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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the the, this, the definitely news live from to live a job. i didn't speak to the nation off the ending his re election bid. us president says it was time to pass the torch to a new generation of to watch for gaps. i'd be his fitness to said another to will say coming up. benjamin netanyahu tells a joint session of the us congress, that is ro and the american must stand together. it's rarely they to sort to boast of support for the war against time us outside protest is demanding an end to the fighting. faced off with police plus type and kindly has passed through taiwan extreme winds and heavy rides bass of the island as residents. how come down to the
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west stone in almost a decade the i'm anthony, how welcome to the program. you, as president joe biden has addressed the nation for the 1st time, after withdrawing from the presidential election. rice button stepped aside on sunday, after weeks of growing pression, and sort to explain the reasons why he did so in his speech carried live on old major american networks. let's take a listen to some of what do you have the site from the oval office in the white house reviews office. i love my country more. it's been the owner of my life to serve as your present. what is the defense of democracy? which is a state i think is more important than a title. i draw strength. i find joy in working for the american people. but this
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sacred task for affecting our union. it's not about me. it's about you, your families, your futures. it's about we, the people you know, racial weeks has become clear to me. i need your 9 my party in this critical endeavor. i believe i recognize presence by leadership in the world. i vision for america's future. all marriage and the 2nd term. nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way for it is a past the tours from new generation. as the best way to unite our nation. now they definitely washington bureau chief anus paul was following barton speech and gave us her thoughts. this was not an easy speech for the sitting president to make. it
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was to biden's 1st appearance on camera, off there he dropped out of the ribs. and everyone, of course, was still focused on his performance. how will the sound, how would he look? and can you convince people that he's still fit for the job until the, you know, the ration of the next president in january 2025? he did. okay. there's no surprises focused on the rest of his presidency and the job he wants to get done in the remaining 6 months in his term. see promise to lower costs for hardworking families, a grow the economy. he vote to keep defending personal freedoms and civil rights from the right to vote to the right to choose. and of course, he attacked donald trump without saying his name, mapping out what it would mean if it would be able to bring back the white house. it's a speech for the history books,
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not because of biden's performance or any groundbreaking news, but because it marks his story making moment a sitting president, conceding that someone else is better except to win the race for the white. tell us that is huge, but the performance underlined one more time that bite and has an impressive track record and that it is indeed time deposits on the torch to the next generation. state ability, washington bureau, chase, anus poll. they're all staying in washington, dc. and benjamin netanyahu has promised to continue the war in gaza and cold on the united states to stand united with israel addressing a joint session of congress. the as ready, prime minister, defended his country's conduct of the war as thousands of protesters gathered outside to demand and in the conflict. first
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standing ovation by us lawmakers for his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in his address to a joint session of congress. nathan, yahoo! defended his country, spend in the fight against a month in gaza, and uh for more us support. today is israel flights on the front line of civilization? i to appeal to america. give us the tools faster and we'll finish the job faster. not everyone has the welcome nathan, yahoo visit to washington. dozens of us lawmakers and blake ought to end up with a scene in american congress moments. especially the lead sign in the expressed anger over the number of the cd and skills in gaza. outside the capital building, large number of participants gathered to go on flooding and to the war and the who meditating crisis in gaza. a suburb of nested upper classes between police and
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professors free palestine. we're going to keep fighting once more to stop. and we would like us of any more crimes to stop. it's a disgraceful that they invited him this 5 minutes. so those are not representatives around anymore. 70 percent of the population things you should resign is responsible for a lot of the issues is rarely is facing now and his government is completely incompetent and they're not able to handle the situation inside the house and but nothing. yeah. who blasted the demonstrated? well, i have a message for these both testers, when the tyrants of turner on, who hang gainesville graves and murder women for not covered their hair, appraising, promoting, and funding you, you have officially become your wants,
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useful idiots. this has nothing yellows. first visit to the us since the october 7 attacked by a mos on his right and, and he's due to meet the president joe biden on thursday or from on yahoo speech. i spoke earlier to gerald fast. i'm in philadelphia, he's a former diplomat who has now but the middle east, a think tank. i asked him what we could learn from netanyahu speech. frankly, i'm not terribly much. i think that the speech was mostly uh, the prime ministers attempt to defend what israel has done over these past 9 almost 10 months. uh to uh, not really give any indication of the intersection of any kind of review of the pluses or minuses of is really action. certainly know
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a vision of where he wants to go after the guys a conflict or the one thing. he was much more careful this time that he was in 2015 . when he spoke to the congress about the obama ministrations efforts to achieve a nuclear agreement where there were on this time who is much more careful the balance between the republicans with the democrats, between president biden and president trump. uh and uh, to try to avoid uh, getting in broiled in the us presidential politics. but otherwise it was a very aggressive speech. it was a very uncompromising speech. you know, is not one that will get people who are concerned about it as rails actions. very much reason for optimism. so that was for my diplomat, gerald fast. i'm in the middle east institute speaking to me earlier on now quick look at some of the stories making news around the world. i think people have been
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killed after a plane crashed during take off in the pool. the pilot of the plan is the sole survivor and is currently receiving treatment with domestic flowers traveling from the capitol cap man do when it's reported to a slip of the runway court. $5733000000.00 people around the world are still facing from the congo with no improvement since the previous year. that's according to the latest annual report from the us food and agriculture agency. this amounts to one in every 11 people in the world with africa being the worst effected in less than 10 you have joined, nationwide protest against if it's to stifling media freedoms. media union, cyber port is a thing. so have to guess i'm thinking by security forces wall covering anti government projects i will talk soon,
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kindly has my landfill on taiwan the talk soon. has old brittany devastated the philippines killing at least 13 people and causing widespread destruction and tie one in taiwan. rather at least 2 people have been killed. the stillness passed out to the tie one straight and is expected in southern china. later on this day. areas in storms, pos, opera, pairing now for landfill. meanwhile, rescue is inside one. still working to save more people from the resulting floods. with gusts well over 200 kilometers an hour. typhon came a churned of tie one eastern coast, gathering strength. the storm took its 1st victim and tie one before it even made landfill. a motorist crushed by a falling tree. international travellers scrambled to leave the island rushing to book and other a more expensive tickets. after hundreds of flights were cancelled. thousands of
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people were evacuated from regions threatens by mud slides, but taiwan is president urged most of the country to stay put under the safety, fast safety, fast digit. thanks for everyone. like all, do our best tens of thousands of tie one any soldiers, many who are participating in the countries annual war games are on call for relief efforts. in the philippines square came, he struck 1st flood waters in some places reached several meters. hundreds of thousands of people here have had to flee their homes. go tomorrow, but we've been sleeping with the rain started early in the morning, and we will come up around 5 in the morning as to select waters and to the home. rescuers. here are racing to save lives. i don't my mom and the people that's
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behind my wife cousins and relatives, a student who much singles. i'd like to have them rescued because the water does reach the floor and it's all nice under the impression many or sheltering at this school and the capital manila. others at this church, people say they've lost everything. i see it very said we're going to have to rebuild and start from the beginning and but at least we have saved some money. that's all that is important that we were able to evacuate immediately. jamie is impacted as being felt here and across the region with china also bracing for the storm. well, they w correspondent, james chase, or was it until i buy and can tell us more about the storms optima or the sense of this high food now has cost over taiwan into the taiwan straits and over the next few hours is expected to make its way towards the southern coastal provinces of
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china, despite that the weather warnings remain in place for much of taiwan today with the majority of businesses and schools, remaining shots for a 2nd consecutive day. we understand now that at least 2 people are known to have died as a result of this type threw in with more than 250 people injured. during the most of all the top hoffman to tie food a tens of thousands of horns. what will serve without power in taiwan, we also learn in this morning that during the moist, volatile posts of its hi food, that more time was, spends more rain was dumped over the more vulnerable parts of eastern taiwan. this is the part to tie one that was already more prone and more high risk of suffering land slides. the timeframe spent more time over this part of taiwan because of the very high central mountain range that runs down the center of taiwan. that meant that the type things policy expected cost was actually able to spend more time over this more valuable part of taiwan. now that it has passed away,
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that's why one is making its way to china. we do expect that the type thing is going to weaken despite that both ortiz and the problem says the phones and, and so it's on, have issued floods, warnings under 8 warning residents to take caution with heavy rain. still expected that was demonstrated into pay that for us. now in the us fisherman, off the coast of new hampshire caution. a dangerous moment. as a breeching whale crashed into a post capsizing the 7 made a vessel. the 2 fishermen on board were rescued after being thrown into the sea. now the main know the while importantly were injured very next that side of the well, probably did not know the boat was the or and on that night you have to die. so this out, i'll see you again, tomorrow, not up next, don't film reveals the hidden secrets of the north for down because pedro in paris,
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i figured some one use you'll find the updates on our website at any time of day at the deputy dot com and our social media channels to handle the natives at dw d. so i'm at the house in berlin from me in the theme. good bye for now. the, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of time. it's probably up to speed, secure, subscribed to those channels every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a good for a long time. you would believe.


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