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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the you watching dw, and it was coming to you live from berlin, a rock, it strikes a football pitch in the is really occupied colon heights. israel says at least 10 people are dead in the village of natural shands, and blames the militant group has bold off the attacks coming after and is rightly striking. killed 4 of the groups members. also coming up on our show today, meeting a foreign ministers from southeast asian countries wrap stuff in louse top, diplomats from russia and the us are in attendance alongside china and other countries. the
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okay, richard send. thank you very much for joining us. as well as has at least a 10 people have been killed in a rocket attack and the is really occupied. golan heights is riley, military said, has the militants fired the rocket, which struck a football pitch. and the town of montreal, shands has the law has denied involvement in the attack, which comes after and is rightly strike on southern weapon on killed several members of the militant group has the law is considered a terrorist organization by the united states in germany and several sunni arab countries let's get more on this developing story with a journalist at balise levine and it tell a v. so israel here is blaming, has bl, offer this, has the law denying any involvement. what are we to make of this? yes, so just leaving to go on the audio spokesperson de la garza, you said that the 10 people were killed. all of them are between the ages of 10 to
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20, which were, which means we're talking about kids, teenagers as the blaming horse, his by law. that's after the secret assessments of that said that his beloved fired a rocket that landed that soccer field insides. most of shawn sick again, it's of drew's village, mel lay the narrative of physical my last history actually. and then we're talking about the village. of course, most of them don't even have any is really i d. 's now have a lot of denying the responsibility to go that uh, just like i said, 1929. the um, so $730.00 p m, they take responsibility for them that, that with a fellow one missile toward a military site. that is actually just a few kilometers. if somebody does something, no, i'm not saying that this is the same exact, but it just weird that we're talking about the same time me and only if you like half an hour after the attack. and we're talking about the same incident, which is one missile that landed in the best area. they are trying to say that it's
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actually an ira missiles or interceptor. actually that went wrong and hit that soccer field of the ongoing vessel is on the surface to air missile force and the, and the service that the surface, the missile. so different north of here. maybe if they are denying responsible, the could also be other fractions and living are maybe homeless and living on the fraction that's quite as well along the sides is below that they could be it also the case. but for now, we're seeing that the, i guess is blame me, his bulk with that. so a lot of open questions. so the big one of course is whether this could lead to further escalation. what is the risk now that israel will want retaliatory strikes here? a novel doesn't really happen. uh just um, uh um the is really the foreign minister. so i've got so it just said that there
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will be a reoccurring towards the 2nd. it will be proportional. now that's again what everybody was afraid of, that the such an incident wouldn't happen with lots of people, civilians that wouldn't be killed. and that is all have to actually uh respond to this. and in that case of the assessment is well that we are facing a few days of heavy fighting on the border and may be different situation. i'm saying that we are going break now to a whole, going out more and living on because i think the 2 parties has nothing to achieve here, but at least a few days or maybe weeks of a different equation on the last, the, from the one that that we used to a sense of dover, h, windows still do start that. so not only targeting the towns and community that are just little 5 kilometers from the borders. maybe we'll see that israel was actually head more strategic, more deep inside live in on,
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into his below infrastructure and not only the equations that we've used to it. but thank you so much for that update. that is a journalist about league a sliding until of eve or and the causes hamas run health ministry says 30 people have been killed and more than a 100 injured in an is riley strike on a school where displaced people were sheltering, as well as military has confirmed it targeted the compound and the central town of they're all by law saying how mosse was using it to launch attacks and that it had warrant civilians in advance. explosions, shake the ground in central gaza. as the smoke rises, crowds rushed to the scene. only to find the school in ruins. hundreds of displaced the palestinians with sheltering here in the central region of deer, elbow left until the rockets fell. so
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instead of running outside, i ran into this way and because of school is what takes me. and there was a medical eunice, and it's not supposed to be targeted. i slid inside the school because it is a safe place. and i have been displaced to it as i was playing by so stones and people flying pigs legs and flying players over the entire scene. shopping to make the most of the most of my name, my muscle in an instant record stroke. don't us and we are already wounded. it is only been a couple of months since i came back from egypt with my daughter. and now my daughter is wounded. with also was one of dozens of victims, rushed to l. x the hospital and it's over crowded car doors, emergency teams did what they could with what little supplies they have left. the israeli military claims it strikes targeted a most command center, a claim. the militant group has denied which the hundreds of displaced civilians,
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who, with sheltering the, it makes little difference. now the survivors must seek shelter elsewhere. again, joe, so there was always displacements and migration as long as their rates and aggression . people are afraid and move from one place to another in gaza. god be with us. the world between israel and the model has almost reached its tense month and for the civilians quotes in the crossfire. it cannot and soon enough. turning now to smother news, a 3 day meeting of south east asian nations has wrapped up in logs with regional tensions dominating the talks. us secretary of state and to me blinking and his chinese counter part one you discuss china is deepening ties with moscow. and what the u. s. calls based things, provocative actions in the south china sea. other topics included the ongoing
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fighting in, in march. i'd like to bring in richard. hey daria in for more an author columnist and political science as closely following events in south east asia. welcome. first of all, did these talks between wong e and blinking at really dominate the agenda at this meeting as well. i mean, the class of the titans are up is the meeting between the 2 items is always uh, at the top agend, our top area of concern for everyone in the region including solid, is a shot. obviously, yadda. also all the major powers, including the roster officer present is that in this meeting. but as far as us and china are concerned, this was about establishing guardrails versus the us just heading into an elections of i don't think present bindings and would to pick a fight elsewhere outside the united states, i was election approaches. so they want to stop these guard rails, but there are multiple point points of tension, structural tensions between the 2 sides and in fairness to bring in and also to try . and i think the to constructive 5 and kind of break that up for us on russia.
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lincoln was absolutely clear that there will be contra measures, meaning potentially sanctions against chinese companies will have been significant enabling that office war against you create a but on salt chinese you, for instance, another area of concern because us, i like the philippines has been having tests as we try now, he saw that a little bit more optimistic because both philippines and trying. i've been trying to find the diplomatic solution to ensure that their own disputes will not escalate into something more more warranty. and then on each, just like, for instance, myanmar blink and, and, and, and try and actually are trying to work together in order to encourage and support us and to find a more stable all the situation thereafter. more than 2 years of seagulls who are so so multiple points of tension, but a very kind of a stratified kathy breaker, the approach that much going on here. i wanna ask you little bit more about these tensions between china and the philippines. of course, these have been escalating for months and you get the impression that there were any breakthroughs in this meetings,
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if they find any common cause or try and sewage, these tensions. that's what obviously things are very much calibrated and coordinated in a sense that i think both the philippines and us of being in the last conversation i'm into, they're all leaders and mutual defense treaty. so if something goes wrong, the us will inevitably be involved for the military or otherwise. so i think the civic is a head of this strongly tried to really dial down tensions. and there was some sort of a, a temporary agreement between training the filipinos, for by the philippines, re supplies. it's troops in the speed of air. yes. but does not publicize it anymore based on it's so called transpiring. so you need sure they've so there have been some dialing the own and the escalation entering measures. we don't if that's gonna last but clear is that was coordinated also between the philippines and the rest of the region. but also the philippines doesn't want to be isolated because the philippines is the only country in austin nowadays that these albany calling out china and signing up to china. but still wants to work with other countries like police in vietnam. and even indonesia will also have their own marketing
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concern. so, so i handled this, i mean the philippines has already dialing it down. what it is could last for the foreseeable future. i'm not very sure about it, but at least for now, it looks like every site is trying to find some sort of common ground. that would, that said, looking ahead, do you think there is a real risk of war between the philippines and china? i will absolutely wear a skirt to those 2 that i mean just a few weeks ago as slipping the service men lost his finger and the beat, the big into philippines was weather dot should be the ground for invoking mutual defense for do with the united states. because, you know, on one hand, you can say that, you know, the mutual advanced really going on can only apply if an arm that's not happened. but it's also not only about what trying to use this is also about the consequences of trying as aggressive activity. so even if trying to has an use armed at the top, it has use very aggressive invitation tactics and, and, and other kinds of, of forms of, of, of all invitations. i guess if it'd be so, not long ago, there were conversation about whether this is gonna escalate into something,
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but i think eventually cool heads prevailed. and we're back again to essentially 0 because diplomacy doesn't that very solving is the blow as it just means we are freezing the situation until we can find that more opportune moment to discuss it. and then we're the us heading to elections. i think no one understands that no one wants to config in the foreseeable future. so in that sense, back to square one. thank you so much for joining us with that analysis. that is richard. hey, daria, and we very much appreciate your time. there's a to and now some time for other world news headlines tie ones, coast guard has evacuated crew members from 2 stranded ships. they're also it continuing. their search for attends and the applied cargo vessel that sank off the south coast during the ty from that hit the island earlier this week. a where fire tornado, named for it's a swirling vortex of flames, as appeared in california. local authorities declared emergency as homes were destroyed, and thousands of people evacuated the area. a man suspected of starting the fire
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with a burning car has been arrested. former bolivia and president eva morales has said that there is a real threat of political violence if he's barred from running for office. next year. in 29 team, he attempted to bypass the constitution and seek a 4th term in office. morales is currently blocked from standing for office by the constitutional court to sports now and to day one of the paris 2024 olympic games is underway with the very 1st metals already handed out and the women synchronized. 3 major spring board at china is a chain you when and chung jani to gold. continuing their country's domination of the diving events. silver went to sarah bacon and cassidy cook of the united states . and britain opened their metals account with a bronze added some best to synchronize diving, as like seeing a mirror image of one diver twisting and turning toward the water. but
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unfortunately for the australian pair, a miscommunication that meant that when diving for a potential bronze medal, 2 completely different dies were performed. and that doesn't look any better. in slow motion, it was off course and good news for the british team who collected the metals next to the us and china. and on the shooting range. china also took goals from a distance of 10 meters. the chinese team faced off with regional rival, south korea, and when a very tight intensive goals metal match. so the result made for the perfect start for team china and south korea opened their metal accounts with silver cows ex, done with the bronze and that is your news update at this hour. don't forget, you can always get the very latest news and analysis on our website, www dot com. you can also follow us on social media or handle. there is at dw, this. i'm clear, richardson in berlin for me in the whole team working behind the scenes. thank you
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