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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live in from berlin tonight, israel's prime minister at the white house, his 1st visit since the start of the war and gossip benjamin netanyahu today thing president biden, for 50 years of support for israel. the 2 leaders are also discussing that elusive cease fire also coming up. so i decided the best way for it is a pass for tours for new generation. you as president by controls, the american people, why he chose not to seek a 2nd term as president and the philippines raising to contain a toxic oil spill in the wake of 510 k me. the storm is torn across the taiwan and is now hitting china, leaving a trail of destruction. the
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i bring golf is good to have you with this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in the united states where he's meeting with president joe biden at the white house today. and y'all, who has thinks wide and for his support for israel and says that he, he'd worked with the us president in the months ahead. he's rarely leader is hoping to show up support for the war against him us. he's due to meet later today with us, vice president come over here. it's years. you've known every our middle east analyst is johnny was on his. she's here in the studio with me. she's been following this visit to charlotte. let's talk our way through this biden. and netanyahu at the white house. how friendly do you think it was behind closed doors? i suspects not to friendly that's. that's what keep in mind. nothing now waited for
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a long time to be invited to the white house. he hasn't been there since trump's presidency, actually so button avoided it as long as he could. and finally it happened because natalia was invited by the republicans to give a speech and so violent kind of find and found herself forced into that. and of course, we know there's a lot of friction, there's a lot of deep divides between bite and editing out how to move forward, bite, and would very much like to see as well. wrapping up it's operation and gaza. he wants to see an end to the war between the hours we've seen yesterday in the, in the congress, in a very defiant speech is far from that. he talks about the victory, a total victory tries to harness more support from america, more munition from america. so you know, this is what we're seeing now, is this tension, because we mean between these 2, how far will bind and go with his leverage on the tell you i've been trying to bring, you know, this war into a closing, we will see you at the end of this meeting do both of these leaders are due to meet hostages and their families, and shortly today,
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what do we know about the prospect of a hostage deal? and i understand that there are still many hostages held in guns are right. i mean, what do we know what the current number 800 numbers 115 is real just between 5 bodies overnight that were held there. so that was 120 out of this 100 a sting resume at least 30 or so are dead been officially presumed dead by these really of defense courses so, so we're not sure how many of them are alive. what we know, for fact there's an a chunk of them, they're dead, and this is exactly what also when we're talking about the, the deal. now, the doing question only offers 30 of them to be really so we still far from seeing this problem being solved, even the 2 sides. i mean america in the us, but also home us, which is bigger. you no problem here. and they all sides managed to make it to this deal. we're still left with many. israel is still kept in gaza, mentioned you know who is going to meet later today. the was sized president, kamala harris, the presumptive democratic candidates for president in the november election,
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and then he's going to go tomorrow logo and forwarded to meet with donald trump. and how different will these 2 meetings be? do you think? well, i think they're going to be very different in tone and very different. and i mean, he's going to hope here probably harsh words from camel issues try to distance itself. somebody didn't try to set her tone and she's been very critical of israel and the disproportionate killing of civilians throughout this war at all the last month. so we will hear that. but at the same time, trump has also expressed very little patience for israel's ongoing more. he wished this wouldn't be over, you know, already for. and he would definitely not want to see if going into november, assuming he wins and make it back to the white house in january 25. so both of them will give him the same message in a way, wrap this up. despite the many differences, they haven't so many other fields between them. harris and from said as we even though were talking earlier about the play, this is ation of support for israel in the united states and a lot of that coming from benjamin netanyahu. how does that play back in israel
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with is really is because because looking at it from where we're sitting, it looks like, if this continues, it could actually be a threat to is really national security was quick growing the awareness of that. and i think it's already taken, i mean, i think, and it's in the, i was a very polarizing a, you know, figure to dana is real, massive to saturate. i mean those where his supporters are a strong supporter of his reading level. he can do, even despite the devastating results of october and everything, you know, that in the aftermath happened, they still strongly resigned supporters of him and those were not. and then this new ok, which is a growing number but still not big enough. they're just not convinced that many of them criticising for choosing to go to america in this timing, when is clear to the americans are focused on their own political agenda. and very much criticizing him for going to to the us before seeming to deal of you know, bringing back the hostages. so in that aspect, you might show it a little bump in the support and in the next polls, but i doubt it will fundamentally change his position in is really public. so it's
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good to have you here in the studio. we thank you for your help. you're welcome. thank. thank you. so i'm going to stay in washington now. it sounded like the beginning of a presidential farewell. he was president biden on thursday night address the american people for the 1st time since announcing that he will not seek re election in november. now ever since the presidential debate last month, biking has been dog by growing doubts over his mental field, fitness, and disability to beat donald trump. review back in front of the cameras for the 1st time since biling out of the race to be re elected for joe biden, late i the reasons for his decision democracy, you know, racial weeks has become clear to me. i need you 9. my party in this critical endeavor, i believe i recognize president my leadership in the world. i vision for america's future. all murder the 2nd term. nothing. nothing can
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come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way for it is a past the tours from new generation as the best way to unite our nation. pressure on binding to step aside had been growing since lots many democrats felt was a disastrous based performance against the republican nominee. donald trump, in june, in the days and weeks that followed very public gaffes by biting food, including coding. presidents savanski of ukraine president putin, led to more calls for him to buy, lived of the race at times by biden, and his staff to allay fears it back to his age and cognitive ability. the little to quell the cold for a new democratic candidate. and to know that he's out of the race fight and made it clear who he wants to see, winning the white house in november, just a few months for the american people,
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choose the course of america's future. i made my choice. i made my views. now. i like to thank our great vice president, come wires she experienced she's tough, she's capable. she's been an incredible partner me laser for our country. one of several important endorsements for coming to harris. the vice president is already busy campaigning to win the presidency, despite having not yet officially being named the democratic nominee. the parties convention is expected to decide that next month a reporter shift on the mountain to solving events for us in washington southern we heard from our colleagues shawnee just a few moments ago. what was at stake in this meeting for benjamin isn't yahoo! why was this meeting important though, for us president by i think it's important for present body
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because he's now kind of a free of pressures and kind of unleashed in terms of his approach to benjamin it. then you are strongly pointed out that this relationship with benjamin that's in the hours, not stress free. it is um, you know, strains and that's formulated very nicely. i'm the president, a real real and most push benjamin antonio. and i will explain the most in the 2nd it to sign the ceasefire. do you know? because why he wants to this to be his legacy, the united states and the u. s. administration. he had to buy the ministration, put this really serious amount of manpower and work hours into crafting a ceasefire deal and motivating israel to sign the si, fi, or the know why. what does he want this? because he wants this to be a shining spot on his legacy that he could fix this for. and this more and also of course, it would look good for kamala harris. it would help kamala harris with very specific
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voter segments. young people, air for americans is extra. yeah. how many games do you think bite and will be for the remainder of this term to, to push for and enter the more in gaza or speaking of come with the harris and a possible successor. do you think he's going to leave this job to the next president? i know you won't be highly engaged foreign policy and doing anything right or wrong in foreign policy. is the premium for joe biden right now, because domestically he can not necessarily do a lot more now. he's kind of a lame duck president domestic, the speaking foreign policy. that is where the jews is. they asked where the beef is still on the bone, and which could help kamala harris. but let me tell you, the president, we mentioned that briefly, bedroom, benjamin. it's a new and the president will meet hostage families. those are u. s. for hostage families that will be here group the president saw to it that
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this will happen because benjamin infiniti, i didn't want to meet with groups of hostage families. so you can see i'm trying to trying to tell you here that he is really determined to make a, a step and a step forward. also, for this very reason, stay engaged. the focus on middle east focus on a piece maybe piece agreement or at least the seas for in gaza in the war and garza as well as middle east policy. it's interesting, the legend, yahoo did not want this meeting with the, the relatives of the hostages, but, but i did, i understand that a couple of hours and that, and you know, who was due to meet with the vice president and the presumptive democratic presidential nominee a couple of harris, she has a different approach towards mentioned yahoo than bite and does, doesn't she? it's to some degree we have to put this in context. so 1st of all, and there's a lot of rumbling, of course, on the republican on the right side here. and on the right, we media, that kamala hearse has somewhat a problem with benjamin at the all. with these are it will be somewhat into
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submitted. that is the couldn't be further from the truth. first of all, she's married to a jewish man. he's the 2nd husband, right? right. and he is jewish, and he's it takes every opportunity to tell the people in america that she's no anti semite. kamala harris has to be diplomatic, but forceful, at the same time. and, but there's no doubt, let me be really, really clear. no administration in the united states, kamala harris, donald trump, joe biden, will leave israel in the dust. they will always, the americans, and the american governments will stand behind israel, the security posture. is that, or is that true? however, for pamela harris, it is good to be forceful with benjamin netanyahu. to make clear that he has to beg, they see bri, has to bring this to. and that helps her in the elections. 750000. the voters young
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voters that most of them a lot of them and eric american who were moving away from bite and she wants to have those back. okay. a reporter ship once a month with the ladies tonight from washington as always stuff on. thank you. here's a quick look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the is really military is really storage of the operation that we covered. the bodies of 5 hostages in. gotcha, it says 3 of the victims were civilians who died while being held by him off the other 2 were soldiers killed in the october 7th terror attacks. their bodies were then taken into gaza to germany's busiest airport as resumed operations after hundreds of flights were suspended because of excitement. protests active is broke through this fence here at frankfurt airport and glued themselves to the tar man. police detained. 8 people and politicians are now calling for tiger security. the 2
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chinese and 2 russian bombers on patrol have been intercepted off the coast of alaska. for the very 1st time, the joined us and canadian defense agency. nor rad says the war planes were in international airspace and that they were not seen as a threat. in the wake of type food came, the philippine authorities are raising to contain an oil spill that is threatening the capital manila. the storm has now roared into mainland china where people are bracing for strong winds. and heavy rains came, he has left a trail of devastation across ty, one and the philippines. a philippine tank or carrying nearly one and a half 1000000 liters of fuel sank after encountering huge waves in manila bank. the accident caused an oil slick stretching for several kilometers. the philippine coast guard launched an operation to contain this bill with floating barriers to stop anymore fuel lifting and prevent a major environmental disaster close to the capital. official said they rescued all,
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but one of the crew members in a risky night time operation. meanwhile, taiwan said 5 frasers were stranded off the island. and one more had sunk search efforts were ongoing for its missing crew. a tie soon, tammy has left a trail of destruction and several deaths across the philippines. and taiwan. torrential rains have cost severe flooding. residents in the southern city of calcium scrambled to salvage their belongings, as flood voter inundated their homes. it's the strongest tropical storm to hit taiwan in 8 years. now, the typhoon is battering mainland china is eastern for john province with strong winds in torrential rain. facing this home is unable to your preparations for the deluge were already well underway in food you. i'm doing so in the national marine forecasts are issued. it's 1st red alert of the year plots on what is the latest
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storm in a summer of unrelenting weather extremes. in china, i'm joined now by michelle bu, fidel. he's a professor at the new jersey institute of technology and he has done a lot of research on major oil spills, particularly in the united states professor is good to have you with this. what kind of operation is underway right now in the philippines in manila bit. i was, i mean, it, i mean i'm not at that location, but i would look at it. it seems like they have a very nice contingency plans to deal with this. but i would imagine the 1st thing to do is that, you know, they, they want to protect your foldable areas. that usually is the intake, for example, for power plants and secondary level would be, for example, what plants. so these are the most sensitive areas, the one that you can obviously, and then you can logically that's us that and that goes in that order. now because
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of the conditions, i don't think there's much that they can do. they cannot, you know, go there with boats and then mechanically kind of skim the oil and bring it together. it's going to be dangerous for the operator. so i think they would just wait until the storm subsides. mm. uh now what do we know about that or is that it's a really sick or it does what they call a bunker from the bulk of fuel on. mm hm. and especially if it might not spread some of the other lights or but uh, but the problem with it is that it can stick to everything. its very sticky one the, you know, the, the think of the more it sticks and the professor then i might ask you about the, you know, using it will, it will stick to everything. i understand that the tanker is caring about one in a new one and a half 1000000 leaders of fuel. we don't know if the all of that has has leaked,
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but if the waters are still stormy, i mean, if you've got a really bad conditions right now, does that actually end up helping the environment in the long run? will it break up the fuel spill or the carpet and fuel that brake it up more quickly? is that an advantage? it is, it is in some way it is an advantage. but you know, this is happening in a big, you know, in a base. so it's not an open seat if it is not seen, you say yes is the use any and bang it might just get the be out of your control and then it might go to places where you don't want it to go. but usually you have this one during the journey, and there's the, the violence of the water. if the mix is the, or is the problem there is that maybe yes, it dilutes it in debate, but it could also mixed with settlements. and then it will sink to the bottom and nothing happens until there's another major store. and then it gets suspended under
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the release of the show lines. or, as i mentioned by example, the water today for an order for an energy plants, these oil tankers mean these are gigantic vessels. and when we see them, we always think of them as being something that's really hard to sink. but doesn't they show us, though, that the whole of these tankers is a lot more fragile than maybe the layman thinks it, particularly when you're dealing with terrible storms. yeah, i mean in this particular case it is, it is really surprising, especially it is in, in the bay. it's not in the open sea. so i think uh the, the, the structure integrity is something that people would look after and see why would something like that happens. professor michelle, who for the, from the new jersey institute of technology progress,
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we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. as well back here in europe at paris is preparing for friday's opening ceremony of the olympic games. france has tried to cut the carbon footprint of the 2 weeks sporting extravaganza. new construction has been limited and the river send cleaned up for swimming. events, organizers aim to make paris 2020 for the most sustainable games so far. the fresh dive and the summer sun in paris and just in time for the olympics are as may a new dog. oh, it's a media savvy. dip in the san defense capital. so story for the ones below did find us for a waste sewage and debris. it had been impossible and even illegal to swim it for more than a century. until now it's a very lucky and happy day. it's also for the plan that's, you know, and for the river and for the ocean we, we did it,
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we did. the parents invested $1500000000.00 to clean up the river also to the infrastructure, to catch most storm water. when it rains, the peasant can hold the equivalent of 20 lumping. swimming pools of 30 was a one, something to the river. what that would now be treat, this is a sent a piece of major infrastructure improvements for the games, but to also ensure that prisons have a clean, a send in the us to come the organizers of the games one to stand out. not only by having a clean river, but with a sustainability concept of a new kind that would take them into the future. instead of building numerous new stadiums and the reason is 95 percent of the locations already existed. all of the temporary furniture and equipment have been reused. although they welcome the efforts campaign. i say it doesn't make the game screen. paris had planned the
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biggest infrastructure project in europe as part of the game. several metro lines were due to be built. the trends with miss millions from the metropolitan area into the city of boston, and in a more climate friendly way from us that has not yet been kept so far. only one extension of a line needed for the olympics has been completed and local transport tickets prizes would definitely during the game. experts say that monitoring the olympic games footprint as being done in paris. so with the aim of making that most of the state level is essential to go green, but to truly minimize the impact in the future. such mega events would need to become much smaller. so his parents and setting a good example and using existing or temporary structures as olympic menus, we asked spin daniel wolf from the swiss national science foundation. actually yes, to be perfectly frank. that's one of the things that i and my colleagues have been calling for for a number of years. so it's like,
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pardon me to see the parents will not see. i'm most likely the kinds of way ellison structures these empty carcasses and stadiums that, that the previous megan that hosts have suffered from. and that is only to the good . so i think we do need it's the only basketball stadium in south through time coach spa, one of the country's national players is that to watch a local game sound sedan currently has the most successful team in africa. it made headlines at the world cup and it's now qualified for the olympics to compete with the best in the world. around play the why they don't play the or the big name play this or why not. i've been south play that because that is something that i just, you know, be proud of supposing sensation and one of africa's poorest countries ranked by years of war, sounds to done only gained its independence from sou, done in 2011. it was only $11000000.00 inhabitants the country's potential to make
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its name of the world of basketball is still enormous of the height. so people say that 50 percent given 5050 percent or do so now you gotta worry about the facilities, the proper, practical, proper way of learning to give him the best to say like as i, i don't think there's going to be offered to sort of set up a week to the work of the lab work. so i'm excited young man here or from total then to me just the few sports grounds are always over crowded and many dream with making their fortunes with basketball. but coach spa once more than a few individual success stories. he wants to make a name for sound so done as a basketball nation. i'll go to just uh, you know, when something for 1000 then i'm going to continue the plan for the national team as long as i can, as close is going to be more young kids coming in all the stuff. so they're gonna have to work with them, make it hard to them. so,
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and they're gonna come then it is a bigger issue is that they need to feel coach bond. his fellow players will soon be competing against the world's top teams. at this, he has an impact, it will be self to dance, opportunity to show it has what it takes to play with the best buy. meanwhile, the olympic football tournaments and it's already begun. milwaukee would beat argentina and you can call a very chaotic match. the trouble started with argentina leveled the game, an injury time fans, 3 bottles. and some even invaded the pitch. you see right there, play stopped until all the spectators had left the stadium. and then with no one watching the players returned it 2 hours later, argentina's goal was been dis, allow meaning morocco, $1.00 to $1.00. that's what happens and no one's watching you as a reminder now at the top story we're following for you. you as president biden as host to the is really prime minister at the white house is the 1st time since the more and gaza began. benjamin netanyahu thinks the president for 50 years of
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support for israel before talks on an elusive sky. i'll be back in 90 minutes with more of old news and the day, the
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bullet holes wherever one's rage is decked out a new kind of noises to connect his pains over the rocky capitals. often blink appearing. anyone can take past many, he's the cold because the kind of for will facing her and of to my logo on next. on d, w. their market is booming,
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but so far they haven't quite taken off their taxes. they're hale, this game changer, urban transportation. many issues might crash tests, pilot training, and swipe groups remain unresolved. when will the mobility of the future finally take to the sky state in germany? in 30 minutes on d w, the asked about why does this? because now i'm leave them on the new host. join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between.
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this is a video and audio production by d w. i hope video with unit 10 new technology helps shrink the mountains of tech style waste around the world. the sounding the wildfire is on the rise in the worlds, not just the tropical wetlands and brightening up baghdad to use the skills to shift to mind sets the violence rule dash over the past.


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