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tv   Polluted and Poisoned  Deutsche Welle  July 26, 2024 2:30am-3:01am CEST

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this is now the film team investigate. so the last exactly have changed the red lights, dark shadow, 6 tourism in time and stuff. so the 16 dw, the result of the logic is waging a battle against authorities could do nothing in the face of an imminent environmental catastrophe. here at the sight of a former chemical and arguments, factory toxic waters threatens to flow into poland to be still a river and destroyed the ecosystem for the activist. it's a grueling fight what the cost is supposed to come. you pay a very high price for what i do go. so it means a lot of hassle and it's not just for my private life,
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but overall the most you particular stocky but maybe there needs to be someone who points out that what's happening here is not right. lucian, you, utah in the history of poland and also of the world. we have always been people who were pioneers, let each of them who were able to change every thing because of our people too much as me know. the may not have was it, is that the side of the former as doctor and chemical plant, if it goes to. during the 2nd world war, germany produced explosives and gun powder here. then from 1948 on, it was run by polish authorities. c c later, the plant added chemical production,
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the for decades, toxic substances unimpeded into the soil, contaminating the ground water. the reason the this is one of many areas on the side of the former plant. nearby was the pain department. today the social welfare office is just about 300 to 400 meters from here. hold them. and my mothers with their children and many other residents go there. oh yeah, they live, i rid of one label. there is a very toxic substance. i'm going to show the photos of the labels to come. it's so busy so they can determine what it is. so yes, i looked up enough of the next to me. nobody does anything. it doesn't seem to matter to them. even the environmental agency ignores that. so going to be the, the saw him was
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a company, the size of a city. it had 20 kilometers of robots. 70 kilometers of train tracks. even its own train station. there was a hospital stores, canteens, a cinema. in 2015, everything was shut down. the renate of logic grew up nearby. as a child, she was constantly sick. her illnesses were likely triggered by industrial fuel. for 6 years now, she's been fighting to get this talk like waste land decontaminated. she writes
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letters to politicians, dress petitions files complaints with the police, and spreads the word on facebook. so far, anything, no one in a story has shown serious concern. on the contrary, renada of logic has been harassed for drawing attention to the authorities, failures the. she's received death threats on facebook and her car was vandalized. the the 45 year old is a trained to gerontology test who could be taken care of elderly people. she previously taught nurses therapists and caregivers how to look after seniors,
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but ever since she started advocating for the environment, she's been unemployed. she says her job applications are rejected. she's regarded as a troublemaker. now the single mother of a teenage daughter makes ends meet by preserving and selling fruits and vegetables is i probably will be sure to be on the interest because after the group sees the name make preserves, is more uh, mazda select, my mother used to use 90 percent of the preserving jars in the basement or from her humans that you wish to hold. since i have no income and don't earn anything else, this is very good for us to call to the community. yes, we have our own stocks and it's cheaper. a ranada of logic
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lives in her parents house with her daughter, a dog cast in wing over a village right next to the former plant. the former premises obsession occupies a huge area. more than 7000 people worked here strictly separated from the outside world. the in recent years, logistics and distribution halls have been built next to dilapidated production buildings. new businesses have settled here the
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june douglas? yeah, sure most of them are the ones you are natural philosophy is meeting with former plant workers and you want museums if they do not want to give their names out of fear of repercussions when i village you work. i sell them for long or 30 years total at the plans. the teen at zach them directly came in for us for months. nice. me, i'll send you 40 years. so just you know to, of was, it wants to know about working conditions of the plan. how safe was it? the weather ever? any accidents on the job one of these men also worked with a dangerous chemical called on a lien at the plant. it impacted his health. never been one time i had to replace the gasket in one of the buildings and inhaled some on the line off to it. someone looked at me and said, go to the doctor immediately. my lips and dan said already 10 blue. i was admitted
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to the hospital in state for 8 days. i wasn't allowed to leave the bad ones when i went to the toilet and scolded me my you are in was black and also is, are you still in contact with your colleagues from the unaligned department today? no, that's all. that's why there's these people on to in this well usually died. no, probably most days are looking for somebody nearby. but there's something i'm lucky to have what they're so long usual. mm. that goes on. did a lot of toxic chemicals get into the story. i mean, there's any on board for by that the soil and others from much you need to know it does or there's a lot of, you know, who depended on the number of accidents when there were accidents, everything went into the air, into the ground. and we couldn't dispose of it fast enough gas went into the air and liquid into the ground. now we're facing the consequences. nature absorbed it
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and now wants to clean itself. we must help out, i know shaq and i should get the to know how polluted the plant site is. they say that the soil should be replaced and the side the contaminated. so why is nothing being done? unions? there's no money for this because in reality, no one's interested. sweep it under the rug, don't talk about it. that's how it works. take a look around because there's a lot of green array implants. everything's beautiful. and what conclusions are drawn from that? and this is if it were really poison single growth, as long as the that's the perception stuckey, so i'll shoot you that right now. but that's the case. as my colleagues said, there's no will to change things and get us. the money is often spent on causes that could wait or less important to people need to get involved. we shouldn't give up to she is on gosh, oh my god, i don't not prompting you to buy what perfect the
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this woman is willing to talk to us on the condition of anonymity. she also lives in wing. all right, next to the former factory site, the she and her family are living with the effects of the pollution. here does not to put them is the way to go, but that's how we suffer from cancer. and while you got that to go see your brother died as lung cancer found you my father of the bone and throat can cause you though, is because uh, some of our neighbors also have kids see either to bladder cancer and breast cancer . oh, it does not do that as long as you at this point of view. i was recently diagnosed with a 5 or a 2 march mom. not as you know,
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the smoke or not any living with people small at the moment. but no one knows how it will develop. it's will come here from those. but i've known i've, i've been at this thing disney the scene. i have a daughter with a disability. she has genetic damage and yes. and we knows why there's most of the surface book this book of virginia while i also had a miscarriage. us some bullet gloves this uh uh, between you oh, we often have headaches and burning noises down the travel stopped on them. but as soon as we return, we get headaches. again, i keep it there. i start to burn diversity like you some these are the some of the on the, the the is because it's just because i mean if i'm not positive ownership, it's effects of, you know, she, it's all just swept under the rug for gym. everything is done to prevent this massive problem from coming to life talk is they're trying to keep it a secret and ensure people don't talk about it too much. and i was like back after
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school, just use the going from. it's the say, thank you. what's this my both are per se, all the jo scientist, money years, child and don't talk to the from the h e h university of science and technology and crack of our friends or not of logic . so, you know, somebody who's chuck has been researching environmental pollution, caused by chemical substances for more than a decade. they would just use one of yours, published several scientific studies grove, auto talked to carrie. it's from bid, gosh. she brought her dissertation on this topic. the scientists
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had been appealing to politicians for years. we made it clear that the site must be secured, but nothing's happened. for years eve of those pollutants are slipping into the ground. it's sad that so much time passes between damage assessments and dispos the whole thing. and so by the soap with the scientists, investigations showing urgent need for action low doses because on some stand, 6 to the is. and this just seems a little bit of ceiling. all of these substances, especially paula, cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in organic flooring compounds are mutagenic in carson a genic. they can either directly cause cancer or increase the likelihood of cancer . they can destroy genetic material which leads to congenital diseases. oh, okay, so the total, the money use try to use that. if nothing is done,
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the contaminated water will see pin to the ground water and then into the vist your pullman's most important river life. just a few kilometers from the city of good gosh, right next to the former plant side. i'm all of those days will be a single split of it is upon us and you still farm, you know, one who uses that under our feet. there are huge quantities of chemical substances, oregon, you know, comic and the comic books and they all talk sick. so what i could even close come. so you said that they also dangerous because they can move as long distance. the other question beneath the surface safety, these toxic substances the traveling several kilometers. i see on my directly to the vista that i need to is like, is this. what is that? what's the, what's by the use both of those things. the only solution to address this would be to put a 6 are complicates over a different concept. so it was still up to the, it was we propose the 7 years ago practicing should them a lot to them will cover everything with the layer of the concrete,
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what i'm down to and impermeable later in the bedrock. and suddenly opposite was out for the people that didn't secure the whole thing. finally from above so that nothing can penetrate is still up to the go to the doctor. always you about the thing. if it was settled, there are water sampling points at various places. on the former industrial side, the scientists can take samples of ground water from a depth of 14 meters. the water is black and foul smelling, the back of all the this water would burn all the plan. you obviously scalar seen that brought a bottle of coca cola for comparison. that's
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. that's the fundamental, physical, heaviest, expedited to shape. i'm usually smack this is a cool chemical parameter that we've measure today, indicate that the concentration of thought into contaminating the sources is 3 times higher than the default because the color is the color i'm smell indicates that it's um, safe, stable. there's no oxygen and that's me position or other organisms couldn't survive. i couldn't but yes, so stand you from feeling that was stuck in violation of every school. most of the most or just like a washing is that he's allowed to give you a case should you contact with this model, or can cause an allergic reaction or a skin rash. and sometimes it can irritate the skin. if you rub your eye is what it gets to the mucous membranes, it would not be healthy, is that the water damage is the skin soft tissue for the eyes of law and go over those over right next to the water sampling point. an older man is collecting mushrooms, doesn't it bother him that they are growing on contaminated land? now you have your mouse. well,
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there aren't any warning signs. if they were assigned that red thing just mind, no one will go to the sign your apology. yeah i am the item, my wife eats the my children to move. keith this idyllic pond can be found and we're not to of was x hometown not far from the vis dealer river, but a few inches. are deceptive water from the side of the former chemical and arguments factory has found its way to this place some. so they're all good. need to have the key terminates of ground waters flowing into this pullman to suggest that it's a rating of slots. a, i'm the vist, jeanette, is right nearby the contaminated rules to penetrate some of the stuff is in this area. how much is it? who is the scales on the of you know, right?
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so the level of this abuse or thought is that all of these there are 2 possibilities. exhibitor 1st, the decay of organic substances and the water which leads to oxygen deficiency, and the fish suffocating, or a chemical contamination leads to the death of the whole system. the ecosystem of much of $72.00 is the system of systems. the poland most crucial waterway is largely unregulated. so far, the vist gyla river has been spared sockets, toxic legacy. what for how much longer? the dog is a tributary of the fistula, and flows through a nearby did ghost. poland, 8 largest city is home to about 350000 residents. the fact that an environmental catastrophe is looming, nearby seems to be of little concern here. the
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shape gosh quarter on overseas, the environmental agency in the gosh. he's well aware of the danger, but doesn't consider it an urgent matter. he believes that contaminated water will take a few years to reach the vista on there, which goes on the as us in the college of a pomeranian province was working and ex but groups were phones. so they consider it's an important topic. now, let's just keep the good. i mean, i agree to mazda plan is needed as acronyms form assigned to hundreds. post on the polls on this was most likely, most stuff in this mazda plan, or any general plan of action or the complex investigations,
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and needed the plumb joe on my machine. and those haven't been kyra down yet. students? yes, to musical. no, no. he said his agency has no knowledge of cancer cases among residents of wing normal, which is directly adjacent to them. they'll be small. it's another zip codes, middleton i go to law, we've conducted a health risk analysis for the residents. so with no, val said lowering and there's no increased risk dash. so in the area we start is put this on this, of course, because the city does not have enough money to conduct a more complex survey of the residents. that the villain uses a buzz that'll basically to would prove or disprove this the cynthia diesel is up such as the king size zone. however, the city's health risk analysis states 90 percent of the residents studied have abnormal blood cell counts. more than half reported cancer cases in their families . traces of previous chemical production are everywhere on the former ground,
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some stuff. and this extensive area is freely accessible. funeral, a dangerous chemical and irritant, was produced in this building. as a result of its toxicity, this part of the factory was already closed out in 1989. the rinaldo valasics battle often feels futile. the cause of them shit, balls. yeah. as you can. so you know,
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now they do everything they can to make my life more difficult. i keep hearing made up stories about being a former director who'd been fired from the environmental agency. mo, forbade me from speaking out about the whole issue was a 20, took off the top of a job as a customer very well when i asked her why. and she said that something could happen . jace. your guess you put that on google more for me as i spoke the how much longer can the activist take it the, the new literally is just applause doesn't put supper on the table for my child, though, it won't get me a pension in the future. i'm unemployed, mom, and i know that soon i could become homeless full. so i believe in what i'm doing. but what do i get out of people congratulating me and putting me on the back? you know, i need real support. usually you're going to, if i don't get it, i'll give up that was
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a moment. you may not have lies ex hometown of windows or plots of land or up for sale. feeling a decline in market value. many hear one to avoid bad publicity about the neighboring factory side. the a few weeks ago, she found 2 of her kittens dead in the garden. the 1st family history is closely linked to this often chemical and arguments. plan for father worked there and she grew up very close to the factory. she felt the
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effects of that. at an early age. you're all digits, go hold on both zone on updates. so it's a kind of a, that's a child. i was often l with long infection, stobel stapo in childhood, in elementary school. i got sick a lot in your pool, so you have to do something good to me, i need to go by the age of 10. i'd had pneumonia several times on a permanent respiratory problem. nicole gets computer totally up to instantly. um, field a trailer, had ulcers and boyles to show you. would you be in a room today? i know that this was probably caused by contact with chemical simple still just it . i mean, i am now 45 years old and have the body and illnesses of a pensioners. yeah, of course i know we're not of was it relishes the rare occasions she gets to go to this cafe with her daughter today they have something to celebrate. the 14 year old
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when a gold medal polish use championships to the camp and to them i would be a bad mother if i didn't fight for a clean environment for my child a uses. however, it is not easy, right? let's do the summit that every day i see how people around me are rived or discouraged so that they stop actively fighting for a clean environment to copays new. in other words, look fighting for the health and life. a lot of other people have so much emotion to your home and show that he's got to be picking up the stuff that you just tell me. but i have nothing that can be taken away from me. you want me to go back except for my life me and the life of my daughter goes on moines, the gym usage and way would it's gonna be the
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green auto plaza has sacrificed a great deal to fight the talk since on her doorstep. but even she doesn't know if it will be worth it in the end, the,
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the, the poisons, a tennessee piece of these chemicals are in almost everything and they cannot be removed. and so if i don't think it will get to grips with the appropriate mr. because the thing is, why is you probably the spiral down to, to control, se one's page has always pieces? yes. in 15 minutes on the double you from the moment when i saw the positive for me in my body,
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you know many punish women rights to cheat for years after this happened fighting against one of the strictest abortion jewels in europe get the country is divided because out the unknown, straightforward focus in 19 minutes on d w, the is increasing at reason many of watching online services, the work that is holiday destination is a drowning process. at the cost every year, you're exposed to $1000000.00. thomas,
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is there another way officer ruled, the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind. dw, made for mines. growing up in the rest of the time is $10.11 on. we're trying to expect much living with them minimum. this is not a good environment, not for me, and not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do? carry on and some last day, a nice the nice you get their hosting from there. in baby shuttle stops august 3rd on d w the,
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this is the, the, the news line from building come a lot. harris meets with benjamin netanyahu in the white house. likely democratic, nominated for the presidency steps into the line life as the us says is roland loss . a close have been able to a 65 here. also coming up. the philippines rice has to contain a toxic oil spill in the wake of typhoid. kimmy. storm has already devastated pots of type one to 10. the .


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