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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST

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the the doesn't seem to be near his line from berlin just hours before the opening ceremony of the paris olympics, suspects that sound, the taj on frances national rail system. police say they believe the arson attacks on multiple high speed lines were coordinated for pausing. huge delays and expose and security guard will bring you the latest developments also coming off us, vice president campbell, a harris secures another major endorsement. we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse here. and to do everything we can guide you through the selection of 10. so the former president, brock obama and his wife,
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michelle join. the long list of democrats endorsing harris has paid for the presidency and an india search and religious violence casts. a shadow over. prime minister in the rental mode is new term, and often the 1st state of attacks is putting in the muslim community on edge. the welcome to the show i'm looking for is a series of recent attacks on francis high speed rail network are causing travel chaos. just hours before the opening ceremony of the paris olympics, authorities say a rail lines including those passing through paris has been severely affected. say the coordinated attacks are also causing cancellations and delays to services, including those between france and germany. almost 800000 passengers are affect, it appears or under way for the official say the restrictions could last throughout
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the weekend. the acts of sabotage. expose frances vulnerability. despite the tide security protocol surrounding the mega sporting events, the attacks are also affecting travelers and brussels and neighboring belgium, my nieces crying and the simmons tomorrow. so we're going to watch a portion of woodman place of the simmons when is that? it's um, yeah, and we've got family that already. so we're trying to get it. but you know, we're okay with the discovery the i bore. well, we don't have any choice. we'll just have to wait at our original train from amsterdam, the brussels got cancelled at 2 o'clock. they allowed us, however, euro star to get the 11 o'clock. so we should be able to get out of the breakfast and get back to london, but we're still waiting to see if we can catch another tray. a little while ago i spoke to jonathan crane or sports from florida in paris,
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and i asked him to bring his up to date with what authorities are calling coordinated attacks of sabotage. to many wise, this is concerned, the organizes west fee is they were worried that these games could be the target of some kind of attack. and this is what seems to have happened here. now, of course, it's too early to say, we don't know who is behind it at this stage, but what is clear is that seems to be coordinated attacks, as you say, nothing out, some of the french right away networks, major lines, hundreds of thousands of passages have been stranded between stations and so yes, really confirming some of the rest phase of the organize those different supports. minnesota has cooled the attacks of poor legs if there's an attack on the athletes, an attack on the olympic games itself. but for his part, i a see i didn't see any special olympic committee presidents on the spot. so he still has full confidence in differential authorities. mm hm. and everybody helps. the opening ceremony will go ahead at the time or speaking now it looks like this
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is going to happen that despite these attacks and a horrible weather forecast, what can we expect from the show then? well, i suppose i should stop by itself thing about domestic security operation given what we've just talked about, some 45000 police offices have been deployed to secure the opening ceremony. it's taking place on the river sent behind lots of steel fences. the whole area is closed off a massive security perimeter, a huge security ems operations because this opening ceremony is like no other than we've ever seen before. it's the 1st one that's taking place outside of a stadium. august. sit alongside the river side, down the river, send a 6 kilometers a stretch. we're going to have thousands of athletes on some, $100.00 bytes, freighting cost, some of tyrese's, most iconic landmarks that should not for the lead the eiffel tower. that swear it will ends up now. the autistic director, who says he wants to start from some or it's diverse is to, as i said,
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this is not like a normal let me ceremony. right? is usually done in stages is all rolled up into one compact. so that's going to be x going on as the athlete surprising down the river. now some of the form is a closely guarded secret. roommates of lady ga. gov or celine dion. but whoever performs it, powers can pull this off, it will probably be, or the most visually spectacular. i mean, ceremonies in history. all right, so a big showed to be expected, but this is the 1st and foremost of morning and then of course donovan and there is plenty to look forward on that front as well. let's take a look. simone biles comes to paris looking to add to the full, really big goals. practice is not always going to plan, but the american gymnast feels better than at the tokyo games. 3 years ago. the she missed out on gold. after starting mental health issues, she gained widespread praise was speaking out about problems. but this time, what supposed to be the focus? yeah, i think everything that i've been through i want to push the limits. i want to see how far i can go. i want to see what i'm still capable of,
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so that once i step away from the sports, i can truly be happy with my career and say i gave it my all. and that's how i feel like currently in this position. swimming is center stage with open water events set to take place in the same river. despite pollution, concerns to the pool is where it sat in the 1st week of the games. brittany's adam peachey is a free time gold medalist and he's targeting more glory and the 100 made his breast stroke. the build up has been dominated by 11 chinese women's being given the all clear to competes at the positive doping tests from 2021. we'll put down to contamination for me, i want to 55, and it was no 5 and 6 enjoyment out from a so it's uh, i just do what i do as a walk, a control get my best preparation. and at this point in time, it just be a distraction to thing. anything else? uh, cuz nothing really. i can do another brittany meanwhile, will say good bye with twice olympic champion time. the movie retiring from tennis
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after the games. well, roughly on that though, is also close to the end of his career. athletics dominates the 2nd week of the 4th night. can you spell it? keeps yoga is looking for food medicine, gold in probably his last games and jamaican spent a silly, i'm afraid the price was to add to the 3 golds as a 5th. and final olympics, the basketball finals are among the left events in paris. if superstar le bron james looking to lead the us man to glory, the roster has been compared to the iconic 1992 dream team which included michael jordan, mid the glitz breakdancing make states and then pick debut in paris as organize as try to attract young audiences, paris we'll see for the reading is again after the cobra. 19 pandemic. big crowds in tokyo. but it's not all back to normal. russian and by the russian athletes can only compete as neutrals due to the wall renew grain. 2 weeks of sporting drama
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await. as well as much as sporting from and that could start as early as tomorrow because the chinese swim is implicated and not doting scandal. $1111.00 of them will be taking part in these uh and then picks that we could see some big protests and i'm out there to catch up talking about some of the athletes involved. i'm going to talk about the sports breaking a new on attracting a younger audience. the higher see the international olympic committee really trying to play that up is digging out its games as being the most sustainable ever old of, and use a pop from one, the aquatic serena. either existing or temporary structures other summer lock you. the games itself is not really a sustainable enterprise of millions of people coming in on average settings to be involved in the compensations. but nonetheless, the odyssey of focusing on the site one, send a power to the $5050.00 between male and female athletes at these games. and the heart of the city is essentially being turned into an open field to place an iconic
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venue. the beach volleyball would be taking place at the eiffel tower. uh, we've got quite a few events taking place at the south side of the side. and for the people who are interested in called meadows. the 1st one will be handed out some, all right, in a mix, team shooting events to exciting waste. ahead and data leave, jonathan crane and they are covering it all for us. thank you so much. member us. cala harris has moved one big step closer to securing the democratic party nomination to run against donald trump for the presidency. and a video released today by her campaign, the vice president who's aiming to become the 1st female president and the 1st woman of color to lead her country as gain perhaps her most important endorsement to dates from the man who became america's 1st black president. and it's very popular wife, hello. hello. hey, hey there. oh, you're both together. oh, it's good to hear you, but i,
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i can't have this phone call without saying to my girl, carla. i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we called to say, michelle, and i couldn't be prouder doors here to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and into the oval office. oh, my goodness, michelle practice mean so much to me. i'm looking forward to doing this with 2 of you, doug and i both and getting out there being on the road. but most of i just want to tell you that the words you have spoken to and the friendship that you have given over all the more than the rest. so thank you both means so much. and we're gonna have some fun with this to r. i s t w's, washington correspondent, janelle, dom alone, how significant band or summit from the obama as was for harris. nicole, this is very important. this was the big one. the bottom is, of course, are considered the most popular figures within the democratic party. some polls
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even put michelle obama as the most popular figure in american politics period. they're also very effective messengers and campaigners so they could provide a boost that could help campbell, a harris extend the momentum that she's been enjoying ever since joe biden decided to withdraw from the race. however much has also been made of the delay of how long it took the obama as a to make this endorsement for a camera harris. it has to be said, however, that it's not unusual. it's not unheard of, especially for, for rock obama to kind of hang back and wait until the democrats have definitively chosen their candidates before making his endorsements. and in this unusual situation, it taught the understanding is that a bomb, i do not want to put his phone on the scale. he did not want to fuel criticism that combat harris. so it was enjoying a coronation instead of emerging as the best candidates are under
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a trying set of circumstances. and so that's why they have the endorsement now. and yesterday, harris met with is really prime minister netanyahu that was after he addressed the us congress on wednesday. let's listen into what he says then about harris's opponent in the race for the winehouse. donald trump, how one of the facts president trump, for his leadership and brokering the star for abraham accords. the move is really where we moved that president trump emerged safe and sound from that desperately attack on him. desperately attack a number can democracy. there is no political violence in democracies. the
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also what is the president from all the things he did for his room from recognizing israel sovereignty over the going on hearts to confronted good wants of russian recognizing jerusalem is our capital. i'm moving the american embassy to the that's jews who are your journal capital. know who to be divided? done. all right, lots of praise there for donald trump, janelle, and now is going to meet him in mara lago today. the 2 were very close until the following out in 2020. so what can we expect from their meeting today?
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nicole, this is going to be the 1st time in about 4 years that these 2 men will meet again, face to face a and in those 4 years, there were some rocky moments like you just alluded to. now in 2020 trumpet, was annoyed with benjamin netanyahu. for calling bite in after his 2020 election election when of course, because it undermined trumps narrative that the election was stolen, which of course it was not stolen. they've reportedly since broken the ice in a 4th of july phone call. but now yeah. who wants to use this meeting in order to mend relations even further away the view of course, that trump could become president, and those going words that we played earlier. his goal in words, for trump, in his address to congress, that's meant to lay the groundwork a for that mandate of the relationship. as for trump, well, what he's probably going to do is ext is call for an enter the warren cause that
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he's going to press benjamin netanyahu to do more to get the hostages released start. it's an opportunity for him to appear like a statesman. and to really paint the republican party as the party that is loyal to israel. but of course a company all of this. so are going to be the pro palestine. protesters outside mar logo, those pro palestine. protesters have off followed that in. yeah, pretty much on every stage of this trip, every one watching out for what might happen when he meet when they meet top pro trunk protesters pro israel protesters. one of the reasons of course, i think stored up security at more level today. the other being on the field, assassination attempt on trump a few weeks ago to w is janelle de malone in washington dc. thanks so much, great speaking to and a quick look now and some other stories making news around the world today. the head coach of canada as women's soccer team has been suspended on the eve of the parents olympics. the decision by canada as olympic committee of to remove bass
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friesland, came after the team was con, spying on its opponents training session, using through timeframe to me. it has records to a tropical storm after hitting mainland china has displaced nearly 300000 people in the east of the country. public transport has been suspended across the region. the telephone killed more than 2 dozen people after tore through taiwan and the philippines. earlier this week, either authorities in the us state of california have arrested the man suspected of starting a mass of wildfire on wednesday. official say it was sparked when he pushed a flaming car into a ravine. thousands have had to flee the wildfire, which is the state's largest this year. and another fast moving wildfire in canada, alberto province, as far as 25000 people to flee and severely affected the tourist town of jasper.
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there were no immediate reports of injuries, but authorities say the flames have destroyed up to the house of the towns. buildings is a fast moving and fun. o has been raging in the canadian rockies in the province of alberta. these flames, higher than treetops have left and die of forests and ashes, and reach the town of jasper overnight. tens of thousands has been forced to evacuate. if i break down now, i will. what will i do? i was just seats and crying and nothing is going to change, right. jasper risk consider to fit your perfect town and as a popular to respond to, it gets roughly 2500000 visitors every year. authority say the fires have caused significant damage, and that firefighting crews are working on the dangerous conditions. the homes and businesses have been lost to a wildfire that people are calling a wall of flames. there is no denying that this is the worst nightmare for any
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community where are seen potentially 30 to 50 percent structural damage due to the severity of the damage. hundreds of firefighters from around the world or coming to alberta to help other parts of canada are also engulfed by why fi is including british columbia. canada is no stranger to why fi is in 2023. a record number of fi is fullest. hundreds of thousands of canadians to evacuate to india and our, the prime minister and the render mowdy and his b j. p may have lost their majority in recent national elections. but there, hindu nationalist agenda continues to result in religious extremism and the targeting of minorities rights groups have documented a surge and religious violence. and even the lynchings since the start of motives new term and the fresh spade of the taxes for the indian muslims on edge in states
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like or term for dash as t w's audio font reports from the crappies. but the loss of the loved one. no. okay, what do you see brother fleet was leached by him to mall model. i suppose you tony with the to the most and just to see if they took a piece spends to check if you was a muslim dish should be noted that was cracked and be to move. then it doesn't matter which states an item for lots, few meters away from his home. do not have my brother never spoke to me without us mine. i still feel he will come back. i know you have not the piece. we want justice for him. i please to the world to stand with us in giving him justice. my brother's death should not be in vain. incident has it brought to the whole community? the days we hear about violence almost every day,
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this year is steeped into our head. when i go to market, i fear for myself, but what if they kill me also? submitted it'd be the way our community was in total shock after then tori and to get it up. there was a mintz near amongst all and we still, you're going to that area and maybe the, the $360.00 per rest do actually 6 piece and charge them with murder, accused man clean. so he was a t something his family to nice to meet those over you from for each house. members of india as him to nation this. bgp bought. cather, dumont, the release of the accused man. heading the protest, shook into la body, the featured deed to its former, made up the stone with some strangers. forcefully enters the house with
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a group of men and then tries to attack you. should we welcome such a person? should such people be worshiped that? yeah, the public between them on the trash team, but that is public next. yes. 25 minutes to note in the movie, spotty, last week, just to meet you are at the national elections. there was hold the wireless dentist, most names and other minorities would threes for the political analyses. bodies hasn't changed. that deserves the deals numbers. sure. to have broad sobriety in the attitude, all parties in the party, and it would have discipline itself. that was the expectation. but that was false because the video ration that are off existence of by the agent, the party, especially in the last 10 years. and the very argument for this existence is an theme listening widens
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a violence that is already claimed. silver lives. so small the costs to be elected for each step adds another number for the staff, stick and leaves under the very last yeah was when i think about my brothers to and i thought i just pray to god is this kind of tragedy should not happen to any muslim brother or to anyone in this world and a whole at for the discrete mom which sees it prints what is lead for the, what is community and incentive, allowing me to appear ne, india. earlier i spoke to a peace activist harsh mander who directs a center for equity studies in india, and he accuses now run promoting of having used hate speech during the most recent election campaign in the country. so i asked him how much he thinks to be, jerry p is peeling, religiously motivated violence, and i think you need to understand that the n t must in violence and sheet
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is, is not incidental to what the pgp is doing. it's sent to the codes ideological executive psychologically called because the, the median b and the organization which is it's, i told you goods for link to the other says was constituting opposition to the idea of the imagination of a country that money back guarantee that goes to which would be a country baby, but of if teaching a degree type entity in a city gender would be input citizens to be able to be and, and, and the major be artist says be bringing in getting which is poured into majority. and which was like a minority advocacy minority a would have to live if i told one the 2nd class citizens. and i've been talking about them as a minority, we must recognize they've been talking about 100000000 people of which is larger
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than the population of germany. france and in the holding and a couple of other countries, the population of. yeah, and there were hopes that the battery p losing its majority would help improve the situation for these 200000000 muslims in india. but for the time being that doesn't seem to be the case. why is that in this election i came to the addiction that be be just a baby to was for us, you know, many of us believed it was the most important condition of the independence. because the, if the be that being said, come back with the funded majority of the time they bought, if it was left, if it goes to include democracy, be diminished, they would, there was no deductible to a 100 use the, you know, the fact that they didn't form of have a majority on their own, they had to have a dining spark. nose would not logically aligned with them. did give some degree of
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hope that that, that they would be a kind of sort of thing. don't a motivation of the kind of, of, of ideological look he'd given heat a method they've given very clearly in the 1st 5 or 6 weeks after the elections has been a fall from and he's sleeping don't, it is a shop that i use once again, we're seeing acts of anything and he buttons across the country and the scene rule of the police which actually treats the victims as, as the, as, as a whole good d been perpetrators and, and the crowd that attacks them is, is. ready treat as people who just defined in that, and that was harsh lender, director of the center for equity studies in india. now it's just a couple of hours until the opening ceremony in paris and the olympic flame has
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been making its way through the last stages of the torch relay among the last people to carry the flame with new dock us. rapper took the torch through the northern suburb of stone. any other from then towards bears on its final leg. include olympics chief to him, a spot where you can see him and former us secretary, general funky moved, the cauldron will be lit in central terrace. later this evening and before we go, a quick reminder of our top story today. police and friends are investigating a series of coordinated arson attacks on friends national rail system. the act of sabotage are causing huge delays on multiple high speed train lines just hours before the opening ceremony. of the parents olympic is set to get underway and that's or time and keep watching divine and how while live in poland, long as the river is being endangered by pollution and toxic waste. i'm at the end
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of my shift now, but frank golf, we'll have more headlines for you as the top of the next hour, and we'll be glad to see you joined him. thank you so much for your company by the
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the a ticking time bomb on the vista. a deacon mission to chemical plants threatens to poison poland. largest river toxic waste is contaminating the soil and slipping into the ground water. one resident tries to warn officials, but their response has been hostility, polluted and poisoned. next on dw
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tells nice story to people who planned dedicated to me. i am not too dumb to turn the odyssey tricks. the delta down. in 45 minutes on d, w, the my name is the calls back, said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it's loud sense. would it be?
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you know, if you say like good everyone to ok retiring into the market for i'm sorry, check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back. the a ranada of a logic is waging a battle against authorities could do nothing in the face of an imminent environmental catastrophe. here at the sight of a former chemical and arguments factory toxic waters threatens to flow into poland to be still a river and destroyed the ecosystem. for the activist, it's a ruling fight what the cost is supposed to come you. i pay a very high price for what i do go, so it means a lot of hassle not just for my.


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