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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news long from berlin. taiwan locks down, know for a, ty, soon came me after bringing destruction to the philippines. the storm is gathering strength. as it approaches taiwan or people are bracing for the worst storm in almost a decade. also coming up a potential polio outbreak in gaza. the w h o express is extreme concern at theresa is of the virus bound and waste water in the strip and fears it could spread without vaccination and ukrainian volunteers rates to pull the elderly and disabled out of the line of fire. we follow
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a team responsible for evacuating thousands of people in the face of russian showing the welcome to the program. i'm nicole fairly typhoon academy is last thing. taiwan with heavy rain and winds of up to a 155 kilometers an hour. it's a stronger storm to hit the island in the years. authorities of close schools in the office is on and grounded flights. as a precaution, thousands of people have been evacuated from mountain is regions at risk of land slides. k, me is battering taiwan after killing at least 12 people in the philippines. the storm is forecast to move towards the southern china on thursday. and i asked the w corresponding, james, trader in taipei. what the general feeling was as the storm approached, the island,
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this is now the strongest ice cream sort of mainland sole, even. so i want in some ages nearly a decade. the i'm gonna say though, in most of the major cities across taiwan has been sadly, cons. today, people have had a used to this type of natural does offsets. they is more concerned about the movement of mounts and as part of the central tie, one of them. so the eastern coast is areas of taiwan which are little bit more remote is increasingly that. and so areas which recently in april stuff at a $7.00 magnitude, craig, which triggered pretty severe a lot of slides. and that's a concern this evening with the expectations that some 70 inches of rain could full during this timeframe that similar, drastic land slides could take place in those areas to how are authorities preparing for that kind of scenario. where as i mentioned this one is pretty, pretty used to this type of activity, a pretty well real machine springs into action when this type of event takes place . so we understand 29000 troops or on stand by to help with any rescued operations
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. and as you mentioned, some 4000 people have already been evacuate this from the most iris gary is increasingly the key contexts to this is in this type thing. his, his hips high want in the exact same week that major annual military trail was taking place. some of those drills having cancel the crucially a cost of those drills which tests time on some industries capability in, in sustaining with funding of a chinese attack is also responding to natural disasters of this kind. and so what officials and really messaging is that making hope was been exercised in these drills over the course of this week can be put into action immediately across the military. but also a civil defense, eunice, to me, is already slipped through the philippines on its way to taiwan. can you tell us more about the damage? is it caused there? well, some of the images coming out of the philippines have been pretty um, they're pretty striking. but it positive manila major philippine cities submerged
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in malta. we have us down within 12 people, at least 12 people, sorry, have, have died as a result of outside seemed more than 600000 people display suite. also understand that at least in the last of the laces, the last few hours that some people in the field traps in poor some of the areas in the coastal regions. the concern will of course, now innocent, incense rescue operations the whole pay that tie one wednesday, some of the images here to was james tater in taipei. thank you so much for that update. and a quick look now and some of the stories making news around the world today. 18 people have been killed after a plane crashed during take off into paul. the pilot of the plane is the sole survivor and is currently receiving treatment. the domestic flight was traveling from the capital of cap men do when it's reported to have slipped off the runway and caught fire. over 200 people have been killed after to lance lions
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in the field via people were attempting to find survivors from the 1st lands line. when a 2nd one struck killing those involved in the rescue operation, president ahmed to said he was deeply saddened by the terrible loss of life and has deployed federal resources to assist with the operations. around a 130 migrants arrived at the canary islands on tuesday evening after making the crossing from northern africa. according to the european border and coast guard agency, from tex, nearly $20000.00 have made the perilous trip so far this year. in germany has van d as long center hamburg and it's affiliated organizations nationwide for pursuing what authorities call radical islamist goals. and move comes after months of investigation. german domestic intelligence consider the center to be controlled by iran. the uranium foreign ministry has summoned the german ambassador and tear on
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and protest. flights have resumed ad cologne bon airport in western germany after climate protesters glued themselves to the runway. the group last generation said at once the german government to pursue a global agreement to exit oil gas and coal by 2030 and what now appears to be an ongoing operation. north korea has an more of its trash carrying balloons across the border to south korea. this time, according to south korean authorities, at least one of the airborne dumpsters has offloaded on south korea's presidential compound. balloons, gary and trash float into south korea. they're the latest and bad toward these in the north. this is the waste. one of the balloons deposited south korea says another one came down near the presidential compound and sold. it was said to
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contain no harm for the materials. in recent days, south korea's army has stepped up its loudspeaker, broadcasters, targeting the north, would have put in april the military and broadcasting propaganda on all sides. we can't give you specific details on got a where it is being bored cost. we are monitoring the north korean military to the broadcasts featured gave up songs and news on a north korean diplomats defection. aiming to demoralize frontline north korean troops route. and we think the board costs to have effect such as internal disturbance defection and weakening that discipline to south korean activists. and the fact is to have long send propaganda balloons into north korea. since may, north korea has sent housing distrustful balloons further escalating tensions between the 2 countries. eric ball boss is an expert on north and south korea from
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the german institute for international and security affairs. and he gave me his assessment of what north korea is likely trying to achieve here. a. this is a return to classical college war tactics. we see from both north and south korea used at the moment. it is a long standing tradition, so to say on the korean peninsula to use these kinds of new ones has been traditionally been use since the end of the korean war. and especially then during the heights of the cold war era, it's a part of the website cannot take a more fair field. oh, the military level of direct military level of still incense, a strong signal at the same way to south korea. use us a soft green activist uses of these balloons to transmit their message says a so north korea sickness with these balloons to the, to the south koreans. this came from one's power for his sister,
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described as a reaction to south koreans come and dirty tactics. yeah, you mentioned that there, this is a tit for tat, right? south korea is responding by setting up loud speakers on the border. layering out and key pop and propaganda messages against the regime and young young is this just a new sons or, and kind of pose a real threat to kim young or his regime wendy? it's loud speak uh how they don't reach that far, you know, the rates into north korea, of course. some say they rates all the way up to 2 k, so that of course their rates. this ultimately limits it. so it's the limits at tech. take the north koreans of the south koreans us here as i went on the rates and limits of the audience in north korea. but we have to see this 6 foot type at the moment in the broader spectrum of north korea's and south korea's into korean
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relationship. towards each other, and this has been rather move to the brain during the last couple of months with these. but louise just being one of our loud speak a mess. success just being one of the mess as used by both sides in this ongoing tit for tat. and this can escalate, of course also these are lucky methods. so to see how big do you reckon is the risk of escalation at this point as well, as you mentioned before, you know this so far, no, truly harmful materials have been found or in the sense that material testing contains or something like this. but, you know, this can change, and of course there is always a risk if you enter into one of us and space because especially in this, for the area between north and south korea, these, for the reasons
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a highly militarized. and this is the true danger of an escalation that things can be of costs up down in this country, got a response then from the other side, so that these low key messages can very rapidly escalate into military mess us. and this is the reason we see. yeah, and you mentioned earlier that this is a return to cold war tactics. is there anything that we can learn from the past that kind of contextualize what is happening now and may be contributing to the escalation. but ultimately, this tips for a tech game we are in at the moment, can only be broken through the dialogue of but the political framework uh at the moment is extremely difficult. so it's exceedingly difficult to actually materialize to implement if i allow 10. and i'm investing, if i have no terminals between north and south korea all between other countries
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and north korea for that matter. since north korea at the moment focuses very much on russia and china and it's forwarding relations. and that's pretty much the complet from the west and the west then allies. and this is the problem we're seeing at the moment that it's extremely difficult to break this site because it's vicious, cycled at the moment, which ultimately can only be broken through diane, open communication, but this is hot, epic stream yard to do with them or not. eric bob, bob from the german associated for international and security affairs. thank you so much for all those insight. thank you so much for having me. us vice president, come on, harris has hit the road with her newly minted campaign for president. she held her 1st rally in wisconsin, which is one of the swing states king to beating republican donald trump november harris's trip came after president joe biden, ended his re election campaign and endorsed her on sunday
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camelot harris arrived in wisconsin with her party uniting in support of her sudden candidacy for the presidency. so wisconsin, i am told as this morning that we have earned the support of the mess delegates to secure the demo. russo tech donald trump seeming to relish the clash of personalities with a man. she'll probably face on the election day before i was elected vice president before i was like the united states senator, i was elected attorney general of the state of california, and i was a court room prosecutor before them. and in those roles that i took on the perpetrators of all kinds creditors, who abused women, fraudsters, ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear
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me when i say, i know donald trump's do i. republican lawmakers took aim at harris, highlighting the economic disruptions from the coven. 19 pandemic, and russians invasion of ukraine, which came during biden's tenure. remember, both of the persons running for president now have a record. they have both served in an administration here in the last, within the last several years. so you can compare how you and your family were doing on the 1st dropping ministration. and how you and your family for doing now. nobody said there was a trump himself, did not mention harris on tuesday instead discussing last week's attempt on his life in a fox news interview together with his running make j. d. them. but harris will shortly be back in the spotlight on wednesday. that's when joe by didn't now back in washington, after ending his coven, self isolation is due to address the nation on his decision to drop out of the race
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in favor of his vice president. well here in germany, chancellor or left charles, the said it's very possible that vice president come on here is will really when the american presidential election in november speaking to reporters here in berlin . he said he has met harris several times and believes were to be a competent, unexperienced politician. he made the comments in his annual summer press conference, and here's more from the german chancellor to do, for example, to because i think it's very possible that come on the highway slope when the election comes. button doxey is for the american voters to decide of c, as in recent decades, in which we have striven for good transatlantic cooperation. thanks will also be the case in the coming decades. so like family believe, thoughts that the should give them an interest in the choice or political correspondent. i mean, i could, i told is how the reason, the political uncertainty in the u. s. as being viewed by the german government.
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and the past few days old, the berlin correspondence, the political correspondence, had tried the very best to tease on something substantial by the german government, by the chancellor in relation to the events in the usa. but charles was very, very careful not to judge, not to show a preference for one candidate or the other, or for that matter, for one president or the other. but in the context with the upcoming elections in the us, i shows stress several times the importance of the transatlantic relations. because this goes hand in hand with the military support for war torn ukraine and republican candidate. both from had criticized several times the lacking the insufficient support of the european states to the nato and has threatened to withdrawal his uh, support for ukraine this um,
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so this is essential for the safety of here. it's a trans flush, all talked a lot about security policy, but the 1st question he had to deal with uh, what's related to joe biden saw decision not to run the again, because the report i asked if he shows what follows the example. let's listen. the espy, this is the ice repeat thing is a very united policy. we all the, to me to go into the next column entry election campaign together and waiting. and i will run to become chancellor again. so that's what that. all right, so it shows wants to run again, but does that mean that he will most probably he will, but indeed there has been a debate uh ongoing um in the past few weeks um, according to survey, only one 3rd of the members of the social democrats chancellor shaw, it's very own party believes that he's the right man for the job and he's facing
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single digit results and surveys in, in eastern germany. um, but he and his car listen uh in a very, very hot patch uh already for quite a while, but nevertheless, charles is pretty sure that he will turn around the mood. he said he's convinced that will be a mood swing before next to the general election. and he said his government made the right decisions in times of danger and uncertainty. and his cause of his course of action was the right one. and people will see this, and so he will succeed in the elections. he has about 13 months to convince the german public that was the, that we use the audio care. and i thank you so much for that. the world health
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organization says it's extremely worried about a potential polio outbreak and gaza and warm that theresa is of the virus had been detected in the territories wastewater. and that the dire situation of the sanitary situation could allow it to spread quickly. polio attacks the central nervous system causing paralysis and death in extreme cases. w a chose as a mass vaccination campaign and may be needed target shar, which is a spokes person with the world health organization. and i asked them whether to spite no information about. in fact, the humans being available as of yet an outbreak of polio could already be underway and gaza as well. we have not seen any, any cases of paralysis as, as looks now, as you have said, this samples have been tested positive for the sewage water. and this can meet that there is a risk of outbreak among the children. we need to act quickly as you know,
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for folio to be prevented to prevent human cases. we need to have communication. unfortunately, the routine immunization. it does a street, has been disrupted steadily in the last 9 months, and that brings back the risk of the other diseases as well. now, w to be working with us. so we'd administer your pilots another box to try to do what is needed, but you have to take into account really difficult operational situation right now . you guys a warehouse system is unable to provide those services where work of humanitarian agencies is very difficult. so there is a risk we will do our best, but really what we need is that these, the ceasefire. so we could load all those w h o, sorry, guess harvet to your brain. now we're a team of dedicated volunteers are helping rescue people with limited mobility such as the elderly or people with disabilities from showing 3 dro and his team have so
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far managed to evacuate more than 3000 vulnerable people from highly dangerous situations. for hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of kilometers behind the wheel. when he says to send an average, we've been driving around 6 or 7000 kilometers a month. this same business go on. my to demetrius has been evacuating people with limited mobility and disability from the conflict areas since the beginning of the russian invasion. today, he and his team are rescuing 84 year old lead me luck with the national from the northeastern city of villa celia farmable. thank god, the evacuation went smoothly, want to be live. helio is only 7 kilometers away from the border with russian. the cities under constant showing by the russian army, nothing will last week, but we will bombed right in the center of the city. i live in the center of the la
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p, a on the main street, the bottom hit the house across the street. it was very, very scary to the, the metro has found a place for ludmilla in a nursing home near kids. why is shawn okay? sometimes we gets attached to people that we have to let them go, the retreat these people not so strange is that is if they was a relative south, place, sweat, and the family and then it'll becomes much harder after the 1st of that conversation, we had to see a psychologist because it was a very emotional crisis. we boost gets a 380 dimitria as barrier free foundation has about a 100 volunteers in different regions of ukraine. the volunteers work together with the relatives during the evacuation process. you already had no idea how to
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transport his bedridden mother from below peoria to a safe place. demetrius team helped him a because the state provided a wheelchair and they transported my mother in the train. oh, so they did everything well and i found a place for us 1st we came to trust in that sort of thing. it was dangerous there to help, but at least they didn't shoot at us. but more for the living conditions were bad. we had to constantly take care of our mother. later, we were able to find a better place then demetrius team managed to evacuate the entire so hon. family, as well as 9 gaps and even some plans. they found a place to live in the key of region and they've been for supplies. and the biggest challenge is to find a shelter for someone with a disability for you to find a shelter that will include all the needs of this pass. and so if, for example,
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someone is completely bed ridge and then they need to be given cooked food at hygiene services and the phone is 2 of our child as the war continues to be true and his team received evacuation request every day. they say they haven't given up on their commitment to respond to all calls and focused on electricity is a challenge, it's expensive and unreliable, but the climate conditions are ideal for solar power generation over 9 hours of sunlight. and most parts of the country means turning to solar power cord help pack is done with its energy needs and help the country transition away from fossil fuels. how much the cost is among postings of buckets on these hor, now installing solar panels on the rooftops. and i think the prices the
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energy products are only good to go up and down. so that's the reason i'm switching to solar panels because i've shift or so the band move on. so have him both that his public supply in focused on great power is often unreliable. uh, you'll be a good hit by low checking here. so i wanted to switch to an alternative source of energy like an uninterrupted power supply or generator. but they come with their own set of problems. and when the temperatures hit 40 degrees and more in karachi, i have to go from one energy source to the other. but with solar power, i know that once it's set up, it's good for 15 years and with the low for the next 15 years, some focused on the businesses and industries are also switching to solar energy. a few barrels it can because to just wells over cultural industries, residential, wherever you go, you will see solar doesn't have a roof and sunlight and they will all go for solar. again, the government is also encouraging the switch to sonya is that able by the love of
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time they can be, we told the big companies here that we will support them. big guy came up, we told them they should manufacture solar panels and set up a solar industry here. we don't have to import the we will definitely support them and the cost of land, other taxes and whatever else we can. but a, i mean we're not enough or only around 5 percent of the funds and then it just comes from new new but it's like solar and when fossil fuels stay, make up 63 percent of the few would mix, but it's not just shocked them. deans, like cost and reliability, that's driving the search focused on is among the countries most affected by global warming. and by making a branch was shipped to solar and other, the new booths, focused on is hoping to do with sparks introducing the greenhouse gas emissions. and a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you today. ty, food k, me has begun lashing taiwan with high winds and heavy rain forecasts to be the worst storm to hit taiwan in almost a decade without your up to date of next main. and germany asked
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whether wealth and power are too dangerous for democracy. that so after a short break, i will be back with more headlines at the top for the next hour. and i do hope to see you then by the the
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very market is moving, but so far they haven't quite taken off their taxi. their hail is gains dangerous for urban transportation. many issues like crash tests, pilot training and flight groups remain fun results. when will the mobility of the future finally take to the sky state in town?
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on d, w. i the 2nd make a difference. visionaries with a project get involved to create a future day experience that eco, india been 16 minutes on the the this shadows of general colors. these are costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed scores to post tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of
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this wide spread race as depression today? history? we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the late again, it's down to the very last minute. getting to the meeting on time will be type. maybe take a taxi. that probably won't work. because whether it's bangkok, beijing, or new york, the taxi will probably get stuck in a traffic jam in minutes. the but now there might just be a solution that's storing about the rest also a name today. well the 2024 olympic games in pair of the words while financially
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wealth and power or the threat to the.


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