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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm CEST

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fred races, depression today. the screen the we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the cause that god re king on please the dentist. we are living in a world where these woods are being hard more and more frequently. how do i go mine? so i'll just have to body annual watching a going down. so one or 2 is are often being used to describe the facts of human in deal was climate change in the cities and in the country side. new challenges need new strategies, and technology is a big one on this used on today is episode. let's take a look at how technology is already impacting the way we live and reform. we start
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with a hungry vegetable that's been making headlines for decades here in india, the, i mean obviously using the rings and protocol and drought can cause shortages. pushing prices up and i'm giving the consumers. but the silvia lack of storage facilities means that the locked in supply is also a problem. prices drop, which is a calamity for from us. the onion has pretty good process and popular to government . but as our top story shows, improvement storage can help stabilize this water dire situation whether roll so date, or the price on the ends of the staple up and including the bases of countless dishes. so up from morning to night, little wonder then that fluctuating prices, chemical cup of stone impacting things you most ridiculous businesses. and from that to knock on effect on politics. onions can be able to all materials,
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public opinion with the power to make or break government. here asia 2nd largest and wholesale market and less than going out of shop farmers that again unhappy that is what we spend on getting a fair price and amc isn't pick the middle need either. yeah. as me, when i'm able to get like a 5 or even 1000 or base or do definitely not. you know, you, india produces more than 20000000 tons of onions for you into hours in between these, there's a delicate balance of supply and demand. bad weather, spoilage and changing supply chains can cause prizes to rise portfolio. when it comes to spoilage good, an ample storage is key. agriculture experts say there is much room for improvement . so distorted it has to be signed the page build a good enough to to just go to the uh, products templates like an in button. this product,
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it was 2 weeks. know the products and visits and this 2 days to, to be modern. sophistic a dirty nope. to something but a point of view, you literally point of view some fumigation back to this point of view. and not just because the point of view but you know, loading and unloading going on in growth are soon $2.00 to $3.00 times a year. the winter crawford abbey is harvested in march and 18 and has the shows life of 7 to 8 months. the summit growth cottage has a short to have a cycle inches life due to its higher moisture content. but some of them, a farmer from calvin guns, that traditionally bad house that stores is broad use for about 6 months. so you changing weather conditions as it is out of human induced climate change, make it more difficult to maintain and how these talk. he tells us the kind of the up on the diamond again the how this stuff. it happens automatically when it rains
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non stop for 8 or 10 days, especially the fact that there's no way to avoid a po side somewhere inside the storage containers on the onions with stock to come back. so i'm working so that less would love to be able to split stats deep within this to drop a notch. proportion of the onions may end up doing. but there are ways to reduce the risk this device or be very exactly in the whole any audience are, i think it's fine sense of to take gas is limited during the game. they don't want to see if they don't do that analysis on this and what is the condition of the cut off and based on the spice and insights which are a lot of them such as the allowed the 5 most or wherever the that i was or notice about what exactly is happening in which part of the devices cost. $15000.00 rubies each around $165.00 bureaus. no small investment for families. lessons of them has
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none. the less installed separately is their house. one device covers exactly 5 tons of prompts. the one on the message, the gate and text message, keep us in. so it has detected spoilers around, but i got one that said device number 6 had located dropping on the end of the car . and i should check in as soon as possible a solution like this can be helpful for agriculture cooperating. but even basic modifications to a bad house can improve things, saves fund goods, pushing it. he's the owner of a farmer, producer organization, and not as trust nashik district that has a large red house capacity. what do withdrawal units? we are clear, 30000 if these are properly bumble, or structured because of that a ton of motor on speech and he's not the 2nd thing we are using by lex uh, on the ground. we are not directly putting the indians under their own because
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you're rich, ventilation gets maintained. we have to keeping the distance between the jobs. if it's a minimum, a treat. not when the problem was fired for put maximum one unions, one space because of which there is no property like a wind condition, a new do is call this damaged. storage is key to ensuring the steady supply of india's indispensable, visiting by taking it into their own hands, thomas can help reduce the risk off of the market. so that means to remain firmly on the menu from farming onions online to go to aging c. food on the what the function a goal is for 55 percent of the ships produced. we will be in country is like in them one of the was largest gym produces this business generates incomes with thousands of families locked and the costs direct line to keep assistance. we headed to single par with artificial intelligence is taking shim production in the
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at this test side for a fully automated endorsement form. there are no more surprises. 2 years after the start of the project, the team like by founder john dean, are, is going to market. in the 2nd half of this year, we will have 60 of these tanks. and then there's a robotic entry that goes up and down the middle of that racking system. no, no people are touching the tank, it's running autonomously the whole time. the sam is located in the hall the warehouse, the shrimp wrote in these tanks on the almost perfect conditions and only need half as long to reach market size as in conventional open air farms. and the a i controlled computer system constantly measures and improves their conditions to interesting on the water cameras from attract the development of the shrimp. the team collect so much data that only in a i system can make sense of it. the price of the shrimp is already competitive,
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but the systems biggest advantage is yet to come. it can be set up anywhere in the world, eliminating the costs of expensive supply chains. dispatch is being sent out to restaurants near the city. just our softer they come out of the water customers here can enjoy a rob ross because green chillies and the little hoss reddish end line. so we always tell them where the proteins come from and that it's probably like likely find in single pole which is different. but you con, most things bonded single pole you don't want to eat. yeah, yeah. i mean, the water is here on the great is right back at this room farm behind the busy singapore hop on john, do you know, takes a closer look at the see we filled the ration system to the different ologies is easier allow the farm to operate as 0 discharge re circulating system,
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the schuman farm has been using the same water for over 2 years, hence, the distinctive color. both the seaweed and the shrimp are regularly tested for diseases, but so far, the farm has had no problems. this is a crucial difference to conventional shrink farms which you often have to use on to buy optics from dina worked in the shrimp industry for 10 years until he decided that trend farming needed a new approach. one with competitive costs and minimal environmental impact. sometimes we see the shrimp, they kind of like to just float up with the bubbles, and then go around and then pull it up again and go around and pull it up again. it's almost like they're kind of having fun. the team is already thinking about applying. it's a farming system to chickens or cattle, but 1st they want to read their own shrimp instead of buying juncture and from thailand, according to the 2 founders. ok, why culture is just the beginning for this new generation of agricultural systems
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in which the computer is the former a majority of india, as vast ruler population is yet to benefit from the technological progress we see in india as cities, the development of the needs of those of areas are very different than those of the big cities, but efforts are being made to bridge this gap. we visited because they are the northeastern states known as the level of the clouds. to see how solar follow have helped improve health care. you know, remote regions that doesn't see a lot of sun the vintage of tendency or it is home to 3 and a half 1000 people. most of them are from the coffee tribe around hoff have never been taught to read or write of the sodium who belong has been working here for 3 years as an auxiliary know if and midwife her focus is on children and then mothers
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is help patients gone make it to the head center, he visits them at home that often and was walking long distances, something she was happy to do because she knows her work is saving lives. even though i stop at the combine, we vaccinate children to provide treatment for mental health and share critical information about family planning services a vis scrutiny provided we can treat patients here. but if they have a serious illness or need advanced medical treatment, we refer them to governments hospitals while um. thank you, bye jordan. thank you bye. just the new the fall, but uh shockey by law the government health sub center where sonya works lives around 8000 people from the entire area. but it wasn't always this busy. that's because like most villages here tinge royd doesn't have a reliable power supply. normally electricity is only available for a few hours a day or the other knew somebody if you because we had no
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functioning electricity, 12 patients would be scared to become pregnant. women especially would believe that it was better to deliver at home, then come to a sub center like i'm going to pop a high you nearly half of all the child books and macaulay take place outside of hospitals. a problem in the event of complications. most infant in mcdonough, the mortality rates are significantly higher than the national average. after the series of home deliveries 37, you don't belong, give book to a 7 child and the pin dried sub center nearly a year ago. it was a gloomy rainy day and the clinic was doc. what about how the laws? there was no electricity here the day my baby was born. i should be was scandalous . do a piece, have some light and cold fired stores to keep the baby woman i? yes, having the same presence i came across your life. the situation came to the attention
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of the sodium under the foundation of this school found no naga, caustic. it's a non profit that works mainly with the remote communities. in macaulay, they found a host of other problems at the clinic, shared with other sub centers in the region without functioning fringes, vaccines couldn't be stored and without follow, the sentence couldn't provide medical workers with accommodation. as a result, the last precious diamond chavez, when responding to emergencies. and this could be the goal in our red light. if it's the highest frequency, then you have lost the 9 blacks. me do the medical endo, and so the solution they chose was d centralized solar power. and for this they approach circle foundation. a nonprofit that is heads, power has gift centers with solar energy across india. but here in the abode of the clouds, the sun can disappear. for div monson rains, but usually heavy and long. not ideal for full up our i think the
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the way the yeah, definitely one of the and the point of how we design the system. and let's look at all of this together in terms of what did this when i did it in the big i think. and then sort of maybe just picked up, was a reason invested and try and design the system that is designed to work in that situation. that system required nearly one and a half times the capacity of those used elsewhere in india. more panels and bigger batch, please keep it up and running, even when skies over costs for several days. the design was a success. gradually more mothers began consulting the clinics. the previous, the order to be $460.00 is up. some doesn't work. 13140 of them because they think anybody's apart from weatherford so that also has added novia closer to 50 to 60 of us substances of connecting anybody's. so what happens is that the safe delivery of
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diesel, that database, that reviews us like i'm in bits for us at android solo has brought to see change that surgery to stuck. vaccines label rooms have lighting, oxygen concentrate, does instruction machine to attend to possible complications during delivery, and the electricity supply is uninterrupted. the adult, let's try a couple. we've been getting the word out. the soul up our has been installed at our center, and mothers can now come here because we have electricity. uh, they can receive treatment. you don't have to travel a long distance to a hospital in the city. i'm long show. by the end of 2024 me call ams to be the 1st state in india, the use of the centralized solar energy to follow all of its subset of the clinics . the heat and is regular and inadequate to reinforce are some of the biggest factors responsible for
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a steep decline in farmers incomes and crop reduction in order most otterbox thing to these climatic factors. however, not exclusive to india, spain to has been dealing with the civil or what are the crisis. i made a pro long drought record high temperatures, but in the countries south farmers have found ways to save water. and our growing bump, bulk drops the heat and drought spain's agriculture has once again been left high and dry this year. but this is also spain. it rarely rains here, but there is water and even plenty of tomatoes. why is that? i'm not going to see them, they've been the relatively dry conditions that we have in spain, especially on the mediterranean. i think it's quite advantageous to grow through doing greenhouses to catch up with you. i left him another. oh dear, how awful? the classic reaction when it comes to the vast plastic landscapes of hell, maria,
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but well, oranges, olives, and greens, dried up elsewhere, vegetables for europe ro here, almost all year round. this region has always been dry, which is why farmers together with engineers make the best of what little water they do have, including with the help of sensors and software. so the. busy maybe i guess what we achieve here in the green houses is a 20 to 30 percent water saving 20 percent less growth, eliza and 30 percent less electricity. no doubt. all that then if your technology helps farmers on the whole region to be more sustainable, like, oh my god, i don't want to mess up any in the greenhouse, as farmers do everything they can to save water. this tomato grower, for example, doesn't use sensors or even swell. instead he puts the plants into a substrate at them all. and now this way, we save 20 percent of the water that we would otherwise have wasted,
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plus the puddle lines, events, and now they do it frequently. sunset could be any that's a big savings and which i would. okay. cafe of the irrigated greenhouse. this is an idea from the 19 sixty's franco dictatorship in a region where hardly anything grew. thousands of families tried their luck on a single hector of land is done, his little painted or his parents were among them. that i believe even we and we and we, it's a pretty good living. i'm the all the greenhouse is of improve the lives of atl, 90 percent of our marines and the that i ended up getting ready prosperity and less water consumption to good reasons for the greenhouse is but so far farmers have been growing more or less the same things. field vegetables such as medicine, broccoli have yet to thrive under cover. but there's one exception. this firm which grows bulk joy under plastic, highly automated with
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a closed water cycle. it seems 50 percent on water and fertilizer compared to growing the vegetables out doors. and also to send them off to a full full heck, we have $3.00 heck to so yeah, if possible. and we have 9 harvest spaces, but yeah, i mean, in the field they might have 2 or 3 phases on the same area. i might go by this greenhouse is efficiency, regardless of which vegetable is being grown, is crucial to buy and i must be still going, but i know they said the building. the greenhouse is costs around a $150000.00 euros the heck to those are not all vegetable types. can recruit those costs for the cost. the auto stores still there are attempts to grow larger crime center plastic, such as these baton is and these applies for scientists. this is just the start. a little canyon been a little and i think the better control of clermont, the conditions on those tests will ensure a better production on call. it take me to say a money order for
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a little while. one scarce commodity is crucial for success under plastic water. even if you need less than you would growing food in a field, still growing more than $32000.00 heck there is worth the vegetables requires a lot of water. in this case, it comes from a seawater dissemination plant, which has to work 24 hours a day to out of the meanwhile, the other we see a lot of the development on production in the region would be unthinkable without in this plant. because the ground water at the pharmacy used to use a salty hand, i was setting the saddle by expanding wind and solar power and stain. more and more sea water may be celebrated affordably, an sustainably in the future. but that only works on the coast. if water prices rise overall, greenhouses will also become more interesting outside of the l. maria region. what are you? good. okay, and i think this model could do better. it's almost everywhere around the mediterranean for many to find new. maria is
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a model both for spain and for farmers and other countries to counteract the drought. as we saw earlier, pharma is also smaller to get a fair price for their produce market forces distances from the market to the farm . lack of proper mobility or shortage facilities and a heavy reliance on middleman or eat into that income a start up. and so i'm in and i do is trying to remove the murder them and out of this equation to an online marketplace that directly connect the bios and the supply us tons of fruits and vegetables harvested each day in india. the produce, that's fine. if it doesn't increase the market fast. often farmers don't find out the price that produce for the cell for until after it's a nice start up from touchy in the indian state of somebody not who wants to simplify the process or the bottom whether they've got an odd supply chain is found
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to door we procured the produce and it's brought the blood red announcing the individual and then it's altered before it's applied to the traitors. jada when done, sell it to the end user. we supplied trade. those data came up because it's been prod, uses transferred across different channels to various middleman about the price can right. very if somebody to class you risk wasted because the goods a perishable. what are the fanatic emailed out of the item and the guy even let me, but if you, but it's a soft spot of the company operates a fleet of 25, v goes to collect drops directly from farmers each day. the found to see that this eliminates not only the need for farmers to go to market themselves, but also concerns over getting the satisfactory price for the farm road. uh and farmers bring that product to market themselves. they usually only loan the selling price the next day, a lot of money, but the police sunday works different than the 5 months contact us monday. finish ta. this thing. the vegetables on it or to find in just 5 minutes. we tell them the
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pickup time and the exact market price they produce when in fact, in comparison marketing, the basic one. but it's got a couple of people want to start up getting these thomas a minimum price, which is calculated using digital tools. so even though they're pretty solid on our website dashboard, we display the price when it's time spent and for the families and the traders when you're in the app is also handy for customers. so you've got put them in from 10 in the morning to eat and the benefits take in order to produce that they want the next day i'm going to get so many cars that not click on it along with the very your other are the producers deliver to the warehouse by midnight after which the dispatched into creates to fulfill the day those orders from to am. the vegetables are then sent on to the again, to the markets and the retailers who sell them to consumers, the market, the be able to get the products to the markets. and we can before the open each the
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police in that it's not what a model. and this helps us save 3 to 4 hours that on the finish. and we would that the valuables time that helps protect the better should include some definitive or so that the produce fetus, the consumer. in a fresh condition, the white part of the startup works with around 1205 months. it service has provided relief up produces especially those in vermont communities, saving them time and resources. they have a guide, but to get them out, all we have to do is have our list then e, sunday that he goes, come to collect and read the progress. and the amount is credited the day after pick up. and then when it's all we began working with the sunday, we'd have to load the produce into an auto truck for transport that cost us a $1000.00 piece with the whole process of getting it to market was hectic and it was midnight or one in before we got back home, the ones that are on the far model that he sunday sees the samo several hours of
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time as well as transport costs and energy. you are an example of going to be the let to the startup employees around $200.00 people. and it's got its site set on expansion. looking to increase sales 5 for over the next year. its founders have seen that optimizing the supply chain helps bridge. the gap between follows and consumers, bringing benefits to both sustainable technologies really can make a huge difference in how we deal with the challenges on the this planet in the us to come. are you seeing any such a innovative tech solutions? do let us know you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles. i will see you next week until then take it goodbye. now most gosh, the,
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from the moment when i saw the positive friends in my ball view the us and i know many women on demand the rights to choose. so he is active, is tough. been fighting against one of this to exist. abortion goals in europe get the country is divided about the unknowns fruitful in 30 minutes. d w just likes destroy and click that. there's almost 60000 children age between 11 and 16 with
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a gambling problem in the u. k. best subsea for the companies operating internationally. it is a cash cow. make is hit the jackpot without limit. they're not going to do anything . that's how they think it's not our responsibility. you know, our job is just to provide entertainment. in 75 minutes on d, w, the welcome to the tire timelines campus. oh, for 6 tourists. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to the faucet, you pay twice or $3.00 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, it documentary uncovered corruption on child abuse. the
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youngest one, for example, let me show you this was now the film team. investigate the the was exactly, it has changed the, the red lights, dark shadows, 6 tourism in time and stuff. over 16 on dw, the
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says, the state to be near as wally from berlin and jo biden's bows out with an address from the overall. so i've decided the best way for the past the tours for new generation. and us presidents makes way for his b p, after weeks of pressure and questions about his health. also coming up the difficult task of counting the bodies in gaza. house keeping accurate figures is becoming increasingly challenging and why the numbers are being disputed. and columbus, protesters closed down germany airport in frank.


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