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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 29, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news, not something in the middle east, on higher notes as feels roll over the escalating conflict between israel and has one not israel security cabinet authorized as a response to subsidies as to like and be occupied. going on heights funeral hills for the wisdom is road lane. see attack, which kills 12 children on his phone. and bolton closes and then it's a window and a presidential election dominated by the prolonged economic crisis. the veteran leader and they cut off my doodle faces the biggest challenge to his route in that case. and it's not clear whether there will be accountable for
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the i'm the head. jodie, welcome to the program. as well secure with the cabinet has given the go ahead for the response decide today's broken attack and the occupied goal on heights which killed 12 children is rel, blames the militant group, has full operating in southern lebanon. it denies being involved. the security cabinet has authorized the government to decide on the nature of the timing of a response and as well as defense minister has about to hit the enemy hauled. the strike has raced. feels of an all out war between israel and has follow, which is backed by iran. as the funeral procession, the streets of most of the shows was 1000 strong. the rocket strikes that killed 12
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people on the soccer field was the deadliest attack in months. since then, exchanges a fire with the lebanese militant group, hezbollah have escalated for the local drew's community in the israel occupied. go on heights, it's a shock and that's no real you cause we all know precious. even children like who are killed anywhere else in the country. oh no, the so i'm killing himself in love in the all the children killed in cost them on children other no mean precious. and i'm human being i really my lives the how you see the tranquillity supervisor, you flush it. i know that we look to so strongly and uh, find the deal and model this guy come up with something come out to move. we don't want to dine thing the fuel long thing them. despite regular cross border hostilities, hezbollah denies attacking the football pitch where the victims were playing. but israel's army chief says they have evidence proving otherwise. they'll walk efficiencies, but this is the real cause. the who have
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a thought stroke is there like these into an, an area that i want to kill civilians on stood out. you know, what i mean is really defense forces reacted just hours later. they say this footage shows air strikes against hezbollah, military targets in southern and central 11 on an email. we are a significantly increasing already in the next stage of flight to the middle off on at the same time we are inviting god as we are also able to tackle very far away towards taking this route. so that will be more challenging. i mean, we will increase the readiness, we will actually go back 11 on has warned that a significant attack by israel would lead to a regional war, a ministry on, on this to franklin, which told us what them is really response could look like. what do you sold and so there are some strikes. so some footage of the strikes and that's been going on now that kind of activity for the last nearly a year. isn't it now 9 months or so?
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and you started the source of told me that they have calles about a quarter of senior has brought, has been a leadership and strikes like that. so the kind of escalation would like you to see, i think is not most escalation. we don't, i don't think we're going to see a huge or wrapped up in a simple reason that it's a night assigned to interest. i don't night, aside with such a will have support. but what we will see is an increase and rhetoric. i mean, the scale and intensity of is where the arrow tax must be. remember there last a potion. on the other hand, all these rated, here's why the on post is on deployed to the northern border of know, dr. told that they by short notice they could, they could conduct major operations in southern, nothing to that would be disastrous and catastrophic. i think for oral science and all sorts of notes that was military on the list. frank literature speaking to us from you know, full of clothes and then as well as presidential election with the long run and economic crisis. the main issue both those are choosing between the veteran lead on
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the colossal doodle for speaking of hotel and the opposition challenger. edmondo gonzales ford with the opinion. thoughts, address gonzales has one is enough for 4 to win. that's good and 25. use a socialist rule and venezuela. but it's not clear whether there will be a transfer, a following rejoin now, but dw correspondent oshkosh lanka in kind of costs. hi, also thanks for being here. the building stations have closed any only productions yet. slow police station as have started to close, those that are still with the voters in line will remain open. early predictions are tricky. we have seen many independent exit polls that give you opposition candidate a big leap. and we have seen others given by the, the lease of what the opposition is telling. the witnesses in each following station is to remain there and tell they receive the physical print out of the
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results from each machine. uh, with this information in hand, they can collaborate with the electronic council announces so there are, these are crucial hours for this election. and what about the towing out? how much enthusiasm have been, it's villains, shown in these connections, was the, has been, had a record high. i must say. all of the different information i received put participation levels about 50 percent a few hours before the polls closed. so it's not the final number, but it's still very high. consider 4500000 people that have left on his way that could not go abroad. and uh, well, we saw people spontaneously holding visuals outside police centers since last night, eager to vote. and that is something i've never seen before. now the opposition is feel full of potential fraud. is there any evidence to support that? yes, sir, there are still many seers of fraud,
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and this election has been possible after negotiations, international pressure, and the opposition's perseverance during the campaign opposition was stage with several obstacles, persecution, arrests, and there is a long list of events the end you always have gathered regarding different ways the political rights have been under attack during these months. even today, we have seen many accusations of evidence and the evidence of assistive voting, of polling stations that would not open or allow the opposition's witnesses to enter. the opposition was campaign managers haven't been allowed in the electoral council yet, which worries many people out there have also been many reports of national electronic servers that could not enter police stations that were threatened by government supporters. but after all the violations people witnessed during the campaign all there were a regularities, we have seen today where warm is expected. and that is why many people,
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how big visuals outside police station since last night, and why they are holding visuals now until they receive those print outs of each machine. so the night is still young and the or troll council here is the last word before the opposition can come from. but people are hopeful that the outcome is so massive. it will be hard to manipulate and that's what i have been. and then he can only crisis for yours now. so the results of the selection possibly change that we may call a mistake it well in the 1st place, change would bring about a lifting of the economic sanctions. but besides that, many investors know the potential vendors will have, especially in energy industry. and the only thing holding them back is the political and social stability that has been in crisis for decades. that's dw oshkosh lincoln and kind of cost. thank you so much. i as
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it deals as moaning the wisdom of a landslide in a remote southern area, more than 250 people were killed in last week's disaster. and hundreds of all those are still missing. as emergency crews search for more bodies, many families have already buried their loved ones. they are still digging, not giving up hope of finding the loved ones another much. it's been 7 days and people are exhausted and devastated. busy so the i lost the 3 family members in the land slide. we have recovered and buried the bodies of them 2 of them on while i couldn't, i am now digging and trying to find the remaining body. i'm incredibly excited about will happen 10 apart on the vehicle for a low pain and despair ration are everywhere. 15000 people has
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been affected by this deadliest lands night ever recorded anything. most of the victims were buried after the rush to help. after the 1st glance, it followed heavy rains in the meantime, use and remote regions. age has only snow. the start to trickle in. and when hundreds of people are still missing, others like a 10 cosign saturday. after these a frantic digging. if you can find any berry his wife assessing that very much with my heart is filled with joy because i found my wife's body. i wept and searched for 5 days with shovels on my bad hands and the much the couldn't find it. but because when i dealt with the day page in big god's help, i found her body properly burying his relief to migrate the sites and may not a bit to come to last old head children and one day leaving her to be the sole
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caregiver of her remaining grandchildren, the 3 of my children to bury together in this grave. these 2 of my grandchildren who lost the parents and totally lost 6 family members of the town to stories next to the un says people need to be evacuated urgency because of the risk of the labs. and no one here wants to leave before finding and burying their loved ones. let's look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. at least 15 people have been killed and a month lived in south eastern china, triggered by heavy rain. so it's the tail end of the type of gaming that brought to windshield downfalls to remote a rails, a storm of about of the philippines anti bond earlier this week. even global, 40 dead. molly's not on to make rebels say they've killed
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thousands of rival soldiers as bog no mess. and the reason in days of intense fighting near the algerian border, the separatists claimed to have seized on with vehicles and trucks. all these, all me say is that last of these 2 soldiers killed around 20 bubbles rushes, president vladimir putin has threatened to place strategic weapons within striking distance of the west. if the u. s. stations long ridge, the files in germany, washington, slanting the deployment from 2026, just to get a minute they 2 of the powers 2024 olympics saw the much anticipated return of us super stop your mr. simone biles. she was competing in the qualifying rounds for the team and individual disciplines. her return to the world was typically spectacular bringing the crowd to its feet. the full time gold medalist stopped the old round standings
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despite an injury she picked up during the war months. anthony, how, what from database pulse told us more about simone biles and what that injury means for her chances of success in paris. if you ever listen to the coaches, you say, look, it's not an option that she's pulling at best just off the table. but you and i were talking about before we came on about the next week documentary about how much pain can you guys for what the injury means that she's going to be in pine. and that's up to how she handles that. she's done it before, but she's got 6 days of competition coming up. and then training every single day, there's an old thing and support your best ability. is your availability and it's the timing of the injuries. and these are the things that will, gavin, how you go, she can obviously out talent, anyone else in the field. she's got the most talent. she's got the most experience and she's got the support, the celebrities of folding out of the grandstands trying to get me. and that'll be the case all the way through. even with an injury. she's still the best gymnast in, in, in the, in the field. men's basketball is a mobile arena in which the us are expected to dominate against one of the real
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challenges sylvia. it was liberal, james, hook up the us on board. so be a held the lead for much of the 1st quarter. but in the end, the americans wanted 110 to 84 from veterans of global 4 to replace with teenagers dominates the women street scape board final 14 year old cool, cool year. she's all sold the show with a stunning loss run to take gold. she now wants to wear the disney land to celebrate and a reminder of the top story, the following for you of israel security cabinet, has authorized the response to some of these s bikes and the occupied goal on heights funerals. huffman held for 12 children were killed as well, blames the attack on the militant groups has pulled off the nice thing and that's all for now. after the break are motoring show, rev puts on new most of these a few weeks with to with spaces. don't forget,
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you can always get full sole reason on the 5th 5 d, w dot com and on our social media channels. i'll handle this app state of the news . i am the thanks for watching good by the gentleman with c w as well or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level reading gentleman has to go. do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which is good. concrete, transforming business to live is on.


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