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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, we news line from berlin, benjamin, that, neo is in washington, where he prepares to address the united states congress. these really prime minister is graded by a flurry of protests as he thinks to bolster some ford for his war against thomas. but he finds himself facing a series of boy cods and a deeply divided congress also coming up to miss all exchanges between israel and has the law for civilians and 11 on to flee the crossfire to follow a family seeking shelter as fears of further escalation, grow and taiwan logs down for a typhoon k me. after breeding disruption to the philippines,
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the storm is gathering strength as it approaches taiwan, where people are bracing for the worst storm. and almost a decade. the uncle for at least welcome to the program is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in washington today to address us lawmakers. he's expected to face a congress deeply divided over his handling of the war and gaza. these really leader is due to speak to a joint meeting of the senate and house of representatives where a number of democratic lawmakers plan to boycott. his appearance vice president come on, harris, who serves as president of the senate. and traditionally since behind visiting dignitaries, is that to miss the speech due to a report and scheduling conflicts, say the benz former president donald trump's running made will also me
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a no show for and that, and you know, speech to double your report or stuff on the month is that capitol hill in washington dc. hi stefan. oh no. no. is in the us capital facing a divided congress and thousands of protesters. we can see some of them. they're behind you. and just remind our viewers, why is his visit so controversial? nicole uh let me answer your question in just a 2nd. let me 1st. so you end viewers where we are and where to put off the triple thing right there. as you can see in the background. and there is a study studies swell of protesters, anti israel, pro palestinian different groups, not just one home on gen group here, but the different groups are different agendas, protesting, again, this speech of benjamin, it's an l permanent. so these are all in the capital in a few hours and of course, against the war is it goes to 0, guys are war. now, why is this so controversial?
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that benjamin to turn you always here because us policy has changed and of course, the public opinion into us has changed towards the government to offend during that time, you know, as well as conduct of this government, meaning the war and how it is conducted against terrorist thomas and in god's the st policy has changed. you know, the u. s. is of course, israel's most important ally and backer. then how has us support for israel changed since that y'all launched the war against her mom's and response to the october 7th terrorism? well, you're absolutely right. i mean, shortly after the attacks on october 7th, the us was so to speak, gung ho in need of support, no limits. the president was injuries and i'm 1st time that in a time of war, us president visited israel and submitted his support and unconditional support. now this has changed lawmakers as well as in the administration. even the president
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has changed their have changed the attitude towards the war and that is largely because the i'm us are in house department reports almost up to 40000 debt now in gaza. that after months of war, relentless more in gaza, north got on the south, got up, and so on. so specifically, the democrats are critical of how this war is conducted. how is early as doing this, visit those protests here? of course, with those democrats, many of them will not attend the speech of benjamin. that's on, you know, in congress today. and one of them is vice president come on here is, who is the likely democratic presidential nomination is usually present for these kinds of interventions. at what can be read into that, that she will not be in congress for that. and you know, speech well for there is important to remember that kimberly harris is now running a campaign for president of the united states coming november this year. so there
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is some politic king going on. she will not attend the speech of presence of from mister benjamin gotten, you know, and congress she will meet him, go behind closed doors and we don't expect any big photo ops or anything like this tomorrow. that is politics, you know, for the bible campaigned formerly by and can pay now harris can paint it is critical to actually get the vote of those people here. all those are americans and regular american, specifically young people in november those the w correspondence defends the ones. thank you so much. i and we can now take deeper and bring in our middle east alice chinese rosanna, so on and good to have you here again, this is of course a carefully scheduled and planned meeting. now. it is in almost all aspects
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overshadowed by domestic issues in the us is that ya is still going to get the big stage that he was hoping for. well, you need to ask yourself what it was, his goal, you know, and if want to now be his 1st and foremost goal is to, you know, to cater to his base. and israel, you know, to the right wing supporters. you know, of course, is this. he's tetra as a statement and as a defender of as well as completely shattered after october 7th and haven't gotten the invitation to the congress being the 4th be no time for an attorney all himself a story cuz i know other than either in the world have ever spoken to the joint congress so many times and that the now did for him, you know, it helps him build himself up with his base and his real again, as this leader, you know, the only one actually that can help and say, you know, and navigate through the world and help as well again, you know, support for this more detail before leaving said he will be very conciliatory in his tone. he will try to bring unity and talk about the need for support for this, you know, the alliance, these really american alliance is a strong when no for is really enemies to know that this is still as strong as ever
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. but of course, the rifts within the democratic republic, but the democratic public and democratic party itself are quite clear as well as, you know, between the democrats and republicans. the republicans with one pushing for this kind of twisting the hands of a leaders like chuck schumer who clearly plugged. he said that he feel that the you don't need to step down, you know, to endorse him into and bring him into washington. if there's going to be many, an easy meetings, bring it to me on the next couple of days, but you know, when he, you know, when he's on capitol hill. yeah. he wants to portray unity between israel and the united states, especially, you know, these are the enemies like a rod, but really bottom line, where does this relationship stand right now? well, it really depends on where or america stands on november after the election. this is where everybody's looking at and mentioned y'all was strategy many will tell you, is stalling is waiting for november and hoping that trump will be elected and he
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feels trump will be far more supportive of his goals of maintaining the fight and keeping on, you know, pressure on come us, unlike what he feels biden's you know, and his administration is push that feels to him. and also citing by the way, barton is siding with the intelligence, a leaders and officials from israel calling for more push on the cost of g, a. lift and y'all feels us a bit of a, of a, of a, a we could, we could position that is coming from sort of a defiance and he feels like he wants to sort of not him. so he defeated a position. he wants to be actually defiance you want to, so it's rather strong. israel can stand to how much me feels a pushing, how much further will help as well get what he wants, which is all the hostages back among other things. and you talked about a lot of uncomfortable meetings in the, in the upcoming days. so we have a meeting with joe biden. we have a meeting with cala harris who won't be at congress today, but they will meet tomorrow. and then we have a meeting with donald trump in myra logo on friday. what is the hoping to get out
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of each of these meetings? well, you know, with binding, it's almost inevitable. he, you know, he will and button will push very strong when he comes to the hostages. we know this is a topic very close to his heart. and the big, you know, the big thing we need to remember when we talk about fighting is 2 words. leverage and legacy binding is working on some end thing. his legacy, he knows this is the end, and for him, you know, he knows his name and his legacy is very much tarnished because of this word. very much connected to the war and gods. and he will try to bring this to a closure as much as he can. he will put this effort to make that to me. i'll be there with him. and what is his leverage? american support, american and unity, you know, a munitions or shipments to israel. this is something israel can not, you know, pursue with this war with that american support. and he still has this card that he can play. so this is one to one side when we're talking about 5. and when it comes to trump, of course, nathaniel wants to basically restart the relationship. the relationship had, has kind of solid after biden, after so we trump abided one. and,
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and trump was very resentful, and it was an attorney out for accepting that victory. so he would need to restart that relationship, and i think both sides understand for republicans, especially israel is a big enough topic, you know, for both sides to have the interest to restart these really, you know, these connections again. where do you see it, kamala and well, come with strong, i think for now distance as herself a bit from this. she's always been throughout the last month, very critical of israel and her focus it. and the focus of most of the american public is on winning the election. and you know this speech as much as we are concentrated about it. i mean, the primetime speech that americans were looking at today is not going to be this one, but rather bite and speaking and she knows that she doesn't want to, you know, tarnish, you know, her efforts in or, or i was. so she tries to distance herself from that to me all by not being public speaking with him. but you also know she kind of completed turn her, got her back to him. that's why we will see meeting late, meeting close doors, meeting, you know nothing to be too happy in publicizing, but still maintain the minimum that is needed in order to maintain the relationship
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. in order to establish tanya resign is always great to have you on the show. thank you so much. i the attentions are high along israel's northern border. where is really forces have exchanged almost daily miss l fire with hezbollah militants since the october 7th terror attacks. by a month across that front line, the destruction insecurity and fear of an all out war have pushed many lebanese civilians to flee their homes. and those areas t w's well, how much greater reports height are, is almost 60 years old. yet, before he moved here, he'd only been to be route once or twice. he comes from leader, a small town in southern lebanon, close to the border with his wife. this is what it looks like now. the cross border showing between his blood and these while he the army, since october 8 has destroyed much including fight. that's the shop and home.
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he came here at the southern b route 7 months ago and setup a grocery store. he named it after his hometown and the amount of time in the fall . i advised him butchery and grocery store and bleed out on my brother own desk supermarkets. we lost everything a while and then it's all destroyed our shops and our houses. will it be all? thank going, i'm working again, but it doesn't feel the same being away from my hometown, but i didn't know how necessary some of the available i'm had on that i can still see and meet people from my town and the nearby border towns that have come into my shop and this brings me some joy, a month on for the i'm is really on the on that just to enough to, to shut it off. hi, there is a new baby neighborhood is home to many others who flip the south in towns. it's thoughts around 100000 refugees, have flipped their homes near the border with his rail. the many here have become how you does loyal customers. in that i don't think she at all. the man lost
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everything, his house, his store, everything, and yet he's not greedy. would you get elsewhere for 50000? you get it here for 20 or 25000. he's sympathizes with others who have been through trouble times in the fields for them and he tries to reimburse them with the she the next come here every day to buy fruit and vegetables. it's always fresh. i like him because he's always smiling. outside the grocery store, people are anticipating the latest updates from the, from find these people are celebration nationally. the most states are based on just the, almost been selling the mazda, the desktop, a month for same trend. son of the prophet mohammed, this gathering is also used by husband law to deliver political messages. this is house on the, from the secretary general of husband law, the party designated by many countries as
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a terrorist organization. is that the about to call me a lot if your tanks invade lebanon and southern lebanon, you will not only suffer from the lack of tanks. 6 but you will lose all your time . that his message, we are ready for an all out war, even though we don't want to in the going detention and destruction on the border would point to such a development. one that would push many motiv and these people to become refugees in their own country. and the quick look down at some other stories making news around the world today. 18 people have been killed after a plane crashed during take off into paul. the pilots of the plane is the sole survivor and is currently receiving treatment. the domestic flight was traveling from the capitol cap my do when it's reported to flipped off the runway and con, fired through many as van
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b as la mac center and hamburg. and it's affiliated organizations nationwide for pursuing with authorities called radical islam. his goals move a comes after months of investigation. german domestic intelligence consider the center to be controlled by a ron uranian. foreign ministry has summoned the german, a master, and tear on and protest. typhon k. me is lashing taiwan with heavy rain and winds of up to a 155 kilometers an hour. it's a strong, a storm to hit the island in years. authorities of close schools and offices and ground it flights. as a precaution, thousands of people have been evacuated from mountain is regions at risk of land slides. k me is battering taiwan after killing at least 12 people in the philippines. the storm is forecast to move towards the southern china on thursday. and i asked the w, corresponding, james, trader in taipei with the general feeling was as the storm was approaching, this is now the strongest side students who have made landfill even so i want in some ages nearly a decade. the i will say though,
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in most of the major cities across taiwan has been sadly cons that people have had a used to this type of natural. there's also a small concern about the movement of mountain as part of the central tie, one of them. so the eastern coast is areas of taiwan which are little bit more remote is increasingly that and so areas which recently in april stuff at a $7.00 magnitude, craig, which triggered pretty severe a lot of slides. and that's a concern this evening with the expectations that some 70 inches of rain could full during this time. students that similar, drastic land slides could take place in those areas to how are authorities preparing for that kind of scenario. where as i mentioned this one is pretty, pretty used to this type of activity, a pretty well a little machine springs into action when this type of event takes place. so we, on the sun, 29000 troops are on standby to help with any rescue operations. and as you mentioned, some 4000 people have already been evacuate this from the most at risk areas. and
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crucially, the key contexts to this is in this type thing. his has hits high one in the exact same week that major annual military trail was taking place. some of those girls have been cancelled, but, but crucially a cost of those drills which test time was ministries capabilities in sustaining was funding off. a chinese attack is also responding to natural disasters of this kind. and so what officials are really messaging is that they can hope what's been exercised in these drills over the course of this. we can be put into action immediately across the military, but also a civil defense eunice, to me, has already slipped through the philippines on its way to taiwan. can you tell us more about the damage? is it caused there as well? some of the images coming asked the philippines have been pretty um, they're pretty striking, but it positive manila may just philippine cities submerged in more renaissance, more than 12 people, at least 12 people, sorry, have, have died as
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a result of that. so i think more than $600000.00 people display suite also understand that at least in the last of the laces, last few hours, that some people have sealed tramps in poor some of the areas me, coastal regions. the concern with of course now we have some concerns of rescue operations. the whole pay that tie one wednesday, some of the images here to was james taylor in taipei. thank you so much for that update. and what now appears to be an ongoing operation. north korea has sent more of its trash carrying balloons across the border to south korea . this time, according to south korean authorities, at least one of the airborne dumpsters has offloaded on south korea's presidential compound. balloons, gary and trash float into south korea. they're the latest and bad toward these in the north. this is the waste. one of the balloons deposited south korea says
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another one came down near the presidential compound and sold. it was set to contain no harm for the materials. in recent days, south korea's army has stepped up its loudspeaker, broadcasters, targeting the north, would have put in april the military and broad costing propaganda on all sides. we can't give you specific details on board or wherever it is being bored cost. we are monitoring the north korean military. the broadcasts featured gave up songs and news on a north korean diplomats to fiction. aiming to demoralize frontline north korean troops route and we think the board costs to have effect such as internal disturbance, defection and weakening the discipline to to south korean. active is to send the sectors to have loans and propaganda balloons into north korea. ready since may, north korea has sent housing distrustful balloons further escalating tensions
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between the 2 countries. eric bob boss is an expert on north and south korea from the german institute for international and security affairs. and he gave me his assessment of what north korea is likely trying to achieve. here. this is a return to classical college war tactics. we see from both north and south korea used at the moment. it has a long standing traditionally so to say on the korean peninsula to us. these kinds of new ones has been traditionally been us since the end of the korean war. and especially then during the lights of the cold war era, it's a power talks about psychological warfare, b o, the military level of direct military level. but still, it's sense a strong signal. the same way south korea uses a solid green activist uses of these balloons to transmit. the message says
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a so north korea sickness with these balloons to the, to the south koreans. this was a king someone's power for the system. described as a reaction to a south, koreans come and dirty tactics. yeah. and you mentioned that there, this is a tit for tat, right? south korea is responding by sending up loud speakers on the border, layering out and k pop and propaganda messages against the regime. and young young is this just didn't use on or, and can oppose a real threat to came young. i mean, it's regime as well as allowed speak. uh how they don't reach that far. you know, they reach into north korea. of course, some say they rapes all the way up to 10 or something, but of course they reach this item that limits it. so it's the limits of tech. take the north koreans of the south koreans us here. as i went on the rates and limits
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of audience in north korea, but we have to see this particular type at the moment in the broader spectrum of north korea's and south korea's into korean relationship towards each other. and this has been rather move to the brain during the last couple of months with these balloons just being one or allowed to be a mess. success just being one of the mess as used by both sides in this ongoing tit for tat. so, and this can escalate of cost also, these are low key mess of some to see how big can you rec, and is the risk of escalation at this point. well, as you mentioned before, you know, this so far, no, truly harmful materials have been found. or in the sense that material testing contains or, or something like this. but you know, this can change and, and of course there is always a risk that if you enter into one other space,
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because especially in this, for the area between north and south korea, these, for the region is a highly minutes arrives. and this is the true danger of an escalation that things can be, of course, up down. and this can take a response then from the other side, so that these know a key mess us can very rapidly escalate into military missions. and this is the reason we see there was eric fall back, an expert on north and south korea from the german institute for international and security affairs. the 2024 olympic games get underway in 2 days in paris and more than $10000.00 athletes will take part each with a unique story and a dream of glory. the double you met one nigerian take one to a fighter who didn't have much luck. 4 years ago at the olympics and tokyo but is looking to come back stronger this time in paris,
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nigeria and try quando. stop. elizabeth, i in a chill is in training. i hate to be all in pick games in paris. why is something better with everybody? because people get the good right. she's been in jenn me since 2022. and i'm i will see training scholarship. how do stops with warm ups and stretches and ends, including spot and sessions. she hopes to banish the memories of how 1st on last i did took your games 3 years ago, best buy and then become me either the cloud and everything else. and that's really just direct, right? i'm getting some those randolph, the defense, those i have written the let's have the best way of i left to so many competition. i am not just interested in the sport came from her father who was himself hot on business of the come into bucks a. she started out in athletics, but hi,
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it's month to out for a future and take one to wear long limbs company at advantage. she will start in spots and by imagining olympic met, at least she got shocked. mary g. a 7 year old. i know 16. so i like to offense from the side. i didn't think i was going to be consistent like this. so so is this something i was or things are for me? yeah, just yeah, yeah, not a one good idea of kind of games and gonna how to know him says if former olympia and things that she's a natural i, she had the great developments and she arrived at our training center. and she's a small play on fast learning are also very intelligent about tactics and strategy into sports. so as i said, the development was really fast for her. so really i really believe you can have
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that you really, really qualify and the history did so um and also an hour during dix. i think she, she has even a chance to be on the top. the top ranked to be top rank to their lympics fly away from home to quiet surroundings around lake constance. allow on. yeah. and i chose to concentrate on how well into goals. i really don't. well, i should. yeah. i really don't go out. most of the time, i mean those so i don't really a lot of one of the reasons i was like what i'm maybe going to make and the to and just meant what the more nigeria last one i know lengthy time. quando meadows in 2008. elizabeth, i am at your hopes to change that in paris. with that you're all up to date of next
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