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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 29, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin. nicholas my doodle claims election victory in venezuela . results show my daughters policy winning some 51 percent of sunday's vote. for the country's opposition coalition, reject those big as saying they one, putting them on a collision course with the government. and 5th girl, vice collecting tensions in the middle east. israel took care of the cabinet, authorizes a response to saturdays, as strikes in the occupied going on. heights is ready to blame the attack, which gives 12 children and teenagers on hezbollah.
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the i've been expanded, you welcome minutes reading president nicholas minute or has been declared. we know of the presidential race by the countries elect totaled council with 51 percent of the vote. the result set the stage for the 3rd time, for my doodle, who has, who was the country with the firm hand sticking over from who, of course i'm is in 2015. the opposition has disputed the election tally claiming it had been manipulated by the electoral council, which is run by loyalist close to the president. here as my due to a speaking officer, his victory was an honest bob and i said before, there would be peace. and there was and there has been and there
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is, there will be peace and stability, and justice after the 28th of july, from today onward, peace, stability, and respect for the law and justice. let's get more from john list, a married man who's now joining us from cadillac as mary. how does the opposition reacting to this result? well, the opposition is, is strongly claiming the result of fraudulent saying they have a boating minutes to prove their results. clark, quite different from the ones that were announced. they say if you look on silas, which is the making opposition and sound is they want the election by a long fly. they say 70 percent of the boat on uh well they are asking for international uh the international community to is these uh they are now there will be options to uh, some sort of uh uh, claim that uh that the, the,
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the mission of the data was monday, if you late that the by the government control electoral bore. why did it take so long to announce the results? do we know as well this piece of information is key because uh, generally it takes time to know all the results. the bit of swell is up to audition for many of the elections that they have taken place over the last 20 years. the government says, on the elect, a bore that the results are announced only what, when the reset, your reversible tendency, meaning that they have the majority of the votes counted in the selection they is the results were now just 2 hours ago and uh, with 80 percent off to both counted some people and not know about these matters. say the difference between because that's my brutal i'm gonzales.
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could be very good with the both that artist feel me see what happens next? a no, but it's what i marry as well. right now there is no biased in the city. the opposition has announced that they will not call for demonstrations, but to claim the results. uh tomorrow morning. and also, all they say it is important for the people to a say in the pool is facial, especially on those where they've dropped boats are c o, b, towns that are being talented as to alter regions. there are many uh, many, nothing american presidents. they say that they, they don't recognize the better. so that's results. for example, she less pressure than say that the results are hard to believe just do well. um,
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because i was uh, supported their results and congratulated a president nicholas my buddha. and all there's like your why argentina and even costa rica are saying they need to check about more about the results on gold, especially for the missions of the a carter center on the us that are in the con, 3 in the ground. checking their results. uh, we need to say that they, they were of servers and they are expected to present a report about what the so what the witness here are in been in this way. we live at the moment, but thanks so much for joining us today at john list, mary may not incorrect us. thanks so much. i to now to see yourself an escalation in fighting along the east, about 11 on both the israel to get up to cabinets has given the go ahead for the response, decide today's rock at attack and the occupied going on heights which kills 12 children. he's ready to blame. somebody living group has pulled up operating in
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southern lebanon. it denies being involved. the security cabinet has authorized the governments to decide on the nature and timing of for response. and israel's defense minister has vowed to hate the enemy hard. rock attack has raised fear, as if in all of all the pain is violent hezbollah, which is backed by your on the funeral procession. the streets of moscow shows this 1000 strong. the rocket strike that killed 12 people on a soccer field was the deadliest attack in months since then, exchanges a fire with the lebanese militant group. hezbollah have escalated for the local drew's community in the israel occupied golan heights. it's a shock, an avenue little cubby. we all know the trash has been children like you are killed anyway. element in the country of northern, the,
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in this one killed himself in the lab and all the children killed in cost them on children other no mean precious and, and i'm a human being, i really my lives, the how you say tranquillity, who advice are you frustrated i know that we look to so strongly assigned a deal and model this guy end up with someone come out and say if we don't want to dine thing the few long thing them. despite regular cross border hostilities has bullet denies attacking the football pitch where the victims were playing. but israel's army chief says they have evidence proving otherwise. we'll look at the fifty's, but this is the whoever thought smokers are like being sent to an, an area that wants to kill civilians once that out. you know what i mean is really defense forces reacted just hours later. they say this footage shows airstrikes against has the military targets in southern and central 11 on the road. we are a significantly increasing already in the next stage of fighting in the middle of
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a loan. at the same time we are fighting and got as we are also able to tackle very far away or stating this route. that will be more challenging. i mean, we will increase the readiness. we will actually go to the doc 11 on has warned that a significant attack by israel would lead to a regional war for more. let's go to the top news correspondence, rebecca raters in jerusalem. rebecca, these run this account, i think cabinet has authorized the ministry to respond to the golan heights strike . i'll be about to see a major escalation as well. that is certainly what everyone in the region is fearing. has everybody really on the edge of this say to a verizon across the world is around ways to say, just how israel is going to retaliate to this strikes that they blame on has blah blah, still denying that they were part of the, the rock. it was these, but suddenly israel have vowed that has been
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a will pay the price that some of the words of you'll have good luck. definitely saying that they are going to strike hard. we have seen some retaliation overnight on saturday, sunday and, and in the recent hours as well, some limited strikes more along the lines of these tit for tat retaliatory sites. we've been staying on a new daily basis since october the 8th, but we are expecting particularly in the wake of that security council meeting, security cabinet meeting role the last night with netanyahu. and you have gone were given a permission to determine the scale, scope and timing of, of a retaliation. we are expecting them to do so they have said repeatedly that they will now everybody, uh, you know, sort of saying analyst saying that it is really going to be how they retaliate as to whether or not we will see you then further escalations with a has but i feel that they will, they need to retaliate in response to the retaliation. so it is going to be
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determined by just what decisions netanyahu i'm gonna make in terms of this retaliation. whether we say something along the lines of the retaliation that we sold to the attack by ron some months ago whether they make has some limited response. and that is kind of what the international community are urging certainly the us and from the trying to judge the response to be limited. so we'll just have to see exactly how they respond. and of course, we don't know when that what the speaking of your, on that country has won israel, that any new military adventures in lebanon could lead to quote, unforeseen consequences. what could that mean as well? it certainly a wanting to israel as eve is round needed any reminder that iran was supporting hezbollah and were in day behind. these militant groups has but i and also a mouse in the region a, you know, iran coming out. they have very strong to say that should they respond, should they strike 11 on particularly hot?
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you know, i think whether we, as i was just saying that if the response is limited, then it is unlikely that ron would get involved. but they are wanting to say that if you do take this further, if you expand this and, and instruct 11 on a very certain way that they would be a response to potentially from here on. that's certainly what they was saying. and we've seen that they have, in fact restoring race amongst them, attacking is riley soil themselves. so that for the 1st time. and so that is something that we certainly couldn't rule out as a response is around what to attack, living on in a very serious matter. we'll leave it there for the moment, but thanks so much for joining us today. indeed, i'm those rebecca auditors importing from jerusalem. thank you. do with your next, which is morning the week terms of a landslide in the remote southern area. more than 250 people were killed in last week's disaster and hundreds of others stay missing. as emergency cruise search for more bodies, many families have already buried their loved ones. they are still
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digging not giving up hope of finding the loved ones another much. it's been 7 days and people are exhausted and devastated. busy so the last 3 family members in the land slide, we have recovered and buried the bodies of 2 of them. and i am now digging and trying to find the remaining body. i don't, i'm incredibly excited about what will happen. 10 bottom on the vehicle for the pain and despair ration are everywhere. 15000 people has been affected by this deadliness glance. night at their recorded anything. most of the victims were buried after the rush to help. after the 1st glance light, it followed heavy rains in the montana's remote region. h as only slowly starting
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to trickle in. and when hundreds of people are still missing, others like a tamika cy, 70. after days a frantic digging, he can find any berry, his wife. assessing that take very much with my heart is filled with joy because i found my wife's body. i wept and searched for 5 days with shovels and my bad hands and the much the couldn't find it. but to go when i double today, they god's help. i found her body properly burying her relief to my grief. decisive may not be to come to dallas or her children, and one day, leaving her to be the sole caregiver of her remaining grandchildren. the 3 of my children and a very together in this grave. these 2 of my grandchildren for just the parents and total low 6 family members of the town to stories next to
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the un says people need to be evacuated urgency because of the risk of the labs. the no one here wants to leave the full finding and burying their loved ones as to the status of the big snow and swimming in the river. sun has been cancelled again for the 2nd day in a row. monday's drive for the training session was called off off the weekend down for was effective water quantity. organizers said they were confident conditions would improve before the start of the competitions. on tuesday, the drive alone is the 1st and then think event to be held in this. and madison's room is due to begin competing next week. that's all for the moment, but coming up after the break, a tech show shift, ask the question, when a checkbox soon replaced headed, please don't forget, you can always get the most stories on our website that's at the w dot com and on
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off sourcing media tunnels. i handle is at the deputy news i'm british manager in berlin. thanks so much for watching the back again in about 45 minutes from now with you then the but the good. sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. how many platforms can you handle singletary and usually without having the feeling that it's just too much it might seem easy. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these, the modern.


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