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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the vicinity, the newsletter from berlin, off the ending his re election bade joe biden speaks to the nation for the honor of my life to serve as your present. it's time to foster thoughts to a new generation. a small follows widespread doubts about his capacity to set up another time. also coming up benjamin netanyahu, hotels of joint session of the us congress that these rather in america must stand together. they certainly need to sort of bolts to support the war against from us. but outside protest is demanding an end to the fighting. faced off with police, the,
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i've been expanded, you're welcome us president joe biden has addressed the nation for the 1st time since withdrawing as a candidate from the presidential election. biden stepped aside on sunday, after weeks of growing pressure and soft to explain the reasons into speech guided live on old major and mediconnect books. yeah, some of 40 i have to say. i review this office. i love my country more. it's been the honor of my life to serve as your present. but in the defense of democracy, which is a stake, i think is more important than a title. and i draw strength, i find joy working for the american people. but the sacred task for affecting our union. it's not about me. it's about you, your families, your futures, it's about we, the people, you know,
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racial weeks has become clear to me. i need your 9 my party in this critical endeavor. i believe i recognize president my leadership in the world, my vision for america's future, all marriage and the 2nd term nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way for it is a past the torsional new generation. as the best way to unite our nation. and the washington bureau chief again, us fuller, was following biden's speech and shed had thoughts. this was not an easy speech for the sitting president to make. it was to biden's 1st appearance on camera officer. he dropped out of the ribs and everyone of course was still focused on his performance. how was he sound? how would he look?
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and can you convince people that he's still fit for the job until the, you know, the ration of the next president in january 2025? he did. okay. there's no surprises focused on the rest of his presidency. and the job he wants to get done in the remaining 6 months. in his term. he promised to lower costs for hardworking families and grow the economy. he vote to keep defending personal freedoms and civil rights from the right to vote, to the right to choose. and of course, he attacked donald trump was out saying his name, mapping out what it would mean if it would be able to bring back the white house. it's a speech for the history books, not because of biden's performance or any groundbreaking news, but because it marks his story making moment a sitting president, conceding that someone else is better except to run the race for the white. tell us
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that is huge, but the performance underlined. one more time that biden has an impressive track record and that it is indeed time he pauses on the torch to the next generation of the washington bureau chief in his folder. we stay in the us. where is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has addressed a joint session of congress. he promised to continue the war and goes on cold in the united states to stand united with israel. in his speech, he also defended his country's conduct of the war as thousands of protest as gathered outside to demand an end to the conflict. the standing ovation by us lawmakers put his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu in his address to a joint session of congress. nothing, yeah. who defended his country's conduct in the fight against a mazda in gaza and a footboard us support today is israel flights on the front line of civilization?
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i to appeal to america. give us the tools faster and we'll finish the job faster. not everyone has welcome nathan yahoo visit to washington, dozens of us lawmakers, blake, ought to end up with a scene in american congress moment. rescue that the lead sign in the expressed anger over the number of the cd and skin in gaza outside the capital building. large number of put test and together to go on, put an end to the war and the who meditating crosses in cause a 7, but as to upper classes between police and protest as well as the free time. we're going to keep fighting once more to stop and we would like us of any for crimes to stop. it's
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a disgraceful that they invited him this 5 minutes. so those are not representatives or any more 70 percent of the population. things you should resign is responsible for a lot of the issues is rarely is facing now, and his government is completely incompetent and they're not able to handle the situation inside the house. dembo hawks, nothing yahoo bloss to the demonstrated well, i have a message for these both testers. when the tire and softer on who hank games for trains and murder, women for not covered their hair, appraising, promoting, and funding you. you have officially become your wants. useful idiots. this is nothing yellows 1st visit to the us since the october 7 attacked by a mos on his right and. and he's due to meet the president joe biden on thursday.
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and i never spoke to general defiance dean in philadelphia. he's a former diplomat who was not with the middle east institute, think star, and we asked him what we learned from nathan yahoo speech to frankly, i'm not terribly much. i think that this speech was mostly uh, the prime minister's attempt to defend what is real has done over these past 9 almost 10 months. uh, to not really give any indication of the intersection of any kind of review of the classes or mind. this is of is really action, certainly know a vision of where he wants to go after the guys that conflict or the one thing. he was much more careful this time that he was in 2015. when he spoke to the congress about the obama ministrations efforts to achieve a nuclear agreement where there were on this time you as much more careful the
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balance between the republicans and the democrats, between president biden and president trump. uh and uh, to try to avoid uh, getting in broiled in the us presidential politics. but otherwise it was a very aggressive speech. it was a very uncompromising speech. you know, is not one that will get people who are concerned about as rails actions. very much reason for optimism. that was former diplomat general, the finest in equity to adopt at some of the stories making news around the world. australia says that a sanctioning 7 is rarely set plows in the occupied west bank because of that involvement in violent attacks against palestinians, australia, in 5 minutes to anthony of an easy says settlements in the west bank on an impediment to a 2 state solution to the you and the us have already sanctioned some of these various f, those national, the 733000000 people around the world are still facing,
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chronics hung up with no improvements since the previous. yeah, that's according to the latest annual report from the us food and agriculture agency. this amounts to one and every 11 people in the world with africa being west effected john list and kenya, i have joined nationwide protests against efforts to stifles media freedoms, media union. so forth, those have been shot at the august and beaten by security forces while competing antique government protest some breaking news coming in now. germany's frankfurt airport has temporarily suspended slides due to a climate protest. several activists reportedly broke through the fence overnight and blew themselves to the tom mack police here they're working to clear up the area. the group last generation posted photo is a full tester on x assigned reading. going to
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get more from frankfurt airport, but just daniel club is standing by that in the morning. what's the situation then now the yeah. was just able to talk uh to the police and they confirmed to me that all of this happened at around 5 am. and this morning we have to remember there was a night curfew here at the airport uh, between 11 pm and 5 am in the morning. and they did confirm to me that at around 5 am around 6 activists were able with very, very easy tool to get access here. uh to um, you know, some of the runways uh at the airport. i'm going to save a little bit outside of the image. so we see those white when the van there in the background and also some, you know, camera colleagues and exactly at these point active is we're able, you know, to cut defense and we're able to, you know, enter the premises off of the airport. we, i'm going to show you a little bit more around. um, i just actually also got the confirmation uh from the police authorities here at
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frankfurt app, or that they were actually able to allow airplanes to land and also to the parts here. but we do have to remember frankfurt is germany's the busiest airport and especially in the morning at around 5 and 7 am. this is a very, very heavy, you know, time here at the app or with hundreds of planes at the partic and landing. and we were able to see this on flight rate at 24 already this morning. and many of the planes that were involved to frankfurt international airport had to divert to other airports. for example, tomb unit 202 does adopt and also to cologne and address also got off the phone with her general as colleague who was at the moment in the terminal building. and she also did confirm to me that there are huge cues, huge lines. this morning at the airport, hundreds of passengers at the moment being stranded at the airport trying to catch
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their flight. but we do expect a massive delays and also cancellations throughout the day here at frankfurt international airport. and do we know anything about the knock on the effects of this, given the frankfurt and its size and then the amount of traffic it handles. what that means for the rest of the flights in europe as well, as i mentioned, many of the flights uh, you know, already had to diverge. and i just had the opportunity also to check the west side of the airport. so we can see, and i guess you can also hear it and maybe even see it in the background that you know, 1st slides are able now to the park. but we can expect that they will be really massive delays here today at the app or do you know frankfurt is really the big hop here in germany, one of the biggest apple. it's also in europe. so passengers actually were asked this morning not to come to the airport, most likely stay at home,
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stay at the hotel rooms. because uh, you know, the airport really had to shut down for at least a 2 and a half hours. and uh, you know, mostly in the morning, uh, you know, we see lots of these international slides, you know, arriving here at the airport. so most of these big plains, you know, boeing 747-838-8340 they all you know, had to divert uh to other airports so we can expect that they will be most likely a big close today here all day at the airport and maybe even with affects in the coming days. so i know just to sort of uh, sum up a flight operations have resumed, but passengers for the expect the latest throughout the day. is that correct? or yeah, exactly. i'm going to step out of the image. i don't know if we can actually catch it while it's a little bit hard at the moment. we see a plane that is now actually on the way to, you know, one of the runaways. i believe it's a plane from
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a tab portugal. we can still see that there's some sort of, you know, operation still going on police operations. uh, you know, going on, you know, on one of the runaways or at least one of the taxi ways i should caught it. but yeah, you'll complete the right. um, i mean, what's going to happen today, you know, massive delays, massive disruption still happening because you know, what is happening right now. many of the planes that were supposed to land here, and most likely, you know, go and take another flight, you know, to day, they're not even here at the moment at the app or there they had to divert to, you know, other airports in europe or in germany, so in order to get these planes, you know, here to the airport, it will take a lot of time. and as i said, you know, massive a lines massive cues already at the terminal building at the moment. but we live at the moment, done as dynamic up in frankfort. thanks so much. i and we'll have more updates on
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that breaking news story as and when we have time. but for the moment that you are up to date up next us special ed program on a piece based in indonesia, i'm british managing tears and you'll see about the video that goes in the media. may google, google. i've got that done by get i will stop into that and i'll give you the order . would you, are you able to order that up, joe media dog, currently more people than the eval on worldwide in search of a did you have you ever used them in, at the accounting method the audio get find out about on the story. and so my friends, back in 2014, the us invested marginally more f d i in to indonesia than china. but in recent years, chinese in flows have significantly strips those from the us last year chinese f d i n to indonesia.


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