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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw, now, who's coming to live from berlin? a rocket strikes a football page and the is rarely occupied goal on heights as well say at least 10 people are dead in the village of marshal psalms. and a blaming the militant group has full law. as the law has denied involvement spots, the strike raises fears of further escalation between the 2 sides. also coming up on the show, a meeting of foreign ministers from southeast asian countries, wraps up in laos, top. diplomats from russia and the us are in attendance along side china and other countries. as the gold rushes under way of the parents 2024 olympic games
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a chinese pair at dazzle in the diving to take home. the 1st gold medals. the clare richardson. welcome israel says at least 10 people have been killed in a rocket attack and the is rarely occupied. golan heights is really military said, has belonged to legends fired the rocket, which struck a football pitch in the town of much oceans. as the law has denied involvement in the attack, but the israeli army says it will respond against the group as the law is considered a terrorist organization by the us at germany and several sunni arab countries. so the israeli army blaming has the law, has blocked denying any involvement journalist believes the now has more from
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television is uh, just moments ago of the stairs. and it was already said that the 10 people were killed. all of them are between the ages of 10 to 20, which were, which means we're talking about kids, teenagers. and the blaming course is by law. that's after the secret assessments of that said that his beloved fired a rocket that landed the soccer field insides. most of shaun's, the gains of drew's village, mel the physical they belong to syria, actually. and then we're talking about the village. of course, most of them don't even have any is really id. now have a lot of denying the responsibility to go that uh, just like i said, 1929. the um, so $730.00 p m. they take responsibility for me with that with a fellow one missile uh, toward a military side. that is actually just a few kilometers. if somebody does something, no, i'm not saying that this is the same attack,
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but it just weird that we're talking about the same time, me only view uh like half an hour after the attack. and we're talking about the same uh incident which is one missile that landed in the best area. they are trying to say that it's actually an ira missiles or interceptor, actually that went wrong and hit that soccer field of the ongoing missile is on the surface to air missile force and the surface, the surface, the missile. so different north of here, maybe they are denying responsible be good, also be other fractions and living are maybe homeless and living on the fraction. that's quite israel along the sides is below that they could be a also the case. but for now, we're seeing that the, i guess is blaming his bulk with that. so a lot of open questions. so the big one of course, is whether this could lead to further escalation. what is the risk now that israel will watch for tally atory strikes here?
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that will definitely happen. uh just um, uh um the is really, uh, 4 minutes ago. so i guess it just said that uh, there will be a reoccurring towards the 2nd it will be proportional. now that's again what everybody was afraid of, that the such an incident wouldn't happen with lots of people, civilians that wouldn't be killed. and that is all have to actually uh respond to this. and in that case of the assessment, that is well that we are facing a few days of heavy fighting on the border and may be different situation. i don't think that we are going right now to a whole going out more and living on because i think the 2 parties has nothing to achieve here, but at least a few days or maybe weeks of a different equation on the last the, from the one that, that we use to a since october 8th windows still do started. so not only targeting the towns and
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community that are just little, quite kilometers from the border. maybe we'll see the israel was actually head more strategic, more deep inside live in on, into his beloved infrastructure, and not only the equations that we've used to it. thank you so much for that update . that is a journalist, a bullying sledding and tell of eve. meanwhile, gaza some offer on health ministry says 30 and people have been killed and more than a 100 injured in on his rightly strike on a school where displaced people were sheltering. israel's military has confirmed and targeted the compound in the central town of adair. i'll fall off saying how mouse was using it to launch attacks and that it had worn civilians in advance. explosions, shake the ground in central gaza. as the smoke rises, crowds rushed to the scene only to find the school in ruins. what do i have on the hundreds of displaced the palestinians with sheltering here in the central
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region of deer? elbow left until the rockets fell down. so i so instead of running outside, i run into the school doing that because the school is what protects me. yeah. and there's a medical you understand that it's not supposed to be target is reflect inside the school because it's a safe place. and i've been displaced here. and i know, i mean, as i was playing, i saw stones and people flying heads, legs, and hands lying with shocking. most of them my name in an instance where kids dropped on us and we are already wounded. and it has only been a couple of months since i came back from egypt with my daughter. now my daughter is injured and was special. with also was one of dozens of victims rushed to l. x the hospital. and it's over crowded car doors. emergency teams did what
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they could with what little supplies they have left. the israeli military claims it strikes targeted a most command center claim. the militant group has denied which for the hundreds of displaced civilians who, with sheltering the, it makes little difference. now the survivors must seek shelter elsewhere. again, there is always displacement and migration. as long as there are rights integration . people are afraid and moved from one place to another inside god, god be with the world between israel and the model has almost reached its 10th month the. the civilians quotes in the cross file. it cannot end soon enough of a 3 day meeting of a form. ministers from southeast asian nations has wrapped up in laos with regional tensions dominating the talks. you are a secretary of state antony blanket and his chinese counterpart one he discussed
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the china is deepening ties with moscow and with the u. s. calls beijing's provocative actions in the south china sea. while the 10 member states of ozzy and met to discuss the strategic direction of south east asia change, much attention was focused on to guest of honor the united states and china until recently, tensions between china and the philippines were flaring over a filipino outpost on the 2nd, thomas, sho, both country se it's in a part of the south china sea that belongs to them. last month, chinese vessels rammed filipino supply boats on the way to the area. but then a week ago, aging and manila agreed to a deal cooling off tensions, at least for the time b, u. s. secretary of state and the blinking praise both sides for their diplomacy. we are pleased to take note of the successful to resupply today the 2nd time to show
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which is the product of an agreement reach between the philippines and china. we flawed that and hope and expect to see that it continues going forward. while the us as top diplomat also criticized paging for adding to regional tensions in the 1st place, he met with his chinese counterpart for the 6th time in recent weeks. but for russian for administer sergey laufer of who was also present, there was no sit down with lincoln. the 2 have fairly been in the same room since rush it, and they did ukraine more than 2 years ago. lover of said he was concerned about a recently announce nuclear agreement between the us and south korea, which the to allies say is and responding to nuclear threats from north korea. the on this purpose of the united states recently entered into a joint, a nuclear planning agreement with the republic of korea. you're an employee so far we cannot even get an explanation of what this means, much nor does the bone,
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but we have no doubt that this causes additional concern. boy, a double put them all over people. they are trying to bring japan into the scheme of joint nuclear planning blend year the wind farm 3 major powers on the sidelines of the as the on summit, i'm competing for influence in south east asia and beyond. i look forward to productive which engineers got some sports in there is now end of day one of the paris 2024 olympic games is underway with the very 1st metals already handed out in the women's synchronize at 3 meters. springboard china is a chain he went, ended chung jani, took a gold, continuing their countries and domination of the diving events. silver went to sarah bacon and cassidy cook of the united states. and britain opened their metals accounts with a bronze that is the best synchronized. everything is like seeing a mirror image of one diver twisting and turning toward the water. but unfortunately for the australian pair. miscommunications mentioned that when diving
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for a potential, bronze metal, 2 completely different dimes were performed. and it doesn't look any better in slow motion. but that's of course good news for the british team who collected the metals next to the us and china. outdoors the parents, whether was a major factor on day one, especially in the women cycling in the individual time trial. several writers came to grief defending champion at chloe. today i had to settle for bronze, after suffering, a bad fall, britons and a henderson. it took 2nd place, she was a whopping one and a half minutes behind australian and grace brown, who destroyed the field to claim the golds metal. the 1st of the australians in paris to and of anthony howard. here was the in the studio to talk about everything we've seen on a day, one of the competition at paris, 2024. anthony a competition already well underway. this agency that we say that we have already
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seen one of the blue ribbon events. if the women's $400.00 made is swimming is always a, a, a, an event to watch out for. but when it's got capable of dicky in the field, the absolutely legendary american up against arianna tape must be a striving list or teams. don't get along nice to people. don't get along the game with dicky, who's 17 gold medals and has clients to be maybe the best female swimming eva. wouldn't even cite arianna, tape missus 9 before the competition began. now the rice has concluded them all. no, not one in paris. the striving came out on top side of the becky. they wouldn't sight it. mrs. 9 now has to look up to on the, on the middle dyess, the striving get to go with the dickey the bronze. but the rice lived up to it. it was a great rice and politic. he gets another 3 twice and it's so great stuff. all right, so bitter pill to swallow, but there is still hope. the rain is also one of the big stars of these olympics. you can save mentioned of the weather hasn't really been playing along, has it. it has no now that the swimming was supposed to take part as far as the tribe along. vague is concerned in the rid,
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the same and other ribbons down the track. now tomorrow, the try flights was supposed to boom up in the river and get used to the the surround, organize that have spent tens of millions of you guys getting this rock that the waste water would not leak into the river. the only problem they had was if it, right, know, and so guess what a stop it for the games. it is rain, they going to test the oldest and largest say what's the see what's possible, but we're not expecting drivers. okay. as discussing as that sounds, parents is still known as the city of love, and i understand there's a little bit of a romance story as it relates to a married couple couple on the italian team. right. jen mako 10 barry who was the the attending flag bear in the opening ceremony when to raise the flag at that moment when he came on save and everything was supposed to be beautiful. and as he did it is wedding ring slipped off and went plucked into the same. he saw the ring full off and bounced inside the bugs and he said there was a tinkle of hope dribbled over the edge. and he said, as if it was the only place it wanted to be, and if he's struggling to hold onto
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a lunch already, he said, get on then it will remain for ever in the river bed of the city of love. all right, 123. how, oh anthony howard, our sport and our romance correspondence, is that what you enjoy in this video with that updates to? now just before we go, i can bring you a quick reminder that it's always possible to get dw news when you're on the go to get that usually to download our app from google play or from the app store. and you'll have access to all the latest news around the world, plus push notifications. anytime we have breaking news for you, there's also a sports business, entertainment news, plus analysis and background from workforce abundance, around the world. but that is our show access that worst day with us to learn the secrets of parents. there's most famous cathedral notes for dom that's coming up after a short break and still forget there's our website to do
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w. com for our social channels. our as there is at c to view this, i'm clear, richardson and berlin from the whole team here. thank you so much for watching the growing up as a palestinian and driven on. we can't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights. and with no cost, this is not a good environment. yeah, no, no, my children and favorite shadow stats oldest. good. on the double you for a long time, you would believe i was indestructible. the grand dam of cathedral.


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