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tv   Business Beyond  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 1:15am-1:30am CEST

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that where he, we try to mend his rather free relationship with the former president. he's identified he, benjamin that and you know, his politics, his party with the republicans. that's his clear preference. him, frankly, if you could for elections, you know, he'd be voting for to get here. thank you for walking us through that. so clearly iron david miller, mcconick and dime relation, international peace. thank you so much. thank you. the attention is a high along israel's northern border where it is right, the forces of exchange almost daily mysa alpha. but here's the militant since october 7, 10, right? tax across that phone line, the destruction insecurity and fear of a lot war pushed many lebanese to flee their homes, dw is mohammed straight to it before its height is almost 60 years
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old. yet before he moved here, he'd only been to be route once or twice. he comes from leader, a small town, and so the been on close to the border with this, right? this is what it looks like now. the cross border showing between has blind is why you the army. since october 8 has destroyed much including height, the shop and home. he came here at the southern bellwood 7 months ago and setup a grocery store. he named it after his hometown a good amount of time in the fall i had when butchery and grocery store and bleed out on my brother own desk supermarkets. we lost everything off alone and it's all destroyed our shops and our houses. i wouldn't be able to no problem. think going, i'm working again, but it doesn't feel the same being away from my hometown, but the system isn't within the available. i'm not on that. i can still see and meet people from my town. i'm
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a nearby border towns come into my shop and this brings me some joy a month on for the i'm just really on the on that just to enough to to shut it off . how you, there's a new baby neighborhood is home to many others who flip the south in towns. it's thoughts around 100000 refugees, athletic their homes near the border with this way, and many here have become haters loyal customers in the us. i don't see it on the man lost everything his house, his store every thing and yet he's not greedy. would you get elsewhere for 50000? you get it here for 20 or 25000. he's sympathizes with others who have been through trouble times. he feels for them and he tries to reimburse them with the she the next come here every day to buy fruit and vegetables. it's always fresh. i like him because he's always smiling outside the grocery store.
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people are anticipating the latest updates from the, from find these people are celebration and i'll show you the most safe for, based on just the almost been telling the mazda the desktop a month for same front front of the prophet muhammad, this gathering is also used by husband law to deliver political messages. this is house on this one. the secretary general roof has blocked the party designated by many countries as a turbo boost organization. is that the about a lot? if your tanks invade lebanon and southern level, now you will not only suffer from the lack of tanks. 6 but you will lose all your tanks, that his message, we are ready for an all out war, even though we don't wanted to go in detention and destruction on the board to point to such a development. one that would push many more than these people to become refugees in their own country.
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the ukraine. what a team is dedicated volunteers is helping to rescue people with limited liability subsidy. our video, people with disabilities from sheller, the nature on his team so far managed to evacuate more than 3000 vulnerable people from highly dangerous situations. hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of kilometers behind the wheel. when it says to send the, on average, we'd been driving around 6 or 7000 kilometers a month. this same business go on my to demetrius has been evacuating people with limited mobility and disabilities from the conflict areas since the beginning of the russian invasion. today he and his team are rescuing 84 year old lead me luck with the restaurant from the northeastern city of villa peoria solvable. thank god, the evacuation went smoothly once your beloved helio is only 7 kilometers away from
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the border with russian. the cities under constant showing by the russian army nothing. last week when we were bombed, right in the center of the city. i live in the center of the la p a on the main street. the bottom hit the house across the street. it was very, very scary to the metro has found a place for ludmilla in a nursing home new kids. why is shawn okay, sometimes we gets attached to people. not. we have to let them go, the retreat. these people not so strange is that is if they want a relative south place sweating as a family and then it'll becomes much hotter. after this less direct corporation, we have to see a psychologist because it is a very emotional process we boost gets up reading dimitria as barrier free
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foundation has about a 100 volunteers in different regions of ukraine. the volunteers work together with the relatives during the evacuation process. you already had no idea how to transport his bedridden mother from below peoria to a safe place. demetrius team helped him because the fe provided a wheelchair and they transported my mother in the train. also. they did everything well and i found a place for us commerce, much of a pretty 1st we came to trust in that sort of sense to so it was dangerous there to help, but at least they didn't shoot at us. but more for the living conditions were bad. we had to constantly take care of our mother. later, we were able to find a better place then demetrius team managed to evacuate the entire so hon. family as well as 9 gods and even some plans as they
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found a place to live in the key of region. and they've been for supplies. and the biggest challenge is to find a shelter for someone with a disability for you to find a shelter that will include all the needs of this pass. and so if, for example, someone is completely bed ridge and then they need to be given cooked, food at hygiene service and a lot of opponents to as far as the war continues. demitra and his team received evacuation request every day. they say they haven't given up on their commitment to respond to all calls and whatnot appears to be a continuing operation. north korea has sent more events, trash balloons across the border to south korea. this time, according to south korea north or has at least one of the ample and dumpsters as offloaded on south korea's presidential compound balloons. gary and crash flow
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to south korea. they're the latest and bad toward these in the north. this is the waste. one of the balloons deposited south korea says another one came down near the presidential compound and sold. it was said to contain no harm for materials. in recent days, south korea's army has stepped up, its loud speaker broadcasters, targeting the north wood equipment table, the military and broadcasting propaganda on all sides. we can't give you specific details on board or wherever it is being bored cost. we are monitoring the north command military. the broadcasts featured gave up songs and news on a north korean diplomats defection. aiming to demoralize frontline north korean troops root out into we think the board costs to have effect such as internal disturbance defection and weakening the discipline to to south korean activists. and the sectors do have long send propaganda balloons into north korea.
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ready since may, north korea has sent housing distrustful balloons further escalating tensions between the 2 countries. that's one of the 20 for olympic games gets underway in paris. on friday, the w is being to meet the on uh, nigerian type quando fighter who didn't have much luck for he is going tokyo, but he's looking to come back stronger this time. nigeria and ty, quando, stop, elizabeth, i n a chill is in training. i hate to be all in the games in paris. why it has been better with everybody because people get the good right? she's been in jenn me since 2022 on m i o. c training scholarship. had a starts with walmart stretches and ends in cooling spot and sessions. she hopes to
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banish the memories of how 1st on loss i did took your games 3 years ago. best buy and then think of me either the cloud and everything else naturally distorts, right? i'm getting some those randolph, the defense, those i have written and let's have the best way left to so many competition. i am not just interested in a sport, came from her father, who, himself, hot on business of the coming to bucks that she started out in athletics. but how high it's month to out for a future and take one to where long limbs come be an advantage. she will start in supported by an engine olympic middle, is she got you cool? mary. j it was, i don't know 16. so i like to a sense for me besides, i didn't think i was going to the phone system like this. so, so just something i was waiting for for me, and the address. yeah. not
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a one godaddy f. com games and gonna how true now tim says its former olympia and things that she's a natural she had the great developments since she arrived at our training center. she's a small player, fast learning are also very intelligent about tactics and strategy into sports. so as i said, the development was really fast for her. so really i really believe you can have that you really, really qualify. and the history did so and, and also in our during dicks. i think she, she has even neutrons to be on the top. the top ranked to be to bring to their lympics fly away from home to quiet surroundings around lake constance. allow on. yeah. and i chose to concentrate on how well into goals. i really don't.
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well, i should. yeah. i really don't go out. most of the time, i mean those so i don't really have a lot of one of the results, but i'm maybe going to make and the to and just meant what? no more nigeria last one i know, let me pick tie quando meadow in 2008. elizabeth i n a chill hoops to change that in paris or not so that you can follow a team of social media as dw news or on the dw offer dw dot com have a good the
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moment when i so the positive that in my ball due to us, and i know many women on demand the rights to choose for years after this has been fighting against one of the strictest abortion jewels and europe get. the country is divided in those fruitful focus. next, on d, w, conflicts, crises, around every single connection mapped out shows the
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geopolitically odyssey the on the board is what makes things the way they all way, all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the just what did you do the same to tennis, tennis has she survived our streets. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the, the genuine, 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home. go get the tennis. i was the only one
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what my music in nazi germany watch now on youtube dw documentary, the hello and welcome to this week, focus on europe with me, a live show around the world. the countries are struggling to come back. the import of illicit drugs, substances lie cocaine are largely produced in south america and then ship in large quantities to europe by organized criminal networks. this year, customs officials made spectacular drug bust and several european parts cities.


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