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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm CEST

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why do we say they're never giving up every weekend on dw, the studying abroad? we have tips for the elite british university cambridge fancy, some street food we serve, you assembled classic potato dish, columbia. and is it polish? we show you where the line is really as great as it looks on instagram. this in more, coming up on 0 max. the
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do you enjoy going to classical concerts? for do you feel that you don't understand enough about music? then a visit to your why not mind that this concert hall could be just the thing for you? because the german stock conductor wants to make classical music excessive us be to, we know that be to open at some point intended to dedicate this new symphony, which he was working on to napoleon. and the most important evidence for this is the very 1st manuscript of the score puckett with dust, if it says sinful, ne grande and below into 2 lots of bonaparte to these are in this sub titles. this 2nd heading was erased so vigorously, by someone who mendham, presumably by beethoven himself, that there is now simply a gaping hole in this title page and divide because law induced him to does that correct be allowed me look. we invite our listeners on a journey where we built right into the part of a work of music history,
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so to speak, look on him and we approach the music and try to get closer to him. in some ways equal physical of an advisor, not a problem to come. at the age of 13, you want amount of it's new that you want it to be a conductor. at 27, she became the youngest female general music director in europe. and she's been the chief conductor at the concept house spelling since the fall of 2023. her grand vision is to fill its halls with a more diverse and younger audience. experimental concert series, such as the night sessions, a crossover format of collaborations with musicians and d jays from other genres, concerts in different locations of the concept house, or allowing the audience to sit right in the middle of the playing orchestra are all intended to achieve this goal of these, the thing at all these projects are named that inviting even more people to join us with the end goal of getting them to attend a symphony concert. and the concept simply because the symphony is the most awesome
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experience moment. turning the concert hall into an awesome place on the be twins, it's to a movie to beethoven's accidents. keep going against our usual sense of rhythms punching us from every direction with an awkward timing pipes and type from 2 books . and so much in a passage like this, for example, where the absence of always dupel times think it so you almost feel like we're into full time and you no longer know where the actual bar lines are. the the, i'm in the gate is the bottom line is always the same. and then the decimal sizzle that you allow your own ears to put on a very, very big through this proximity the, the, i get an old anti gun so that you can hear things that you might not otherwise notice
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that the men or that you've never heard before that i speak to the needs of the head, and the things of the 4th movement starts like a thunderstorm in the completely wrong case or the assessment boot or the one sense is and what remains. is it a feeling that we will, of course, never know whether beethoven has anyone in particular in mind with this title and in the, in the end the music itself is the hero hit the chin. so probably by monday i think it's great because you somehow understand all the music in your guided through the whole structure of the p. s. h pen,
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especially. i really liked the music. and i also thought it was good that she explained to me to help you understand it better to pick them. yeah, i wish i'd had this introduction as a young person, because then i would definitely have gone much, much more often to concerts. and we have to spend the guns, i think it's really great to get involved and not just listen, but also find out what he was thinking, how the whole thing came about. it brings a completely different dimension to the concert, depends on the consequences. one thing is certain you want to model this is experienced concerts, have proven to be a thrilling experience. both for seasons classical music fans and curious new comers a like did you know that the u. k. is more popular with foreign students than any other country in europe. but what should you know before studying and one of the top universities there? we went to cambridge to find out what's it like to go to one of the most prestigious universities in the world? and how can you study here?
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i'm here at the university of cambridge, my alma mater, to tell you more about cox accommodation and see like and of course, you'll hear directly from some international students about their experiences studying here. a specially getting into cambridge isn't easy. you're expected to have the top grades and go through a rigorous application process, including interviews and tests. secondly, cambridge doesn't have a traditional campus structure. the university is made up of 31 individual colleges, which means that when you apply to study at cambridge, you applied to a college. today i'm here at christ, close cambridge. it's where charles darwin studied and it's one of the many colleges where students live, the study and meet with the academic advising. each college has its own library, accommodation, dining holes and social events. k is generally ranked as one of the most expensive destinations of international
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students. and it cambridge fees for non u. k. students generally full between $25.40 pounds per year. that's around 30248000 euros per year. and with medicine costing just north of $67000.00 pounds per year, the university recommends around $14000.00 pounds per year for living expenses to and that's still not o as 1st year students door. it tells me we also have to pay college a fee to study of international students that comes down to approximately $10000.00 policy is all i do have a scholarship fund price college, specifically for international students, which gives me 10000 pounds to you. so in cambridge, it's actually not allowed for you to do a part time job during town's fine, because there's all these things start in my in p view, a lot in process and then your last say, but you're allowed to do our jobs during vacations and what about housing
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so one great thing about cambridge is that colleges can generally house all undergraduates and many post graduates, at least in time time. so this means that you'll see rest of it. we spend less time looking for accommodation, done in other cities, the worker that cambridge isn't the tories, the high. so the cambridge students actually have time to extra curricular isn't socializing. welcome, mia, who's going to tell him, reasonable to write it was day. hi, i'm from australia. i think it cries, a lot of fun is just how you out with your fridays. but aside from that, there's so many societies that you can joy. you know, you have your support. so you have that, that coffee, why my friends are, is really involved in the us. the hockey team, a maple is always best described as and full light parties. that is probably more like a festival sat. the beauty of that is you just get to walk around and try different food and try different drugs. you get to see people around. thanks a lot about what think of the why people say that cambridge is all about what?
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i think it mis confuse wide because you're at cambridge, you have so many opportunities to do sales and meet people from your academics from walton was background to at the top of that field. but you also have the opportunity to meet people like leaders and left fields as well. 3 of things organize i need of as see things organize. i see that societies. i think the fact that we've lived together also really helps with managing new studies. item the social life. okay, so we've got to talk about culture shocks because coming to the u. k. as a cambridge, as an international is probably quite special. next to an economic student tells us what surprised him. one big thing was food. and this sounds stereotypical but it's true. um you have potatoes, you have chicken. yeah. fish and chips which is very exciting for a while. but when you're tired and it's getting dark, it for you really just for fun comfort for him from home. the 2nd thing is making new friends agent sometimes prove difficult for some students to make friends of
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new and unfamiliar cultures because you'd like that you know, convenient factor to draw upon when relating to common chat experiences. really recommend trying to me as many friends from different backgrounds possible because it's that diversity of experience and that diversity of thought. but aside from academics, you really benefit from within the university experience and here's my products. if you're going to get a bike makes so you get a good luck because 2 of my bikes was stolen when i live to, sorry, mom and dad. so how to study in cambridge sound to you? you dropped so your application as we speak next, stop east of the turkish metropolis is a hot spot for street food. not quite as well known as the could bob. but at least as feeling is the dish we are about to introduce to you in the leading role of potato. now how about hello. i'm compare the
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baked potato in case we haven't already been introduced. i'm one of the stumbles most popular street foods. ha, scale to these a warm welcome to my kitchen. you won't leave here with stomachs growling. lots of cheese and butter make me the cream is potato on either side of the boss for us. and that's just the beginning. my 12 things are still to come. and here more is more item coming small portions or rather we don't, the computer shifts move out is one of the family, just like the common sewers. who appreciate my qualities. take the image of you. it's like finding the flavors of many dishes in a single dish. if we call it a meal, it's a meal. if we call it breakfast, it's breakfast. so it's quite strange. so we come to assemble and then we have the east coast before we go home. is down below
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turkey's great metropolis on the ball. spruce is my home. nearly $16000000.00 hungry mouths to feed, not even including the tourist. an entire market is devoted to me in the order to the neighborhood, a former fishing village. you've seen what actual, ready? he starts brightened early lugging around hundreds of kilos of may. these are large size potatoes, the ones suitable for comparing shoes. the small ones are useless to us because our customers know computer has large potatoes. first of all, we go into special computer ovens. we use natural gas because it cooks the inside of the potatoes. for example, this will be done in about 45 minutes or an hour when you do it at home. it takes 2 and a half to 3 hours. that's why it's natural gas power to that. it's fast. while i start getting hot tons of the color move that fixes my stomach,
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this is especially to see it a home made folder solid. when say it has to be a piece for the eyes to. it's not just about food, but also about genuine hospitality mode. that certainly isn't the only computer vendor in or to create. so the service has got to be good. every stand here off is exactly the same dish, and my sellers have agreed on a list of toppings. firstly, we have black. all of us here. we have to goes home, made to see green olives, and red cabbage corn, mexican salad, and a slightly spicy paste sausage. we boil it in our own tomato paste. i should russian sell in hot sauce. i got a spicy, manage, manage with cabbage. mushrooms have a pen you'll peppers and finally catch up in may nase on top. if you have everything together is a 1000 calories. i don't for 300 lire or about 8 and a half euro's at the moment. turkey is rampant, inflation hasn't spared even the simplest street. this is what's moved out to an
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ice stand by our promise. satisfied every customer guys for the students. second one is free. come by on your way back. the students real friend is here come by, my fans, they love me. generally with all my talent things i can't help wondering is fine, truly understood in the call in every sense. for me, the fact that he's does it all in with papa and uh, cutoff potato with cheese and uh yeah, yeah. is a made some for visual, so if there's something spicy in it and definitely some extra cheese. so what's talking to you about dates? admittedly potatoes have never really played an essential part in turkish cuisine. my ancestors were immigrants to this country. my name computer might have come from a german dialect, word for potato via or tongue. devon. tradition has it that i entered modern
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turkey is a baked potato through the balkans and quickly made it big. in the 20th century. i conquered the streets of this tumble and became the darling of the hungry masses. the vengeance altogether, i don't think or think who would be or the crew without computes. sometimes i go to the seaside and say to myself, i wonder if they're giving them away for free. they television, there's someone eating, compete on every venue. it's incredibly, i guess i can compare it has become synonymous with all my uh i bring everyone together, people from all walks of life with every taste to some justin oversight potato to others. i am no less then the symbol of turkish hospitality. and now we take you to milan one of the most photographed cities in easily the
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historic buildings in particular, attract many people, what is really worth a visit and does the city live up to its image? instagram is full of stunning midland pictures showing the cities romantic canals, unimpressed, safe architect yet. but he's been on really as beautiful as instagram suggests, which 3 places i actually was visiting time for a reality check. my line is italy, 2nd largest city and home to 1000000 people. each year, 2500000 tourists visit the metropolis. it's considered a fashion and design mca, a tourist magnet and economic powerhouse facilities, conical facade, and gulf it cathedral feature in complex. instagram picks
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the basement lines, cathedral really a must see. time for our 1st reality check. the cathedral is one of the largest challenges in the world. construction began in 1386, but wasn't completed for another 450 years. 3500 sculptures. don't want it's gorgeous mobile facade, but that is cathedral square is one of the most beautiful and in to national places in europe. this is the place to bank, the which you come from, australia, from fun time to catch the view from the top of the cathedral. but 1st we need to climb a 164 steps to reach the roof tyrants. the entrance ticket costs 16 euros as well. with the money did you know several movie scenes?
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what shall tapia, including by it's elizabeth legendary, full make up vis. county from here we've got a great view of the square below the next we had bank down into the cathedral itself. a commission is included in the ticket price database is supposedly launch enough to hold $35000.00 people. but visitors must dress modestly . shoulders, hot pants and the like in notes are loud. that's why launch costs are sold outside, but covering up inside, there's always renovation. well, getting on even so my line cathedral definitely lives up to the instagram hype mans victoria in manuel. he, the 2nd shopping arcade is also huge on instagram. and how does it hold up in uh, reality check the okay. it opened in
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1864 and its popular with midlands high society the okay. it is covered by unimpressive cost. um and it's not uncommon to see taurus spinning on one particular mosaic. let me just hold someone save. i will give you a call from that. yeah. okay. it is perfect for snapping. some fancy pictures. the now side and final reality check midlands nobility districts. it looks incredible on instagram, but is it really was visiting that i'm was once christ crossed, buying made the whole canals for transporting goods, including the model used to build the cathedral today. need to canals remain, then i'll be your graham day and video poverty easy. this neighborhood is
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surprisingly calm during the day you'll find tranquil courtyards, alleys and unique shops like the auto on a pano store. as evening approaches, nothing really comes to life. the tranquil neighborhood transforms into a vibrant 9th 9th hotspots. it's a great place for enjoying dinner. music and drinks that really is hugely popular with teenagers and food is the 32 sites in a v. it's quiet during the day and lively at night. we think you should definitely visit the district is a unique experience and perfect for taking some great pictures to now we meet so fee helen ham. from dressed in. as a teenager, she was well on her way to becoming
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a professional dancer. then fav dealt her below and operation on her back left. her partially paralyzed with that hasn't stopped, is determined, young performer for sophie how in him dance has been a lifelong pursuit. she's partially paralyzed below the waist. but that hasn't stopped from chasing her dream. and the cancer down to the, to me is something that comes from deep with the in front is that it's a passion that i live with. and the language we try speak to for which i need know what to watch at the football. so she completed her studies and dance in the east in german city of dresden, at the age of 19. and it's been working as a freelance dancer on stages throughout germany ever since she began studying dance seriously at the age of 12, some 5 years later,
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an absence was found on her spine. she underwent emergency surgery to have it removed, but it was too late. it had already caused nerve damage to her spine and left her partially paralyzed the bible. not 2 weeks off to the onset of my paralysis, i recorded and improvise dunce video. and i realized that nothing had really changed and perhaps my budget changed, but you contact doug's out of my heart. and so now i've had some those night she recorded this dance video in part to complete her studies. but she also realized something in the process. the to the moment at the moment when i was diagnosed, i had this very blatant avoidance behavior except exact for me, me and the life i have chosen. it's out of the question that i would never walk again to the dentist. again, spike,
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it doesn't even have to i wanted to have control of the more light habits of my, of my body and know for deciding what i was going to do with my life is awesome. i'm leaving micah, her determination is apparent in her life both on and off the stage when she's not dancing, she enjoys spending time in nature near her home and dressed and she relies on her mental strength and other physical abilities to carry her through and refuses to be defined by her handicap. begin the gap psychiatry sticks like when you smell on and you can't reach the cops on the shelf when a person has sensitive skin and need some protection effect to 50 and not associate . that's how it was with me. i just sit on it and to live with these new articles i know, and i can shop around. so again, now at age 23, sophie guest us in various productions in germany. she works with choreography, those who create pieces around a disability. she says she wants to convey the 3 nature of dance regardless of
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physical limitations, might fall. and this of my dream has definitely come true. i have the life of a dance and so that i get to come here, i get to see a lot of the cities. i get to me a great people again, or i'm leaving the life exactly as i wish. now destiny, it just completely different than i had imagine, which doesn't make it was a top, lust misplaced, almost bought trucks are often included in the works she performs in like here in rehearsal, for a new piece called balance. for sophie holland, him dance has given her the focus and discipline needed for successful 2nd chance in life. the that's all for today on your max. you can find more fun stories from the world of
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culture and life style in europe on our social media channels. thanks for watching and see you next time the, the, the
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poisons, a tennessee piece of these chemicals are in almost everything and they cannot be removed. and so if i don't forget to get to grips with the appropriate, i just missed the because the thing is why is it probably in a spiral down to the control, se one's page has always pieces? yes. in 15 minutes on d, w, we a back in 10 years capital of ne ruby. now this city has been the seeds of ongoing
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protest, initially started a guess a controversial finance to the proposed sweeping increases in taxes. we need a solution from how this purchased a going to own was it for pushing it in people's life? that's nice. was that the kind of person was wonderful. used to this 77 percent in 90 minutes on d. w. the, the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center the straight people's explain the
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around the world more than 150000000 people us we of mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw may 4 mines and this shadows are these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed scores to post tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the
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this is dw news live from berlin. last, the games begin. the paris 2024 olympic games kick off in the rain with a dazzling opening ceremony. peel and big flame is lit, introducing 2 weeks of world class sporting action, thousands of athletes are gearing up and spectators are looking forward to with billed as the greatest show on earth. also the .


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