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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST

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of the award winning also is available worldwide for every language level. reading gentleman has to go the business, the doesn't use africa coming up on the program. a glimmer of hope in the so called forgotten was saddam's problem and the chief forces save. you are ready to join sci fi. i told us of thousands of people have been killed in the ongoing wall and millions display needs. a young man who fled to neighboring chat. also coming up reading the challenges south to down is ready to make history. we look at the chances of its basketball team of the participate in the very fast and lympics and is that right? cut break insights. and i do an opposite seeks weld records with a massive drawing celebrates and nigeria as culture and diversity. when
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a grand scale the i d, mike, i junior and you are welcome to the program, so that rapid support forces, or are as se the are ready to join sci fi talks. this comes out the united states invited warren size to the table and on efforts to end the conflicts are us officials will meet the age that talks in august with the african union, the united nations and novice acting as of service. the war incident has been ongoing for over a yeah, this is denise army has been fighting the arrows. they have all the control of the country. the conflict has left thousands that and more than 10000000 displaced people in the for have and deal with among the west mich, as reports that sofa, especially the rest of the day. and so l, as in nina, if it's out of west africa,
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where the palm galucci ourselves, has been discriminated the talk men, women, and children of any age, according to rights groups. and the un, it has forced many survivors to flee to neighboring chad. some 600000. so then these people are now living in a refugee comes that use my own without travel to andre inside the caps. have the stories. holly is 9 years old. he had a childhood with no worries until last november. that's when sedans, rapids of pulled, forces came to his hometown engineer to detect you still can speak about what happened. that's a bit of the big shot from all 4 sides, like via there were many r as a fighters with them all. i don't know which side the bullet came from the guy. we only found him shouts and the better for us. you know,
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honey was charging the leg and needed the medical care quickly. it was the family flat to chat with doctors amputated his leg. before this attack, the arrows, us and allied are up munitions to control of a nearby. so denise me, base. then they went door to door and honey is hometown systematic. you looking for members of african ethnic groups like the monthly community, the rip girls and people are nice, executed boys and men. they left bodies on the streets to watch holly, it's by the 3rd 28 people that day, including his nephew there on a roger. the man had shot to me in the head and he's watching the stomach, the pretty. but i found them inside the house, not begin. i do a bit during this attack. he remembers r as s i t as using racial slurs at the harvard. they abused as uh, they sides when you will. now up, africans, wine,
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we will kill all of you and you won't have any land back. this land will be under our far today. and we will decide who will cultivates it. it's not, no, it's a genocide against us. they don't want any black people to remain a roll of a so let's get the united nation says the iris s and as allies today and as an estimated to 15000 people, an estimate came motivated mass because enough for human rights watch has also want of a possible genocide against the muscle need in the region. the 1st they killed doctors then they killed teaches. they killed religious leaders and most people with an education. they want to end the muscle, the people who browse after which i'm even eligible for them. after the mind speaks as a community leader and from personal experience, the same man he prayed with in the mosque in the evening, abducted 12 members of his family and executed them. his son, the doctor,
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was killed while working at the hospital. after one surviving family also sold safety in chad, that suspicion remains up of minds as the arab neighbors. and so don helped the hours s and pointing out most indeed houses during that attack. and some of them now live in a nearby refuge account. the other witnesses to corroborate this claim and some who tonight, that'll make this our upcoming tinita shot civilians would never kill. this is a lie. the methylated a line of those who came to chad. nobody is hurt them. the divide runs deep to prevent conflict ethnic. i rep an ethnic african refugees, us thing and separate kind of in the camp holly, its parents happy to watch the sun grow up and safety and it's filling them with hope for the future. like when my son rose
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up, i hope you have a business. i imagine many things for him and working at the mosque and having children to yeah, i just want my son to be happy in his life have and the right now as before, honey was happiest when playing football with his friends. the scouts of the full that remain there on stopping him from doing what he loves. joining me now is st. louis a seat on the specialist and human rights, consultancies county, to senior advice: softball payments, prevention and end in mass atrocities. hello. see not welcome to the program. we've just had the iris of agreeing to cease by our talks with the us, given the history of failed attempts. how optimistic only be about this one. i say we have to measure optimism in this case. this is the new kind of, this is the new winds in the c spiceworks force it on. we have the jet the process
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previously, which did include both our assessment staff. we are chief and very little progress throughout that peace negotiations. so this time around, yes, we have the you and you at the table, we also have the, when the african union, i'm an agent who will be that and observe the stasis. and what we really needs is for all of these key stakeholders to actually inside leverage on sit on because that is no military solution to this complex. the only way out is through a peacemaker. she ations, but they have to go farther this time and they have to unclear the highest level of stakeholders. so not just special amboy tom trailer from the us, but also secretary, blinking should be in attendance and fully engaged. right. i mean, it's been a while that we've had also any negotiations about piece going on. the last was in december when a you as well, so, so involved about that didn't know where it counts. now you also mentioned a few stops, would include countries including the united arab emirates. they're going to be of service reports, suggest that to you a is, i'm in the palm retreat group in sit done. why would they do that?
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and how is that influencing the conflict? that's a fantastic question. and really one that we shouldn't be direct thing at the emerald city or thursday is it seems as though they have pledge that whole the cooling, the whole send this and the site. and that is the, are assess that who thing that's when kind of the chips a chips down at the end of the complex that they will be able to manipulate the r, assess, and use them to access that on is very rich resources across the country. but fundamentally, we know that the re, uh, providing significant support to the our assess, excuse me, they, uh, the un panel of expense report from january reported that the year is providing the support. we need an end tier supplies coming in from the u, a. e in the weapons, but also there are other actors who are implementing the sit on complex are also weapons coming in from russia, from iran. we also have lessons coming in from talkie and all of these kind of spoilers to students, to sit on the transition to a democratic revolution needs to be. and then we need an enforcement of the current,
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doleful arms and bunker. but we'll send you an expansion of arms and bothered to call about the entirety of sit on. right. um, what we also learned from the reports of the you in special adviser of the secretary general on the prevention of genocide, that's alice and they read to recently said, and i quote, we do have circumstances in which i genocide could be or caring or hassle cat now you've done extensive research on the death for genocide in early 2, thousands. how that's the current situation. is it done compared to that? there are a lot of similarities between this complex and the one from 2003 on let's, i'm principally, but hand as the head of the student is on forces. and matthew is the head of the rapids full forces. they were both instrumental and perpetrating the genocide from 2003 on so they honed the tactics that they using today in not complex. so the mass mobilization of civilians along ethnic lines we saw during that awful genocide, but principally the use of hung up as a weapon of war salvation as
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a weapon of war. they did that back in 2003 on ones that were more in direct depths caused by a lack of humanitarian assistance and a lack of food and lots of medical assistance from the 20032005 period. then the why from direct baffled us, and again, we're seeing the same today with 16 percent of the population of docile and course the font are expected to die and you to find that is aids available. it's just that we don't have the amount of target access, so it's really on matthew, but hon to allow this assistance to flow into the country. the other similarities include the lack of accountability, that is no real process at the moment. we do have a fact finding mission from the new one, but this means that of support and in spite of funding and resourcing so that they can do the documentation, walk on the suit needs, he will on the ground, continuing to rest that lives to document the violations that are car on both sides and instead of support, right? meanwhile, the war continues so many people are losing their lives. so many millions of being displaced. and the injury list just continues to pilot,
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how kind of you money to and the need organizations better supports the news and need including children, refugees, like uh, kelly who we are. yeah. so in the report, right, i think the international humanitarian community can be there in a lot more. that is like a monetary response in sit on, but it is locally lens principal, you by young student use men and women who are volunteering to stay on the front lines to provide community kitchens to feed communities by providing frontline medical assistance because the honor functioning hospitals and a lot of these areas, they need to be directly supported by these international donors, by us aid, by the foreign, including well development office and the hugh k who could be providing funds directly to them to continue that work. when we talk about the humanitarian side of us, we comp and we can't overstate the synonymy of human suffering. that is happening in saddam right now. and anything that can be done to assess the student population is action that needs to be taken. now this can't wait here. that's called wait
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weeks or months that has to happen today. right. so in a louis sit down specialist and human rights consultant. thank you very much for your and so thank you, eddie. in some sports and use every tree inside the list. the now i'm getting my has made history by becoming the 1st black african to win the green jersey at toward the front of the green, jesse's awarded to the best spring top of the site in race covers roots of almost 3500 columbia tests in front, hundreds of very trans finds shed on my as the spread towards the finish line. and the ground subdivision broke out and the streets of past tomorrow, which is on my iphone town. how we treat the good i is just 24 years old and rungs 16 mens well road racing or less and i'll bring in that may how
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we could as among of odds events, easy to time road race jumped here and every tree an icon in his own right, hello, it may, how we fangs with joining as no black africans even compete that in the port of friends until 2015 you and for low country man, danielle secular. hi, my not where the fast to take part fast forward to now gave me how to become the 1st black african to win the green jersey either pull the fronts how far has a retreat and indeed africa. com. it's you see the mind blow, you know what to be done and especially for anitra, for off they got it, make i, they the proud and all the other channels. so it's like it is number one so that we work very hard to is always the government is more mission, national things. so yeah, that's the results for what you have done the last 10 years and especially for stake, listing and age. and so i could list it is going to be more what the vision and it's the consensus they conceded so before before i was possibly affecting the
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refunds was for i was something impossible to reach or to to participate. but my time was participated and then i'll be, i'm subject to when off from now on. i think it's gonna be a much better or much eviction for the young riders. right. so here's the thing, beg your mind. one said this, and i quote, when i was young, i never dreamed of competing in races like the told of friends because i thought it was just full white or it will be and people i found is a pretty interesting. why is it so important is to have black representation of the highest level of wealth cycling through frontier is one of the inside key. so for us, when you got kids, we tell it was the really hard and the mazda color or so that's easy. kelly and the techniques of technology, even the faucet, which is a bike, everything. so if me thinking from home, especially to as a kid, it's the,
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it's you decide to impossible. but the routine community are coming to europe. yeah, we start to defeated we, when we joined to the professional team or how are getting, getting close to close of that. it's not me that didn't control. right. so there are some that i do that the diversity of cycling has not increased as holt and the pilots and remains overwhelmingly wides. what more needs to be done to achieve even more diversity in cycling and creates more opportunities for black african cyclists? yeah, that's a good question, i think. and yeah, the 2nd is one of the hardest sport end of the expensive one. so i think we need more teams is i think on teams that we need more opportunities royce in europe and we'd differentially, maybe it was nice to not see maybe and do drawn individual. and so we need more opportunity to, to re senior it up to have a lot of guys,
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things that throw that on the car riders. okay. and how we could is thank you very much. welcome. well come i now games for olympics glory as he also qualified for the games in paris. now hundreds of africa not leads that chasing golden friends, south africa, egypt and nigeria have the largest that occasions about will. that translates into victory? kenya was the most successful african country at the last games and told you with full gold medals and wants to stay on top of the list. that's here from some updates. staffing with fred and on on jala canyon springs out who were trained in funds for the olympics as what has been coming here before my made it jump into it . so let's do is you have the footboard up is there was the championship. so again, i'm here before the end because and i'm happy that they're live with, you've been friends. so that means through the, the right place to be the saucers,
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vs off to the us with us to it as well. so looking forward to the next couple of weeks and i was add on, it took you all might have done a long pick. yeah. now if you remember on the to be on a team is a monitor on the truck follow to so that there's no good $42.00 about this. and now i on otter's olympic, i get i ticket to just go to 42 bath. the so this is good for the trip and from on the olympics, mike leed low id id. we found a sports desk john, spi. now i like to look the so much more looking forward to in terms of what africa has to offer. what's happening to me keep an eye on. so thank you and have a nice the olympics. uh, grateful africa and um, all these things are the best assets and i mean this. yeah, it's exactly for me. it was, i'm reaching out to 3 cheaply as the assets,
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especially in the individual performances 50. i don't know if kenya, she's a was real quick hold. i know 1500 meters women and she's coming into the olympics on the back of we need to be coordinators in 20162020. the tokyo games in 2021. and now trying to win. how ted one, you know, she came back from after, went in and really she had a baby you and came to winning or in talk to a showing that mothers can do this thing. and you know, last year she pulled toward record again and you know, she, so she just comes in with a lot of pressure. but you know, she can make that expectation for, can you make anyone's excited about her? so i think 531 is want to watch out for. and my 2nd question would be, let's see later global books. so i know you don't mind kind of own the only books on. i have not been known for its extreme southern africa. and ever since she has seen uh kind of some been a come from south africa, but they've seen is just another one who's come out of but so not shown that. so
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then that's kind of constraints, you know, is one back to back. so if i'm it isn't 100 meters and 200 meters have to watch on the issue. and what's on us would be really, you know, to me for him to top that i'm going to win a gold medal, right? i don't even think so, of course is competing isn't new. i lives in both races, but i mean i'm looking for him to to snatch one of of those metals. my taught athletics would be a lot to know about mississauga nigeria. she's a reading and she's award record whole that in the 100 me to hundreds women and she i talked to you when she finished 6 disappointingly what? 2 years latasha bounce back and one i'm booked. it was recalled on one night dress . first war championship gord meta, so this he sees that you're as big as hopefully a good middle says the year 2000. that's one to 4 years of waiting. you know, so there's added to 3 people that i'm really looking for tonight. you'll see how that goes out,
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tell you what more we should be looking out for wanting to watch. is the basketball team from south to down. the african nation gained its independence just 15 years ago. and it's about to play in the olympics for the 1st time. it is the only basketball team from africa that qualified for the powers olympics. it's the only basketball stadium in south through time coach spa, one of the country's national players is that to watch a local game sound sedan currently has the most successful team in africa. it made headlines at the world cup and it's now qualified for the olympics to compete with the best in the world around the later. why they go to play the, or the big name play this or why not play that? because that is something that i just, you know, be proud to show spoofing sensation. and one of africa's poorest countries ranked by years of war. sounds to done only gained its independence from sou, done in 2011. it was only $11000000.00 inhabitants. the country's potential to make
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its name of the world across people is still enormous of the heights. so people say that 50 percent given to 50 percent or do so now you gotta work about these, the proper, practical, proper way of learning to give him the best to say like as i, i don't think there's going to be offered to sort of set up a week to come to wherever and so i'm excited young man here or from total then to me just the few sports grounds are always over crowded and many dream with making their fortunes with basketball, coach spa once more than a few individual success stories he wants to make a name for sale suit on as a basketball nation, who i'll go to just on, you know, when something for 1000, then i'm going to continue the plan for the national team as long as i can, that school is going to be more young kids coming in all the stuff so they're gonna
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have to wait for them, make it hard to them. so, and they're going to come then it is a bigger issue is that they need to feel coach bond. his fellow players will soon be competing against the world's top teams. at this he has an impact. it will be self students opportunity to show it has what it takes to play with the best. right that a little surprised that they made it to the olympics as it was all semester was really interesting to i knew only country that has ever clarified for the olympics that has no indo basketball court. these guys have come through the diaspora, many of them the parents left during the war for independence and in the civil war . so they have gone abroad, for example, but logged in the president of subsidence, a basketball official with them altogether. it's he also didn't pay for ssl so that he didn't have the opportunity if this were a good pretense, but he played in india and then you know, use this finances and put all these boys together to raise a flag was also done. and i think they're really going to do as a cup out of the they held your, the us to really tied the knowing your friend ever since sunday and concepts. you
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know, so i think some of them could really do it. i do want them to say, i'll bet my money on them. let's see how that goes quick. what on the is, what more can we expect from team offers something from somebody, a ride, actually design beyond women's national football team. they've rich dest seconds. they don't empty games that we had to work up to years ago. and as showing that the have uh, the cost has been growth for them. i think the really exciting play as about the brand as go to hot trees in tokyo and also schedule a callback thing with rich oakland and queen the non g who's the most expensive women. so the ever is under women's football is want to watch this, this year, and piracy side. okay. we'll see how it goes like they are they, we for the sports desk. thank you. thank you so much. and as you're in, delta is attempting to break it down as well to record his oswick for that david
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has created the world's largest individual drawing, highlighting the countries rich ethnic diversity. it beats the previous record of 630 square meters held by india is robbie sony correspondence police that to combine lagos, nigeria was back to check it out. i know that i jerry, i have broken again as road record while i baby sets a new record, but it was not just drawing bonnie, this is why the drive is a map of nigeria with a detailed they fix into countries, different ethnic groups. it is 1000 square meters. that's about the size of one of the hops. any sports. it's david fixed base to compare to drawing inside each page . i mean, nicholas, i just want people to understand that this, this beauty in a 90 and this beauty email approaches and is beauty, you know, a day for us, the 3, the one in the new, all the major as are born. i thought the various virus,
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this is going to really bring this spotlight to us and then you have to just move the 9 here at incredible country reach which so many days. that's our resources, thailand, the people we are unique when i beg, when is the latest by julia to break? i do not smile direct on before he showed up after you broke the record for the long desk picked him up on suit the success of busing us between us, what records but the fact that when it arrives you know about westside projects attempting to send new records, so what's behind this way as well as you have any nigeria? this might cause i bought national pride on sunday bridge and culture varies. of course the elements of cloud dunphy, especially with social media for not david, says for him. this record is about using us to wear it college unity in a culturally diverse country like nigeria. all right, very impressive. isn't that. that's how we wrap up visual. i am eddie micah, julia. see you next time. bye for now, the
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you're watching the news coming to live from berlin. israel strikes a school building in gaza. the hamas run health ministry says at least a 30 palestinians of sheltering there were killed as wells as it was targeting militants in hiding. we will bring you the latest. also coming up on our show a meeting, a foreign ministers from south east asian countries, wraps up in los top, diplomats from russia and you asked for an attendance alongside of china and other countries. and the gold rush is underway at the paris 2024 olympic games a chinese. they're a dazzling the diving to take home the 1st gold medal.


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