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tv   Verdun  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 11:15pm-12:01am CEST

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for the diesel stuff this writings, she photographed, guys, well, here we are again, cause the exist in almost every language. it's also in many dictionaries. is there an official definition of what cough got asked means, a question we ask are experts. it's used to describe especially bureaucratic situations that don't quite make sense and seem unreasonable and seem to have been dictated by a house higher power to which one has no access to get into some bizarre situation every day basis. so it was a kettle piano in spanish kafka as is used very similarly as in other parts of the world to talk about something, a little dog, mccall thing, comprehensible, overwhelming be. i know and upsets situation, created by upset rules. yeah. i know that feeling we all know it to help us us in
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a world that is becoming increasingly complex. we still know the word and a 100 years cost to us. most likely, yes. because we're conquer describes is something deeply human, and that will remain the the, i don't, 9, 16 august. the 1st the one of the most, the,
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it's the end of 1915. somewhere in the region of real time, some french soldiers are to distract themselves projecting some films on the war with german. this is how they work. here we go to the german ember wilhelm. the 2nd and the german soldiers with their pointy helmets and their super man called just look at this image and read the german army positions in the middle of the town of ad on the river moyes are running through it. and the hills all around the french have built 30 or more forts here to protect themselves from invasion
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from the east mythical names. soon all the world will have heard of them severe. the the other side of the term is on this the german image. so prince the
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t or the greatest getting ready to launch in major offensive, unexpectedly attacking the strongest position, the whole from the reckoning. the french won't give up the terminal to without throwing everything they got into the battle. the the emperor has entrusted the task of leading the battle to his own son. this is him addressing his officers. his majesty calls us to the attack he sang. we must see that the sons of germany's will to win is as hard as steel, the
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beginning of the, the heaviest mass and force quotes. the french physicians it's going to be a science of like of which the world has never known by some and called rudy like student's parents the the german troops of what they called scolding tunnels under the hill for cover in one of these verse 20 year old cleanings, booking the whole slides. i've got my wife and 3000 cartridges by the door that you
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get the french on the, the french are still completely unaware. they believe, therefore it's are in foam or them, especially this one. do a moment. the, it's a state of the art underground city. strong enough to retail any attack. the
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february 9th, the germ chrome princess, the the, the rich, the,
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some of the destruction survive. the fire ross thomas the, it's like the end of the one lieutenant tell. it's not those officers in there, then all we're doing is to learn to say faces
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before it all goes to have the, the backend terrace. politicians are in shock the commander of the french forces. general joseph yourself is always saying that veil done is too well protected for the germans to attack it. and he's even started to strip the force of their guns and send them north to the psalm where he's preparing an assault with the british prime minister. others deeply on the one in the boulder had worn so that he can't afford to lose any french territory. if you evacuate vietnam and sound the retreat, he says,
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you'll be dismissed immediately along with all of your chief of staff. within hours, an order from those chief of staff is fired off to the troops. if you have done your to fight to the death, it says while of waiting reinforcements, the, when it comes to late in just 5 days, the german steam roller crushes all the villages around about done all the way up to 12 months, right below the fort. it's here at the start. shawnee to go is 25 years old is wounded and taken prisoner. the french the nightmare is only just begun the 5th 25th of february,
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4 days after the beginning of the song. now the germans are right up against the enormous fortress, up to 200 yards away from the suppose police and some of the items from brandon. the sites go the curio the the most of the developments. so therefore,
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the officers from brenda, which was fine with the font to because the places on the french general selected on the trial, german church does start expressing exclusively to what joy to do this news. she writes to her husband at the front, may god grant us peace and with the music of the canons. tale our future happiness, [000:00:00;00]
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the francis badly shaken. it's a disaster. above all, it's a humiliation for the troops. all are picturing the germans rolling across the country as they've done half a century earlier, in 1870 if they had done files, for instance to that's what people are thinking. the put down new character arrives on the scene. to me put down a complete unknown defense strategist,
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the ease handed the job of defending via the ease arriving this for now was just another bit later urgent troops. soon the what matters now are friends has to get minutes to block the german it always seems like because friends have been taken by surprise that just weren't ready. there's only one room. we're sorry, that's our contrast to the german front with its network of 14 way assist.
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the general arrives. this country road becomes veterans and feel like a secret way into the concepts of relentless pace. 6, just a day. the closest fits cuts about the sacred ways, straight into of that it's become a secret cars the and one of the responses that young lieutenant to hey fran,
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the over the next 10 months, french 2000000, 100000. many of these names describe the children the and among these march rolling the dug in within the walls of 2 or more to determine the structure
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the they suffered enormous horses. their advanced has become much more difficult than it was to start with. their exhausted, especially these fragile young 18 year olds, the and the 1st to die is finds mock, one of the greatest german painters of the 20th century. he was hit by a shell. he's realized right from the start, that this is a totally futile battle. all i see,
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he writes to his wife shortly before his death is the most frightful spectacle, the human brain could ever imagine. the surface of we're misgivings. the germans have only advanced 10 kilometers in 2 weeks and there's no breakthrough inside but they just keep going. the camp living space the here so the battlefield wants to ban the
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right by the germans. the, the artillery place on the west boys in the 4th special spinning the germans done on the east by the if to turn this one to take that don't have to destroy those guns. to do that, they'll have to take the 2 hills which stand in their way. codes 3 or 4 on deck, nancy. the deadman select wired its name after a body was found there in the 19th century, the every square foot of it seemed fighting too violent to even contemplate the today and its summit. there is a terrible monument,
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a skeletal figures crying bit during the 6 the the 1960 battle lines to a standstill. the 2 armies aren't stuck in face to face. they'll spend months
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trying to destroy each other. but this is already a victory for the french. as pit time promise, the germans cannot pass the it's time for him to speak the words to make our famous throughout the world. his works at home. the new general become a symbol of all france. the man stood up to the terms and the french. remember this 25 years later, the country falls to nazi germany in 1940 on deadman until now, however, the boot is on the other foot. as the french put out more flags, the german scro increasingly on easy,
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especially the ones who has been captured by the french. we've been gravely deceased by our officers rides, young, cause god, not to his mother. i know their demands. we would like all those gentlemen responsible for the war to come and fight at our side to say done so. we would have had peace, long ago, the insect, although the french don't suspected germany as increases the width of or seemingly endless. some politicians are starting to question the sense of it. peace demonstrations by spreading. this is one in berlin on the 1st of names in the middle of the federal event on our left,
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the politician con leak. next, as her ring, the crowd down with the government, he says, down with the war right after he speaks, he's jail, the french 2 different the one of the troops have been holding out on that man. so it's almost returning to normal almost as if the battle was actually being the civilians seen getting on with their lots of fun. some no idea that $60000.00 men have already died of that done and more are
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dying there at the rate of one every 2 minutes. by the spring of 1916, the germans are desperate for a rapid and to the battle of the french. this river the and they'll get their wish after 3 months of shilling, and though it has been virtually destroyed, but the germans still haven't broken through. and the town itself empty now with all its inhabitants is still in the hands of the french. it's clearly a success for the french. any war of attrition. a stalemate represents
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a victory sending. the final soldiers are still being blown to smithereens, delegations arriving from all over the world to celebrate the resistance of a nation. this is the future king of serbia, an ally of france being welcome by the president of the republic. the journalists have been invited to an english correspondence writes. at that time, one feels an intense satisfaction. it would seem a master. the friendship stood alone against german everyone knows that the germans sell
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the ground to the hold. does of no further strategic import still carry on a statue by the the, the, the french counter attack comes on the 22nd of may. the troops prove themselves that to the 4th take advantage of the 3 months. but there is
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a dubious one. they're generally getting the 4th one to help them break down to reach the french was the front line and get us the get to disaster. 5000 dead wounded were taken prisoner and all for nothing the the survivors live back to their positions. among them, the lease mother shy who writes dual more has been taken last
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retake and the wounded look ghastly. one of them is crying mommy and my little girl it's madness. we're wrong that the the, the best monitor
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on either side of the front to swing 200000 french, germans or dug in sufficient troops on a rotation system. 10 days on the front, on 10 days on the 2nd then arrest the we are the front line again. and that's where captain dan view is when he writes, if you like an animal being herded into the wine, 60000000 shell,
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it's the toyota department. most of the allowance 3 is kind of the time with nobody, even notice, and there's no glory slot with dangerous for you are still waiting to lance.
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the filters, the general service from franklin high head of the german army, orders his men to have another go with fair john the people inspection, down the french and stopped them from supporting the filters further north on this on the no one is really committed to the attack, so starting from the crown prince for him,
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the battle no longer makes sense. in my heart the kaiser sun will right. i was totally opposed to this offensive, but i had to a bait borders. so i forced myself to appear completely confident between the $410.00, still in german hands and the fortune still held. find the french once more, the landscape barnes. this reconstruction based on an aerial scan of the battlefield, shows the network of trenches the thousands of shell craters. darting the landscape, the germans descend into the ravines, climb back up the hills, and eventually in circle the 4th of
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the inside for 400 french. they've had no water and warm munitions for several days now. and every day, 8 souls of shells rained down on their completely cut off france as watch it's here on the 4th of june that one of the most famous episodes of the battlefield dawn takes place. when the germans managed to breach the ford to a ton of the trench waiters for names,
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flame throwers in hand to hit the on both sides fighting for glory and survive on the eventually the exhausted french surrender and the germans, they've just been trying to kill with him from military honors, the did put all just end but that's not the thing to determine the way to the next to the next for there on the horizon. some fee,
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the from this book promissory, which the scale of a month later on the 11th, you can begin to feel that victory is within the distance that i see that. and it's the never get there. they're fine. listen, citizens feel in a village now wiped off the map for the was taken. and then we've taken a dozen times just 2 weeks. the, it's the very image of the whole battle to which we thought
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the 2 sides have been fighting for 6 months over a $100000.00 man or dan the like many of his comrades. oh no, it's fine. a young writer feels he's been sacrificed by his temper and his generals the, the war has been going on to the rights to his wife. just one more push. they keep telling us in march, they said in april, in may, in june, reinforcements arrive even younger man, the, the infantry struck at the very heart of the french. they told them they were defending their country, and they believed it. then they saw it wasn't working whose fault is all this?
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the many people blame 1st and she was sent an entire generation in the countries young man to dawn. the august the kaiser s fucking time replaced. the the general's plan has been a total failure. the allies have been advancing on the song since early july. the minute they have done or needed elsewhere. and now remaining is declared war on germany. so fucking china is packed off and there is
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a punishment. he's replaced by 2 generals from the eastern front. that like we wouldn't go off and poly fund hinden block. the engine block on the left will become president of germany after the war. he's the figure who in 1933 bullet points at all, hitler, chancellor of germany for the time being though easier to put an end to a battle that was supposed to be decisive for germany. but instead, a work french patriotism like no the
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but this is fair. so it never ends for the french, it's no longer a battle. it's already become a legend. an x, a central struggle for their country survival. things are different on the sun where a murderous british and french offensive it's been going on since the 1st of july. but that's just a joint operation with the british. so it's having a little impact on public opinion in france or the countries collective memory. you know it's year fresh once they are resent,
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they say they want to secure the region. what they really want is between september and december general has brought in the big guns. they fire one time the shelves, the size of an 8 year old child is they like to say the latest news the after the,
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for it's capture by the german french finally managed. this time the prince's troops surrendered in dreams. 140000 germans have died at fair dawn and another 190000 have been wounded all in a battle that did nothing to effect the course the war the french losses were even heavier. 160000 dead and 210000. but the french got their victory. tactical news,
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the humiliation all behind them now. and when the snow is con, december of 1916. the battle is officially over $300.00 days of fighting it would take another 8 months to win back the forest of cool and dead man's hill and another 2 years for the war to end the soldiers these husbands, these fathers had taken bravery to the very limits they left behind thousands of orleans and they would ask, was a glorious this battle, or was it just absurd?
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the oh, that was a century ago of the trauma. the great war is longest battle, the
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ticking time bomb on the distiller. a deacon mission to chemical plants threatens to poison poland. largest river toxic waste is contaminating the soil and feeding into the ground water. one resident tries to warrant officials, but their response has been hostility, polluted and poisoned in 30 minutes on the w, the drilling innovation as a palestinian and driven on we don't expect much living with the bare minimum without civil rights and with no cost. this is not a good environment. yeah, no,
12:00 am
no. my children and favorite shadow starts oldest. good. on the double, you have someone else do the c d highlights of selected for you. you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now the, this is dw news, and these are our top stories, israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, his thing to you as president biden, for his support for israel, at a meeting at the white house since the 1st time that's in yahoo has been there since the start of the war and gaza biden was expected to present it in yahoo to make concessions needed to seal a ceasefire dealer for a fast moving wildfire has burned much of the popular tourist town of jasper in western canada. the premier of alberta province says as much as half the town has been damaged or destroyed,


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