficult thing is we're operating in a new market and competing with start ups. many with very good ideas. at some point the money runs out and getting a new aircraft certified is incredibly time consuming and expensive and low. please open it up because german auto club se plans to use vulgar comforter, taxis for air rescues. because i have one very important factor is that our aircraft is much cheaper to buy than helicopter and significantly cheaper to
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maintain the golf and couldn't use the bottle. the safety requirements in aviation are high before an aircraft can go into operation. it has to undergo extensive testing. the chance of an accident happened and can only be one in a 1000000000 flight hours. except we have exactly the same safety requirements in europe as commercial aircraft influence. like all the you aviation safety agency regulates air traffic in europe. clear rules have been defined for the operation of air taxis. pilots. this means a change, new certifications and training courses. today, you know, we're all set to be made available. we are assuming that we have a final, either coming up with the emission of product license for right crap or so the cop to which was a system of knowledge and skills and competencies. vollmer comforter was the 1st company to receive the use or to train pilots. now they're developing
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a training program. we need pilots with commercial licenses who have flown either airplanes or helicopters is commercial pilots. we then give them conversion training in the community. sure. an important part of the training is that pilots have to be able to control the air taxi and emergency situations such as snow, thunderstorms and strong winds. or if the technology fails and systems malfunction . take offs and landings are particularly stressful for pilots. this was a nice way to say you're constantly taking off and landing throughout the day, which these phases, this a testicle, you have the highest probability of accidents on the system. so the stressful conditions will also require a completely different regulations on working hours isn't obviously comes out of the office, say 3 can only be through the number of take off and landings per day as well as
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pilot rest periods, need to be regulated auto pilot systems will also have to be used to ensure safety molar comforters. goal is to become the high end taxi of the future, costing around 12 euros per kilometer. a moment we're usually once we start building up our fleet of aircraft, we can move into areas of air, taxi transportation, with the equivalent of today's premium cab, or even uber, black and next air taxis could be used to transport passengers to airports. the advantage for providers is that airlines would help with a financing this fruit clean use. so i'm ok, the airlines say they're developing a network system that will transport people from smaller locations or airports and fly them from these hubs to long haul roots like that. so the super long split premium is air taxis really do take off. we'll also need completely new air roots and new air traffic regulations. use space system is the new air traffic management
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system being implemented in europe. we have providing system principles and help them out to the traffic, but then the real operations. and so the high space is a comprehensive peach in do a man display. and what should this look like? more specifically, how is it supposed to work for? you will be able to take an air taxi from the bird, a porch and order it using an app systems and it will be waiting for you at the report from there. and it will transport you within the same city to the next city or wherever you want to go. so basically, budget for a guy who's starting to be successful. the market potential is huge by 2050 air tax . these could be used in 200 cities worldwide. you i'll fire the,
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the whole world is thrilled about the summer olympics in paris except for maybe the for reasons because for the french capital, the games mean lots of stress and even more traffic chaos. hundreds of thousands of visitors are expected and parents is already full of taurus. and so there are some who are not thrilled by the whole spectacle. it's also very expensive and we'll bring into a little money for the city. in fact, the games often costs the organizers many times more than they bring in pairs 2024 is set to be different. this is how organizers imagined paris during this years, olympic empire, olympic games a giant street party with hundreds of thousands of visitors. numerous companies have help pay for the way for that such as star top little puffy,
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business providing seats of recycled and recyclable plastic. their own material 411000 seats at 200 and pick then use the policy the wrong thing is we won the old a central 19 just one year on from when our company was how many disgusting project was pre for the future clients and investors that we were a credible company, it kicks thoughts of our business and how does increase the number of employees from 4 to 20 and nowadays the company employs 35 stuff and has raised 11500000. yours offensive capital. that plastic panels are also useful flooring. nice handles or sinks and for something else at the olympics, we definitely provide the material for the metal podium and we take great pride and not everybody will see them and our friends and it's a nation athletes. we receive them models on these podium. that's the organize this one summit games to be sustainable and green and those 3rd of times. and to be part
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of that is a great opportunity. the company is not the only one to be bases by the upcoming games, but this economist says, there is a role economic impact will be hardly felt. the default stuck in just doing it. about 10000000000 euros are being spent to construct the necessary infrastructure. and 130000 jobs created. that might seem a lot, but it's compacted francis g d p of 2500000000000 yours and the countries overall 30000000 jobs. it's really not much. we've looked at all the olympic summit game since the ones in the south korean capital of so in 1988 and none of them noticeably based at the host countries, economic growth even if certain sectors or regions of a half benefits. but even though this use games are unlikely to stimulate defense economies great significantly, the entrepreneur is hoping they will initiate a winning streak for the company. is recently opened
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a 2nd factory in eastern france. so i just don't like the way i understand we aim to it put new branches across fonts and europe, close to waste disposal sites. we are trying to invent a new such that models that we produced elsewhere, which we hope it will be that facility the company's aiming to become the european leader in the sector in 2030 and to contribute to many more olympic and power, limpy games in the future money makes the world go round. whether that's about making the olympic games more profitable. or the super rich trying to get even richer. the gap between rich and poor as widening, which also has a major impact on political decision making process. the money gets the rich more power and a greater saving people with less money. the principal of
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a quality event disappears and that poses danger as far as society. and there were lots of very rich people around the world and the wealth continues to grow. and money means power, price in economic and political times. the rich have a say when it comes to decision making poor people have a false molar loving but does this concentration of wealth and influence also harvest threats to democracy. it's becoming apparent to everyone that the levels of any quality that we're seeing, i simply lot sustainable dangerous for democracy. because big screen well, also keeps stick screen political power. even in the gilded age, in the us, in the late 19th century, the wealthy dominate to the political landscape. during the gilded
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age, when corporations 1st rose up and a very wealthy and powerful man, and they were all manned, who are running these corporations absolutely dominated apologize. they with a great industrialists and pioneers at that time with the names of still known to every one. today. it was j. p. morgan, the 1st great banker, andrew carnegie, who made his money and steal a cornelia as the andrew bolt, who made his money on the railroads. no, all these things steal railroads. banking all came leaping up, as they said, during the civil war and by the 1900. they are huge corporations. these industrialists, now kindly built companies, they built empires that had an immense impact on the american economy. but this select group of men could and did influence politics and baffled the legislative
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branch as well. when the stock market collapse, the 1929 government had no influence over anything. but 6 man sixpence got together and said, we'll save the country and they are our an influence in wealth was so much that it was thought that these, the mortgage, the carnegie's, the painter bulls, that they actually, if anybody was going to save the country, it was them but they didn't succeed. the crisis deepened and led to the great depression. the new deal in the 19 studies introduced economic reforms, the cuts hold the power of the ty, queens and stabilize the economy. but today we're once again seeing the super rich gaining enormous influence, sorry for politics,
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and it's been coming on for some years now. on america's tom hartman program in 2015 former us president jimmy carter expressed his concern about the influence of the rich and political decisions and thoughtful on democracy. it validates your absence of, of what made america great country. and his political system now is just an oligarchy. where the, with unlimited political bribery being the assets of getting the nominations for pressure for president or elected president. in the last election, we spent in the united states $14400000000.00 just in 2020. and most of it over half came for very which individuals but the power of the rich goes much further than financial contributions. especially in times of digitalization and globalization. connecting one
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of the most categories. examples is when we're healthy individuals acquired media platforms, stop lease media platforms that come with basketball games. these, these provides them with an extra layer of power. less quotes which are in 2022 for around $44000000000.00 in the same. yeah. he plucked the accounts of several, john les future quoted on him. the most influence goes far beyond that. when wealthy individuals also have access and can buy a critical infrastructure and that these also related with a must us use the old and they're all starting at the very most critical company which provides something like internet services. and this provides a little musk, and he's company with a very much
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a leverage. i guess the us government we have seen in the past how he's willing to use it by threatening to shut down the startling services in, in specific parts of ukraine. this makes a loan must be a tiered political player because shutting down stalling in today's digitalized wolf. i would like defending ukraine. can sit or be more difficult to say to rich, continue to hold significant sway over international affairs. so how can we reduce the inequality between rich and poor? higher taxes are an old idea that has never been very effective. the rich no only to well how to avoid taxes is there money is often spread around the world and tax havens the,
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and those governments have nothing against wealthy people in their country. however, there is also another idea for limiting well limits harry and as i'm, as the magic word economic limits area and isn't when some people are too rich. sure. it's great to have money who doesn't want a big house, a fast car and luxury vacations. but somebody calling us and philosophers believe that when you have too much money, it's harmful to society, the economy and the planet facing an upper limit should be imposed on how much wealth someone can accumulate. the surplus could go to deprived members of society . the states will climate protection the limit terry, and this isn't the same thing. as socialism, communism it's advocates don't reject the idea of wealth accumulation and property and acknowledge that some social inequality is inevitable. perhaps they think some
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people simply have too much when a billionaire and another 100000 bureaus, they, bailey 8th, and moses. whereas that amount of money completely changed the life of someone to get once a certain threshold is cost, more money doesn't improve the quality of life from the country. or the super rich can often become mistrustful. lonely and dissatisfied. the that's the practical side of the matter. but there are also ethical aspects to consider. is it really okay that some people are massively wealthy? well, others staffing and homes not to mention the environmental impact of private jets and making your moreover, the rich austin heavy ear of politicians and can influence decisions directly through lobbying. all their own media are in class. but what precise limits
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should be 6w1cw000000000. how exactly should the surface be spent? and should they be national limits or a global what? the support is of economically materialism. still don't have all the answers. it's critics, the accumulation of wealth is an incentive to boost progress, crow, and innovation. many questions still remains. for now, the idea of the materialism is merely surface thoughts. just one potential solution to the problem, pricing, economic inequality. most bosses are still man. they continue to rule at the top levels of companies. the times they're changing, the women are catching up fast and increasingly aspiring to be executive rules. at the same time,
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women are networking more than ever before. one woman in singapore has managed to navigate considerable resistance to successfully established herself in the business world. the like being the boss. i think i'm natural at the double minority agency in tech is very, very tough. you have to press severe and literally show your muscles. and leading to a lot of discomfort to take a lot of risk. so i would say that i've always been doing that my entire life. i am and a gun. i and the c u and founder of purchase technology. my parents were as chinese immigrants coming in to the us and they just tell you to
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go and do really well in school to get good grades. make all a the only thing that i can give us was of great education and to get us into the outside world and explore. so i moved away from florida and landed in california. that was the height of the dot com. then i probably met some of the most influential leaders and, and mentors really surrounding myself with world class professionals. i think i was just in the right place to the right time. i almost always the
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when i came out here to sing for it was just another challenge i was brought in late 2014 as the see you to help them scale and turn around the business. purchases, you know, started out as a business to consumer loyalty. i shut down the original business, started the business from scratch. i had to let go of the original team, 29 percent of them. the started to find some lighthouse customers. one of the largest banks here in singapore became 1st clients. they are still our clients. so we're solving large enterprises, loyalty and customer engagement challenge now that lovely, long,
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$71.00 of my goals is taking in this region be beyond evasion. i would say few more months we should be in about $15.00 to $17.00 markets. i love leading and firing and really influencing people vision's mission. look at the whole ecosystem. the people at the top are now becoming more and more and the stuff in the thing that i'm working on myself to overcome all of those. talk to my own journey. i'm working on it the
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during the time i actually got married and singapore and i also had to worse it was going, citing with the transformation of parts. it was shameful experience. the toughest curious in my life. the think about this all the time and my enough of a woman because i'm divorce and i don't have kids. but my therapist actually has been telling me that anna, you're actually raising a baby when you're trying to build a business. you know, woman, it's really hard to have it all you have to make some sacrifices if you want to really rise up and break those glass ceilings, i believe in mentorship because it had a big impact on me now when it came back the same way. so there are 2 groups
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that i event or one group is really young kids. they're just figuring yourself out. and the other one is that where young printers really require a bit of structure and focus you can do it yourself. and that's where i see a lot of females today. they're closed off and they wanted to achieve everything themselves. those who actually really make it is because they have an amazing, the staff set for another edition have made the double use business magazine where we flew over a mega cities with air attacks. the question how to make the super rich more socially conscious and met
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a woman who successfully strive for the top and business join up for me. next week . we promise you it will be worth it for you. next time the or the
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january 2021. the attack on the united states capital, thousands of people took part, and among them, some of these manipulative voices are former high ranking military leaders. why did us veterans turn their backs on democracy? and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy, within in 15 minutes on the w. e co advocate
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babies amongst the seals of cape town. none of these tongue babies having humans and the coaches with those funds. as the animals come back to you, if you're working with a lot of stakeholders together, we can take out the co africa and 19 minutes on d w. the sometimes to town i choose to be highlighted for every week, not come up with settings down. i mean, obviously i know i know the wi fi, i might just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks. trace amount,
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the cause of the state of the news long from berlin. taiwan shuts down for typhoon k me . after bringing death and destruction to the philippines, the 155 kilometer winds are on their way to the island of people. there are bracing themselves for impact, also coming off us, vice president, cala harris kicks off or campaign to become president. her bid to win the democratic party nomination is gaining momentum with more endorsements from p democratic leaders. and the potential polio outbreak and
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