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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is data we in years life from berlin, cala harris gets a very important phone call. we called to say, michelle, and i couldn't be prouder doors here. do everything we can to get you through the selection of attendance available off rock and michelle obama endorse the no more than likely democratic nominees for the us presidential also coming up suspect to sabotage on francis. the high speed trains just hours before the inauguration of the olympic gates malicious acts and quote, a massive attack on a large scale or causing delays and disruptions on the french rail network. and
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just as the mega event is, boys to get underway or bring you the latest development and an india surgeon religious violence. cast a shadow over prime minister in the render motives new term and office. the 1st state of attack is putting in the muslims on edge. the kind of, le harris has moved a one big step closer to securing the democratic party nomination to run against donald trump for the us presidency without. i welcome youtube. a show. my name is nicole, for at least the vice president who is aiming to become the 1st thing on president and the 1st woman of color to lead her country has gained perhaps her most important endorsement so far from the man who became america's 1st black president . and his wife, hello. hello. hey,
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hey there. oh, your boss together. oh, it's good to hear you, but i, i can't have this phone call without saying to my girl, carla, i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse here and to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and then so they all go off. oh, my goodness, michelle practice mean so much to me. i'm looking forward to doing this with 2 of you, doug and i both and getting out there being on the road. but most of i just want to tell you that the words you have spoken to and the friendship that you have given over all these years, the more than the rest. so thank you both means so much. and we're gonna have some fun with this to on. it's bringing, here's an illusion. william, good across a long time, delay and colleague, and now deputy editor of the parliament magazine and brussels millions. great to
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see you again at the 1st of all your reaction to how this endorsement was conveyed . oh, well let me give you an unscientific poll. i watched this video with my girlfriend, actually we were just outside a little bit ago uh, watches on our phone and she had to cross the street. she couldn't bear to watch this video just to cringe worthy because it's so clearly staged in an effort to make it look not staged. and so we were maybe expecting this kind of endorsement to be coming. it doesn't really surprise me given the kind of media savvy that the obama's liked to think they have, that this was the kind of presentation. but yeah, i was quite surprised that a camera just happened to be there ready to document this moment. this is clearly as we, as so goes in the optics of politics, a well orchestrated in plan moment from the harris people on the obama. people right now on a more serious note, how important is this endorsement for come on here as well internally for the
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democrats. very important because they need to be showing this unity and the solidarity and coalescing around pamela harris as they move quickly into the the, you know, the final stretch of the campaign before the election, which by american standards, they don't have a lot of time to do and brock obama was kind of, you know, you know, waiting and seeing how things would go and brock obama inside the democratic party, of course, a huge figure, former president and all of the sort of the, the hip profile, right. as you said, 1st black president, incredibly engaging a grape or 8 or etc. so someone who was an energizing figure inside the party. i would imagine that everyone else in the party was waiting to get that obama thumbs up me waiting instead of there, he was pretty much the last high profile. democrats back harris. why the weight? why took it so long as well? this is sitting with obama's m. o. right?
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he is a careful politician. he does not like to misspeak. he doesn't like to jump the gun . this is probably why he and i am going to miracle got along so well when he was president because neither of them would ever be out on front, on really anything that kind of wait to see which way the political wins were shifting and then jump on board with the popular decision to be able to, you know, share in the victory of a good policy or a popular a popular position. and it seems that's what obama was doing as well to his credit . he probably also wanted to wait and see where democrats were going to not put kids 6 significant political weight behind come on harris right at the beginning, he himself said he wanted some kind of open and transparent process. i don't know if we really got there in the way that a lot of people might like. it was still quite clear for days now that com la harris was quickly becoming the nominee without so much of an open process. but he did at least want to give the appearance that there was some time to think about
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the the nominate before he jumped on board. so sitting very much in line with the obama, ask a nature that we, we, we remember him from his 8 years as president as well. i'm going craft of the pilot magazine and brussels. great speaking to you. thank you so much for your time. a staying with a he was vice president, come on, harris held a meeting at the white house on thursday evening with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu during the talk. she expressed her serious concern over the scale of human suffering in the gaza strip. that no earlier also met president joe biden. he discussed with nothing you know, the need to finalize the deal as soon as possible to bring these really hostages home from gauze and reef endurable. and to the war. there are 2 leaders also discussed improving the flow of 8 into gauntlet as well as the ongoing threat posed by a rainy and backed militant groups. the one at yahoo was meeting both the president and then the vice president. thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the white
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house to protest the visit by b is rarely liter. there's always washing and bare, and g fitness pool spoke to some of the as the benjamin netanyahu. his visit to washington is adding fuel to an already tense debate over how israel is responding to hum us october 7th attack. these riley prime minister mattresses, american counterpart and the white house as a heated change took place just a few 100 meters with nobody labrems except by raising. um, uh what's the better for good business on? yeah, i was visiting this tens atmosphere a good idea. i think it's amazing about netanyahu invite in our meeting to show not only israel, that america stands with them to show the rest of america, the rest of the world. that america stands with the israel, whether it's bite, and whether it's tom or whoever it is. we will find a deal. bring a house,
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you just back and end the war. i'm going to say your soldier. i don't want to go back there because i don't want to talk to the board or the i want to live my life 24 hours earlier. benjamin netanyahu address congress and the joining session to thousands of protesters from very different backgrounds, expressed their dissatisfaction with this visit. we have lost the people, the juicer i buys the message, the does not the present towards the human rights and you know, it's not us here designers. it's just to let you know what is the story is it gives government dental vision and of course the customer to the fact that there are a lot of jewish people that absolutely support palestinians. you can see everyone basically wearing a red shirt here at the protest is more than likely up to a sense it is a lot less low. like it'd be quite honest. so i would say it's actually a little bit better being jewish, and being able to express exactly how i feel during his speech in congress natania
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who made no attempt to address his critics quite the opposite. he called the protests of idiots and tools of ron and said repeatedly, it's that the protection of israel is in the u. s. best interest. this is likely the last time. that's when y'all went by didn't ever meet in the white house. part of the war in gauze could impact the outcome of the presidential election. it's on yahoo will remain a significant political force into us for the months to come. as think deeper with the w, correspond antonio kramer who joins us from jerusalem. tanya, how is not in yahoo, his trip? you know, the meetings he's having, but also the controversy surrounding his visits, being viewed in israel as well. i think there were certainly some interest now in the bi lateral meetings, given the tensions that there were between the white house between presidential barton and benjamin netanyahu over is, was conduct a, in a gauze and
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a war and garza over the past month. but also of course, how come of the harrison position herself and it was taken notice, especially in the media that her tone was somewhat a bit different. but still, many here also feeling it's a bit too early to say uh, you know how she will actually position herself. she also reassigned the us, that's a strong support of it for us, right? a to defend itself. but again, you know, the move in, if i was totally different already before and that, and you know who left for voicing. and there were a lot of people here questioning this trip a saying he should have stayed. and this way, he shouldn't have gone to washington at all and should work on getting a sci fi deal and the release of the hostages. are that remaining gaus, he should get this done and not be in washington water. of course, the supporters would see his a trip, the as quite a successful trip to a drum up again, a support for as well,
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but the mood he and as well as also this week, particularly other work in a 5 is really is that where are killed on october 7th, their bodies were taken a to gaza as they were never found in garza and taken back to israel. and this is a bit you know what people have feeling. this is more the grim reality. the war in garza is also continuing on the time of for the hostages that remain here is, is clearly a running out. that's what most people hear say, and he needs to get this deal done. and the white house told that, you know, no uncertain terms to get this deal done, was tanya kramer interested in. thank you so much. i. let's have a quick look now at some other stories making news around the world today is really military has released footage of done operation. tanya was just talking about that . recovered the bodies of 5 hostages and gaza, says 3 of the victims were civilians who died while being held by her loss. the
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other 2 were soldiers killed in the october 7th to her attacks. their bodies were then taken into gaza. he was, authorities have arrested it and 2 of the world's most powerful drug lords is miles and miles. somebody here on. 3 left on from the picture you're seeing was arrested with hockey and guzman, the son of el chapo in el paso, texas. the justice department is that the 2 men a, lead mexico send a low cartel, one of the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world. and they've been, as well, i'm presidential candidates of hell to their final rallies ahead of sundays elections. president, nicholas monroe is seeking a 3rd term, but it faces a serious challenge from at and no one side of the deal falls apart, the former a master ahead of him enduro the president has vowed a quote, blood bell, if he loses a series of ours and attacks and parents have targeted francis high speed rail network, causing major travel disruption just hours before the olympic opening ceremony.
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authorities, a rail lines including those passing through mon point us in paris, having severely affected international re lines to also suffered cancellations. and the laser students surfaces between france and germany, almost 800000 people are said to be effective. repairs are under way, but officials stay restrictions quotes last throughout the weekend. the olympic games are set to make history with the open ceremony taking place outdoors instead of inside a stadium. and for more on this developing story, i'm joined now by our correspondence elisa lewis and parents and rosie birchers in brussels. lisa, let's start with you. what more do we know about this incident so far as well? we understand that the authorities are looking into what happened last night. the section that is in charge of organized crime at the powers prosecutor's office, has now been charged with the case. and they have opened, inquire,
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as for inquiries, for damage to property in an organized group, in really it tend to jeopardize the intent the, the interest of the nation. these charges can be punished with, you know, up to 20 years in prison, and fines of up to 300000 years. the interior minister going to that time, i just spoke with the french media saying that this was an organized attack and highly professional because they knew where to hit to block at large parts of the train system hand front me and not only in france, rosie this incident has also disrupted international travel. you're on the train station, brussels, where the eurostar and other international trains to friends are departing housing situation there yeah, well passengers hoping to speed their way toward powers from here in brussels today are being left disappointed because what networks the record are calling coordinated acts of vandalism in front are impacting international passenger. it's
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not the good news for those travelers. is it? most trains are departing, but they are operating with a delay. so delays of up to 2 hours when it comes to departure. and then the journey time itself is the extent just because those high speed will risk having to be diverted to more classic lanes. now this is not only can find to passengers the party from here in belgium. there's also being disruptions on routes from germany and also from the united kingdom. no, of course it's important to say this is a busy route here from process to paris and on any day it's a route for computers for business people. but not of course, passengers hoping to get a spot to watch that t opening ceremony at the olympics and waste the fact that trays are still running at least to some extent menu will still be hoping to get there for those historic moments. it's also, i should say, the departure point for athletes. this train station is decorated with signs a goal belgium. there were many hopes for, for, for belgians, at least that this would be the departure point, not only to france, but for
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a medal so far, pretty slow starts at least have security of a huge concern going into this mega event. tonight is the opening ceremony. what measures are in place to keep the game space a lot of security measures in place? we just heard also that the authorities extend the security permit drugs around the sun because there was a reaction to these are some on sabotaged ox, left of of last nights. and we know that about $445000.00 security personal will be deployed tonight during the opening ceremony. everybody here is on edge. obviously they're looking in the water in the sand. they looking online, they've been checking all the buildings that are right next to the sand though. so checking the air because this is supposed to be a breast taking ceremony that's supposed to take place tonight. you know, with our kids are to sweep singers with light shows, people who came through the wood. we've been working on volta and showcasing really
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the rich history of paris in it's, you know, the cultural and architectural history here of this, of the french capital. lisa lou is in paris and rosie birchers in brussels. many thanks to you, but or the party of indian prime minister in the run reloading may have lost its majority and reason national elections. but it's a hindu nationalist agenda continues to result in religious extremism and targeting of minorities. according to the indian association for protection of civil rights, there's even been a surge in religious violence since the start of bodies. new term. the non governmental organization has recorded 8th lynchings in june alone. and by comparison, there were 21 lynchings and the whole of 2023. the fresh spade of attacks. so forward especially indian muslims on edge in states like which are per dash. it will be use deal bought reports from the trappers,
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but the loss of the last one, you know, on some key, what do you see brother fleet was leached by him to mall model. i suppose the tony come with the to the most and festival is that they took a piece spends to check if you was a muslim dish should be noted, but it was cracked and be moved. and it doesn't matter which states an item frauds few meters away from his home. do you not have? my brother never spoke to me without this mine. i still feel he will come back. i know you have not that peace. we wouldn't justice for him. i please to the world to stand with us in giving him justice. my brother's death should not be in vain. incident has of right to the whole community. the days we hear about violence almost every day. if you're a seeped into our head, when i go to market,
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i fear for myself that what if they killed me also submitted it'd be the way our community was in total shock after then story. and to get it up. there was a mintz year amongst all and we still, you're going to that area and we were the $360.00 to arrest you. actually 6 pieces in charleston with modest excuse, mend clean. victoria was a t something his family denies. a few meters away from for each house. members of india's hendo nation, this bgp bought capital can demand the release of the accused man heading the protest, shook into law, bought the pgp to its former, made up the stone bid, save some stranger forcefully entered the house with a group of men and then tries to attack you, should we welcome such a person?
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should such people being worshiped? yeah, the public became a trash team. but that is public next? yes. when 5 minutes to know the movie, spotty. last which is the majority in national elections. there was hold the wireless against most names, and other minorities would threes for the political analyses. parties hasn't changed. that deserves the deals numbers. sure. to have broad sobriety in the attitude, all parties in the party, and it would have discipline itself, that was the expectation. but that was false because the video ration at our off existence of birthdays and the party, especially in the last 10 years. and the very argument for this existence is an theme, listening widens, violence that is already claimed. silver lives says more the costs are reelected.
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so each step adds another number to the staff, stick and leaves under the very last invoice. when i think about my brothers to and i thought i just pray to god is this kind of tragedy should not happen to any muslim brother or to anyone in this world and the whole at for the discrete mom which sees it press what is lead for the what is community and an entity allowing me to appear in northeast india or a look at the bigger picture i'm showing now by piece active as an author harsh me under his also the director of the center for equity studies in india. welcome to the w, and you accuse prime minister in the run for moody of his speech during the last campaign. how much do you think is the, the j. p fueling, religiously motivated violence? and i think you need to understand that the active listening violence and heat is, is not incidental to but the b b student,
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it's sent to the goods ideological executive psychologically old. because the to be to be and the organization which is it's, i told you a good script link to the other says was constituting opposition to the idea of the imagination of what country the county that goes to, which would be a country baby. but of if teaching a defeat identity in a city gender would be input citizens in mtv and, and i need to be to be honest as be bringing in good and which is 14, the majority in which was the most can my minority advocates to minority a would have to live if it goes on the a 2nd class citizens. and i've been talking about them as i know that we must recognize they've been talking about 100000000 people of which is larger than the
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population of germany, france incident or the ending and a couple of other countries. the motor to, to population are. yeah. and there were hopes that the battery, if he losing its majority, would help improve the situation for these 200000000 muslims in india. but for the time being that doesn't seem to be the case. why is that the, the selection actually the, the addiction that the b, b, b, just of a to was for us, you know, many of us believed it was the most important condition of the independence. because the, if the be that being said, come back with the funded majority of the time they bought, if it was left, if it goes to include democracy, beat them, understood, there was no deductible. take a good use the you know, the fact that they didn't form of have a majority on their own. they had to have a dime sparknotes, whatnot. i'd like to keep aligned with them. did give some degree of hope that they
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would be kind of solving don't a motivation of the kind of, of, of ideology because i'd like to be driven 8 a i think the message they've given very clearly in the 1st 5 or 6 weeks of, to the elections has been a fall from and he's opening don't. it is a shot, right? he's once again and he's seen actively reaching and hate vitamins across the country. and the scene rule of the police which actually treats the victims as, as, as, as a whole good. the been perpetrators and, and the crowd that attacks them is, is portrayed as people who just defined in that and yeah. and therefore we don't have much time, but i don't want to get to and to another point, the beach repeat and the runs alone. it will still govern for at least another term . no, you say, but think promot hate speech,
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but then turns into violence. what can be done in this current situation to, to turn that trend around. and i think that, that everybody, i mean it, the majority of indians us to have them voted for movie and, and the bodies, and all the presence of a society have to have to stand functional, much more of like a small sort of strong g. and then big whiskey, big listing brothers and sisters into stand, i think to scan from the victim opposing and the violins and he that the, that they're being subject to it is for people like me who don't belong to the list . and feet will actually have a good responsibility to stand and speak, go and fighting, accept and not accept the diction in which the wisdom of these taking the country.
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and that is what you're doing now is peace activist, harsh matter. thank you so much for your time. i before we go, a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you today. but rock and michelle obama endorse the likely democratic nominee for the us presidential race and a phone call to the vice president for rock. obama said he and michelle would do everything they could to get paris into the oval office. and frances highest speed rail network was hit by a massive attack on a large scale multiple arson and vandalism, incidents help disruptive transportation as the olympics get underway in pairs. calculations ads the lays are expected throughout the weekend and that's all for this hour of next how a company's toxic legacy is devastated. the eco system of poland longest river is that it's in doc film. after the break, the latest headlines you're looking for,
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there's always our website that is beautiful, you don't call and make sure to also falls on social media. our handle, there is the, the news article really. thank you so much for you. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the a ticking time bomb on the distiller. a deacon mission to chemical plants threatens deploys in poland, the largest river toxic waste is contaminating the soil and feeding into the ground water. one resident tries to warrant officials, but their response has been hostility,
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polluted and poisoned next on dw trench warfare. but you don't with the soldiers that went off and sees yes, looking to fight this battle with dreams and fears. program focuses 90 years in 45 minutes on d w. the do you know which should be see industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates
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which is good. concrete transforming business to live is on to figure out what's the real new deal. just reimbursing the the re not to have a logic is waging a battle against authorities who do nothing in the face of an imminent environmental catastrophe. here at the side of a former chemical and arguments. factory toxic waters threatens to flow into poland, vist dealer river, and destroyed the ecosystem for the activist. it's a grueling fight. what is the alarm and the cost is supposed to come you. i pay a very high price for what i do go. so it means a lot of hassle,
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not just for my private life, but overall you know,


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