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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 28, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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or the business the, the news lives from breland. she is of an escalation after these are all launches overnight, attacks against has pulled out in 11. and this just hours after 12 people were killed in iraq. i talkin to ease rodney occupied the nights these are all blames has split act about the militants, group 11 and the nice being involved and after a heavy rain. so the powers olympics opening ceremony every of us and is temporarily closed due to body water quality. meaning the initial training for travelers is canceled. last hundreds of thousands of people join berlin's annual tripe. i read a subdivision of equal rights, but also where am i not?
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that's l g b t people in many countries still face specification the i am at the michael junior and you are welcome to the program. these are all says it car it out overnight. the tax on has the lot targets in lebanon, striking the weapons stockpiles, and quote, terrorist infrastructure. this comes just always after 12 people were killed in iraq at that talk on the sports field. and these are all occupied good on heights, as well as defense. when is the value of guidelines has been at the sides of that attack in the, our up town of much dial shops, latrice as dual skilled with children and teenagers. these are all is blaming that has split. i'm going to attempt to group, which is backed by you round and based in lebanon. the group has denied being involved. the united nations as calling for maximum, restrains on the border between lebanon and these route. the scene of repeated
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hostilities to the little dog. this is the moment the missile strikes the football page in the town of marsh. those shops, the young players were enjoying a match. ringback distraught locals rush to help. no, but the depths of a dozen youngsters from shopped coals for to tell it to reaction slightly to the color is around. it needs to respond to within hours as if they need to give him ultimatum, either pull back or israel wipes also, then live on it. anyone who was threatening the existence of the state of israel and have to use that. i had done low for the people cannot just be sacrificed, they cannot be casualties without any response. that needs to be the parents the i'm assuming this is the deb less to tag along israel. snowden bowed to since
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fighting between israel and the loop on nice militant group has bullock escalated at the start of the gospel last october. but despite the regular cross border hostilities, hezbollah do nice targeting the football peach in the goal on the sides. these rails from minnesota caught short movies to the us. we were actually we're going to be bustling. i've been holding continue with security consultations, and i've decided to bring forward my return to israel. i will convene the security cabinet as soon as i arrive, the state of israel will not stay silent. the u. n. has called for maximum restraint on the border between israel and level. but the slightest attack makes and all right, it tends to handle more dangerous area dw correspondence, tonya cree,
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my in jerusalem told me more as well. some of the victims have now been named here in the is really media. these are all younger children and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 20. these 12 were killed in the strike on saturday night, and many more we understand also seriously injured. still in hospital. the sirens from what we understand from eye witnesses a is the star in front of the industries community on the is really occupied a goal in heights very shortly. and then the impact was heard shortly after. so there was not much time for people to run for cover. and these early i'm used to, i was looking into why this miss, how it was not intercepted? no hezbollah has to know of responsibility, but is rather, has dismissed that and in the 1st retardation, the army set this morning and the statement that they have retaliated and targeted
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overnight the number of where they describe as a has follow targets. so just come by the infrastructure deep inside live in an open southern to them. right? so what's interesting, here's some sort of blame game going on. also, i'm talking about the initial attack. these are all says the attack was conducted by hospitalized, but as well, the nice thing is, what evidence is the sofa. so let's write them in this row, dismisses his followers claims that they didn't fire this real code. now, the military has said the chief of stuff that it was if i loc miss hard with a 50 kilogram warhead, that was launched towards the occupied golden heights. and that is part of the arsenal of husband out there. also a trace is it project to re of dismissed her? now the question is now what follows of to that? and this has different layers. of course, this was an attack on the jews community there in the north. and basically they
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also drew's and live. and on also, it was in syria. does this good to have repercussions also on has well, not a domestically, but also, of course be seen in the past months since the world garza started since october 7 . uh, these costs for the tax with tensions going up and down and most of the efficiency and have said or, and then those that would be $1.00 of such a incident where many civilians would because that could to despite his balance and that could be potential for broader conflict, right tension, as i indeed ran in. hi. tell us more about how officials inside these are all are reacting to this of the well, we've heard a lot of condemnation, obviously, you know, from old, from defend a political leaders. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was on his way back from washington. he said, quote, that has fall over pay
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a heavy price for this type of $1.00. that has it has not been paid so far. that's what he said. he has convene to secure to cabinet. as soon as he will be a landing, this is necessary if it pertains to decision on a potential escalation of war, that needs to be a vote. so we will know more about that later. but this is certainly a very dangerous situation right now. here in the region, right? you know the correspondents, tanya cream out into sullivan. thank you. let's have got some more stories making headlines around the wild bangladesh house announced aid. we'll restore mobile internet after imposing blackouts for over a week of a shows that the shuttle, the internet's access. following a wave of students let protest against quotas for governments jobs. at least $147.00 people were killed as difference to the inspections class with each other and with police in the united states, the wi fi that's region in california has abruptly grown to be one of the biggest
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they have out in the states. the so called pac baya has now been an area of more than 140000 texas. that's around half the size of berlin. firefights is continuing to try and bring the blaze under control a deal and fix that fast training session for traveling. it's in power says very of us and has been cancelled because of high pollution levels in the water. olympic officials said the heavy rain that so the opening ceremony was to blame for that increased was a quality expect on improvement in the coming days. but alternative plans for the traveler include postponing the event or moving it to a different way, but it came in this of this and was a hockey debate that topic leading up to friday's opening ceremony hughes, lisa, we joined us from the french capital for more hello lisa seems like bad news for
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the olympic trap leads. tell us more. well, in a way, obviously, just as you said, a people here. the authorities have been watching the wilton percent over the past few months that have been construction works. they've constructed an additional retention bass, and because what happens is that if there's too much rain and there was a lot of rain in june, that's why the water quality wasn't that good in june. then the tension base and for wasteful to place over them that goes into the sense that deteriorates the voice of quality. now, as you've seen during the opening ceremony, it was pouring down with rain that continued yesterday. now the sun has come back and everybody here is crossing fingers that the water quality is good again, on a tuesday and a wednesday when the travelling will start him. paris. right? talking about quality. people have been complaining about the food in the olympic village. what are you hearing?
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yes, absolutely. we've heard from the british team and from the german team, the british complaining that some of the members of the team have received a role meet us. they said they said they'd bring over a chef to cook that i didn't feed. that's that what food? but they would pack loans packs, and the germans have also actually said similar things. they've been saying, you know, we've been waiting for so long. there's not enough food and the food is not good quality. so we might be cooking at home. remember that the athletes are living, living in the olympic village that's been specifically constructed for this event. and that includes kitchen. uh, so uh, kitchens. so they might be preparing the food from now on, or at least parts of it. yeah. well, let's move it away from the complaints and the, the, the negative news. but overall events have been flowing smoothly. what i've been some of the highlights sofa while you know they so much to watch. you don't know
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where to look really aspen. uh i was watching some fencing yesterday. so the size some swimming. when you look at the metals a, australia is clearly in the lead, but a front is on ranking number 4 right now and nobody dots what everybody is watching here. each country is watching the own athletes on that so. so what we'll be doing today, obviously, yeah, and today what kind of finds expect as well a more and very, you know, very, very many competitions on the schedule today. there's also swimming. there's a celeste hicks, there's some books thing on the agenda. mind you uh, we mentioned the rain at the beginning of this live and you know, yesterday they had to come, so means skateboarding out in the streets. now today they have that, sorry, that didn't come. so they, they actually push it back to monday, but uh, the women will likely start the skate board in competition today. that's happening
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here in paris lot. it's something that i might be watching today, right? looking forward to all of that action did of use the sally, we reporting from paris. thank you. a fair in berlin. hundreds of thousands of revelers. i've turned out for the animal pride parade. and what else, christopher street state, the mass godwin celebrates progress, and that's even equal rights. but in many countries, l g b, t, people still face persecution. you met the father and son from context on with the special reason to celebrate. today alex is proud of his time and vanya is happy for his father. a lot of people, a lot of smiles, joy, positive energy. but it has not always present enough thoughts. finally, to come, we came to germany and i came out pretty quickly. my parents 1st reaction was to take some tablets to come down to stay quiet, crying,
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avoid any conversations via and then what kind of feeling was that? it's not being able to tell anyone else about thinking your a bad person is the meeting a criminal, a sick person as well, like you don't exist at all that stuff and being in love, but not being able to show your love linda phillips, this dyna leaving the site and so kind as bright and happy as just right may seem to many been in this price remains the stratosphere except for millions of agitated plastic that are included in alex and bonnie as home country of color. and i left for my associate states. morgan, which in my model is good for most of them. well, they're facing a very difficult situation at home in their own countries, because there's really persecution in many countries for and again, even on legal basis, the laws that getting harsher and harsher, which are the punishments are becoming worse with the refines the so. and there's
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also discrimination from society at large. you have currently in the new system you will find. yeah, it has try him in his fight for the price. after a long time, his father is now not only proud of him, but has become an activist himself. at pride been in the n g. oakland tierra has invited parents from countries like georgia, bella rose and restaurant advocates for the rides, bus, dad edgy between plus the children that come by stevie out in sort of i know they will go back to their home countries and they will tell everyone else around about this young people and they will spread this message of love and there's a board shift. they leave a 05, that's ok. felon pride is a big shift part, but it's also around $9.00 to $2.00 people all over the world. west is fighting for recognition. that's all for now about stay with us coming up. i'll take show shift asked the question, well that's
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a piece of intelligence chop ports soon. we place therapist something for you to fund over about. that's coming up after the break. i am heavy mike, a junior states you some more news at the top of the, the one on 6 times to increase the current key, more people than ever on the move worldwide in such an one. great timing question is very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on store info. my grands innovation green trend.


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