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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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the, the business dw, news of life from berlin. these are all as prime minister tries to mend of ties with donald trump. but i mean, it's now who visits the former us president that has more lago, a state in florida, the fast face to face talks in nearly 4 years. it concludes a contentious visit to the us, but nothing. yeah. those are coming up. thousands feet a fast move in a wildfire in the canadian rockies with us as a wall of fi as in golf. the popular as far as the town of adjustment and let the games begin. power is 2024. the games kicks off in the rain with dazzling opening ceremony in big claim is let's introduce in 2 weeks of well class
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of sports and action. the i, i'm eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. these are the prime minister . benjamin netanyahu has rounded off his trip to the united states with a visit to donald trump, florida in our lago acetate. it's now who's visit was the best face to face meeting between the 2 in nearly 4 years. and what's the cost of the issue of the strong relationship? it came out the end of this now who's us visit, which has been met with protests and praise about his handling of these are eligible again some us doing the treatments. and yeah, he'll give a speech to congress defending the war, which began after how monitors up to by senator tax and fees ro. or joining me this to do is that of you made a lease on a list of shiny. it was on is
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a little shiny, so it's a, it's a lot to uncover. right. but that didn't to now who good what he ones that out of this visit. well, it's a mixed bag. let's see what he tried to get. i think the 1st cold for him was to secure more support for israel's extension of the war if means amunition and technical support from the administration, but also public and political support. we've seen a lot of note in addition to that, and you know, a lot of lobbying in the capital this week. so it's, you have to be seen if that is completely achieved, but definitely his main goal. and he put a lot of pressure into that that was the main focus of the speech other than that he wanted, as he claimed to cement the bi partisan support for israel. and it's causes, i'm not sure this is much of an achievement that he has there. actually if anything, this trip has shown that divide the very big divide between the republicans and democrats when it comes to how they deal specifically with nathan. yeah, we're not much of visitors to as a topic, but he is very much a device of figure. we've seen a lot of people who lawmakers who chose to a,
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you know, boy caught his speech with a lot of protests. you also see the defending tones of rhetoric between the 2 sides of the house and other 2 important things. he had only his agenda was hosted fuel. can you bring it forward? can he get, you know, from the americans a bit more guarantees for some of the things that he find important for the deal. this is also another, you know, mixed bag in the sense that there's a lot of criticism within is really officials claiming that this visit actually helped stall and to help. and then you always policy, they actually avoid making decisions and may have actually damage the deal. i think the next week will be quite consequential and seeing whether this is really the case or not. and of course, maybe what we should have started with his top goal was the political goal inside. and israel he wanted to, you know, reinstate himself as the big, you know, political leader of israel, the guy who, everybody, you know, in america used to listen to, you know, to show his clouts, you know, his, his status, of course, was shattered after october 7th, in that aspect again,
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it's now being a device to figure that he is now i think his base very much like that. those were not, his bands were against that. not much change there. i mean that was best. the question is what you've said. he was his audience in the us. well, again, you were talking about the, the republicans and the democrats in union county to very gently took told between these 2 camps. cuz it's very much up into year who's going to get, you know, the, the big prize in november who's going to win the white house. and i think he stick with me would have wished for trump to be there despite the fact that personally there isn't much love with me with them. and trump can also be very unpredictable figure. but i think he is, as we could hear in, in the, in the, in the speech. he's very much of a republican in his, in the, in the, in the, in the world view that he has. you know, he's very much aligns with the republicans more than the democratic camp in america . these days i was, i was going to ask uh, full, he'd rather have an office. but you seem to suggest trump, why trump,
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i mean you've explained a bit because the alliance with the republicans, but in terms of what both cover the harris from the democratic side in trump want me in terms of the ongoing war and the future of these all and all of this into one of the same thing going to that is true. that's interesting. the enough, you know, we've seen both of them in the last week before and after meeting it and, you know, talking about the need to end the war, which is something that, to me i was very far from is if any think you wanted to show the congress, these quite, you know, adamant in continuing the war, but both sides say this needs to come to an end. we need to seal the deal. assuming that the deal will be the beginning of a new momentum that will lead to some sort of, you know, uh. com in the region. we're not sure this would be the case that the, the, as we were talking to hosted you, there's nothing that we're seeing close to being, you know, achieved in the next days. but let's hope that, i mean, we know israel is going to send the delegation to that hi officials to room later this week. maybe they will come back with some good news. all right, the, the least on our list, shiny was on us. thank you. welcome. right,
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that's the god. so my last story is making headlines around the world finance ministers from the wealth rich as 20 countries. i pledge to feed tax the super rich more brazil which currently holds the presidency of the g twins. he has proposed the 2 percent minimum tax on doing it as friends of spain and south africa have expressed supports about the united states in germany have dismissed the need for a global deal form. i believe in presidents ever. morales has said that there is a real threat of political violence. if he is bought from running for office next year . in 2019, he attempted to bypass the constitution and seek it for to him in office. morales is counting the block from standing for office by the constitutional court. uncontrolled wildfire is that costs in widespread. the bus station in western kind of are in the united states. a raf file to and they do appear in california. local
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authorities declared that emergency as homes where destroyed and thousands of people have bach, we've had from the area. amount of suspected of stops in the file with a brand new car has been arrested. in canada, wildfires have destroyed much of the popular tourists and just by in the west and province of alberta, 25000 people have plenty of homes and around half the towns. buildings have been, branch down is a fast moving and fun. o has been raging in the canadian rockies in the province of alberta. these flames, higher than treetops, have left entire forests in ashes, and reached the town of jasper overnight. tens of thousands have been forced to evacuate. if i break down now, i will. what will i do? i will just see things crying and nothing is going to change. right. jasper risk consider to fit your perfect town and as a popular to respond to, it gets roughly 2500000 visitors every year. authority say the fires have
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caused significant damage and that firefighting crews are working on the dangerous conditions. the incredibly hard work, the firefighters have resulted in fire activity that is significantly subdued. however, it is important to note that the fire is still out of control and it remains unsafe for people to return. due to the severity of the damage, hundreds of firefighters from around the world are coming to alberta to help. other parts of canada are also engulfed by why fi is including british columbia. canada is no stranger to wi fi, is in 2023, a record number of fires, fullest hundreds of thousands of canadians to evacuate. that 2020 full powers. olympic games have go down the way with a spectacular opening extravaganza. 7000 that leads from 200 countries to pots and
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the water bubble, and probably read down to every of us. and that was heavy rain, but it failed to dump into the olympics periods as a huge crowds got it around the french compet. those landmarks succeed has face extra tight security after a series of boss and not tax on the french train. that's where it was before the festivities begun to an opening ceremony like no, it was. this was the 1st ever open air edition of the events, something many locals took advantage of. the greek delegation, let the teams out in keeping with tradition. and the athletes was, sir, and i did long to send by some serious stop power. first came a cab or a performance from lady gog. oh, wow. yeah. then you probably followed by an explosive entrance from french, molly, and sing a i a nakamura. can paris put on a show? yes, it can. early in the spec titles who were lucky enough to get hold of tickets faced
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huge queues to get into the event with security measures even so i to, than usual following a tax on from says royal network. but neither of those concerns, nor the dreadful parisian weather could dump in spirit, say, instead there's only enthusiasm for the sporting festival to come. of course it is especially uh for us uh, my 1st time was thing the gaming uh, a 100 years. uh yeah, we're excited. very excited. the way here. um from australia we've come all this way just to say the olympics. i super excited. yeah, i'm super excited. this was a bucket list trust for us. so we planned it like a year ago to come here. there is just so much high p r in parties. so we are very excited comments echoed by international olympic committee. chief. so must pass. you can feel the wide uh there among the athletes. you can feel, divide them on the organize us. and this is why we are so confident about the
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success of uh, visa games. i was late to the host nations athletes round it off the parade soaked spot ecstatic presidents and manuel macro officially opened the games. and finally, the cold turn was lids by 3 time gold medalists. maurice is that correct? and said he rhina. now the sport becomes the spectacle. let the games begin. the date of use at least hello is drawing aside from the french capital for mall. hello, liza. as easy as reading where you are, sorry for keeping you in there. right. and it was also reading during the opening ceremony, but i like what i soul. what are people so you know about the opening of the games? well, you know, a, i would agree with what we just heard in the report. people were on the tut by the pouring rain that as you saying is, continue here in paris. they cooled the ceremony. slum boy and magnificent
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breast taking and it's, i mean it actually, there was everything in it. now you had french history, the cult. so you had a passion. so you had a drag queen show and my favorite my mind was when i come, when i came onto the stage, she walked across a bridge and was reaching when she was thinking of a friend commodity. and seeing that he was facing racist remarks ahead of the ceremony, and it was announced that she would participate right before her, the republican guard, a stiff military music group was playing. and then she came and walked across the bridge, sang her ethnically diverse songs. and that group, the republican guard break into a done so that was really the perfect picture of today's fonts. and it's ethnic diversity bringing together rich history with a move or heard president. trey right. what are my favorite pods? what scene selling do you want to perform? for the 1st time in quite so. wow. but look, wow, this a lot of uh,
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impressive highlights to, to point out that was also some slides diplomatic incidents. wasn't that involving the careers that tell us about that. yes, absolutely. so soft career was announced with the official name for north korea, a nation nuclear nation, with which a south korea is still technically at war. that's of the, a gas and the i a see the international rescue committee has apologize. something not a south korean officials of the hot off for. so a, an incident diplomatic incident, but i think that will know it's really overshadow this event in the long run. so that's good to know. that was also a massive disruption to the train network on friday. that was i had of the opening ceremony services returning to normal. now what's, what's the latest? yeah. there were several acts of salvatore sabotaged happening in the night from 1st to friday. and so as you say, you know,
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some high speed train lines were interrupted for one. now the, the train lines are more or less running. again, they're kind of back to normal. they still have some disruption of the essence as is working the right way. afraid to is watching on that the authorities are saying that they're looking into who was behind that and investigation has been opened also for damage with the intent to harm the interests of the nations nation. which shows, you know, that actually that child chose not the authorities are taking this quite seriously . however sofa understands they haven't really found out who was behind thought yet . right. use that he's always reporting from paris. thank you. now i guess that's all the time with allow on that this news shuttle states you and from one use the top of the actual sport life is coming up next switch away. we meet to japanese e sports spite as we use special equipment to overcome. yeah,
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physical disability. i am maybe micah junior. thanks for watching. staging from all the welcome to put tire time. that's kind of sofas. thanks to right. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you. this was her now.


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