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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 26, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. cumberland harris brought our tires is peace in talks with israel to prime minister. let's get the deal done so we can get a ceasefire to end the war. let's bring the hostages home for us, vice president unlikely of democratic presidential nominees steps into the limelight in hot dogs with benjamin netanyahu. also coming up there, philippines race has to contain of toxic or in speaking in the wake of stifling, gave me the strong, has already demonstrated faults of taiwan and china and the products of the page begin tonight with elaborate opening ceremony. we take
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a look at the possible styles of the to be games, including us gymnastics, great thing on the, on british pound that you're welcome us, vice president coming on. hers has helped stalks with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house, the presumptive democratic nominee for president of israel's need to agree to a truce in gaza in exchange for the release of hostages headed by militants. how do i said she had voiced a serious concern about this gain of human suffering and does that, i think is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that's a yeah. who is in washington to sort of support for israel. it's ongoing war against a mass which came as a response to the militant islam instead of the attacks of october 7. last yeah, to you as more of what the vice president have to say. it is important for the
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american people to remember. the war and gaza is not a bind mary issue. however, too often the conversation is by mary when the reality is anything but. so i ask my fellow americans to help encourage efforts to acknowledge the complexity. the nuance and the history of the region, let us all condemn terrorism and violence. let us all do what we can to prevent the suffering of innocent civilians and let us condemn anti semitism, islam of phobia and hate of any kind. and let us work to unite our country. i thank you. let's get blown off from william, blue cross deputy editor of the following magazine in brussels. indeed, the splendid abraham in jerusalem. good morning to both william coming to you fast
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. what's your take away from? how does this comments and talks with yahoo the substance, the much the same from what we seen from the bite in administration and really us and ministrations, and us politics on the israel issue for a very long time. but the style was different. there was much more focus on the plight of palestinian civilians and the devastation that we see in gaza. and the need to move forward on this crisis that it can be a state of permanent war and just managing a conflict, there needs to be an end to this conflict in one way, shape or form of the substance though is very much the same. we're hearing, you know, still iron clack commitments to israel and the defense of israel. and so really the question just is, how much does the style count, how many points do you give for the style over the substance? and that's something we're gonna have to see in the weeks and months ahead. and of course depending what actually happens with cala harris is campaign. and if she can actually pull off a win in november. yeah. how is the prime ministers visit playing out in israel as
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well as this, his address in congress was a ongoing i was walking through the streets during jerusalem, and people and coffee, some corner stores were glue to the screens watching at that speech. here's the thing here. in israel, regardless whether you believe in prime minister natania whose promise of total victory or whether you are a pro, a ceasefire. do you as soon as possible, people here are acutely aware of the importance of the united states as an ally for israel and the power and the pressure that the united states and its officials can exert on is really on the is really government to, to, to to, to move forward with the conduct of this war. so definitely a very, very closely watched a visit. we've heard from families of hostages, who want american officials, the president and the vice president,
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to use their influence to try and get this deal done as the vice president. a just said there, while there are others who want to for a bit more closer to the demands of what prime minister netanyahu, a, of the demands that prime minister netanyahu made in congress, namely to give more weapons and to, according to him, get the job done. faster at the same time, the prime minister made this visit to washington at a time where his approval ratings at an all time low up to 70 percent of his release according to some post, want to see him resign. and he was really at ease. and in his element giving that address in congress, getting that applied, that's not something that he gets here in israel. so he also use that that use that visit to try to play up, to play, to his own a audience and to his supporters or to show them that in washington,
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with america's uh, with israel's biggest ally, he's still someone who's very well connected and can speak to officials in a way that they will listen even give a standing ovation. i remember you said earlier that the substance of how does this . com is a similar to the policy uh, from the binding administration, but what combo harris to become president. would hon administration have a slightly different policy on israel will have to wait and see. of course it is even becomes president at all. the democrats right now are facing a really interesting inflection point in the history of us is rarely relations. one is that the error of american, the palestinian american community and those sympathetic to the palestinian cause in palestinian and protection is actually a forced to be reckoned to us. now after decades out of political level, them almost be silenced or sidelined and the, the is rarely lobby so strong on
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a bi partisan level. there's almost no space for kind of any other view points that starting to crank a little bit. and we don't know yet just how powerful they'll be. we've seen some inklings of that in the michigan primary where the uncommitted vote as a protest against bite and support for israel scored some enough points at least to you know, make some waves and be a point of contention that so the question is, which of these 2 powerful interest groups are going to be important in possible the decisive in the election in november for, for a couple of hours at if. so if the palestinian voice can break through the political level, they're going to have to see more attention to that side of this complex area. the white house is don't know who to get a ceasefire done. good. this visit pushed the dean over the line. it's very difficult to tell. we've been here before where we've seen the united
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states and other mediators try to push these really government and how much for that matter to, you know, inch towards another hostage for prisoner exchange deal with some kind of suspicion of hostilities. so it's difficult to tell, but certainly the negotiations were set to start in doha. this week there was an is really delegation that was supposed to fly at to doha yesterday. but according to is really media reports, the prime minister, prime minister, netanyahu asked them to do be their departure, hoping because he wanted to speak to the president and the vice president before they could travel and start the negotiations. and that's being heavily criticized here by families of hostages and their allies. who said that the negotiation should, by no means be a political, a trip for the prime minister to play during his visit in washington. and that, that delegation should have already been on its way. william you across from the
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parliament magazine in brussels and do the respondents are abraham in jerusalem. thank you both. a bad idea on thursday evening is very prime minister. netanyahu also met with president joe biden. the bartow said that by them discussed with nathan yahoo needs to finalize the deal as soon as possible to bring the is very hostages home from gaza and reach a durable ends to the wall. there. the 2 leaders also discussed improving the flow of a into gaza as well as the ongoing site posed by any impact minutes. and there was no joint press conference following the talks, as nathan now who had been invited to washington by congressional republicans not to our president by them proud of our lives. and yeah, who was meeting a, both the president and then the vice president, thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the white house to protest to visit by the is there any need to do? don't lose washington bureau chief in a sport, spoke to some of them. the
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benjamin netanyahu, his visit to washington, is adding fuel to an already 10 c page over how israel is responding to hum us october 7th attack. these riley prime minister mattresses, american counterparts. the white house, as a heated change took place just a few 100 meters, with nobody surprised except by eyes raised almost. what's the matter for again, nose visit in this tens at most for your good idea. i think it's amazing about nothing. yahoo invited our meeting to show not only israel, the americans dance with them to show the rest of america, the rest of the world. that america stands with the israel. whether it's by them, whether it's tom or whoever it is. we will find a deal for your house. you just back and end the war. i'm. it is a soldier. i don't want to go back to guys. i don't want to talk to a border lebanon. i want to live my life 24 hours earlier. benjamin netanyahu
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address congress and enjoying session. thousands of protesters from very different backgrounds, expressed their dissatisfaction with his visits. we have almost to join the people, choose to have eyes, instead of the message, the does not the present towards the human nature. no, it's not us. he is design is really just to let you know what it is to use. it gives government tends to days. i mean of course like a serenity. the fact that there are a lot of jewish people that absolutely support palestinians. you can see everyone basically wearing a red shirt here at the protest is more than likely a goose then it is a lot less lonely. to be quite honest. so i would say it's actually a little bit better being jewish, and being able to express exactly how i feel during his speech in congress. nathan, joe, who made no attempt to address his critics quite the opposite. he called the protest as it is and tools of ron and said repeatedly,
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that the protection of israel is in the u. s. best interest. this is likely the last time. that's when y'all went by didn't ever meet in the y thomas. part of the war in gauze could impact the outcome of the presidential election. it's on yahoo will remain a significant political force in the us for the months to come. and you can get all the latest updates uh on the war in the gaza, on our website. that's up to d, w dot com to a show next where type of gave me it has slammed into mainland china, which torrential rains. the storm has left a train of devastation as it swept across taiwan and the philippines, where an oil tank assigned to off manila thought these are raising to contain the fuel spill. storms, floods, and mud slides across the region have given to please 20 people. an injured many more. a philippine tank or carrying nearly one and a half 1000000 liters of fuel sank after encountering huge waves in the middle of
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day. the accident caused an oil slick stretching for several kilometers. the philippine coast guard launched an operation to contain this bill with floating barriers to stop anymore fuel lifting and prevent a major environmental disaster close to the capital. official said they rescued all, but one of the crew members in a risky night time operation oil spill experts are concerned at the possible implications of a spill in such choppy waters. now what we know about the oil is that it's a really sick or it does what they call a bunker from the bulk of fuel on and, and especially if it might not spread some of the other lights organs, but uh, but the problem with it is that it can stick to everything. its very sticky one the, you know, the, the sink or the more it sticks. and meanwhile, taiwan said, 5 frasers were stranded off the island. and one more had sunk search efforts were
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ongoing for its missing crew. typhoon came, he has left a trail of destruction and several deaths across the philippines. and taiwan. torrential rains have cost severe flooding. residents in the southern city of calcium scramble to salvage their belongings, as flood voter inundated their homes. it's the strongest tropical storm to hit taiwan in 8 years. now the ty, food is battering mainland china is eastern food john, province with strong winds in torrential rain. tell uses safety. this home is preparations for the deluge were already well underway and food. yeah. which is like the national marine forecasts are issued. it's 1st red alert of the year plots on the it's the latest storm in a summer of unrelenting weather extremes in china from orland spring and jefferson to our green b southeast asia climate contin. uh. in manila, jefferson,
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welcome. what kind of operation is currently underway? in manila bay? right now, the people started this training the it's best to save from the oil that's being uh, exposed by the banker right now the waters are still a bit choppy. conditions have improved since last night, but the reality is that there are still parts of the sea that are pretty rough. and while this is happening, why is that? it continues to expand now it's around 5 pound 5 kilometers and just the being coasts are and just really trying their best in trying to siphon off the oil with the help of the ship owner. and i talked after the tank, it was getting nearly one and a half 1000000 liters of fuel. how much environment of damage could this cause?
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right, so it's important to note that the area where the bankers aren't gets rich in marine by diversity. i'm the coastline of buy and is line with depression communities. right now we have themes on the ground that i have reported that fisher folk have already been forbidden to go out and see this has impacts and their livelihood. but we know that oil, it lasts forever. oil will affect very productive grades of fish in the area. and if this is in stop, immediately the, the fish rates in the area will be affected for years to come, which will invariably affect the economic livelihoods of a lot of our communities around them. and that would be this region experience as several tie phones or your other ways to avoid such accidents in the future. there is a big way here right now. uh the philippines is um, currently uh,
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the host of the austin damage fund board. and i think this is a perfect opportunity for the president to realize that if the, if i am, is enough for the upstairs of the government to foot the bill for it escalating fine. but the impacts on this. the reality is that this disaster with the oil director is $1.00 to $2.00 disasters that are happening on one of which is the faithful and that a lot of the country men have already experienced. the reality is that these disasters are not natural and those that need to be continued to escape accountability. and we think that this just strikes for the president to demand accountability from these big fossil fuel companies. step continue to perpetuate the brand with prizes and continued to harm the environment because of their ongoing operations here in the philippines. we'll leave it there for the moment, but thanks so much for joining us to the jefferson show from green based southeast
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asia. thanks so much. thank give the final accounts down to the potter's olympics as well and truly on with just always to go on to the opening ceremony. but i don't live till the excitement, both locals into it. i say they are frustrated by the strict security measures in the french capital. when we say the security is necessary for public safety, is just ahead of the olympic games opening ceremony in paris. there's a norm is anticipation and excitement in the french capital. many are looking forward to an atmosphere of celebration way probably a few years. parents is more festive and hectic with lots of torres. but there's also some frustration as locals and tories to like have to deal with the inconvenience of method security measures. yeah, it's very key authorities,
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the, the strict security measures are an absolute necessity to protect both spectators and athletes and many locals. agree, there is some so much and there isn't a chair and friends. friends is a, it's a country a. although there is, along with tens of thousands of soldiers and police patrolling the streets. the french air force is also playing a major part by securing the skies during the games. fighter jets surveillance, drones helicopters that can carry sharpshooters and equipment to disable drones will all be deployed. we have to protect against some commercial truck that could be used like the woodlands, but also to reach to have tried to reach your so it could be use liked with events and come tell you if these receive up to date, but the free media on. so you
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a visa in france, and we know of a to it can be a real, a real or frightful searching events. for fridays opening ceremony, a no fly zone, extending some 150 kilometers will be in place around the french capital and cameras. twins with artificial intelligence software will flag potential security risk, such as abandon packages securing these olympic games is a massive undertaking and comes at an enormous cost. but france has spent the last several years preparing for this moment. any visitors say they appreciate all the efforts to keep them safe. so coming here to paris in seeing the gendarmes, the national police, the presence, it's impressive. it's impressive. so it's something you always have to be concerned about. but knowing, you know, knowing how prepared they are and stuff. no, i feel i feel safe for parents walking around,
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enjoying the city. i do my home kind of chicago. the hope is that all the security efforts will pay off end result and see some successful summer games for everyone. and those sound, the games officially kick off today in powder as well called his bundle visa. louie is standing by liza news just coming in the 3 high speed train routes in france. why vandalized overnight? what more can you tell us about that? what, what for now? we don't know if it's these incidents of these attacks are really linked to the olympic games. the thirty's and the train afraid to since you have, are looking into the incidence. since you have has deployed teams to these areas to repair the train lines, but they've also told a travelers to maybe refrain from taking the train. meanwhile, the all star twos are sending extra police forces to change stations and saying we're trying to keep this secure. but in the disruptions caused by these attacks
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that also include arson attacks, it could take a few days to repair and pro, possibly this weekend. actually. these are also hundreds of thousands of people are expected to be a be opening aside of many and later this evening in paris. then you give us an overview about the security measures in place there. well, there will be, it's $45000.00 police force deployed to doing this about 3 hour long a facility. you know, this is the ceremony. the authorities have been saying that they've been checking the area as we have seen the report just now at the center of paris has been cordoned off a week ago. so there as evidence where even residents of powers can't go any more. the storage has, has been saying very no, we've checked adjacent of houses. we have checked the water. we a survey in the whole area. we've blocked off of the space to make sure that
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nothing will happen. and interior mean instead you hide on. i said just yesterday that there was no specific right hanging over the olympic games. so authorities are telling people this will be secure, at least we doing what we can to keep it secure. these are usually uh, olympics opening ceremonies have taken place in the stadiums, but not this one. what can we expect to see tonight as it is supposed to be a formidable feast, really, you know, thousands of athletes traveling down the sun on. what about 100 boats? then there will be thousands of dancers and cory older 1st around the sun. and this is supposed to tell the history the architectural history of powers. the cultural history of paris is supposed to be the beginning of a happy space, a bubble in which, you know, visitors from outside buttons. also, the friends can dive into for the coming 2 weeks at this is the 1st time this
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opening ceremony is taking place outside on the river and north, inside the stadium. it has been a huge challenge for the organizes. they will busy been looking at the weather, full cost and as you can see here, it's raining today. they said, you know, no matter what's gonna happen, are you still going to have a good time? this will be extraordinary and breathtaking tonight. even if we look at but like what poodles. hopefully it's going to be sent safe now. nonetheless, he definitely needs the lowest price. thanks so much. the sporting action in fighters is set to while the world as well with the lights of basketball to post all the bron james among the competitors. it would also be a special games for a true gymnastics. grace simone biles comes to paris looking to add to the sol, really, and pick goals. practice is not always going to plan, but the american gymnast feels better than at the tokyo games. 3 years ago. the she missed out on gold,
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citing mental health issues. she gained widespread praise was speaking out about problems, but this time what supposed to be the focus? yeah, i think everything that i've been through, i want to push the limits. i want to see how far i can go. i want to see what i'm still capable of, so that once i step away from the sports, i can truly be happy with my career and say i gave it my all. and that's how i feel like currently in this position. swimming is center stage with open water events set to take place in the same the river. despite pollution concerns, the pool is where it sat in the 1st week of the games. britton's adam peachey is a free time gold medalist and he's targeting more glory and the 100 meet his breast stroke. the build up has been dominated by 11 chinese women's being given the all clear to competes at the positive doping tests from 2021 will put down to contamination. for me, i want to 55, and it was no 5 and 6 enjoyment out from a so it's uh, i just do what i do as a walk,
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a control get my best preparation. and at this point in time, it just be a distraction thing. anything else? uh, cuz nothing really i can do. i know the brittany meanwhile will say good bye with twice olympic champion. i'm the memory retiring from tennis after the games. well, i found that though is also close to the end of his career athletics, dominic's the 2nd week of the 4 nights. can you spell it? keeps yoga is looking for a food medicine. gold in probably his last games and jamaican spent a silly. i'm afraid the price was to add to the 3 golds as a 5th and final olympics. the basketball finals are among the last events in paris . if superstar le bron james looking to lead the us men to glory, that roster is being compared to the iconic 1992 dream team which included michael jordan, mid the glitz breakdancing make states and then pick debut in paris as organized as try to attract young audiences,
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parents will see for the reading is again after the co, with 19 pandemic. big crowds in tokyo. but it's not all back to normal. russian and by the russian athletes can only compete as neutrals due to the war renew grain. 2 weeks of sporting drama. await this and you can kind of catch old lympics and news on the go with the dw and use apps that you can download from google play all from the app store. let me give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well. as sports notifications for any breaking news, you're all defined sports, business, and entertainment, to use plus analysis and background from our progress pundents around the globe. a must have a quick reminder on the top story of your funding for you and this uh, us, vice president, coming to her as, as matched with these rails benjamin netanyahu. thoughts of the white house. how does told reporters sheet of sniffing yahoo to reach a ceasefire with some boss in the fighting in gun?
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that's all of this, all of it back again in 30 minutes, going through that. but the a ticking time bomb on the distiller a deacon mission to chemical plants threatens deploys in poland, the largest river toxic waste is contaminating the soil and seating into the ground water. one resident tries to warn officials, but their response has been hostility, polluted and poisoned next on
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d w. but we'll tell you, we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use that of course the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d. w, the west page. i mean, obviously, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs, thanks. trace amount, but there's no actually about move. joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the
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wells. and i need to talk to you that just says subscriber id, listen to paul, gosh, and will take you along to the right. the renate of the logic is waging a battle against authorities who do nothing in the face of an imminent environmental catastrophe. here at the side of a former chemical and arguments factory toxic waters threatens to flow into poland, vist julie river and destroyed the ecosystem for the activist. it's a grueling fight what the cost is supposed to come in. i pay a very high price for what i do go, so it means a lot of hassle and not just for my private life, but overall because she would crush stuckey. but maybe there needs.


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