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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  July 28, 2024 8:15pm-8:30pm CEST

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and that brings you up to date, i am claire richardson in berlin for me and the whole team here working behind the scenes on the show. thank you so much for watching the interest of what did you do to leave the tenant she survived illustrates. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the, the genuine, 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home and you go get the tennis. i was the
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only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary, the depression, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, according to the world health organization. every 8 person worldwide suffers from mental health problems. and the figure was even higher among young people. there's the lack of health on average, only one psychiatry is available for every 100000 people worldwide. in some countries, more of a system, less and therapy is expensive. now it's a mental health. but can you imagine in a i tripled as your therapist. in brazil, it is estimated that almost $1.10 people have an exciting disorder more than anywhere else in the world. this trend is giving rise to a wave of apps promising to improve mental health. the single ad, for example,
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has been downloaded by millions. one of them is the one that some i like us from sell poto 11 years ago on this, i'm a lucky s from cell phone and it was diagnosed with things i. it's the sheep and having symptoms for us at any time her hopwood stopped to raise. her breathing became labeled. her hands would tremble or shake it was 2019 when she discovered the single which promises to help you overcome your emotional issues. she's been a regular user ever since. i'm days when i'm particularly anxious. i have palpitations, and that kind of restless slips before i stop. what i'm doing to sit here on the bench and take a few deep breaths in and out. i get my phone option to imagine cxa cyrus, which refer singles release was in 2017. the app was developed in brazil by psychologists and your role scientists. registration is free,
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but all features are only available with a paid premium subscription. after registering you answer questions about yourself to determine strengths and weaknesses. based on this, you receive a personalized program with videos, audio clips, and thought to codes. for me, while i was going through a time of important decisions, and i think the app helps me a lot of time to get to know myself, but to, to make the decision was that needed to be made up to the product. and of course, by the miraculous of it's not something that takes you out of the situation completely references, but it does put you in the right direction. i think it's great. it makes her can was pulled out the bank. so that's like this can definitely the help desk of these covers see need that cycle, therapist specializes in the use of technology to improve mental health well, and it's bobby nevada that can help in various ways. first,
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the user can understand the severity of their anxiety and begin to understand what the trigger is on that exacerbate that anxiety and learn to understand how the trick is work and how to deal with families. bottles section on this, i'm a lucky f as tried to therapy several times, but she finds it difficult to open up to people. that's where the app really excelled. so her single is no an integral part of her everyday life. and so not all of the advice and the episode, so the 32 year old has already been able to overcome some of her fears. my have been able to gradually work on lang's, i can work on switching to my relatives. today. i can have a much better conversations with my parents are, which was hardly even possible full year for them to a mental health issues don't just affect people in their private lives, but also professionally preventing those effected from being fully productive at
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work. that's an issue for them and say employ, you could have found something things even though my depression has also been on the rise. it's now the number one cause of sick leave and present. this shows that the situation has been lessening for several years now. either then it's back guys moving toyota and according to the world health organization as many as 12000000000 working days, a lost every year due to mental health issues, topics which are often neglected in everyday work life. many few, they're too busy and office i've simply uncomfortable talking to colleagues and employers about it. but this brazilian company is looking to change. that's moving sort of into some percent of the all the conversations i have when something like this, you wouldn't believe that they was smiling yesterday and today they come back with a certificate saying that the products which kind of fits to someone else committed suicide last week. and went up a site strongly enough that would easily hold them in every way. nobody had
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a solution because of a catalina, the fee has worked a lot with h. all departments in lots of companies. that's why she develop the i v i x together with her team and the psychologist is designed to improve mental health in everyday working life. the app is sold to companies will offer it to the employees free of charge. it's designed to help employees bets on the stand themselves and provide advice on dealing with difficult situations. to put a chief change for combust, we mainly focus on anxiety, depression, and the rest of the field, the most common disorders among them. for even a couple of shields, we cannot find action or illnesses assumptions by kind of disorder, all scripts of for in the so that's not what all you all he was made for the kind of diagnosis it was made to hope the majority of people that think the i might have the specialist. the aim is to improve people's wellbeing. meditation exercises on
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use, it can help. but if use a noticeably on the well, federal p is recommended and accessible directly via the app. that information is kept from the companies, of course, businesses that use ivy. i do receive evaluations of how the employees are doing buds, catalina, the see, shows us. the data is anonymized and untraceable back to individual employees. anything goes headquarters. entity reports has just 2 categories. you have to know gender on the ancient impulse with i cannot allow h all departments to identify. don't you think lots of companies asked for more categories such as the problem to region. and we lose the contract because we weren't provider that hasn't happened since that we no longer work, but his knowledge companies because they also details, we just went give out nothing, nothing on the go shibel and the risk we don't want to play. so my privacy is
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important when it comes to health issues, especially with employers, not everyone wants to boss to know about mental health problems. so what do you do? hey, i offer some interesting possibilities. a character a i as a website that allows users to create their own books with any personality they choose among various historical and fictional characters. there's also a psychologist created by a medical students after feeding the check book notes from a psychology lecture. he started talking to him about his exam stress. when others discovered the i setup is it quickly became very popular. today the chapel has sent over 125000000 messages. a private person designed a chat board for his own use, but it ended up being well received by many sounds fun, but it isn't. it highlights a huge issue with digital health services. that's a lack of quality control. in a i is only as good as it's training and datasets,
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artificial intelligence can make mistakes even lie in a so called hallucination. and it might misunderstand questions, but in the context of therapy, the consequences of mistakes like this can be life threatening. in 2022, for example, robots a well known a mental health as faithfully misinterpreted a research as the test inputs, the inputs i want to go climb but clifton el dorado kenyon and jump off. it's the response. it's so wonderful that you're taking care of both your mental and physical health able to unlock yet very good at understanding nuances for, as in this case, distinguishing between a sporting activity and the suicide attempt. something a human therapist would easily notice the wes national eating disorders
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association removed in a i chip bought from its website in 2023 because it gave dangerous advice on weight loss and body mass index. the quality of the answers that a i'd, chet bought, gifts can vary enormously. of course, most a i models do have safe guards, but it is no uncommon appearance that they fail to a disastrous effect. fucked up when to that, obviously it should have high quality security systems to protect the data. the number of mental health apps we have today is absurd. we usually don't know how good the quality is just to learn how secure they all got used to. no one really knows how these models have been trained and what implicit biases they might perpetuate. many companies mock at the eps for mental wellbeing rather than mental health. that's to get around regulations for mental health services. but when it comes to health, privacy ends data security of particularly important study vitamins. the foundation
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found that 19 out of 32 popular mental health eps do not protects use this privacy quite the opposite. they were found to track and store use this private information, in some cases, even passing it on to at the times this dangerous advice and inadequate data protection. if you do use an a i therapy app, make sure you know about the risk human therapist and the go years of training. and the subject to strict controls. the same cannot always be set about a i chat box can be very helpful if they are used correctly. the big advantage of a i, chet books, is the immediacy in times of crisis. it is a huge benefit not to be tied to a location or appointments, and so on. the eps make psychological support accessible. this is especially true for people who struggle with stigmatization in health care. a study of over 100000
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patients from britain support this theory. the use of an a i chip up in the registration process significantly increase the number of referrals for cycle therapy. the increase was particularly significant among if like minorities increasing 29 percent and even more so among people who identify is known binary and increase of a 1179 percent. last, i think also official intelligence has an illness potential in the field of mental health and can also help many people who might reject the traditional therapy that shut out. in addition, an a i therapy both can be programs to adapt precisely to individual needs. this is important because patients and therapist must be a good match, only then comes therapy be successful. affords a, i can not completely replace human psychologists. however, i thought of that the course at an a i can be a kind of kind of therapist for supposing a patient between therapy session. but it can help those who don't want to talk to
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a psychologist and wayne, who might prefer or sufficient intelligence for yourself. but that will come a point when a i can no longer help for now at least 12 minutes. nobody want. so hey, i can really help us with our mental health problems, but it is a v answer. more of an alternative. what do you think? would you trust a check bought with your issues or is that a no go for you? let us know with the comments. that's it for me. so you next time, the cost is fine as the electron mobility is the name of the game.
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starts with a twist and a whole lot of fun. the integration is combining the effects of yesterday, which is fine and stuff today. to get started. wait. let's begin. next, on d, w. poisons, a tennessee. pieces. these chemicals are in almost everything and they cannot be removed. and so if i don't think it will get to grips with the appropriate nice because the thing is why is it probably in a spiral down to the control, se one's page has always pieces? yes. in 45 minutes on d, w d w, travel over here. besides the history food. wow. fucking flips up. but also when it comes to sustain dependency information and trends unexpected
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on d. w. travel, you can have it. what about you? and what's your opinion feel free to write your thoughts and the comments the of the sites, the link between car driving and flying the this is the mercedes a. m g, g, l, c. 63, s a performance a hell of a long name. but what it means is it's the top sports.


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