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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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the thought, what can we do? carry on and somehow stay in the ice and on the ice and get there hoping for a miracle. and babies shuttle stops august 3rd on d. w. the hello and welcome to this week, focus on europe with me live show around the world. the countries are struggling to combat the imports of illicit drugs. substances like cocaine are largely produced in south america and then ship in large quantities to europe by organized criminal networks. this year, customs officials made spectacular drug bust and several european parts cities.
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but now cartels are targeting smaller ports, including those along ireland coast. the country has become part of what investigators call the southern america and europe in cocaine pipeline. social workers like daniel jones tried to show a way out of addiction, but despite their best efforts and the authorities measures the traffic or as product and continued to make their way to customers. the we're on o'connell bridge right in the middle of dublin city center. and witness what appears to be a drug deal. drug use has become more prevalent than ireland. according to a un report, island ranks forth globally and cocaine use per capita. some people worried the country is facing a drug epidemic. cocaine has become popular with ireland tacitly with middle class and is often found wherever people drink alcohol. everybody's doing it like it's
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a nice way cocaine is nowadays. this is just like having this sunday dinner is not a you don't know if i take ok. no, not to be fair. i think it's more so underground in small towns that are more of a pain abuse. darnell, one of the most disadvantaged communities in all of dublin. here you can find normal families living next to drug dealers and addicts. crack houses are sometimes rated by the police locals. tell us people come from all over to buy drugs. here. daniel jones and his colleague, our social workers for an organization called the day olds, they do community outreach, helping where they can. jones knows the scene well. you had problems with drugs himself for years. well, the old and stephanie had, when,
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when it's on your doorstep, when i walk in here, we have all, i know that the showing a vision, you know, 20 get clean or to meet the state. clean your to me to say, stay for within your walk at one interesting us age 247. with the red jacket, the social workers found out. they're often the 1st point of contact for anyone looking for a way out of addiction tax to, to get to, to go on doing what i, on the mac paints at the moment. crack is one of the biggest problems and darn dale made from a mixture of baking powder on cocaine. it's a highly addictive drug criminologist, trina o'connor, runs a community training center that provides 2nd chance education for young people from around the area. there's the reception assess, and you can see we have monic yours going on. we have the drawing going on. we have some dollars, fee into the center,
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allows young people to finish their leaving sorts and learned about working life. they receive a salary and return and i suppose therefore when they have this education, it gives some an opportunity to have choices in life. in the centers can team students learn how to run an industrial kitchen. for some, it's a way out of a cycle of violence and crime like cell phones had several encounters with owns being full with knives being full. so the opportunity to come here and to learn something and to be took out of the hospital environment is a great opportunity for the kids. young people off the streets. it keeps them out with brian darn dale has been struggling with poverty crime and drug addiction for generations. it's just the span of here to the left. as a senior training always tonight daniel and his colleagues come to this methadone clinic regularly. isn't that?
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is it that the next this woman is one of their clients? trust is one of their most important commodities. the only way they can gain access to the people they want to help. you will get settled down there because i'm just fed up now. really, but i'm on the road for a career. yes. all right. the number of heroin addicts and treatment has been declining in ireland. but the number of crack cocaine patients has increased 6 fold since 2017. where did the drugs come from? long island, south western coast, we meet the fisherman, representative patrick murphy in the port town of castle town, bear fishing boats from all over europe, unload the cargo here. he believes ireland types of security problem. i've never seen enough relation to check this, the drug screens and we had more stringent controls for cool, but then we do for our projects. murphy says irelands fishing industry is in a desperate situation over the course of
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a single year. 20 percent of their boats were pushed out of the market. he says the fishing industries, economic ices also poses a safety risk. last year, suspect a drug smugglers legally bought a boat in this harbor. it's linked to one of the biggest drug busts in irish history. all i know is, is that there's more drugs now in europe and everywhere else than the river was before. it has to be coming in some way. and i believe that the we have a weak this in or something or caused by the irish military recently procure to new airbus c, 295, maritime surveillance aircraft. these airplanes carry out long range patrols, etc. anti drug operations are one part of their mission profile. still, critics doubt that orland can effectively protect its coastline. according to media reports, only one of 8 irish navy ships was operational at the beginning of the year. one ship responsible for almost 1000000 square kilometers of sea and 3000 kilometers of
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coastline. when asked about how many ships are currently operational, the irish military refused to comment. citing security concerns daniel started using hard drugs at the age of 15. over 20 years, he was trapped in a vicious cycle of drug use crime and in and out of prison. today he says he's living proof that anyone can find a way out of addiction. it's. it's trying to learn how to change the typing. i'm going, i'm showing the full positive thoughts into your head instead of the negative thoughts on. if you can't be able to look for support, and then i'm being able to look on the bill. yeah. so either daniel jones has put up these posters everywhere to bring a bit of positivity on color to darn dale. he says, sometimes the only thing people need is a bit of hopes will now take you to
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spain, the world's leading producer of olive oil experts can tribute billions of euros to the countries economy. but in recent years, extreme drought and repeated heat waves lead to a sharp drop and olive oil production. and that made things hard enough for farmers like antonio mess up. and now these farmers are also being targeted by all of thieves who are ruthlessly plunder the trees. it's 9 pm and all of grower, antonio mazda would like to be home with his family. instead, fear of all of thieves is forcing him to spend 5 hours patrolling his grove with i'm in this way. i'm a bit tired of such a long day at work. a lot of patrolling means higher fuel costs. it takes time and keeps you away from home. so it's not what i mean, nobody likes it. but what choice do we have about, you know, maybe
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a little more and more games have been pondering all of groves in this region of spain. antonio moved here 15 years ago to find happiness in the countryside. in his private and professional life, he grows olives and breeds marino sheep. this lamb was born just an hour ago. a little room. he was just born. i gave to me this luxury lou. just being here is luxury. sure, there is also self sacrifice. but that was a creature like this makes it over. while what can i say? this is like him either. he would be the but the criminals keep coming and they don't hold back even if that means damaging trees that are hundreds of years old. last time they still 12000 killers, vellows from us today, and
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a look at the branches there, broken up as to the thieves, a merciless video can help you that they hit the tree with this stick. i just want to relentlessly follow the link because i so i feel the finally it's a significant financial loss that will also impact the coming years because the damaged trees can hardly bear any fruit. the article, there are farmers who, by the oldest of these thieves and mixed oil with a legal circulation, you know, i don't understand it, but it's on the rise because it okay. all right. how about it's a bitter fate. in the past 2 years, antonio's harvest with have because of major drought, and that attracted the thieves. the prices have risen, so there's a lot more stealing the veiled harvest cause the price of olive oil to double almost immediately making it more worthwhile for criminal gangs
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to go into the olive groves at night. the police have responded by carrying out more raids. they patrol the groves on motorcycles and use drones and infrared cameras after dark. spain is the world's largest producer of olive oil. roads cover and norm is areas. but the law catches the criminals. far too rarely. the thieves are often harvest workers from neighboring provinces who commission to buy shadowy gangsters come with their cars. in search of lute, back at antonio's. it's early in the morning he's rushed out to help a neighbor as a harvest of olives must be brought in fast. a legal body still 900 kilos from my neighbors. even though they spent the night patrolling the feed still came. now
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antonio's neighbour, one serrano once to harvest everything quickly before the criminals can come back out. obviously, i'm so angry the whole year we take care of the olives and then they come and steal hundreds of kilos one night and damage the trees so that they might not use anything next year. one and antonio estimate the damage at around $1200.00 euros on the, on the 4th of the community here still gives us all strengths. it also hopefully shows the fees that our village is united. and maybe that will scare them. you know, like how many years we're showing them. don't come here to swipe the boss or from our bread god. we'll show you know my life. but if you in the evening they meet in the village center. antonio is organizing the cars for the night patrol. today there are only 6 of them,
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but at peak harvest time it could be as many as 50 to the police only patrols on the main roads. we farmers are the ones that really watch out. and we know where the olives, the thieves are, after our minds every month on the bus. and with the next night watch begins the farmer's head to the groves, because what choice do they have if they want to keep growing olives? so this may look like a group of teenagers on a campaign weekend, but these are sonya and teams are actually about to prepare for a serious operation. one of them is liza to and together with other girls. she's doing special military training to be able to defend her country in the worst case scenario. as sonya shares a border with russia and ever since, russia's full scale invasion of ukraine began. estonians have grown more and more
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worried that they too may find themselves at war with the large neighbour a. hi, my name is at best. i am from brothers. that's the best part of europe is the people who are around us. go to dred is a sunni and for home doctors, their aim is to make a studio strong. right next to where the military train in a far as near talent, we meet young people like lose that to really sometimes said trading for sure things we have some training groups. we don't do it like military. we are just children who try the friends, thoughts like get me because like are just choosing because it supports shooting rules, 1st aid but no military. let's start over both the home doctors and the young. he goes for noted, cold. cat is the boys are called, are between $7.18 together. they are the youth organizations at the stony in
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volunteer army. under defense ministry command had this military base, they practice survival skills, being prepared for and the thing being alone in the woods, the set to is already 18. so she now helps the younger members. i started because my father is uh, guard city planner and my older brother is set an order with us before i start. i was like, well, i guess, and i wanted dry just something new like john smith to best to use organizations or more like the scope of the military. but the defense ministry makes no secret of the fact that it thinks us doing a shared partner with russia who's is a security threat. most historians agree, the government actively recruits for the military, including among young people as here in 1000. and we are a country, a 1360000 people. it's a we don't have the luxury to afford. the fact that people don't participate in national defense or don't have a role. and and so for us and some critically important that every a sonya in mind goes into minutes or service and they're motivated to do so. and so
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the youth organizations are assessing stone into that so it helps them prepare it a little bit. all that goes for girls to study shows those who join the youth organizations are more likely to join the military liter. liza to is finishing school this year. a news what she wants to do, like good constrictions. and the i want to see how my life goes, goes like, uh if i, i only to military stuff, lars is not good. the stuff at this point is setting up, but i want it. but the that's a leasing. what i can do in my home screen, these women protesting in front of the polish parliament, had high hopes, but the abortion laws in the country would be reformed. this was one of the campaign promises of poland, new liberal government, as the countries abortion laws are among the most restrictive in europe of the bill
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failed to get majority. still legal hurdles are not stopping activist flag natalia abroad. yeah. chic. they continue to stand by other women who are in desperate need for support at a critical and sensitive time in their lives. the tale i brought out, you're cutting abortion when she was 28 years old, which is forbidden in poland. but she says she had to do it from the beginning, from the moment when i saw the that the positive pregnancy test, like in my ball view, there was the like, a huge no, not this moment, not this product and that and not with this like housing situation, i was leaving that this moment natalia says that 11 years ago that was almost no information about how to access safe a portion pills. but when she got the pregnancy, it was terminated,
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she felt relief and in charge of her life. it's not the event which lead her to becoming an activist for women's rights. and one of the founders of a group which calls itself, poland, abortion dream team. they run a 24 hour hotline to give advice, to an average of $130.00 people who call every day. they also supply abortion pills to women who want them. they're doing it on this day here in the ponies parliament as a kind of protest. while m. p 's debate a controversial loan. whether to liberalize one of the strictest abortion laws in europe. while they do so on to your bush and protesters outside the parliament. pray, display pictures of dead fetus is too graphic for us to show that they have no believe sense of sasha. but i think the video and the video and i me is that i mean quality fission. and one of those right wing politicians who voted
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against the criminalizing and portion is the best in collector. i think it's a whole, i think it's taking life. i think i think it's taken in the, you know, some flight. when you speak to women who are having a boss will have, what do you say so that in fact i never spoke to a woman who has a bar she's about to. i spoke to women who will think about the down position on this issue. hey, natalia is fellow activist justine, evidence gonna. that's exactly the problem. a lack of discourse. she herself has actually been convicted of criminal offenses for supporting a woman to have an abortion. i'm just trying to appeal her h months, community service sentence. i was just the person that was passing and now there are others. and then uh, i've been in the cards sending in front of that of the government. so yes, it was scary. they're disappointed the polish and piece not really just voted down
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a more liberal a portion bill. but they were expecting this and are ready to hit the road in their specials on for a summer to are heading north to the coast towards the baltic sea, outside of the more liberal capital of warsaw. that's due to the upside of much don't have is. and then they set up a table, the slow tell the public about their service and give out merchandise to jada and so forth too. so this seems like a lot of people in poland support. what they're doing is about them. all people don't talk about because it's still like taboo, but it shouldn't be. it should be something absolutely completely normal for those women. not everyone is happy about their presence in the square here in some parts . however, what goes through your symptoms that are, i'm devastated and terrify, because for me, it's not just killing a child to get
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a living life. not just mutilating a woman, undergoes and abortion. but above all, it's the killing of reason and logical thinking. such events, terrifying these uh, should i try on the effect of the toddler says this kind of interaction is totally normal and that they will continue no matter what we do not want to, you know, convince the people who are against a boston we are for the people who might need an abortion, and we respect that someone can have different opinions. but we know that if you are, you know, want that. but i can see sometimes you put your opinions aside and says this site to have a boss then. and then we gotta for this kind of paper and that's the message natalia wants to spread across opponent. and our final report takes us to this beautiful beach in italy. fantastic for a day out in the sun and much better than an office. right?
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well this page is in fact the new legit guy has office. he's a life guard here and while that job comes with major responsibilities, it also comes with the perk of funding location. yet, despite this premise, authorities here in the he, many and, and other it tell him, cost of the homes, are struggling to recruit enough life guards. danielle jer, guy has landed his dream job as a life guard here on the sea front of re many. it's the 20 year olds 1st season, and he takes his job very seriously. he spent the last few months training and the address added for his license. since you're not seen what of yours, a guy people rely on on are safe with. it's great, but rewarding. is the job is italy is currently struggling to recruit enough life guards largely because this to your, the training duration was changed from 30 to 100 hours. the italian life saving
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federation has more of a life guard shortage through out italy this summer. predicting a 10 percent shortfall, which danielle says is alarming. i see that i'm looking at our work as a matter of life and death. working by the c invoice on the loss of responsibility and risk. maybe you have to estimate distances. keep an eye on everyone or young old children. if you're not mad, it's a tough job. what are many young people seem to be afraid of it? funny? because i know them because rescuing a training person isn't easy, but these are a lot of money. every move has to be right and i said he didn't put us into the fire. oh there to be a genie, a 3rd generation life. god knows this as well as anyone. he's been working on the beach and reading the need for 29 years. but pressure on 1st responders is increasing, he says, putting off the next generation, they find the full price, the so as a risk you are, you are legally responsible for the assistance you provide alonzo age of 40 cents
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a can quickly become a matter of life. and death here by the sea, on your life guards who have passed the test, i prefer to work at swimming pools rather than beaches. your thoughts to convert it . so their toe uses his experience to support his young colleagues in whatever way he can done. you have any questions i dont know, could you possibly the rescue back 1st and also 2nd let me see what if i'm being a life guard is a mission to things like is yes for those that are people always think or you're just by the see 100 line with the sun, even seeing lots of beautiful women when it was picked up. but that's not all there is to. it took a change order. and if you choose this job, you have a lot of responsibility for thought it. that's a big burden on your shoulders. you thought it was the last summer of the life guards of rain and you save 75 people from drowning low
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desk. you went to a psychiatrist you month in a bundle. it's become harder to find new recruits, so on the units used to finance their education with summer jobs on the beach. they maybe say, but these days they have exams until late july and again in early september. so in august they have to study how to count work and clean the to find out what the level of audit. danielle works full time and seems very happy with this choice to those who do this job know what they have to do out here on land and in the water. i can only recommend this job in the little ones here and the, the, you can tell he's proud of his job. by the way, daniel is just one of 50 certified life guards in a meeting. or that's it for this week. focus on europe. remember, you can always find all stories on our website, dw, those com and on social media. so be sure to follow us there as well. my name is
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lou show, thanks for watching and you next time the, the, the
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very good fuse. but so far they haven't quite taken off their taxes. they're hailed is gains dangerous for urban transportation. many issues might crash tests, pilot training and swipe groups remain fun results. when will the mobility of the future finally take to the sky state in germany? 30 minutes on the d. w. the
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welcome to the tire timelines, campus, also 6 tourist what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world, a gem and easy to go to the prostitute. we pay twice or $3.00 times as much and the other half the service in 2023. it documentary uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example. let me show you this was now the film team, investigate the, the was exactly have changed the the red lights, dark shadows, 6 tourism in time and stuff. over 16 on dw,
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this video change the world. it shows us soldiers killing civilians in the rock more often posting. it's julie massage became a wanted man. 14 years later the we can make found it is fine in the street. the general is done doing the traces, the stories of a soldier under the volunteer of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time in your heart to forgive me. but the follies don't think that i carry any resentment or a grudge in my heart towards a captivating story about this struggle for forgiveness and truth guardians of trees. julian, his sons, and the dog, secrets of war, starts july 27 on d, w. the
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i mr. daniels, laurie from berlin and also handing his re election date. joe biden speaks to the nation for the honor of my life to serve as your present. it's time to foster thoughts to a new generation, a small fellows widespread doubts about his capacity to another. tom also coming up benjamin netanyahu hotels of joint session of the us congress that each brother in america must stand together. they certainly need us to pulse to support the war against us. but outside protest is demanding an end to the fighting. faced off with
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