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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 26, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, you're watching data between use live from building carmella harris makes with benjamin netanyahu in the white house. and likely democratic, nominated for the presidency steps into the limelight as the us, as israel, and come us a closer than ever to a safe spot. we'll say coming up 25000 people, fly a fast moving wild fight in the canadian rockies windows of sight. a wall of fire has engulfed the town of jeff plus, the philippines rises to contain the toxic oil spill in the wake of the timing. timing. the storm has already devastated pots of tie one and china the
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method of help walk into the program. us boss, president campbell, a harris says help talks with is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house, the totes of being closely watched for changes in time between harris, the presumptive democratic nominee for president and the incumbent, joe biden. our search, he told, is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, about a serious concern about the scale of human suffering in gaza, is where the premiere is in washington, hoping to show up support for the war against him. us. let's listen now to more of what the vice president had to say. it is important for the american people to remember. the war and gaza is not a by mary issue. however, too often the conversation is by mary, when the reality is anything but. so i asked my fellow americans to help encourage
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efforts to acknowledge the complexity, the nuance and the history of the region. let us all condemn terrorism and violence. let us all do what we can to prevent the suffering of innocent civilians and let us condemn anti semitism islam of phobia and hate of any kind. and let us work to unite our country. i thank you. all right, let's cross out the deputy report of steph installments in washington. us vice president and presumptive democratic nominee. a couple of harris has just spoken of to him meeting with his riley prime minister netanyahu. stephanie, what is your take away from what she had to say? what a saw with the obvious 1st that it was her and not president by who actually came out after meeting with benjamin at the department of israel and made those remarks
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welcome to the united states in the presidential election year of 2024. that's number one, number 2, she use the verbiage terminology in a clarity which treat seldomly here from dividing ministration. and that is no to number 3 in my account to you and that is really important. i want to quote her, she made sure that everybody understands that of course this administration and including her this post on waiver report, a support behind israel in its rights to defend itself against terror and war and everything else. but she says, it is also important how it's how it does so how it does so matters. she said, and that was really, really impressive. meaning here with the sound, by the way of play before you'd have you got to me, she really tries to is being lost, be actually acknowledging, acknowledges the, the complexity of the situation in the middle east,
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the complexity for israel and the complexity resulting out of now war in gaza since october 7th, last year. let's look at this different a little more about the the contrast. as you pointed out, she said we cannot look away from the di, humanitarian situation and gaza. she also called for a safe spot. how much of a contrast of these woods from vc harris compared to president? but while i have to tell you the truth, i think this is what the president joe biden, and now they're administration officials, detail, benjamin a ton you or other administration officials from israel behind closed doors, but that opened and now at this time, this was kamala harris. first, coming out as the presidential candidate on a foreign policy issue in that regard. and that is remarkable anthem. you know, we should take note of this. however, the united states and that includes the,
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by the administration that includes come out of harris and everybody else who's working in this administration's secretary states. a blanket for example, is still on the that the past of wanting a 2 state solution. first of all, a ceasefire now a ceasefire deal which allows hostages to be released, which allows galvan and residents to have a break for at least 6 weeks. and then take it from the secondly. and that is big picture thinking of the administration and of kamala, hers is a 2 state solution. this is good old american middle east policy, which is not going to go away with tamala, harris wardrobe. i'm part of the big picture. and what she alluded to was i ask my fellow americans to help encourage efforts to acknowledge the complexity and the new ones and history of the region. it's a worthy sentiment, but what does she want to achieve by signs? it's well, i think honestly, she is
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a little bit of catering to the potential volter vote or block or voter segment. joe biden may, has, has lost in, in, in the last few months by wavering around, you know, there is a movement which started the michigan. this is the uncommitted movement that accounts now for 750000 people who work uncommitted in putting their vote in or support for joe biden. she wants those back. and she also tries to make sure that americans understand that there is nothing, not complicated about anything in the middle east. it's highly complex. it is new orleans and politicians as well as the you and me, americans should be able to differentiate. that's what she needs. people to understand so she can make an argument that she is for absolute substantial and n wavering support for israel on one hand, and a good heart look and how benjamin it,
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turn you out where these earliest conduct this war in gauze are at the moment. the deputy report a step in simon's in washington dc. thank you so much. all right now to some of the other stories making news around the world. this is rarely military has released footage of the operation that recovered the bodies of 5 hostages in gaza. it says 3 of the victims with civilians who died wipe while being held by him us. the other 2 was soldiers killed in the october 7th terror attacks. the bodies within taken into casa, 2 chinese and 2 russian bomb is on control and vain intercepted off the coast of alaska. for the 1st time, the joint us and canadian defense agency no read, says the war planes were in international airspace and not seen as a threat. one finds operating out of control in parts of the west in the
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us and in the canadian rockies. tens of thousands of people have been evacuated in canada as western provinces of british columbia and output authorities site up to the hosp. the result town of jasper has been destroyed as 5 points for the surrounding national park. now bear to premier at the ending of smith held back to use while describing the devastation of the jasper wafaa. many generations. the town of jasper and the pug surrounding yes, had been a source of pride, with some of the most beautiful scenery in the entire, in the world. and to those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic of jazz. the magic is not lost and it never will be.
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alberta is government will provide the support needed to families and communities to recover and to rebuild stronger than ever. so i think kimmie has slammed into mainland china away residence pricing for strong winds and heavy rifle. the storm is left to trial of devastation killing at least 3 people as it swept across, tie one in the philippines, or thought he's a rising to contain an oil spill that's threatening the capital manila, the stillness triggered floods and mudslides across the archipelago, killing at least 20 people and injuring hundreds more as a philippine tank or carrying nearly one and a half 1000000 liters of fuel sank after encountering huge waves in manila bank. the accident caused an oil slick stretching for several kilometers. the philippine coast guard launched an operation to contain this bill with floating barriers to stop anymore fuel lifting and prevent a major environmental disaster close to the capital. official said they rescued all,
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but one of the crew members in a risky nighttime operation oil spill experts are concerned at the possible implications of a spill in such choppy waters. now what we know about the oil is that it's a really sick or it is what they call a bunker from the bunk of fuel on. and especially if it might not spread some of the other lights organs, but uh, but the problem with it is that it can stick to everything. its very sticky one the, you know, the, the sink or the more it sticks. meanwhile, taiwan said 5 frasers were stranded off the island, and one more had sunk. search efforts were ongoing for its missing crew. typhoon came, he has left a trail of destruction and several deaths across the philippines. and taiwan. torrential rains have cost severe flooding. residents in the southern city of
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calcium scramble to salvage their belongings, as flood motor inundated their homes. it's the strongest tropical storm to hit taiwan in 8 years. now the ty, food is battering mainland. china is eastern food young province with strong winds in torrential rain. fixing this home is able to your preparations for the deluge were already well underway in food you. i'm doing. searching for the national marine forecasts are issued. it's 1st red alert of the year. plots on the it's the latest storm in a summer of unrelenting weather extremes in china put to the count down to the power. so lympics as well, and truly on with just alice to go until the opening ceremony. but the parallel to the excitement by the locals interest side, they frustrated by the strict security measures in the french capital police for they pod side, the security is necessary for public safety is just ahead of the olympic games
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opening ceremony in paris. there's a norm is anticipation and excitement in the french capital. many are looking forward to an atmosphere of celebration. way probably a few years. parents is more festive and hectic with lots of torres. but there's also some frustration as locals and tories to like have to deal with the inconvenience of method security measures. yeah, it's very key. authorities, the, the strict security measures are an absolute necessity to protect both spectators and athletes. and many locals agree. there is a sum of so much are there reason share and friends, friends is a, it's a country a all the 3rd along with tens of thousands of soldiers and police patrolling the street. the french air force is also playing a major part by securing the skies during the games. finder jets
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surveillance, drones helicopters that can carry sharpshooters and equipment to disable drones will all be deployed. we have to protect against some sort of crowd that could be used like to weapons, but also to reach to have tried to reach or so it could be used, liked with events and come tell you if these receive up to date. but the free media on so you a visa in france, and we know of a to a can be a real, a real or frightful searching events for fridays opening ceremony. a no fly zone, extending some 150 kilometers will be in place around the french capital. and cameras. twins with artificial intelligence software will flag potential security risk, such as abandon packages securing these olympic games is
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a massive undertaking and comes at an enormous cost. but france has spent the last several years preparing for this moment. any visitors say the appreciate all the efforts to keep them safe. so coming here to paris in seeing the gendarmes, the national police, the presence, it's impressive. it's impressive. so it's something you always have to be concerned about. but knowing, you know, knowing how prepared they are and stuff, know, i feel i feel safe for parents walking around, enjoying the city. i do my home kind of chicago. the hope is that all the security efforts will pay off and result and see some successful summer games for everyone. right before we go, he's a reminder of the top story with following for you this out. with vice president campbell harris has met with his ralph benjamin netanyahu for talks at the white house. i was told reporters, she urged netanyahu to reach a ceasefire with, i'm off to a funding guess. right?
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that's all for now. you find on use on our website is always calm and on the social media channels, the handle you need is as dw, need somebody to me help. thanks for watching the space innovation, green the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. it's secure, subscribed to the subscribe to plan, it's a have you ever heard of something being kafka? ask? do you even know where the term comes from? behind it from the kafka, the only 20th century writers name is part of language.


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