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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  July 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST

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us and raphael and whatnot, and as renewal bangladesh is a, one of the biggest exporters of ready made comments to europe. so yes, i mean, we know the labor situation in bangladesh is also a terrible. and some of the for testers are actually are in the workers. so yes, i mean, sanctions right now would be a good idea and a very good teacher is that good have help bond with this government to change its behavior. but i really don't see that coming uh, united nations. that's another question. oh, i mean we have so to start shopping that already, but fall off of us. we are just joining us. so we are talking about the situation in a bundle dish, and that's why we have this program austin new which will, which allows you to ask us your questions and send us your comments. all you need to do is go to our youtube page. the, the news and there you will find this live stream binding the chat function on the
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side. please feel free to send us your comments, to be honest, that are a number of comments. it's, it's, i'm finding pretty hard to keep up with them. but then the general sentiment in the, in the, in the chat appears to be, but people are demanding and either an independent investigation from the united divisions or demanding that the prime minister should. because you know, a step down and lots of cries of save bung or there's, that's what's happening, country in the chat. but let's just go back to the beginning and why and look at, why is this? uh, these are these protests and the situation in bung with these. natalie went out of time be an issue when following these protests. and you've also been speaking to a number of protest as what is often overlooked. is that many women and goals students were also taking part in these protests and i think you might have to speak to one of them about that was setting hard experiences. yeah. even these products. yes, i'm pretty sure a workforce in trusting during these protests was that the female students and
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female students, but also protesting. and what is interesting is that they would also protesting against puerto government job or does that are that work for them. and so be, know what that these products started, basically, because the students work and testing but are going drop government, job cortez. and we saw that among may have students that are not a female students would also a angry and demonstrating and protesting against these government job protests, which also had a 10 percent off for women. and these women for testers and also, and this, the international saves that the women for testers, but also brutally direct, brutally targeted. and we spoke with one of the female desktop who got into a by a true government student board, the bundle of district that lead. and we can talk about that later. but let's 1st have a listen to what she had to see. if i share my name or my institution name,
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anyone can come to my house with me. i dentist was to be the amy wasn't doing anything because the half the fall way and we students have snowfall for us last spring. these food, just like there seems to like a nightmare. i was ethic to keep cool deals by the. the ceo bomb is chalk from beach and a police force of the government to make me shake them and insured in front of my eyes. a mother and her child were due to the short and cute a scene that the home to be for if it, i mean that destiny is just i don't, i just talked and listen to. i think it's must be even harder for somebody who has actually seen that to get over it. but this disagreement protest uh, did talk about the bundle. there's tough through me. and i know that you have been
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researching the buying to this child. so need because, well, what exactly is it and how is it involved in these protests itself? pro guffman student body. and some of the students have told me that there are i do grown men who have part of the student body for they never, they never graduate or did keep themselves for the district as students. and it's not only the police or the armed forces of bundle dish that would involved in the track down there. there are reports by industry international. i've written a 5th half door them that there were directed a thoughts by a bung district, the lead students and the distance terminate between male students and female students. they thought that every one of the, even, even in many news agencies have reported of women for testers. have doors that they'll be attacked them dis, sexually had asked them to attack them, especially targeting their head. so they didn't have a lot of rooms,
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headphones among families, protest, and best students. now the student body of this one for testers are demanding that this true one got this chip it out, make sure the bank from still been funded the same. can you bring us a, a bit more background on the bottom to these transfer need? how did it get involved in the process? there's not the 1st time they've been involved in the process of the, you know, i mean, they have is a long history of categorizing and killing and also being well being protected crimes including stealing goals and for some reason uh from, from different parts of the country so it's a, it's a criminal organization in so many ways. the closer, as example from history i can remember was the sheet learning you in nazi germany. but, but charlie probably is more brutal than that. and they have being docking and terrorizing
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. uh, you know, rid with the students at all university and college campuses for years right now. and that is why there is a growing do model and the from the general students that child truly needs to be banned and labeled it terrorist organization. and i mean, initially in the 1st few diesels or protests, we actually saw general students for seeing chop to lead. is aldo, this is a dormitory student only duties where they used to like to leave, like kings and queens. so and, and no, no, we don't know what was going to be the future for this organization. the same i, i do need to ask you, you just said that the top tony is more brutal than the he play you. is that an extreme classification? as i wish it was,
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and it seems love civic ation. i say that is the closest i can come up with because top to lead, i'm trying to making your, make your view as in germany. understand what we're talking about. but i'd say charlie is more brutal there to the this from to pose of, of dominique party and trip his email. okay. okay. when we leave that, that as, as an opinion. but i'm not entirely sure that that might be factually correct. but let's, let's, let's bog back to the site and take a question from the, the, the community here to the question from another article saying, who is now asking, even though i see now, is only talking about damaged property, not a single word about my dad or arrested a students, munitions that faction to correct he's upset anything about uh so. so basically what the faith that government is maybe trying to do damage control. they're trying to big negative the took reporters and journalist to the burned down building of
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the, of the state broadcaster of bangladesh. so they're showing through the words that the protests were very violent, were very poor. and that the tough part, the, as you have mentioned, which basically the faith, the opposition and the be instigated, the pro definitely does. and it is basically they are, they are to be blamed. and the creator such a big loss for the, for the government of a bundle of dish, a so much of loss of property so much of damage of infrastructure. this is the narrative that they are trying to build and what the students are saying. but don't forget us that the most of the people who are skipping kids are, are the students. so instead of the government and uh, trying to talk about the crackdown and the killings they're trying to build and edit different on the damage that has been done in bundle of dish. very, very, my statements have a come out of the,
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of the government of funds that these sympathetic towards the feelings of, of these protest uh the, the, that the, the community uh on chat is also a commenting uh regularly if the think of the comments are moving too fast for me to name check any one particular individual, but then people are talking about shape because he not resigning there's. there's talk about the u. n. a getting involved somebody calling share because he not dictates as you know, i apologize. i cannot name check everybody because the comments are flying through the chat rather quickly at dustin and if i can just come to you based on the, the, the plight of the student at the moment it appears it is only the students who are speaking for themselves there is nobody else to speak for them. would that be a fair assessment? yeah, they are, i mean absolute is smart and i mean more than just the kids and they do own their own issues and they to speak for themselves and they don't need any
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extra and of representatives to either speak for them or tell them what to do and that is exactly why the government is not able to really crush them. so let's, let's bring in a question from a user on the chart about this very thing. a catalina of atlanta asking, is it possible to have a public folder on between the government and students to dissolve these unrest and violent spanish? has there been any, any movements towards both sides talking? so initially, when the protests begin, the student said that we were courting peaceful protests against government, job cortez, that was being mean to me on i'm at one point that was that or even from the government side, they were saying at least a publicly they were saying that, you know, we would have our dialogue been negotiated with the students, students,
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but also staying the same. but it is what the track down has done and what these poses and thousands of injured students and, and more than a 150 people killed. but that has done that has now the anger, the students so much that they said they will not negotiate. they've been knocked off with a government unless, and therefore the very heart and strict just like demands unless they're not for the freed this the, that the, the time for negotiation and talk has gone. they need justice for what has happened in the country. the same all we at the deadlock that goes a if i, if i remember correctly, the students are foot forward and this the 9 demands for the, for the government to meet. and given that they're not talking to each other, where i'll be with those demands, is that the state of deadlock then, or it is a state of the locals, you cannot have the you cannot have a dialogue with a body that is kidding. and that is exactly what this was done. so see that we
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would have had that died over the government of, i mean, as long as the peacefully negotiated with us instead the on these the top to leave on university campuses. and later on use the police and the bodyguards and also we have seen before. so protested he disliked and that he be slum and associates being abducted and taken to some facility and thought children also injected some, some kind of chemicals if you cannot. and when one of the government is using the students and it's to protest, lead is like these. i think of, i mean dialogue he's out of question. and right now, yes, it is a to dialogue them and of a deadlock, the students. so very key already moms should have seen on these. do apologize, take responsibility for the killings. some of the ministers need to be either
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fired or they need to step down. police officers with c'mon, responsibility over the killings, need to be fired. i'm disability logic fill the models, which anyone would disagree with. and the government i don't think is going to accept any of the stuff. and just a regular uh, what they're talking about here is how the government has handled these process and the board to be nice job and has been monitoring the government's actions and how these protests have been paying out over the past few days. it'd be nice. you're also being able to, if i'm not wrong access a video that shows up how security forces were dealing with a pro, test a during those process. can you tell us a bit more about what this we do or is and what you're potentially going to see? yeah, but it's the 1st one of the, of a very good cic videos. and it was really difficult to watch because it only show up part of this video, which was also verified by and this the international and frequently that we deal in that video we see on, on, on shift student shift osh reported, i mean, he was
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a student at the ministry institute of science and put the quantity in an area and the newness of our near tucker. and so what we see that he's unconscious, his interest and his left of their uh, the security forces do not make an effort to take him to the hospital and the dish and the standard nice and safe. that according to the international law, the law enforcement agencies were supposed to provide him health and medical assistance and he was left alone knitter. he was still alive later that the, um, he, he, he, you, but he died. what you're basically saying is that if the security personnel who are there on that road next to him lying on the road, if they had provided the timely medical aid, if they had intervened, he would still be alive today. of course, because of the, i mean this is,
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this is something that the that will continue to haunt the family off of the student. what if he had been given medical assistance and time? he may have sort of like a 4th of 2 or 3 never know, but he was a life at that point and medical assistance was not provided to him. let's, let's take a question uh, particularly on these, these graphic uh videos that like we just saw. well, not all of it was graphic, but this is a question from miss me central, who was saying that i know many videos of the fatality in chat and social media, our local media is not showing them when really international media like dw show, these images. i think this is one for you finish because the video that people are seeing it is far more graphic than what we have just on. could you explain to us uh, once we decide what is the methodology we use to determine whether we show certain videos which we do is we show which we do is we don't show. so it was
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a difficult decision for us because there are some videos that are, that are very, very difficult that are sensitive, that can hurt a lot of people fix your them the way they are. and therefore, supposed to be the last video that be the short, we had to got to park for faith because it was so difficult to watch an unconscious student and people around him like security people that aren't him not offering any help or any sympathy or any empathy to a human being and therefore, but i don't hang that dw, we are doing a like at least we are trying to show up with the people what has happened in this country. and we're also trying to speak to the government and also trying to put their point of view that this needs to be investigated. and i think i've, i've been trying to be responsible and how be they bought the incident that happened in bangladesh. and you talk a bit more about how you went about verifying these videos. i know that you've been
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having conversations and for testers as well. can you talk to a bit about that process? how have you been and going about looking at these videos and verify? so it's, it's, it's quite the process and therefore we relied on independent rights group and just the international. and they have used different are minorities, for example, they used to your location, they use satellite imagery, they use and assigned boards, the location worth it, and different ways to assess the authentic authenticity. the date of the bridge was in, for example, one of the b deals to be said they had the one, assess the distance between police officer and the student up with faith. so in this thing, the national evidence lab has for now attend to get it under last 4 videos and some of which we did show to our audiences. but you've also been speaking to those to have been tried. i mean, you've been in constant touch with them and you've been uh,
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they've been assisting you as well. yeah. so i, i, i have to see so many messages from bung that issue students, and many of them videos from outside of bung, let this because of internet shut down. it's so difficult for people to connect. but when we started a company this, these protests, i received a lot of messages and i, on my point i to see videos. of course i don't ratify them so, but i, we have not chosen those we do is, but some of them are also very, very poor. so there's one big deal, for example in which that's there are people in a building in a house and they are shooting. they are just making a video from the camera that just shows that the police is marching on the street and wound up. and i'm not even sure if it's the police or the armed forces or been dispute, see them filming the direct points blank, sharp at them, and then the student goes behind. legacy of course, be phenomenal. i don't icon verify. that's why we have not showing these videos
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about videos 15000000 bundled issues live outside of fund like these, and 4 or 5 fees at keys for 5 days. they were completely cut off from their country, from their relatives, from their loved funds. because the for internet shut down, even though now and the internet connectivity is, is back telecommunication services back. it's very, very limited. even today it's very difficult to call somebody and bundle dish and just to have a to speak with them that it seems like even now, despite or few being lifted or despite the internet service being back. if there is a lot of restrictions, let's just look at the internet shut down. and there is a question that has come from the community based on that, let's just, let's take that the on, on our screen. so that is from a sonia 2 point. oh, who is asking, why did the government shut down the mobile internet in
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a bind brothers this name? would you like to take that on? a lot of shutting down the internet. the country wide to rejoin wide is not a new thing. we have seen that in southeast asia before. uh gosh, me in indiana conflict, specially as an example where whenever the government decides to correct on the population, they shut down the internet and disconnect the whole region from the rest of the world. what has happened in bundle of issues? pretty much the same thing. there are 2 things that might be behind this. one is the law enforcement agencies want to stop to protest is from quoting, eating amongst each other specifically to know by internet. that is one another is they don't really want the was to know what is happening because if you
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have open internet and if you are connected to the rest of the was the video that we so uh, watched at the beginning of the sure of the protest to being cute, i'm doing this kind of material. actually just spreads like wildfire uh, inside and outside the country. so they wanted to uh, most likely due to a pre um, that kind of situation. but it also had another um, a side effects to that isn't diminished because as there was a lot of people who live outside the country could not get in touch with their loved ones for a long time. yes, and i think it's for me, it's a very heartbreaking story because yes, the theme is absolutely right. that the government of india did have the internet's shut down in, in english. me also do it in collections. i wasn't focused on when i was covering election mobile and then it was completely cut off for one day. but the entire country of 170000000 people with no internet connectivity nor telecommunication
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service for 5 is the, is, is, is, is just unbelievable. and so many people, so many messages that the guard for the people were. so what i thought was happening with their family members, many people were not able to send him at that limited says to their families during these 5 days, a, with a, with the la complete country basically cut off from bank died. what with this being the situation within bangladesh, many people in the, in the chat from our community are asking by the outside of pressure. we should be brought to bad. let's just take a few questions on that front, on your screen. now, this is from look at the husband who's asking how can international leaders and organizations apply pressure on problem is really because, you know, don't want to stop the violence against protest as an uphold democratic principles . and let's take another question of the back of that as well. this is from in the
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show, vaughn was asking, why did western countries always follow double standards? how many lives do we have to sacrifice to get the walls, attention. this name obviously double standards from the west. yeah. or of course we are seeing the center from the list here and uh responding to the 1st question. i mean you for example the roof youre needing and i'm i am a real good citizen. i am a senior citizen and i am ashamed of the we. the union has responded to this crisis. you have the wisdom governors wanted to solve this crisis and standard that people found with dish. they could have done it yesterday and they have just chosen not to do anything apart from me the the, the to lease ring boiler plate statements. uh so yeah, we do see the whole sentence and i think the news was uh,
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talking about the discomfort isn't between drawn in volume. and therefore we cecile muscle. and we need, for example, who was giving the run for test, and that's no belonging to this. will the prices for the regime dear? i'm sorry, the is the bottom of the bush and of the my so many are in iraq. i see how the european union of development has responded to the ronnie and crisis trying to express. so the jury to the protest is imposing sanctions and lots of other forces measures and diplomatic messages. so on the other hand, in an environment there, some of the european investigators are extremely actively participating in propaganda mediators. so yes, double send it both of those double subjects. vinnish is that the sentiment that students also have. uh, you've been talking to lots of them. yes. um, i think it's a genuine sentiment, i would say in many parts of the word, all like this is our sentiment that i think now many people in the south are,
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are, are experiencing that. they are angry and not i been the western details and the restaurant fall was half the bible. i don't express solidarity with people who actually come from a very different part of stores. maybe that situation changes and just sort of a big people up to speed the there's lots of comments coming on the chat and we're very painful that they're sending us those comments. i unfortunately, as i was saying, i cannot name jake everybody, but the sentiment appears to be that people would like fix the not to step down. and they would also like an international uh, independent international inquiry into what happened in the bung with dish. but that's about all we have time for today. i'd like to thank you. be nice and uh, this name uh, colleen with us name just before we go, what do you think we are going to see in bonham?
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others in the next few days or the next few weeks, would you like to gaze into a crystal ball? as i know, crystal ball gazing, hear what i know from by talking to some of the protest as they're trying to reorganize, they're trying to launch the movement already. they have observed some religious programs today and we're waiting for them to declare to the next set of programs, programs in the next few lawless security. so we'll see how, how they, uh, engage with the government from here and how the government actually keeps his responses . right up and leave it there for the moment. first name, colleen. thank you so much for joining us from my know in students reading, just including editor in chief of financial news which has conducted many investigation to bundle dish and shooting and joint investigation with dw news. thanks so much for joining us and be nice job here. thanks so much for being in the
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studio and for bringing us that wealth of information and research, and verify the research that the highlights of the, the, the historic events that are really taking place. and in, in, in bundle. there's, thanks so much for that. and to our community. thank you so much for joining us today on the live stream, b a c, all your comments. i apologize. i cannot read all of them. they're moving too fast, but thank you so much for sharing your views and comments and questions with us. that's it. on this episode of ask dw, when see you next time take care. i the the a ticking time bomb on the distiller, a deacon mission to chemical plants threatens to poison poland. largest river toxic
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waste is contaminating the soil, and seating into the ground water. one resident tries to warn officials, but their response has been hostility, polluted and poisoned in 30 minutes on the w trench warfare. but you don't who are the soldiers that went off and sees the 2nd to fight this battle? with dreams and fears? program focuses 90 years in 75 minutes on d w. the
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drawing on innovation and the zip code of genuine living on we're trying to expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment, not for me, not to my children without civil rights. and with no prospect. but what can we do in david shadow, scott's oldest good. on the w, the, the, the,
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this has been going in years life from berlin, common law harris gets a very important phone call. we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder doors here, do everything we can to get you through the selection of the candidates available of rock and michelle obama endorse the no more than likely democratic nominees for the us presidential also coming up suspect of sabotage on francis hi, same train, just hours before the inauguration of the olympic game. malicious acts and quote, a massive attack on a large scale or causing delays and disruptions on the french rail network. and just as the mega.


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