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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, let the games begin. the opening ceremony of the paris olympics is now under way under time security as police investigate a series of coordinated arson attacks on frances national, real system. the acts and sabotage come as thousands of athletes and fans to send on the french capital for the summer games will bring you the latest also coming up tonight is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu meets with donald trump and his morrow. lago, a state in florida. the trip comes one day as an engine yahoo met with trump's likely arrival for the white house, cumberland, harris, and thousands lea,
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a fast moving wildfire in the canadian rockies. witnesses, a wall of fire. as in golf, the popular tourist town of jasper, the i bring jobs, our viewers watching on tv, as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin tonight in paris where the opening ceremony of the 2024 olympics has kicked off. a parade of athletes has made their way down the river since as thousands of people watch the outdoor ceremony had been used across the french capital. spectators lucky enough to get tickets to the games are facing tight. security controls intentions are high as police investigate a series of coordinated arson attacks on the french train that work. early this morning. the acts of sabotage have effected some 800000 passengers in several city
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us. and for more on the olympic opening ceremony, i'm joined now by our sports reporter jonathan crane in paris. jonathan, good evening to you, a head of what we are seeing tonight, france, president, my crohn, announced that this would be the most incredible opening ceremony. is that your impression as well? i mean most incredible sent me the rest test i. it makes so many of the if you can hear the rain hit, see my brother has been out survey pouring down here talking about the rain on my parade. obviously disappointing the organizes, but that's the risk you have when you're organized tonight in the ceremony. outdoor was an unprecedented opening ceremony. highly ambitious. the 1st time one has been out outside of the stadium. highly expensive, reportedly 4 times what going on to 2012? i mean ceremony costs the much loved london. 2012. i mean ceremony, i have to say now the autistic director wants to the story from on it started
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versity. i'm just really was a story of paris. it was done in 12 acts. the river was split into 12. any jack had a, a theme seems like a little bit today and they got a for tiny say the the friends most the most sites. yeah. assume a ceremony high on friend symbolism, but for so many probably a bits of it dump. scrape. brent? yeah, i mean, the weather was a cooperating and, and we got the pricing here with the dues. we watching that this was more of a, of a show for people watching a screen and not for spectators on. did you get that impression too? i mean, and what else stood out to yeah, certainly i wouldn't have warranty to be sat searching right in the rain if it even visually, obviously disappointing with everyone wearing a very punch size and, and umbrellas up. i mean, what stood out was the fact that you had all these athletes that some 7000 insights, so on 85 bites that will be down. the sense that in itself is impressive. we've
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never seen that before. i mean, in terms of the autistic side really felt like a i loved that that's a from and french culture we had cap array from lady dog. and of course the can, can we had some a pressing that we had a knocking or the french smiley. and singer, i particularly like to add the, the little bit from les miserables, the music. oh, do you hear the people thing? um, but yeah, lots of groups, different codes. uh, but i can probably spoiled by the right. yes. and what french models walking there on the cat walk we saw as well on what can we still expect not only from this ceremony tonight, but also of course, from the games. but i think the big question, the steps, to be honest with you sir, is going to light the olympic culture and some room is it? maybe it was going to be sitting down, but we saw him in the opening montage of the ceremony. so probably not going to be him, we'll have to wait and see for that. and some of the villain picks up as the the sports gets underway in earnest tomorrow. we've got 2 weeks of sports. so my bios
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into gymnastics, coming back to the olympics of the mental health struggle, some type of care, can she add to the full gold medal? c got a re a 2016 and you have could show dates and the mattress and can he make it 3 mattress in queens uh, in a row in the olympics. and then something we were hoping to see what you have any ceremony into the fact that this lympics is showing off piracy note. it's glorious if it's an open field of menus, we're going to have the question, the set to the side. we're going to have these volleyball was starting some, all right, in front of the eiffel tower said that should be spectacular. and of course the organizes will hyping the right and finally that stone. yeah, let's hope it will be a little bit dryer as we move forward the w's jonathan crane under the umbrella in paris tonight. jonathan, thank you. a very good relationship. that is how donald trump has described his tides to benjamin netanyahu. the former president made the remarks after
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meeting the is really prime minister as his mar logo estate in florida. today, trump has been trying to mend the relationship with mentioned yahoo, which we have to say have soured in recent years. is cast himself as the strongest l y that is real, can have in the white house head of the meeting, the former president called for a quick end to the war in goss dw, as correspondent janelle to malone has been following developments for she joins me now from washington to see you, janelle, so tell me what has come out of this meeting of the brand. so netanyahu was that more a logo for a few hours, and since then a readout has been released. and in that read out, it says that netanyahu sang trump for all that he did for israel during the trump administration, including moving the u. s. embassy to jerusalem, including ending the iran nuclear deal. and as for trump's part, he, it said in that read out that he told dot 9 yahoo that he's stored in solidarity
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with israel following the october 7 attacks. and that when he is back in the white house, that is how the readout was written. when not if, when he was back in the white house, then he would do all that he could do to bring back peace in the middle east. thought no word, of course on how he's going to do that. no, trump really use this occasion to set a contrast between himself and his likely rival, pamela harris, saying that kimberly harris would be so much worse for the middle east. he cannot imagine a jewish person voiding for account bla, harris. he also said that the vice president's remarks delivered after her own meeting with benjamin netanyahu were disrespectful. now, harris did deliver some forceful remarks, saying that israel had the right to defend itself. but it mattered how israel did that. she also condemned the devastation of freaked by the wars saying that she would not look away now. uh, trump seized upon those remarks to say that he hoped that they would not get in the
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way of a cease fire, a hostage release. steal. so really, what he was trying to do here was to show that the republican party is the party that is loyal to israel, and the democratic party and camelot harris or not. he wanted to be able to show that he had a good relationship with benjamin netanyahu. even though in months previous, so he criticized that and yahoo for not anticipating the october 7 to talk and we know that the relationship was rocky, even before that he had been angry at nothing. yeah. who ever since sunday, and y'all called joe biden to congratulate him 1st 2020, when in the presidential election. but all that seems to be in the past. i'll both mankey and to show that they can work together. now, meanwhile, pro palestine protests, there's also a home around them are logo, they basically follow that and yahoo everywhere he runs on the strip showing just how divisive and complicated this issue is for the u. s. head of the election,
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benjamin netanyahu. he has certainly been making the rounds the last couple of days in the united states. and what did he get out of his us trip? you know, i think it would be fair to argue that this trip was pretty much a success for and that and yahoo, he got one last photo opportunity with joe biden and the oval office. he got a separate meetings with harris and trump, or one of them is likely to be called the next president. he got standing ovations in congress and with that he was able to show audiences at home watching and israel, that he still has a standing in the us. but of course, so he also came to the us with other demands. we heard it in his speech to congress, he asked the so you was too fast track to our arms deliveries to israel, saying a, give me the tools and give us the tools and we'll finish the job faster. now the white house doesn't look all inclined to do that or not yet. and in that respect,
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he's probably going to have to go home empty handed on the front. however, uh, in terms of what the white house wanted, the white house wanted, some sign that not in yahoo was prepared to fully back the us back cease fire hostage release field. now the white house has been saying for days that the deal is closer than ever, but on then. yeah, who would say during this visit was that he was working on getting the hostages home. so that's not really the full throated expression of support that the us wanted. and in that respect that we could say that netanyahu probably got more out of this visit from the bite and administration to dw janelle do more around with excellent reporting and analysis tonight from washington. janelle, thank you or is it look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world? the head coach of canada is women's soccer team has been suspended on the the parents olympics. the decision by canada is olympic committee to remove the priest when came after the team was caught spying on its opponents training session. using
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drone type food and chi me it has a weekend into a tropical storm. after hitting mainland china, it has displaced nearly 300000 people in the east of the country. public transport has been suspended across the region. the tide soon killed more than 30 people after a tour through tie one in the philippines earlier this week. a wildfire in california has exploded in size to become the largest so far this year. the state of emergency has been declared and people have been evacuated. the fire covers an area of more than a $160000.00 acres, burning out of control. a man suspected of starting the fire has been arrested and it's not just canada or california, i should say also can to that of a fast moving wildfire in the western province of alberta. as far as $25000.00 people to flee their homes and destroyed large parts of the popular tours town of
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jasper, they are no immediate reports of injuries, but authorities say the flames have destroyed up to half of the towns. building is a fast moving and funnel has been raging in the canadian rockies in the province of alberta. these planes, higher than treetops have left antonia of forests and ashes and reached the town of jasper overnight. tens of thousands have been forced to evacuate. if i break down now, i will, what will i do? i was just seats and crying and nothing is going to change, right. jasper risk consider to fit your perfect town and as a popular to respond to, it gets roughly 2500000 visitors every year. authority say the fires has caused a significant damage, and that firefighting crews are working on the dangerous conditions. homes and businesses have been lost to a wildfire that people are calling a wall of flames. there is no denying that this is the worst nightmare for any
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community where are seeing potentially 30 to 50 percent structural damage due to the severity of the damage. hundreds of firefighters from around the world are coming to alberta to help other parts of canada are also engulfed by why fi is including british columbia. canada is no stranger to why fi is in 2023. a record number of fires, fullest hundreds of thousands of canadians to evacuate on join l by and available donna. she's an environmental scientist and she joins me from the university of waterloo in canada and the bill. it's good to have you with this. you know, we're seeing more and more of these devastating wildfire is not only around jasper in the province of alberta, but also in british columbia and elsewhere. why use that? so as, as mentioned in the video, welfare is natural in canada, so it's good for forest. it's been around for, you know, millennia,
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what's changing now is a little bit with climate change. you know, we're seeing the intensity of these welfare is this just so much bigger. we're also moving our cities into welfare area. so the population of canada has really grown over the past few years and we end up moving more into the areas that are from to wildfire. so we're just seeing these refunds become more, more intense due to, to these different reasons. it is just a perfect storm. i mean, we've got climate change with higher temperatures and as you said, we've gotten more greater and greater urbanization of where it is. so it is. so what climate change does, especially in relation to welfare, you know, at least to more drought events. so western canada, what you just showed bc, alberta they've been going under growth for up, sorry. they've been going undergoing drought for a couple of years now. and that drought just leads to more fuel on the ground that's followed by extended periods of extreme heat or warm temperatures. and
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especially in that area where you were just showing the maps they had been going undergoing a heat wave for 2 to 3 weeks. and then that's followed by hot windy weather. all of these are made worse by climate change and the just really lead to those intense planes that we're seeing out in jasper. and so yeah, it absolutely all mixes in a way that it just makes those wells far as much more intense. and we know we've got wildfires that are some of them are out of control. people are waiting for those flyers to be brought under control. but what should people do to prevent these types of catastrophes from happening again in the future? and so there's so much that can be done. it's a very complex problem. so it goes all the way from reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to a lower climate change incidence. all the way to what we can do in our forest managements. so we do need to allow some of those smaller fires to burn me to have controlled burn. this is really changing in canada. we need to have more funding
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going towards preparedness. so we're, we're kind of a reactive country right now, and we do a great job by suppressing those major wealth buyers as they're getting close to our communities. but we need to use those months where we don't have wildfire to really prepare. so more funding going that way and strengthen our communities and our residents. there's a lot of guidance out there for what can be done at the own level as well as the community level to to lower wildfire risk. there you say these controlled fires are needed for the natural processes to continue. but what we're seeing right now, these are, are out of control. they're, they're too big. how long does it take the environment to recover once the flames are out? it takes decades. so there's a natural process to how that occurs, and at 1st we just kind of need to make sure that the land that's been burned is stable. and so there's a high chance of flooding after a while further occurs. so if we give a time, we keep an eye on it really,
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there are different plans that start to come in, that slowly lead to like the next succession and end up having bigger trees. but that does take decades after an area has been burned. unable, but now the environmental sciences from the university of waterloo in canada. we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you for having the us authorities had scored a victory and there were on drugs with the rest of one of the world's most powerful drug lords. the co founder of mexico's seen a lower car till he was the rest of the one site, the son of infamous drug king pen l. chapo board. saved the 2 men bored at a private plane in mexico, which then was flown to texas where police were waiting when the plain land. these are the faces of one of the world's most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world. the scene of the car town on the left is these my a mind your somebody on the right is joaquin guzman,
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is the best. both men are now in detention in the united states. after they landed in texas, a board, a private plane is mail some bought a garcia or a mild, a co founder of the car towel. he is facing charges for fentanyl trafficking, money laundering, firearms, offences, kidnapping and conspiracy to commit murder. the 2nd walk came guzman lopez, is a son of its other co founder known as l chapel and his facing charges for trafficking and large quantities of cocaine, heroin, and mass. among other drugs. does he not know? a cartel has been blamed for decades of violence in mexico. it was founded in the 1980s by east might have somebody that has to yeah. and fucking in chapel guzman. and chapel is already serving a life sentence in the us. after being extradited there in 2017.
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prosecutors in the united states say the car towel is the biggest supplier of drugs to the us. including fentanyl, seen here being smuggled in coconuts. the o. p o h is the leading cause of death for americans aged 18 to 45. but while these arrests may be a welcome step in the war on drugs, the us justice department has said it will not rest until every single cartel leader is behind bars. saw her tree is a fellow at the institute for policy studies. he's been director, events, drug a policy project since 1998. i asked him earlier how the us managed to pull this arrest off. well, it's been the ledge, the l. my o has been in fox with us officials for 7. ready years about possibly turning himself in, but it appears that al chapo son who is also in the playing with him, may have been cooperating with us,
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prosecutors to speed up the process and door him onto this plane under the ruse, looking at some real estate properties. um, his brother is under us custody right now with a waiting trial. uh and his father was serving a life sentence in the united states. so perhaps that might be the angle, but it's too early to say. and if, if that were the case, the son of l chapo working with us authorities of what do you make of that? i think it's a, it's a significant fit to the cartel itself or the veneration, but it's very decentralized and it won't have any impact on the amount of drugs, entry united states and neither have the rest of hundreds of you know, the card tell cheats before him of those of us haven't dented the problem either. that's because these people are in it for themselves. and if there is no national command structure, um nope, nope, no, no nation state, for instance, to issue a political directive to surrender. what you have when you arrest these jenkins is
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a power struggle that takes place after that they're arrested. and in the struggle for succession is very often leads to great pilots. in fact, the only the worst that organized crime is disorganized. and it sounds like if i understand you correctly, as soon as the us arrest a major drug boss, someone new emerges just to take his or her place. exactly. so el mile was known as kind of the list logistics, chief of us in a level of veneration. he made the trains run so to speak, but he didn't do it himself. he kept a very low profile. so he had deputies do that for him. they know how to make the trains run and so one of them will take over or, or some of them are collectivism perhaps. but there will be a new leadership structure and they may have to fight it out with. busy factions to see who's going to dominate. what is mexico, particularly the mexican government saying about this whole operation. not much at this point because they weren't full of it until after the arrests were
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made. yesterday, i think the us was very wary, perhaps of beaks and on the mexican side. um it is a is a longstanding problem uh, in terms of the amount of money the card sales have at their disposal to provide people that and obtained information. so anything said prior to this could have took them off. and is it true? i'm going to put this in simple terms, but is there a truth to the message here that when you as authorities are battling king, the drug, king pins and mexico, they're also actually battling the state of mexico. is that true? no. uh. well, not in the sense that there was a formal alliance between the 2. there's a lot of cases of throughout history and many decades now of individual actors being corrupted or even some types, institutions being corrupted, but a spastic policy to uh, to work with, with drug traffickers. um,
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but you only need to corrupt a few. a few people at the top to get a lot of cooperation from the government. we heard from the us justice department today saying that this arrest is going to help the us and it's 5 to reduce the number of sentinel imports coming in to the us. is that true? i mean, is sentinel, is that drug? number one, that needs to be radically. and the number one problem is the number one cause of our drug overdose assessing united states. but it's an incredibly compact drug. this model is easy to some level. there was an excellent writers investigation that came out yesterday about some journalists to in mexico, who ordered the chemicals on the dark web, and it costs them $3600.00 to make $3000000.00 worth of fentanyl white. so this dynamic, it is impossible to stop in my opinion. so yeah, so we're wondering what can be done then?
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i mean, if someone gets on the dark net and for 3 grand can make millions of dollars, i mean that is a temptation that is just too great for a lot of people to resist. yes, we have stuff. we've stumbled down this dead, this cold, this. ok if you will, of the drug war, where chemical substances, in this case, fentanyl has won the drug war, you no longer need farmers, big fields that are easy to spot and eradicate. and these are far more compact. we're also entering the age of artificial intelligence and which has been used to in good drug discovery in terms of identifying compounds that well uh, you know, a site, a good resistance, res bacteria. but it can also be used by it was an actors to find new short cuts and new substitutes as we try to ban each of these precursor chemicals to find new pathways to the same or similar destination. so there are many analog central out there that are even more potent and more dangerous and more problematic,
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as in our one question before we run out of time. but what about the demand for these drugs? have we found a way to reduce the demand and instead of trying to fight the, the source trying to fight, you know, the customer. so we've made some improvements in terms of treatment and prevention, but ultimately the real drivers are the man i think are rooted in structural problems of poverty, despair and alienation. these are societal problems that uh, you know, extend very deep into, into lots of different areas and it's going to be, uh, there's no substitute for building a healthy society. yeah, exactly, exactly. and then you have a demick of loneliness is certainly not helping matters either. san who tree director of the drug policy project at the institute for policy studies. we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank. it's in the us. women's water polo team is landed,
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the support of world renowned height man and hip hop legend flavor flay the founding member of the group. public enemy isn't the french capital. did share of the team on the self described girl dad and supporters of all women's sports made an undisclosed financial contribution to the women's team. as part of the 5 year sponsorship, he will also collaborate on social media to help bring attention to the sport. labor flavors got a chance to try water polo with the team and he shared his experience. i try that. i got to try to see what it feels like. and boy, i was in the water with the girls for like 7 minutes. and i was treading water for 7 minutes and i'm not going to live, but that was like the hardest 7 minutes in my life. making him swim. or there's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. the opening ceremony of the 2024 olympics is underway in paris under tide security as police investigate a series of coordinated arson attacks on frances national rail system. the act of
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sabotage. com is thousands of athletes and fans descend of the french capital for the summer games. you watch any w news after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day to night. the foreign policy of a, perhaps future president come over here will be right back. the or the
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age tells nice story. the people who planned me duty cases. i am not too dumb to tell the odyssey tricks online the meltdown in 45 minutes on the w, the
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little guy. this is the 77 percent. the platform for offices youth issues and share ideas. you know, on this channel we're not afraid to pass and then the kids to talk to the young people clearly have the solution, the future of this 77 percent every weekend on dw, so you don't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing from life and your parent. i just want to pursue what sets my so on fire or you think you kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stop. what is the song?
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i want my son to become a doctor to in the canal. it's time to to and then when generation nash, which now dw documentary the, the race for the white house is often compared to a marathon, and rightly so, candidates usually plan at least 2 years. we're not this time for the democrats, the party through with support behind vice president, pamela harris, last week and just 48 hours. here's plans to announce her v p running mate within 10 days, and that's just 2 weeks before the democratic national convention start for the voters. this is like the political version of speed dating. will there be enough time for harris to convince enough voters that she is the right choice for a long term relationship? i bring golf and berlin. this is the day i.


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